Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Re: Bots and Programming » EEU File Storage - Use EE Universe for free file storage! » 2024-07-24 22:03:55

2 chars per byte means you're encoding every 4 bits as a character.
You should be able to safely use base64 encoding, which encodes every 6 bits as a character, which translates into a 50% improvement.
Nice work!

#2 Re: Game Discussion » - A 2024 EE Multiplayer Experience - HTML5 Game » 2024-07-18 22:11:55

Escapade Building Competition

Nostalgia The theme centers around nostalgia. Think back to the moments that you fondly remember and bring them to life in your world.

Early Registrations and Jury Entering: Started on 12th of July.
Building Period: Begins on 26 July 2024 16:00 UTC.
Building Deadline: Finishes on 12 August 2024 16:00 UTC. Any late submissions must be registered before this date.

Team Rules
Team Size: The maximum team size is 4. We suggest teams of 2.
Membership Restriction: Members cannot be part of more than one team.
No External Help: Teams must build their worlds independently, without any external assistance outside of their team members.
Team Structure Changes: Changes to team structure are allowed until 26 July 2024 16:00 UTC.

Judging Rules
Private Worlds: We recommend you mark your contest world as private until the building period ends.

World Specifications
You will receive your team's contest world for free from an admin
Size: 200x200 or 100x100.
Worlds Catalogue: All valid contest-submitted worlds will enter the worlds catalogue and have play sessions preserved for all users, just like campaigns.

The worlds should be designed to accommodate our judges who have never played EE before.

1st Place: 300  per team (including a special secret exalted version of a smiley, for each member)
2nd Place: 200  per team (including a special secret plain version of a smiley, for each member)
3rd Place: 100  per team (including a special secret plain version of a smiley, for each member)
Runner-Ups (next 2): 80  per team
$10 Giveaway: A $10 prize will be given away to a random member of a random valid entry.

To sign up as a contestant please enter the Escapade discord server: . There you will also be able to learn more information about the jury process.

Alternatively, if you don't have a discord account, and wish to participate in this contest, please send me a PM here on the forums with the following content:
Team Name
World owner (please use in-game player name)
Members  (please use in-game player names)
World Size 200x200 or 100x100 (we will assign you a world without any cost, you can let us know later if you haven't yet decided which option you want to chose)

Good luck building and bringing your world to life!

#3 Re: Game Discussion » - A 2024 EE Multiplayer Experience - HTML5 Game » 2024-07-10 15:25:03

We're happy to announce a new feature: starting now, users can register and log in using their email! Previously, registration was limited to Discord and Google accounts only.

Upcoming Building Contest:

Get ready for our upcoming building contest! More details about the contest will be available later this week. We suggest entering our Discord Server to be up to date with all information regarding this event:

#4 Re: Forum Discussion » [Romanian : 1] Dezbatere despre disponibilitate jucători români » 2024-07-02 20:05:39

Am apreciat de la inceput demersul tau de a unifica comunitatea romaneasca din EE. Ai inceput acest proiect in urma cu multi ani si cred ca marea majoritate a persoanelor care si-au dorit sa intre in comunitatea pe care ai creat-o pe Discord au facut-o deja.
Aceasta postare, dar mai ales faptul ca ai inceput sa publici lumi cu titluri in romana in alternativele EE (Escapade si PW) ajuta sa ne identificam, noi romanii, reciproc. Eu nu stiu ce poti sa faci mai mult decat ceea ce faci deja.

Apreciez, de asemenea, decizia lui Tomahawk de a permite acest topic de discutie, dar ea vine in fond pe lipsa unui interes de a mai modera discutiile de pe acest forum.

#5 Re: Forum Discussion » [Suggestion] International topics » 2024-07-02 20:02:14

Tomahawk wrote:

don't reply to English threads in other languages pls.

but peace did it all the time //

#6 Re: Game Discussion » - A 2024 EE Multiplayer Experience - HTML5 Game » 2024-07-01 13:19:04

Thank you! The physics engine in Escapade was written from the grounds up with the goal of preserving a similar game-play experience to EE. We had a few bugs of our own along the way, but with the help of community feedback we quickly identified and patched them. Ott was the MVP in this aspect! <3

One important mechanic feature Escapade has is the no-delay auto-jump. (We might make this an opt-in feature depending on what the community prefers).
I recommend this world ( if you want to see how fun that is!

Also, here is a world that comprises most of the known EE gimmicks to make an even better idea of how close Escapade's physics are to EE.

#8 Re: Game Discussion » - A 2024 EE Multiplayer Experience - HTML5 Game » 2024-06-03 23:48:34

Edilights wrote:

It started . :^)

Indeed! Escapade is now open for trial at

#9 Re: Game Discussion » - A 2024 EE Multiplayer Experience - HTML5 Game » 2024-05-31 12:23:54

John wrote:

Looks great! Where's the link to play?

