Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#26 2019-04-07 20:13:11

Joined: 2015-04-02
Posts: 1,364

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

On a scale of 1-10 how annoyed at the community were you during the recent drama?



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#27 2019-04-07 21:30:04, last edited by Xenonetix (2019-04-08 12:46:18)

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Joeyc wrote:

I don't know if you guys thought about it much again, but PLEASE will you keep music in eeu. I don't know if I could bare without it, something about listening to the songs people made is just extremely satisfying and feels really nice

We're not ruling it out, but they definitely won't be available during Closed Beta. You'll still be able to download current EE levels for use on EE Offline and listen to music made like that.

Basically, music blocks in EE Universe would be one of the lowest priorities of all blocks, because the number of people actually using them is pretty low. There's been talk about having similar blocks to the drum pack for sound effects, but that's the closest equivalent.

We still plan on including Music Zones with premade music composed by staff.

HeyNK wrote:

whats the occasion?

International Beaver Day!

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Music zones with uploadable custom music when?

TaskManager wrote:

custom MIDI music (MIDI to avoid abusive "bad" music) for EEU, can we have that?

Probably never. There's nothing stopping people from submitting music they compose if they're interested in us adding it to the game officially though. //

For legal reasons, we simply cannot allow people to upload music without a submission/vetting process, due to copyright & licensing issues. MIDI really doesn't full circumvent that. //

HeyNK wrote:

Whens eeu?

TaskManager wrote:

EEU open beta when?

We're currently in the Closed Alpha of EE Universe. We're projecting that Closed Beta will most likely be accessible during May, although the first invites may be sent out late April.

TaskManager wrote:

how much progress has cercul made on EE offline?

He's currently working on allowing people to download levels from within EE, which should come in an update quite soon.

fishbole wrote:

hi mr xeno will i be 24 pixels big when i grow up ? thx

Maybe. //

Tomahawk wrote:

Favourite meme?

Does this count?

Crybaby wrote:

Do you like doing your job?

Most of the time, yes. //

Crybaby wrote:

If you could do one thing differently with regards to your work as the owner of Everybody Edits, what would it be and why?

Probably just trying to stay more professional than I sometimes have been. At times, I've been known to let my emotions cloud my judgement, but I've been trying to improve on that. I've learned a lot over the last 16 months of being the owner though, and I'm glad of that.

Crybaby wrote:

Besides EEU, what are your goals in life, if you're comfortable sharing?

I'd like to be able to pilot light aircraft eventually. Something about taking pilot lessons and being able to be in control of flight really appeals to me.

Crybaby wrote:

Do you have dreams about Everybody Edits? If you do, what are they like, if you mind sharing?

As MegaLamb a few years ago, I definitely had some dreams about Everybody Edits, but I don't really recall them at all, and I don't think I have them any more.

Crybaby wrote:

Favorite song?

There are so many songs that are favourites of mine, and they change regularly, but probably this one will always have a special place in my mind:

Don't Panic
Crybaby wrote:

Favorite instrument?


Crybaby wrote:

Favorite musical artist?

Another tricky one to answer, although the first to come to mind was Lindsey Stirling.

Crybaby wrote:

Favorite video game besides Everybody Edits?

Well, I've definitely committed the most time in my life to RuneScape, although I haven't played that in a long time. It's hard not to say that Xenon is my favourite, as it's the game I loved more than any other as a kid, and the name that inspired this username. I was completely hooked by GameGlobe, and that game changed my life for the better, so I guess I'd say GameGlobe, even though it's no longer playable.

Dark Chronicle (Dark Cloud 2) and Ni-No-Kuni are a couple of my favourite RPGs, although I really enjoy the entire Final Fantasy series, my favourites there being XIII-2 and IX. The games I currently mainly play on my mobile are Final Fantasy Mobius, Final Fantasy Record Keeper, King of Thieves, and Alien Shooter, which is quite a good spectrum of representation for the games I enjoy most.

Crybaby wrote:

Favorite animal?


Crybaby wrote:

Favorite work of visual art?

