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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2024-04-03 00:05:10, last edited by Xenonetix (2024-04-03 00:08:26)

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Ask Me Anything!

What could possibly go wrong? The rules are usually 24 hours to ask me questions, but I know it's unlikely I'll get that many questions if any. Also bear in mind I know nothing about what's going on with current progress since 2021. So with that out of the way, I'll probably just reply as and when I see questions over the next few days. //

Taken today:



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#2 2024-04-03 00:17:51

Joined: 2015-07-21
Posts: 1,957

Re: Ask Me Anything!

hows it going


#3 2024-04-03 00:33:53

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Schlog wrote:

hows it going

Mostly ok, thanks - Had some nice Easter Eggs over the weekend



#4 2024-04-03 01:17:14

Formerly 2B55B5G TNG
Joined: 2016-08-27
Posts: 3,005

Re: Ask Me Anything!

whats your favorite sudoku puzzle


also known as DevilCharlotte

search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE



#5 2024-04-03 02:29:20

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,709

Re: Ask Me Anything!

if you had a truck what would you put in it



#6 2024-04-03 10:18:03, last edited by Zumza (2024-04-03 10:23:39)

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Happy Easter Xenonetix!

1. Do you miss the EE community?

2. Satanya cut us from all kind of updates about the next EE Relaunch ([EE! Status] Stage: Silence).
It was also uncovered that we have no certainty on who is working on this project if anyone (1 2 3 4 5).
Do you believe that Satanya's decision to keep us in the dark until the game is fully developed and released a good idea?
Do you believe that Satanya would eventually release a game?
Do you believe it would had been wiser not to transfer the ownership as EEU would had been functioning by now under your management?

Everybody edits, but some edit more than others


#7 2024-04-03 12:14:43, last edited by Edilights (2024-04-03 12:15:09)

From: In your dreams.
Joined: 2019-01-27
Posts: 515

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Xenonetix wrote:

What could possibly go wrong? The rules are usually 24 hours to ask me questions, but I know it's unlikely I'll get that many questions if any. Also bear in mind I know nothing about what's going on with current progress since 2021. So with that out of the way, I'll probably just reply as and when I see questions over the next few days. //

1. Do you still regret what for choices would have EE developers taken after 2021 ?
2. Does EEU function as same as now ? I might say this because some players are unable to log EEU via FB .
3. Are there chances that the new game would succeed?
4. Who are the great players of this EE community ?
5. Is even a way to restore old world before 2013 ? I said that due the past videos from YT with EE content .By making a reference towards The Stone Temple , I saw worlds with owner and without names   ...


#8 2024-04-03 13:47:20

Forum Admin
From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,574

Re: Ask Me Anything!

have you made any music lately?

also genuinely hope you're doing okay, my username on discord is @cybrrbee if you wanted to catch up



#9 2024-04-03 14:57:37

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Ask Me Anything!

If you could only choose one (publically announced) mechanic that was not in EE but was planned for EEU to make it into EE!, which would it be and why? I think I know which mechanic you'd choose if we were including mechanics that you wanted to keep as a surprise for later //

kMMA0S6.png dxGW6FY.png


#10 2024-04-03 16:30:46

Joined: 2020-04-25
Posts: 282

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Hi Xenonetix and welcome to 2024 world!


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#11 2024-04-03 20:14:43

From: The Netherlands
Joined: 2016-03-31
Posts: 978

Re: Ask Me Anything!

What is your favourite pizza?


Ingame: marten22        My steam: MartenM


#12 2024-04-03 20:16:23

From: Mars
Joined: 2017-05-31
Posts: 640

Re: Ask Me Anything!



#13 2024-04-03 23:12:11

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,111

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Welcome back. I appreciate the graphics you messaged me, and I was quite surprised you returned after three years and one day after my message.

Do you have the update log for EEU?

Do you plan to share extra resources from EEU? Like past versions, unused SVG files, source code, and such. I do have a copy of the current version and the physics source code, but I would love to see the game more broadly archived at some point.

The same would go for EE Flash, but that game's been archived much better at this point, and I don't know if you would have anything else to add.

Edilights wrote:

2. Does EEU function as same as now ? I might say this because some players are unable to log EEU via FB .

I believe this is because Facebook updated their API, and EEU didn't fix it.

EEU is on v0.2.55b, and hasn't had content updates in years. Like a year ago, there was a minor update to remove the holiday theming and update the message in the lobby, but I don't know of any other changes.