Thank you! We will gradually release access to Escapade. To be among the first that have access to it, I recommend joining the Discord server.

Tomahawk wrote:

Who’s “we”?

The core team & community collaborators. 3 of my partners never played EE.

MartenM wrote:

Is this a multiplayer client or single player?
Looks impressive anyway.

Thank you! This is a multiplayer in-browser client.

#10 Game Discussion » - A 2024 EE Multiplayer Experience - HTML5 Game » 2024-05-30 19:37:07

Replies: 18

Dear Community,

We're happy to unveil our project - an exciting venture codenamed "Escapade" - designed to reimagine the magic of Everybody Edits with a fresh perspective!

Escapade offers a polished rendition of the beloved Everybody Edits gameplay. Experience familiar mechanics with enhanced stability and performance! Check out our gameplay video, created by JoeyC, showcasing Escapade's impressive compatibility with Everybody Edits maps. Feel right at home with your favorite creations!

To find out more enter The Escapade Discord Server.
You can try the game at

We invite you to embark on this exciting Escapade with us!

#11 Re: Game Discussion » EE C++ Remake » 2024-04-16 11:48:59

N1KF wrote:

C++ can be compiled to WebAssembly or asm.js, which are containerized in a web browser. I'm guessing this would be safer than running a native app.

You would still need to use standard web protocols like HTML, canvas, and WebSockets, though.

The current problem with webasm is that it has copy overhead interacting with JS. The 100 FPS this client has natively could easily become 50 FPS because of that if not worse.

Nonetheless, it could worth a shot.

#12 Re: Game Discussion » EE C++ Remake » 2024-04-15 18:22:18

Regarding this community's hacking capabilities a internet facing C++ client would be quite worrying, wouldn't it?
Unlike modern programming languages, C++ has weak memory protection, which could in a worst case scenario lead to remote code execution.
Also there is the possibility of a vulnerable supply chain of client updates, which exploited could compromise users computers completely unlike the browser containerized Flash and or JS.

Non-tech talk: If this client would have a security issue similar to EE, not only your EE passwords would be stolen, but all passwords stored on your PC.

#13 Re: Game Discussion » EE C++ Remake » 2024-04-14 13:54:12

Firecrackericebreak wrote:

There have been many attempts at translating Everybody Edits to modern programming languages without much success. [...] For anyone still playing the game, they must play on a client based on a platform created in 1996.

Just to be sure I get this right: As rewriting EE to modern programming languages wasn't successful, your idea is to rewrite it in a language first released 11 years prior to Flash?

#14 Re: Questions and Answers » Ask Me Anything! » 2024-04-03 10:18:03

Happy Easter Xenonetix!

1. Do you miss the EE community?

2. Satanya cut us from all kind of updates about the next EE Relaunch ([EE! Status] Stage: Silence).
It was also uncovered that we have no certainty on who is working on this project if anyone (1 2 3 4 5).
Do you believe that Satanya's decision to keep us in the dark until the game is fully developed and released a good idea?
Do you believe that Satanya would eventually release a game?
Do you believe it would had been wiser not to transfer the ownership as EEU would had been functioning by now under your management?

#15 Re: Forum Games » 🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕 Mafia 56 (Clock Mafia) 🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕛 » 2024-03-23 21:19:14

I don't know if I'll be able to log into the forums to notice a follow up from Buzzerbee / Pqwerty, as I'll most likely be sleeping.
There are around 8 hours till D1 completes, and looking at the state of the game I hardly think we will have a lynch at the end of the day, unfortunately.

Pqwerty & Buzzerbee comments on the Babysitter are absolutely ridiculous from a town alignment, in my opinion. A babysitter claim would be an extraordinary advantage for the mafia, as it would nullify the role, and possibly manipulate it to work in their favor. Yet, they both seem to fail to see that.

Such a bad management from the mafia is very strange, but I can't rule out the possibility of a reverse psychology tactic: "mafia can't make such obvious mistakes, therefore the other person surely is not mafia".

Having to pick between them is very hard, as one might had make a mistake (?). However, the possibility that they both did the same mistake doesn't seem right.

I think of Buzz more highly for him to make such a mistake as town so:

!vote BuzzerBee

In the very unlikely scenario where Buzz gets lynched and flips Town, I think the best course of action would be to PR on Pqwerty (maybe I, maybe you who is reading this //

Also if there's no lynch today, and there's no kill by tomorrow, I don't think the blocking PR (if we got one) should claim, because I feel a frame up to be very likely in this scenario where they try to uncover the PRs.
No lynch / kill doesn't hurt us, and if everyone makes a scum ranking tomorrow we will be in a better spot than now.

Good night! and good luck if I get murdered...