Depends what you classify as "visual art", but I'm going to guess you mean a static work rather than something in video form. If so, I generally like optical illusions when done well, and M.C. Escher is one of my favourite artists. Most people know him best for his "Relativity" work (the stairs one), although I like most of his other works too, including this one for example, called "Day and Night". I think the best works of art are the ones you can look at again and again, and keep spotting new features you didn't notice the first time you looked, and this piece is a good example of so much going on in a deceptively simple setting.

Day and Night - M.C. Escher
Crybaby wrote:

What do you do in your free time nowadays?

Well, sadly, having sold my piano a few years ago, I no longer play piano in my spare time. As my work mainly keeps me indoors, I'm trying to get outside more by doing Geocaching, and I've so far found 60 of them. //

Crybaby wrote:

Favorite pastime?

Playing piano and composing music.

Crybaby wrote:

Favorite holiday?

I massively enjoyed going to Sweden when I was 18. Going to Gamescom in Germany in 2014 was also amazing, although I was sort of "working", so not sure that counts as a holiday. I really enjoy Center Parcs in the UK, and have been, mostly with my family, more than 10 times in my life.

Crybaby wrote:

If you could abolish any one law from any one government in the world, what law would you abolish, and what government would it affect, and why?

I guess any of the laws related to punishing people because of their sexuality. It's their choice how to live their lives, and it doesn't affect governments or politics at all, so it's ridiculous to arrest and/or execute anyone just because they aren't straight.

Crybaby wrote:

Aren't bunnies just so cute?

Kittens are cuter I feel.

XxAtillaxX wrote:

Do you enjoy creating these AMAs in order to feel important and for the impression that people are interested in you as a person?

I generally create them with the intention of trying be more informative to the community, but if the community chooses to ask me questions unrelated to Everybody Edits, I'm still going to answer them. //

Zoey2070 wrote:

Did you know we/i recently gained control of /r/everybodyedits instead of /r/everybody_edits???

I did.

mikelolsuperman wrote:

Can I get superman smiley? Why (not)?

Nope, only because you're not staff. There'll most likely be a way to unlock or use it in EE Offline though.

Sqwairle wrote:

Hey Seth, can you stop with those Ask me anything topics?

Only 4 in a year really doesn't seem like a lot to me.

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

Will you ask campaign team to add a meme campaign? (I’m serious)

I don't think there are many 'meme' levels existing in EE that would fit such a campaign, so probably not.

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

Will there be a final Easter egg before EEU releases?

Well, it is Easter soon. //

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

Are there basic campaigns in the future?

I'd say ask the Campaign Team, but I don't think so.

RavaTroll wrote:

Is Kirby a 47 years old bald man with yellow sunglasses ?

Not sure they're yellow.

Kirby wrote:

Can you tell RavaTroll that he's being a meaniehead //


2B55B5G TNG wrote:

Is Xenonetix a 40-year-old man wearing sunglasses

Close enough. I have 'Reactions' glasses.

Whirl wrote:

Have you tried chicken and chips?


Anatoly wrote:

Who makes the most drama on the forums, in your opinion?

Probably me, inadvertently.

Anatoly wrote:

Is Zumza a candidate for the staff? (or at least a possible option?)

Not at present, no.

Anatoly wrote:

When will EE offline be released?

Currently expected in June, although hoping to be able to allow downloading of worlds before then.

Anatoly wrote:

Will you be able to add your custom blocks there?

I guess we could add the custom block code from the Design Contest back, but there's not currently any plans to. Those with enough programming knowledge could probably just edit the sprite sheet and recompile the game with their own custom graphics anyway.

Antaoly wrote:

Will you be able to add your custom hazards there?

There are no plans for that currently, but if Cercul1 would be interested in setting timers for things like lava, sure. If you only mean visually, same answer as above.

Anatoly wrote:

Will it be possible, e.g. with your own server to make EE multiplayer?

I highly doubt it. Things like the lobby, chat, and usernames won't exist.

Anatoly wrote:

Will EEU have a colorise option? That means that you select the HEX of the basic brick and it will be recoloured.

No, although we have other ideas and plans for potential hex options.

Anatoly wrote:

Will EEU have "lifes"? Hearts like in Minecraft.

There are no plans for that currently, no.

