Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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What is Project M?
Project M is a community based project that is designed to breathe livelihood into Everybody Edits Offline by offering new features and environments through the use of texture packs, block additions, and more.
How does it work?
This post will host multiple different swfs for personal use that will be edited in any number of ways.
What's the point? Why should I care?
For a lot of you, Project M is going to be a hub for things like texture packs and game additions, where you can download one and make your own worlds using entirely new graphics and features from what you can find in vanilla EE.
Update 1.1.1
Merry Christmas! I'm excited to share with you some new goodies! Let's just jump right into it
• The blocks in the Block Menu are now sorted much in the same way the Smiley Menu is. This should mean that similar packs thematically should appear closer together.
• Fixed a major glitch where the Builder's Club Effect was always being saved as Disable. If you've saved worlds with the Builder's Club Effect and would like to load them into this new update, please remove those effects in your worlds before attempting to load them in the new update.
• Ephemeral Ghost has been renamed to Flashing Ghost, and it is now animated; it flashes between the blue and white ghost stages.
• The following smileys and smiley variants have been added:
- General by Toop
- Fortune Teller, Seer, Medium, and Palm Reader by Toop
- Ringleader by Toop
- Barbershop Lead, Contratenor, Tenor, Contrabass, Bass, and Baritone by Toop
- Pharaoh by Toop
- Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals by Toop
- Genie by Toop
- Clown Zombie by Minimania
- Pharaoh by Toop
- Archangel by MicChi
- Faithful, Vehement, Watchful, and Vengeful Seraphs (Archangel wings by MicChi)
- Illusionist and Magician by Cola1
- Robo-Monster by Grilyon2
- Welder by Toop
- Natator by Toop and Boba
- Voodoo Hexerei and Doll by Toop
- Hazchem Suit by Toop
- Jazz Player and Singer by Toop
- Cyclops by Toop
- Producer by Cola1
- Newspaper Hat by Cola1
- Bomb and Lit Bomb (Lit Bomb is animated) by Cola1
- Project M Fan and Superfan by Cola1
- Conquistador by Sleepy/Exidelo
- Fan Girl by AzurePudding
- Imp
- Elephant by Genesis00
- Gold Ghost by Seb135
- Celebrity, Gardener, and Star Shades by Toop
- Gearwork Robot by REDVE
- New Years 2023 and 2024 smileys
- Red Scarf by Toop
- Operative by SmittyW
- Night Owl by SmittyW
- Legionnaire by SmittyW
- Prospector by Weirdoverse
- Reaper by Toop
- Solar Festival (renamed from New Years) 2024 smiley by Toop
- Santa Claus by Badoosh
- Mrs. Claus by Badoosh
- Anubis by seby bab
• This update adds the following assets to Project M, all used with permission:
- Autumn 2023 Pack
- Desert Stronghold Pack by Toop/Brushfire
- Desert Temple
• Ancient Brick by Minimania
• Temple Wall and Hieroglyphics by Sleepy/Exidelo
• Temple Pyramid Decorations/Backgrounds by Sleepy/Exidelo
• Sandstone by Toop/Brushfire
• Sandstone Bricks by Grilyon2
• Loose Sand by SmittyW
• Hot Sands and Packed Sand by Sleepy/Exidelo
• Temple Bricks by Sleepy/Exidelo
• Pyramid Bricks by MicChi
• Golden Beetle by seby bab
- Ghost Town by Toop/Brushfire
• Jail Bricks by Sleepy/Exidelo
- Biome Pack
• Soil by Toop/Brushfire
• Moss by Toop/Brushfire
• Underwater Sand by Toop/Brushfire
• Snow Slush by MicChi
• Gravel by MicChi
• Sand by MicChi
- Deep Sea extension
• Ancient Brick by Minimania
• Temple Wall by Sleepy/Exidelo
• Temple Pyramid Decorations/Backgrounds by Sleepy/Exidelo
• Carved Slab by Toop/Brushfire
