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#26 2022-09-05 16:10:06

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
ShadowsEdge wrote:

I didn't even check that for errors

Okay, tldr: Elijah is probably in fact town

Also I meant to respond to this in the other post too, but when I made that post I was talking about my former post, not yours, your post was fine lmao

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




#27 2022-09-05 16:29:08

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
ShadowsEdge wrote:
Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
ShadowsEdge wrote:

To answer your question Elijah, the reason I don't entirely scumread you, I just think you're the scummiest player in the game right now.

Your posts seem more defensive (a quality I associate more with mafia players) rather than inquisitive. Thats why I said it could be a playstyle thing, but even then, the way you interact with people who begin scumreading you makes me think its more likely that you're a mafia upset that they're getting caught.

Also, your reads on Mini and MM specifically strike me the wrong way, since the line of reasoning you take for scumreading MM is faulty at best, for one, people can change their playstyle (I tend to do so between games even as town) so basing an entire read on the fact that they aren't defending you rather than the actual content of their posts looks like you just want a reason to push MM out of the game, especially since you've explicitly stated that you've known MM for years, giving the impression that MM could read you fairly well.

The content from Mini's posts isn't that great, yet you seem so set that they're town just because they had a reaction, mafia can have reactions too, but Mini's posts have had very little in terms of pushing the game forward, except for the town plan, but even then I don't consider those for town points.

I agree with you about the quality of such reads, but that is how he plays, and this kind of play can be surprisingly effective on the long run, especially in small, closely knit communities. That being said, it's immensely crippling when culture clash comes in imo, since "soul reads" often require meta to be really effective.

See my post above for more details. Also, don't lynch him. And perhaps vote Onjit, too? That would be neat //

Voting Onjit seems kind of pointless though, at best MAYBE Onjit is Mafia, but due to the reasons I mentioned in my reads post, I highly doubt that possibility. So more likely than not, it's just a policy lynch on a town, which lowers our numbers and gives us no information.

ShadowsEdge wrote:
Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
ShadowsEdge wrote:

Onjit should post, but I don't think they're mafia

ooo, interesting take. What makes you townnread them (which I what I believe your post implies)? I know they have a trolly meta, but they also had some actual takes, iirc. Here, they're doing absolutely nothing that's remotely serious.

I mentioned before that it's mostly metagame-y, but Onjit tends to go inactive as Town, and active as Mafia, just because his activity is mostly based on his interest in the game. And if not solely for that, Onjit isn't a complete a-hole and wouldn't let his partner handle the game on their own. It could be a double-bluff but I don't think thats the case here.

Oh. So he only disrespects the game as Town? Makes sense... not the first time I see that, and it makes me think "but why even sign up, in this case?" lol. It checks out, though. That being said, I would still take this over a no-lynch because it's really a question mark that we ABSOLUTELY do not want to LYLO; and besides, I am not one to encourage that kind of non-play that goes against the spirit of the game. In this case, though, it's definetly better to look at someone else for the time being. The question is more like "who?".

Yeah, it's pretty annoying, but afaik, Onjit does read the thread, he just tends to be inactive until endgame when things get 'interesting' so he's more invested.

Though, you do have a point about taking Onjit to LYLO, I do think Onjit wouldn't let the town die in LYLO, because as I said, he's not an a-hole, he'll do things he's needed to, he's just not as invested as town. If it really comes down to it, a policy lynch is fine, but with Onjit I don't think lynching him will result in more than that, hence my hesitancy to push for that lynch.

My main suspects were an Elijah and Minimania team, but I'm not entirely sure of that anymore. Part of the reason I suspected that team was due to how hard Elijah defended Minimania with minimal evidence.

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
ShadowsEdge wrote:
Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
ShadowsEdge wrote:

I didn't even check that for errors

Okay, tldr: Elijah is probably in fact town

Also I meant to respond to this in the other post too, but when I made that post I was talking about my former post, not yours, your post was fine lmao

Oh ok XD
Do you think it's accurate, though?

I mean, I can't speak on the accuracy of the post, because the post is just about Elijah's meta, which, having never played with Elijah before, I can't testify to the validity of. At best I can say that because Elijah was scumreading you and you were willing to backpedal unprovoked to say that Elijah could be town makes me think that you're probably telling the truth about it, so I'm somewhat inclined to believe it. Though I'm still slightly unsure of Elijah.