Edilights wrote:

5. Is even a way to restore old world before 2013 ? I said that due the past videos from YT with EE content .By making a reference towards The Stone Temple , I saw worlds with owner and without names   ...

I'm guessing you mean worlds with names and no owners, like this one.

Sadly, I can't find any on ArchivEE.


#14 2024-04-04 00:00:06

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Ask Me Anything!

2b55b5g wrote:

whats your favorite sudoku puzzle

Difficult to narrow down, but certainly one of my favourites is this Chess-based Sudoku:

If you mean one of my own creations, difficult to choose that too! But this is one of my favourites just because of some of the epic logic throughout the solve:

Onjit wrote:

if you had a truck what would you put in it

Depends on the sort of truck I guess. Might be a bit of a boring answer, but I don't currently have a piano, and if I could realistically have acoustic pianos (and potentially other instruments) put on the truck without having to do the work of moving them myself, I would definitely use the truck to transport those. //

Zumza wrote:

1. Do you miss the EE community?

To an extent, of course! I especially miss seeing people's creativity coming up with new creations and levels, but there's now been a resurgence of that sort of thing thanks to Geometry Dash 2.2 coming out.

Zumza wrote:

2. Do you believe that Satanya's decision to keep us in the dark until the game is fully developed and released a good idea?

No. The team was pretty keen on transparency early on, and it's a great shame they've decided to keep everyone in the dark about it. One thing I did learn was not to commit to specific release dates or release windows, because although such deadlines do help productivity to an extent, it can result in a worse and rushed product. Matched with the fact that game development is rather a creative industry itself, there are times where you just can't force creativity, and production naturally slows down.

As such, I think there's no real reason to not be teasing various upcoming content. As long as you have the disclaimer that it's in development stage and may not be exactly what the final product includes, I don't see a problem in releasing some concept art.

Zumza wrote:

Do you believe that Satanya would eventually release a game?

Sadly, I really don't know. From what I've heard (bearing in mind I'm not kept in the loop and it's mainly hearsay and rumours), there have been multiple times where Satanya has considered selling, and then changing their mind and wanting to continue, and then wanting to sell again, and then wanting to change their mind again, but I completely understand that mindset when you have those doubts that it will ever come to fruition come to the forefront of your mind.

I think that Satanya is somewhat of a perfectionist, and she wants things in very specific ways to match her specific vision. If something does not match that vision, she will commit extra time, money, and resources to pay people to continue working on something until it's exactly the way she wants it. As such, tiny things that may have taken our team for example 3 months to produce (not release) might be taking their team 3 years.

At this stage though, I think she's victim to the sunk-cost fallacy. She's put too much time and money into the project to give up now, so I think it's very likely she will eventually make sure something will be released. However, I do not necessarily expect her to release it publicly. I suspect she will release it to specific individuals she trusts and wants around her, as she doesn't want to have to deal with the wider community as a whole.

If it is eventually released publicly, I suspect if it's monetised at all, it will be through ads. I don't think she is a fan of the micro-transaction model.

Please remember though this is all speculation, and not to take any of this as gospel. I have not had communication with anyone on the team since 2021.

Zumza wrote:

Do you believe it would had been wiser not to transfer the ownership as EEU would had been functioning by now under your management?

If I hadn't transferred ownership to Satanya, I would have sold to someone else, although I may have still been involved with the project. Ultimately, the reason I sold to Satanya was because of two primary factors. One was that she had the resources to properly pay staff for their work, which was something I was never able to do. The second was the claim that Satanya's team could demonstrably program in one week what my team was doing over multiple months. As such, I thought that it would be a win-win for everyone, because she was passionate about the project, and she had planned (at the time) to continue development and upkeep on EEU while developing "EE!".

Overall, it was a matter of timing. If I'd held off selling to Satanya, there was a better prospect buyer that came along mid-2021 that I wish I had sold to, but can't dwell on the past too much. What's happened has happened, and I'm sorry things have turned out the way they have.