Anatoly wrote:

Will EEU have AI player?

I find it relatively unlikely.

Anatoly wrote:

What about an RPG/battle mode?

Certainly not at launch, but I have some ideas for alternate "modes" much later in development.

Anatoly wrote:

When will you release the JS library for bot writing?

If you mean the API, I presume whenever the developers would be ready to do so.

Anatoly wrote:

What about releasing snapshots more often? Being so radical patron only and releasing more often anything here? The last real snapshot we had was 2018-08-23 (a half year ago!) here...

The best way I would recommend to see progress would be to subscribe to ByteArray's YouTube Channel, as he posts a new vlog every week, and recently, he's been posting a lot about EEU, including some gameplay!.

Most Recent Vlog
peace wrote:

hi xeno question here EEU will have swittches right? will it be easier to place large grooups of switche sin sepcific order to make big **** machines and so we can become the most powerfull EE swithich coders //

EE Universe will have switches at some point, probably during Closed Beta, but might not be at the very start of Closed Beta. We'll see.

Alesmile wrote:

can you tell us something about magic coins in eeu

Magic Coins will most likely work in a similar fashion to Everybody Edits in terms of how to get them, but when you get them, you'd receive an amount of Stardust which I'm hoping will sort of "burst" out of the coins. In addition, you'll most likely gain AP from them, but I'll let you speculate over what AP might be. //

mutantdevle wrote:

Is there a secret (eg, any form of easter egg) in the game that, as far as you are aware, no one has discovered yet?

Nothing in terms of being able to "gain" anything, but as far as I'm aware, no-one other than Kirby and myself know the reason the Nostalgia Campaign description is what it is.

peace wrote:

what will ve the first update in EEU i mean iwll you dump 200 blocks on release or not?

Depends what you mean by "release". If you actually mean after the Open Beta stage, there most likely will be over 200 blocks by then, but in Closed Beta, I doubt we'll have that much close to that.

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

Will there be an Easter egg right after EEU release

That would be telling too much. //

Anatoly wrote:

In what time zone are you?

Currently BST (British Summer Time, UTC+1), but usually in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) or UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). EE Universe's servers are most likely to run on UTC, even though they're more likely to be based in the USA.

Anatoly wrote:

What’s your favorite color?


Anatoly wrote:

Family status? Kids?

Single, and none. My mum and one of my two brothers are coming to visit on Tuesday.

Freckleface wrote:

On a scale of 1-10 how annoyed at the community were you during the recent drama?

What a lovely way to round out this AMA with a big round 10!

Thanks everyone for the questions, and see you in-game soon!

~ Xenonetix ~



#28 2019-04-08 00:35:23

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Xenonetix wrote:

Certainly not at launch, but I have some ideas for alternate "modes" much later in development.

I'm very interested in this //

kMMA0S6.png dxGW6FY.png


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#29 2019-04-08 03:32:50

Joined: 2017-04-07
Posts: 1,318

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

HeyNK wrote:

    how much progress has cercul made on EE offline?

He's currently working on allowing people to download levels from within EE, which should come in an update quite soon.

^ What the hell is this? I never asked this question. WTF?


#30 2019-04-08 03:33:04

From: North Korea
Joined: 2016-06-26
Posts: 1,683

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Xenonetix wrote:

Nope, only because you're not staff. There'll most likely be a way to unlock or use it in EE Offline though.

Wdym unlock? Do I have to play other levels made by other people for it?

Blue is my favourite color

Signature made by Nebula

I also like lasagna, but not when it's blue


#31 2019-04-08 05:50:03


Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Nice, thanks for answering!

Do you have scrum meetings?

#32 2019-04-08 06:16:43

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,396

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Xenonetix wrote:

Crybaby wrote:
If you could abolish any one law from any one government in the world, what law would you abolish, and what government would it affect, and why?

Crybaby wrote:
Aren't bunnies just so cute?

Well looks like you were getting tired of answering my questions now, huh? xP

Thank you for answering what you did

Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!


#33 2019-04-08 12:45:26, last edited by Xenonetix (2019-04-08 12:46:54)

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Crybaby wrote:
Xenonetix wrote:

Crybaby wrote:
If you could abolish any one law from any one government in the world, what law would you abolish, and what government would it affect, and why?