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




#28 2022-09-05 17:11:42

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Probably somewhere between you, BB, or Bon Jovi. The other's I'm pretty confident are town, but I'm still thinking that there may be a mafia between you and BB because of the theory I had in D1. Bon Jovi is mostly because of PoE since if its not Elijah and Minimania the others I'd be pretty confident in their towniness.

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




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#29 2022-09-05 19:24:12

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:

The game should have at least one Mafia or Werewolf group (of at least two members). In mini games (at most 13 players), there must be exactly one such group, with no third parties.

This is from the Mafia scum page on Normal Games. @ShadowsEdge how do you know there's only 2 scum?

It was a slip, but not a scumslip, it relates to my role, I don't want to say a whole lot about it because there is more to it than just knowing how many mafia there are, but yeah, in any regard at least I can now publicly confirm that there's 2 mafia.

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#30 2022-09-05 19:28:03

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

BuzzerBee wrote:

okay looking back, i think my top scumread right now is ShadowsEdge

huge flip flop for me because I townread them on D1

but did anyone read Shadow's reads in this post?

every single read was so wishy washy. they didn't want to swing any particular direction with anyone. it was "this person has been helpful but i could be wrong." or "i don't know their play style very well"

not to mention they voted Elijah today for being defensive i guess? but then they were still very wishy washy even on that vote saying "i don't entirely scumread you"

i don't know, nothing from Shadow seems very helpful today at all

My vote on Elijah was more than just because of his defensive nature, I explained it better in a later post, the post there was just to give a basic overview of why I thought the way I did. And if you would see I did go a particular direction with everyone, stating everyone as either a Town-read/Townlean or Scumlean, the only ones who I didn't lean on were you and Bon Jovi since both of you had very little information in your posts to clearly make a read on either of you.

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




#31 2022-09-05 19:33:20

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Gikkle wrote:
ShadowsEdge wrote:
ElijahBaley wrote:

The game should have at least one Mafia or Werewolf group (of at least two members). In mini games (at most 13 players), there must be exactly one such group, with no third parties.

This is from the Mafia scum page on Normal Games. @ShadowsEdge how do you know there's only 2 scum?

It was a slip, but not a scumslip, it relates to my role, I don't want to say a whole lot about it because there is more to it than just knowing how many mafia there are, but yeah, in any regard at least I can now publicly confirm that there's 2 mafia.


What are your reads on everyone?

I posted it before, I don't like Elijah's posts, but MM's defense of them kind of throws out most of the points I made. As of rn I'm leaning on 2B55B5G, BB, or Bon Jovi (again, explained in a previous post)

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#32 2022-09-05 19:47:23

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

BuzzerBee wrote:
ShadowsEdge wrote:

And if you would see I did go a particular direction with everyone, stating everyone as either a Town-read/Townlean or Scumlean, the only ones who I didn't lean on were you and Bon Jovi since both of you had very little information in your posts to clearly make a read on either of you.

your read on Marshmallow gives no indication of which way you lean to me. you were just kind of stating facts like "they're pushing for information"
your read for Gandhi was "i thought they were town, but i'm not certain anymore as to why i thought that"
your read for 2b was "townlean but it's very minimal"
your read for mini was "scumlean but i give them credit for still trying to figure things out"

you leaned certain ways for mostly everyone, and slightly leaning versus a hard read on someone is definitely not a crime. but it was the fact that you did it for everyone except elijah, and your read on elijah didn't sit right with me. elijah is actively trying to solve the game and has had some really good, although sometimes mislead, insights

Please read the context of the area, I *did* give a lean on MM because it was implied by the post it was in response to (i.e. Minimania's plan). The other 3 I can accept are weird, but they are also placed via a rank which you ignored.

As for Elijah, I scumread him because as I said, sure he might have had some good posts, but he also had a lot of baseless accusations which you seem to conveniently ignore when you wanted to push me.

Also to Pqwerty, I'm pretty sure its custom since I havent seen it elsewhere.

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#33 2022-09-05 19:56:30

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

BuzzerBee wrote:

pretty much all of our accusations are baseless though, Shadow. we’re just trying to get somewhere because we don’t have any concrete evidence all we have is social deduction.