Edilights wrote:

1. Do you still regret what for choices would have EE developers taken after 2021 ?

I had nothing to do with those choices after January 2021. As mentioned above, I thought I was making the right decision at the time I transferred, so I don't necessarily regret the decision itself. I regret not checking the contract more carefully involved with transfer, because if I had been a little more diligent with it, there is a chance I could have made sure extra clauses were put in place to guarantee continued support for EEU, but "shoulda, woulda, coulda". //

Edilights wrote:

2. Does EEU function as same as now ? I might say this because some players are unable to log EEU via FB .

Quickly checking the site does seem to confirm the Facebook Authentication is now broken, which is a great shame. I have zero control over this, and I suspect the new team won't fix it, but at least the site is still up for those with Google logins. I suspect Facebook has some sort of dormant setting for authentication if the owners haven't logged in for over 3 years or something, but I could be wrong.

Edilights wrote:

3. Are there chances that the new game would succeed?

Depends what you mean by "succeed". In Satanya's eyes, it will likely be a "success" if it's a fully working product with about 20-30 total users using it. I don't believe it will become a commerically viable product, and I do not expect them to ever make the money back they've put into the project thus far. If I were to estimate, I would guess they're close to $70,000 down by this stage, unless they stopped paying their team at some point along the way.

Edilights wrote:

4. Who are the great players of this EE community ?

Alesmile was the best player in terms of skill. Kirby, Master1, and Supermouk are others that immediately come to mind, but there are plenty! Supermouk has been porting EE to Geometry Dash, and it's been epic:

Hidden text
Edilights wrote:

5. Is even a way to restore old world before 2013 ? I said that due the past videos from YT with EE content .By making a reference towards The Stone Temple , I saw worlds with owner and without names   ...

Even Benjaminsen said that when a world is gone, it's gone. There were no backups of anything prior to I think about 2015, so if they weren't downloaded before the shutdown, old levels are sadly gone for good.

BuzzerBee wrote:

have you made any music lately?

Composed and improvised a little on piano at my parents' house, but nothing created to be heard in recent years. I have the majority of a musical entirely composed in my mind, which is unlikely to ever be produced, but we'll see!

I have plans to return to DJing to some extent, so I may release some mixes at some point. Feel free to follow my SoundCloud if you're not already for those:

mutantdevle wrote:

If you could only choose one (publically announced) mechanic that was not in EE but was planned for EEU to make it into EE!, which would it be and why? I think I know which mechanic you'd choose if we were including mechanics that you wanted to keep as a surprise for later //

Slopes - The physics implications of those were incredible, combined with existing mechanics such as boosts and portals - They were a lot of fun in testing. //

MartenM wrote:

What is your favourite pizza?

Pollo Piccante from Bella Italia (before it had Nduja sausage added). As I no longer live near any Bella Italias though, Pollo Ad Astra from Pizza Express.

Hidden text
N1KF wrote:

Do you have the update log for EEU?

Might have to ask Priddle for that. Can't immediately find it myself, sorry.

N1KF wrote:

Do you plan to share extra resources from EEU? Like past versions, unused SVG files, source code, and such. I do have a copy of the current version and the physics source code, but I would love to see the game more broadly archived at some point.

I think I would need permission from the current team to release everything involved with EEU. I have no problems releasing everything I have in relation to EEU at this stage if allowed.

N1KF wrote:

The same would go for EE Flash, but that game's been archived much better at this point, and I don't know if you would have anything else to add.

As far as I recall, the only blocks I remember we didn't include in EE Offline were the custom uploadable competition blocks, but I think the code for them may have already been leaked somewhere anyway? So yeah, don't have much more to share in regards to Flash EE. Even all of the treasure trails are still programmed in EEO I think. //



#15 2024-04-04 00:41:33

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Oh no I missed the 24 hours.

How's your mental health now?

What are you doing for work now that you aren't head chieftain of the EE tribe?

What have u been doing the past 3 years?

Do you hold any grudges against the current EE staff?

How do you feel about them scrapping EEU?


#16 2024-04-04 00:43:11

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Welp maybe next time. Good to see you're still alive at least.


#17 2024-04-04 00:46:57, last edited by N1KF (2024-04-04 00:54:08)

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,111

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Xenonetix wrote:

Even Benjaminsen said that when a world is gone, it's gone. There were no backups of anything prior to I think about 2015, so if they weren't downloaded before the shutdown, old levels are sadly gone for good.

That means unsaved worlds, right?

I can't guarentee for sure, but The Stone Temple looks like a saved world with no owner. It has over 12,000 plays, which would be very unusual for an unsaved world. The video describes it as a "nostalgic world", and it only has old blocks, including coin doors, which were owner-only for a long time.