#16 Re: Forum Games » 🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕 Mafia 56 (Clock Mafia) 🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕛 » 2024-03-23 19:33:01

BuzzerBee wrote:
Zumza wrote:
BuzzerBee wrote:

take this with a grain of salt bc it’s D1 but i’m leaning town for pqwerty, tbh i thought more about their reasoning for babysitter claiming and it’s actually a smart move imo

are you willing to share why you also think a babysitter claim would help the town, please?

Pqwerty already explained it. i don’t agree that babysitter should claim, i was just pointing out that i thought Pqwerty was town because i don’t think it’s something mafia would’ve brought up


#18 Re: Forum Games » 🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕 Mafia 56 (Clock Mafia) 🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕛 » 2024-03-23 10:09:58

BuzzerBee wrote:

take this with a grain of salt bc it’s D1 but i’m leaning town for pqwerty, tbh i thought more about their reasoning for babysitter claiming and it’s actually a smart move imo

are you willing to share why you also think a babysitter claim would help the town, please?

#21 Re: Forum Games » 🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕 Mafia 56 (Clock Mafia) 🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕛 » 2024-03-22 07:44:42

!vote Edilights

I hope you're aware it is customary to explain your vote Edi

#22 Re: Game Discussion » Is EE! cooked? » 2024-03-22 07:42:05

N1KF wrote:

The account you mentioned hasn't even posted anything about EE in around two years, and I didn't see any community interactions. I also can't seem to view the account's likes without an account, so I can't confirm or deny what you saw.

When you make up all sort of excuses for staff in lack of evidence, but at the same time you still prefer to dismiss the existence of that Tweet after I specifically tell you where to find it, as much as you want to appear nice, you aren't, you appear and are biased.

#23 Re: Game Discussion » Is EE! cooked? » 2024-03-21 22:18:53

It very hard to believe that Satanya whom often stated about the morality of laying off the Ukrainian developers, and how concerned she was about them, didn't knew as little as to how old they are and what they were working on, don't you agree?

Regarding Why the EE development is communicated poorly, and how it hurts us, I believe I was very familiar with it at its time considering the second most wooted post in that topic is one that I authored, and which probably had a small amount of influence when it was decided that mutant should be the bridge.

As for the evidence regarding the statement made in the last paragraph of my previous post, it is clear from its nature I can't post it on the forums without moderators consent. And even with, I would dislike posting something like that.
But I hope they could, as Tomahawk once said it is in their responsibility to "guide people towards truth, and truth towards people".

Either way, if you go to Musearys Twitter's account and scroll there under the Likes tab, you will see it on July 3rd.
You can also DM me here or on Discord if you need further assistance in finding it.

#24 Re: Forum Games » 🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕 Mafia 56 (Clock Mafia) 🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕛 » 2024-03-21 20:50:36

Hi Bobithan!


Pqwerty wrote:

Idk I just don't like the fact that a possible babysitter could potentially end the game in 2 days (if we vote a town D1, then the bs protects a town and dies, and if we vote a town D2). Like even from a probability standpoint it's more (or maybe equally?) likely that the babysitter would die protecting a town than having the babysitter make a successful protect.

Your observation regarding the babysitter ability to make a big negative impact in this game is correct.

I can't follow why would you think that it is more likely that the babysitter to die protecting a town than making a successful protect.
This would mean that it is more likely for the mafia to target the babysitter rather than any other townie, right?
Unless the babysitter's identity is a secret it should be just as likely. This is a good reason why I'd think it'd be of upmost importance for the babysitter to remain a secret.

I, however, wish that we don't have such an unfortunate PR in Town's ranks.

#25 Re: Game Discussion » Is EE! cooked? » 2024-03-21 17:54:07

Abiqi wrote:
Zumza wrote:

Why mutantdevle knows more about who is working on the game than the owner of the game?
It is perfectly clear that they refuse to clear up the truth, and this I call lying.

You're forgetting the fact mutant is not only head of moderation, but also responsible for community interactions. Even more - mutant was the one to convince Satanya to cut the ties with the community, so I don't see anything strange about her not responding to yet another cry for attention

I don't know to which corner of this planet you refer to in which is normal for anyone but the business owner that allegedly spent $35K and over-assured us of their competence to know who is actually working on the project. (1 2 3 4 5)
If such a place exists I am entirely guilty of forgetting about it.

Abiqi wrote:
Edilights wrote:

What could it happen if mutant is no longer responsible for community interactions ? For real . Why in the world for any kind of fact is going to be if the GGRID would hide the answers from our community?

Deal with the silence? Idk
It's not worth answering the questions when you seriously risk your mental health dropping to the lowest point, especially when every single answer you provide is followed up with trashtalking and harassment towards you

The topmost questions that are being asked on a quick glance over the first page of this forum category are:
1. Is this game at the moment being worked on?
2. How many developers are working on the game?
3. What is their ETA?

Do you believe it is reasonable to have an emotional breakdown from such simple questions?

Looking that Satanya commissioned **** done for her, from the same Twitter account that she used for community interactions with EE, I can agree with you that she might have mental health issues, but entirely different to those that you're alluding.

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