Not really, there are things we can do to ground our accusations down, like the way that someone acts to being voted for example, I'm not saying Elijah needed concrete evidence for their pushes, but that their pushes had only evidence that wasn't confirmable to the player-base, and ignored any in-game evidence which could be mustered (at least for the accusation on MM), I had a similar vibe for their read on Minimania.

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#34 2022-09-05 20:00:53

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Gikkle who are you scumreading right now?

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#35 2022-09-06 05:16:36

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

2b55b5g wrote:

and wouldn’t it be helpful to town if you say there’s 2 mafia in the game at the very start? just like how Pqwerty claimed anti-town? what reason is there to hide it? the only reason i can think of is to not let people mistake you as a mafia, but the same can be said to Pqwerty who claimed anti-town.

I didn't learn that there was 2 mafia at the start of the game, so I couldn't have said D1 that there were 2 mafia.

I'll just openly state my role. My role is Informer, I can check one person to see if they were visited by the mafia for that night, I went on MM, who was visited by Mafia, given that Lumi was also definitely visited (due to it being the only kill and the fact that Mafia would not want to miss a kill in a game like this), that means that there are 2 mafia. As mentioned previously, Norwee did say there were up to a maximum of 3 mafia (including the traitor), hence, the issue was trying to find if there were 1 or 2 mafia (discluding the traitor).

Also important to note that I dont see these for the Traitor (explicitly stated in my rolecard).

I didn't want to claim because while most often the role could be pretty useless, it can help to clear some people of at least not being a part of the mafia team (such as MM). Though this doesn't clear them of being the Traitor as the Mafia can still visit the Traitor. My information is also why i've been more trusting of MM in D2 because I knew that they weren't part of a team despite everyone being convinced that they were.

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




#36 2022-09-06 05:29:28

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)


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#37 2022-09-15 22:43:14

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Elijah said in dead chat that he checked BBJ N1, he just cleared Mini because he really thought Mini was town. Great situation for mafia, unfortunate for town.

Also when I saw Mini and I were teammates I got pretty excited since the last game we got teammates together we both died the same night iirc.

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




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#38 2022-09-15 23:21:15

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

BuzzerBee wrote:

can we all get access to dead chat and mafia chat

also rip to shadow when i scumread you and you actually were scum

i quickly tried to take back my vote but it was too late

When this happened I told Norwee straight up that I was expecting to die that day, reason being that in that case I knew to save myself I would have to push BB or make mafia realize I was Traitor and back off, the latter I tried doing but it happened at a point too late in the game.

I had more faith in Mini and BB winning together since they were better able to plan than me and Mini disjointed would.

Also just to mention, the first time I actually tried hinting that I was Traitor was my reads list, I told Norwee about it being that I put Mini and BB together in the list, it was meant to be a very light acknowledgement that I knew they were paired, but obviously something so minute didn't get me noticed as the traitor, so Gikkle was right on the nose about my Informer claim being an attempt to get Mafia to realize I was the traitor.

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#39 2022-09-15 23:35:13

From: somewhere in space ig
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Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

The game was great, I just wish I was able to be a bit more active, but great hosting and the setup was amazing.

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#40 2022-09-16 02:46:10

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:

Was a fun game, I'll definitely play more games here in the future.
I'm also down to host ^^

I also have a game idea which Minimania knows about (fear not though, him knowing about it isn't detrimental to the setup). Although I will mention that if I host it anytime in the next couple months I will still be in a pretty busy schedule where I can only really come on at night (ignoring Saturdays, where I generally can't come on at all).

If people are fine with that though I can host, but obviously there would be downtime between this game and the next since Im fairly certain people will want it.

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#41 2022-09-16 02:50:11

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Minimania wrote:
ShadowsEdge wrote:
ElijahBaley wrote:

Was a fun game, I'll definitely play more games here in the future.
I'm also down to host ^^

I also have a game idea which Minimania knows about (fear not though, him knowing about it isn't detrimental to the setup). Although I will mention that if I host it anytime in the next couple months I will still be in a pretty busy schedule where I can only really come on at night (ignoring Saturdays, where I generally can't come on at all).

If people are fine with that though I can host, but obviously there would be downtime between this game and the next since Im fairly certain people will want it.

If you got enough peeps and need a cohost, ya boi is here

Has there even been a situation where there's been a cohost on EE Forums? I think Cohosts are pretty cool though, I generally like having someone I can talk about the game with.

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