• Underwater Sandstone by Toop/Brushfire
• Algae by Toop/Brushfire
• Underwater Dungeon Stone by Grilyon2
- Jungle Temple
• Ancient Brick by Minimania
• Temple Wall by Sleepy/Exidelo
• Temple Pyramid Decorations/Backgrounds by Sleepy/Exidelo
• Carved Temple Stone by Sleepy/Exidelo
• Stone Temple Bricks and Mossy Bricks by Toop/Brushfire
• Stone Temple Arch by Toop/Brushfire
• Stone Pillar by Toop/Brushfire
• Overgrown Temple Sod by Toop/Brushfire
• Overgrown Pyramid Decorations by Toop/Brushfire
• Ancient Jail Brick by Sleepy/Exidelo
• Jungle Dungeon Stone by Grilyon2
- Gravel by Minimania
- Ingot by Minimania
- Rainbow Mineral by Toop/Brushfire
- Cut Emerald Jewel by Sleepy/Exidelo
- Treehouse Blue and Cyan Leaves by Zoey2070
- Additional Treehouse Block by Sleepy/Exidelo
- Desert Bricks by Sleepy/Exidelo
- Jelly Cakes by Toop
- Pride Cake by Minimania
- Glacial Pack by Toop/Brushfire
• Glacial Ice/One-Way by Sleepy/Exidelo
- Iceberg Pack
• Blue Ice by Toop/Brushfire
• Ice by Sleepy/Exidelo
- Arctic Pack Extension by Toop/Brushfire
- Restaurant Tables by Sleepy/Exidelo (Restaurant pack formed from originally Downtown assets)
- Casino Pack
• Suit Blocks by Cola1
• Casino Block by Toop/Brushfire
• Poker Chip Platforms by Toop/Brushfire
- Downtown Decorations by Toop/Brushfire
- Battleground Pack by Toop/Brushfire
- Gothic Pack by Toop/Brushfire
- Watermelon Tourmaline Magic Block by Cola1
- Breakfast Pancake Toppings by Toop/Brushfire
- Funfair Confetti by Toop/Brushfire
- Funfair Targets by Toop/Brushfire
- Paintball Pack by Toop/Brushfire
- Treasury Pack by Toop/Brushfire
- Bronze and Silver Variants of the Gold Membership Blocks
- Satellite Solar Panels by Toop/Brushfire
- Satellite and Deep Space Scaffolding
- Deep Space Astrogation Screens by MicChi
- Toxic Pack Blocks by Toop/Brushfire
- Rustic Cushions and Support by Toop/Brushfire
- Apocalyptic Pack by Toop/Brushfire
• Dark Bricks by Sleepy/Exidelo
- Arabesque Tiles by Toop/Brushfire
- Purple Dark Citadel Blocks by Toop/Brushfire
- Underworld Backgrounds by Toop/Brushfire
- Lunar Festival Backgrounds by Toop/Brushfire
- New Backgrounds of different shades and colors for multiple packs
- More Waffle Cones by Minimania
- Rainbow Sherbet by Minimania
- Orange Sherbet by Minimania
- Vanilla Caramel Fudge Ice Cream by Minimania
- Rocky Road Ice Cream by Minimania
- Cotton Candy Ice Cream by Minimania
- Birthday Cake Ice Cream by Minimania
- Chocolate Chip Ice Cream by Minimania
- Pistachio Ice Cream by Minimania
- Daiquiri Ice Cream by Minimania
- Neon Pack by Minimania
- TNT Crates by Minimania
- Crate Flaps by Minimania
- Lost City Support Beams by Minimania
- Bayou Grass by Toop/Brushfire
- Orange Easter Egg
- More Christmas Stocking Colors by Toop/Brushfire
- Christmas 2023 Pack by Toop/Brushfire
- Coral Reef Sponge by Toop/Brushfire
- Teal Adventure Leaves by SmittyW
- Totem Pack by seby bab
- Timber Torches by Minimania
- Cactus NPC by seby bab
- Syrup is a new liquid which can remove all kinds of magical curses on the player. As mythbusters have tested, swimming in syrup is just about as fast as swimming in water, so it won't slow you down any.
- Awesome Sauce (originally suggested by JackXtrm, made by Toop, is a new liquid which lets you swim so much faster than any other liquid that came before it!
- I'd like to give a huge thank you to supporters of Project M that have been working with me to help bring you this update. In particular, I have high praises to sing for seby bab, Toop, RavaTroll, and REDVE for working to make Project M that much more special with their active participation and support in updating the game! Thank you guys so much!