Well looks like you were getting tired of answering my questions now, huh? xP

Thank you for answering what you did

Whoops. Was going to go back to that one, but forgot. Edited.

HeyNK wrote:

HeyNK wrote:

    how much progress has cercul made on EE offline?

He's currently working on allowing people to download levels from within EE, which should come in an update quite soon.

^ What the hell is this? I never asked this question. WTF?

Also whoops. TaskManager asked, and now I've edited that too.



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#34 2019-04-08 13:15:16

From: Russia
Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 6,212

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Will there be woots in EEU? Give. Me. Woots.


#35 2019-04-08 18:41:01, last edited by Norwee (2019-04-08 18:41:42)

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Xenonetix wrote:

Probably never. There's nothing stopping people from submitting music they compose if they're interested in us adding it to the game officially though.
For legal reasons, we simply cannot allow people to upload music without a submission/vetting process, due to copyright & licensing issues. MIDI really doesn't full circumvent that.

Disliked and unsubbed.

★              ☆        ★        ☆         ★
   ☆    ★                     ★


#36 2019-04-08 18:48:32


Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Can i postulate for being a moderator on EE? Or EEU why not either

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#37 2019-04-08 19:03:03

From: Russia
Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 6,212

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Sqwairle wrote:

Can i postulate for being a moderator on EE? Or EEU why not either

You see, in order for the people to find your judgement fair, you have to have some respect and authority in the community.
As it happens to be, you have neither of those things at the moment.


#38 2019-04-08 19:13:05

Joined: 2015-11-28
Posts: 4,202

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Sqwairle wrote:

Can i postulate for being a moderator on EE? Or EEU why not either

I think first you'll have to postulate on whether you are fit for the role, darling.

*u stinky*


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#39 2019-04-08 19:57:14

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Gosha wrote:

you have to have some respect and authority in the community.

has been proven wrong on multiple occasions

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


#40 2019-04-08 20:55:39

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Sqwairle wrote:
TaskManager wrote:
Gosha wrote:

you have to have some respect and authority in the community.

has been proven wrong on multiple occasions

And you are a good example

i never was a mod
or are you implying that im a good example because having respect and authority in community doesnt necessarily grant you mod title //

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


#41 2019-04-09 02:50:51

Formerly ninjasupeatsninja
From: USA
Joined: 2015-04-05
Posts: 2,095

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

sqwairle for mod 2093


#42 2019-04-09 05:48:12

Formerly Pipec
From: Mailboxٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴ
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Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

you avoided my question //

bad thread

M2my8OF.png M2my8OF.png M2my8OF.png

UUCFFj2.png UUCFFj2.png UUCFFj2.png


#43 2019-04-09 09:29:01

From: Crait
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,452

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

when's worst 2 campaign



#44 2019-04-09 11:42:05

Formerly 2B55B5G TNG
Joined: 2016-08-27
Posts: 3,009

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Why did you unfriend me, Xeno?


also known as DevilCharlotte

search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)



#45 2019-04-09 13:39:54

From: North Korea
Joined: 2016-06-26
Posts: 1,683

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Master1 wrote:

when's worst 2 campaign

You're in campaign team you would know that right?

Blue is my favourite color

Signature made by Nebula

I also like lasagna, but not when it's blue


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#46 2019-04-10 01:31:50

Joined: 2015-07-21
Posts: 1,960

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

can u fire master1


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#47 2019-04-10 02:52:46


Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Schlog wrote:

can u fire master1


#48 2019-04-10 08:05:04

From: cGhpbGlwcGluZXM=
Joined: 2017-12-26
Posts: 93

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

if you quit staff, who will be the next owner?


#49 2019-04-10 17:58:31

From: Syria!
Joined: 2016-08-05
Posts: 1,061

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

Nikko99 wrote:

if you quit staff, who will be the next owner?

kiraninja obviously

cringe ^
based v


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#50 2019-04-18 23:59:25

Joined: 2015-11-28
Posts: 4,202

Re: Ask Me Anything 4 - Xenonetix

when will sqwairle be banned in the game too?

*u stinky*


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