I remember playing a few no-owner saved worlds. I don't know how they got like that, but they exist.

LukeM's ArchivEE has like, a million worlds saved in that thing. He has confirmed that he still has data he still has not integrated into the archive. Perhaps he has unsorted ownerless worlds somewhere?

edit: It looks like Pqwerty made the 20,000th post in Questions and Answers.


#18 2024-04-04 11:39:48

Forum Mod
From: UK
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,846

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Wtf that Geometry Dash port of EE looks hella convincing. Physics are a bit floaty.

One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.


#19 2024-04-04 21:44:25

Joined: 2015-07-21
Posts: 1,957

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Tomahawk wrote:

Wtf that Geometry Dash port of EE looks hella convincing. Physics are a bit floaty.

i have a template for making ee levels in gd


#20 2024-04-04 22:08:56

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Pqwerty wrote:

How's your mental health now?

Better than it was a few years ago, but still struggle from time to time. Life can be stressful at times!

Pqwerty wrote:

What are you doing for work now that you aren't head chieftain of the EE tribe?

Admin work for a call centre, which I'm not overly keen on, but it's well-paid enough for me to get by. //

Pqwerty wrote:

What have u been doing the past 3 years?

During my period of joblessness, I was mostly spending a lot of time in the Cracking the Cryptic Sudoku community, solving and creating Sudoku variant puzzles. A lot of my puzzles are currently available on Logic-Masters Germany, and 2 of my puzzles have so far been featured on the Cracking the Cryptic YouTube Channel.

At the start of 2023, I finally got a part-time temp job, which then led to a full-time role in March 2023, and I've been doing that for a little over a year now. //

I do plan on returning to streaming on Twitch (and possibly YouTube) at some stage in future, although there are a few major events in my life that need to pass first before I get back into that.

I've also attempted a few Game Jams, but never completed a releasable project for them. I have quite a few decent ideas for games, but I do struggle to make them come to fruition.

Pqwerty wrote:

Do you hold any grudges against the current EE staff?

Yeah, because not a single promise was kept. As you may recall, trust is a very important factor in my relationships with people, and I've naturally lost all trust in the current staff. If any of them wish to try to repair their relationships with me, they can approach me privately.

Pqwerty wrote:

How do you feel about them scrapping EEU?

Very disappointed, considering they did claim they would continue to maintain and upkeep it, which simply didn't happen. I would be open to discussions of passing ownership back to me (or someone else) of EEU, and I could then work on it myself in my limited spare time. It would remain a standalone project entirely separate from "EE!".

N1KF wrote:

I can't guarentee for sure, but The Stone Temple looks like a saved world with no owner. It has over 12,000 plays, which would be very unusual for an unsaved world. The video describes it as a "nostalgic world", and it only has old blocks, including coin doors, which were owner-only for a long time.

The Stone Temple's ID is - It was a level considered for Campaigns, so I still have the list of all potential campaign levels. One of the reasons it didn't get campaigned is because we were unable to ask the owner for permission. If you want that level specifically, hope that helps in some fashion.

Tomahawk wrote:

Wtf that Geometry Dash port of EE looks hella convincing. Physics are a bit floaty.

The only main physics difference is that you can jump over 4 blocks instead of 3. Arrows work almost identically, even with elevators. Hook jumps work exactly the same, even 1x1s.

Here's Jump Jump Jump:

Hidden text

Still willing to answer questions people have, although at some point, I will simply stop checking this thread //



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#21 2024-04-05 19:54:03

Joined: 2015-07-21
Posts: 1,957

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Schlog wrote:
Tomahawk wrote:

Wtf that Geometry Dash port of EE looks hella convincing. Physics are a bit floaty.

i have a template for making ee levels in gd

following up on this:


this is what the template level has

tons of blocks, tweaked controls, basic camera stuff, and a small 50x50 "world" to the right that you spawn in

the ID is 102200211 if anyone is interested in playing around with it


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#22 2024-04-07 07:06:12

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Oh cool I guess I’ll ask more questions.

What were some of the most memorable (good or bad) moments for you as President of EE?

In hindsight now that it’s been 2 years, is there anything you would’ve done differently (besides the getting a lawyer part) as owner of EE?

Maybe a bit of speculation here, but both you and Satanya are musicians who suddenly became owners of a massive project. Do you think Satanya is feeling some of the same emotions you felt when you were the EE owner? If you wanted to, is there any advice you could give to people who are in or will be in a similar situation as this?