- I'd also like to highlight some new worlds that were made using Project M! Feel free to try them out if you'd like! Huge special thanks to RavaTroll, Toop, and AllenCaspe9510 for making these!
• The lobby background has been changed, and now features the following worlds:
- It's Christmas 2023! by Toop
- You Are The Universe by Minimania
- EEO Collab by Minimania and Zoey2070
Notice: Everybody Edits Offline: Project Modification uses a custom file extension, .pmlvl and .pmlvls. Any world(s) saved using Project M will become .pmlvl or .pmlvls files, and these worlds cannot be loaded into vanilla Everybody Edits Offline. However, Project M can still be used to read .eelvl or .eelvls files.
Old Updates
Downloads in these posts might no longer work.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
This is fantastic, It is very cool that the staff as a team has finally decided to remove the solen graphics, GG!
guys help how to mark all new posts as read?
nvm found it lol
This is fantastic, It is very cool that the staff finally want to remove the solen graphics, GG!
Mini's been working on this for quite a while now.
Enough, please.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Mini's been working on this for quite a while now.
As you say Minimania has been working on this project for a quite while now, what is fantastic is that finally the staff decided that his idea should be finally implemented officially announcing to remove the stolen graphics.
The staff has taken a very wise desition, I am really happy for them.
Different55 wrote:Mini's been working on this for quite a while now.
As you say Minimania has been working on this project for a quite while now, what is fantastic is that finally the staff decided that his idea should be finally implemented officially announcing to remove the stolen graphics.
This is not an official update to EE in any way, this project is community-driven. Just want to make that clear. I'm using my position as a member of the community to make this, not my position as a moderator.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Did you hear that Minisaurus? EE still uses stolen graphics; time to keep that drama going!
Did you hear that Minisaurus? EE still uses stolen graphics; time to keep that drama going!
Perhaps the community success in what the staff is failing. What start as a community project might be later on part of the official plan of the staff.
Minimania approach is a very important step.
does M stand for master? racist
These new graphics are looking sick, awesome !
Update 1.0.1
I've updated a few of the new packages, namely basic, generic, and all of the door and gates. There's also a new "null" block image.
I've also changed up the Lobby background images. The levels are Relics of Athena (PWbNLA2_00bkI) by Kingoftheozone, Meltdown at Calipses (PWRBAsMw6kb0I) by Commanderkitten, and Hyperion (PWyfcVaMLWb0I) by Lickagoat. I highly recommend playing these three levels in Project M, as they use a lot of the blocks that Project M changed. They're pretty fun, and not too tough.
You can play Everybody Edits: Project M 1.0.1 here (link removed), on my page, where you can also download the swf itself and do what you want with it. Feel free to give any feedback for the project, as I am always looking to improve.
Finally, please accept these images as teaser images for something I'd like to put out in the future.
Big thanks to Security-Drone for creating the updated EE globe, and to Minisaurus for the Halloween Blood block overlay. Special thanks to SirJosh, N1KF, Minisaurus, and Karl255 for giving me some very useful constructive criticism.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
damn this looks sick!
will ther ebe an webversion of this game (ofline stilla s the nam eimplies)
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
will ther ebe an webversion of this game (ofline stilla s the nam eimplies)
the current version is a web version
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Does this mean African American smiley coming soon?
peace wrote:will ther ebe an webversion of this game (ofline stilla s the nam eimplies)
the current version is a web version
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
ok i opened the game and it seems its curently just EE itslef wiht soem blocks retextured alsso it sitll uses flash so not suree whats your plans are wiht this project so eh not bad sofar
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
ok i opened the game and it seems its curently just EE itslef wiht soem blocks retextured alsso it sitll uses flash so not suree whats your plans are wiht this project so eh not bad sofar
For EE, to replace the stolen graphics. For EEO, to create additional texture packs with the current pack as a base, as well as to add new content, such as blocks. EEO is not public yet, so nothing for it is out.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Nice graphics. Is this like, an extended version of EE offline?
Nice graphics. Is this like, an extended version of EE offline?
It is, at least this is the plan
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
[ Started around 1739671995.7734 - Generated in 0.823 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 2.17 MiB (Peak: 2.76 MiB) ]