Were you a hero or a villain for EE?

Do you know why people are still here checking the forums?

Do you feel welcome here?


#23 2024-04-07 07:11:03

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Oh also what’s your favorite food? How’s your love life? How’s life going outside of work and Sudoku?


#24 2024-04-08 04:56:53

Wiki Mod
Joined: 2019-09-12
Posts: 62

Re: Ask Me Anything!

did you check out 'every build exists' when it was being actively updated around august-october? if so, what did you think?


#25 2024-04-09 18:15:45

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Ask Me Anything!

Pqwerty wrote:

What were some of the most memorable (good or bad) moments for you as President of EE?

From a gameplay perspective, I do miss Super EE Party. It was a very impressive multiplayer level overall, and a lot of fun.

I think it's best not to dwell on the bad moments. I did enjoy creating the Patreon videos and the meetings we had every month. Community engagement as a whole was generally fun and positive, and it's a shame that community has (pretty much) all gone. Other than that, I loved creating the Treasure Trails and Easter Eggs. They were mostly things I worked on alone, and I was very happy with the outcomes. I think a lot of people enjoyed participating in them too.

Pqwerty wrote:

In hindsight now that it’s been 2 years, is there anything you would’ve done differently (besides the getting a lawyer part) as owner of EE?

I achieved my primary goal as owner, which was elongating the life of Flash EE to its conclusion when Flash died instead of shutting down as a result of lack of resources, and we collectively managed to finish EE Offline in time, which I am very proud of. Thanks to the butterfly effect, ultimately there's not too much I'd have done much differently, including the negative stuff. Perhaps I should have gone on a Community Management course.

Pqwerty wrote:

Do you think Satanya is feeling some of the same emotions you felt when you were the EE owner?

Perhaps a little, but our paths have gone in significantly different directions. She's done her best to close herself off from the community while I was trying to engage too much with the community. I think she's removed any notion of deadlines, while I was often trying to hit deadlines. Would be too much to speculate on much more about our similarities I think.

Pqwerty wrote:

If you wanted to, is there any advice you could give to people who are in or will be in a similar situation as this?

Plan ahead better. Don't rush into important decisions without first checking the true plausibility of your aims, and don't be too quick to trust people, especially when it comes to giving expected finishing dates off the top of their heads. Plan more contingencies.

Pqwerty wrote:

Were you a hero or a villain for EE?

A bit of both I guess. Despite many people asking me to step down as owner, people were very quick to nominate potential candidates for owner who didn't want to be owner themselves. People expected change overnight, and that just simply wasn't possible. I wanted to make sure I passed it on to someone who was passionate about it, and that had a similar vision for the future of the game that I did, and I thought I was doing that when I finally passed it on. But ultimately, I kept the game going, and we regularly had updates - More updates than almost any staff team prior to mine, so I would say I could be considered a hero in that respect, giving the players what they wanted when it came to game content. //

Pqwerty wrote:

Do you know why people are still here checking the forums?

Hope and passion. People want the nostalgia and news of being able to play EE like it was in the past, but 'EE!' has a completely different look and feel to it, and it's unlikely to port over anything from EE, so I'm sorry to see that it's unlikely that hope will ever be met with fruition. I suspect if 'EE!' ever does get released publicly, many of the remaining community here will try it and then leave, and they'll have to try to build a completely new community from the ground up.

Pqwerty wrote:

Do you feel welcome here?

On the forums? From the people who are active here, certainly! From Satanya and her team, no. I don't plan on playing 'EE!' if it comes out, unless they actually bring over all the existing worlds, which I doubt will happen.

Pqwerty wrote:

Oh also what’s your favorite food?

Recently, I've been particularly loving Keema Naan Bread, but overall I probably still stick with pizza when it comes to savoury meal food. Hula Hoops are the favourte snack, and Chocolate Mini Rolls for the favourite sweet snack.

Pqwerty wrote:

How’s your love life?

Non-existent. I'd prefer to be in a financially stable position with better living arrangements before I start getting myself out there again. Right now, I would feel I would be putting too much financial and emotional burden on a partner if I were to try to date.

Pqwerty wrote:

How’s life going outside of work and Sudoku?

Some parts are good, such as relatively regularly going out for free or heavily discounted meals with my brother. I'm binge-watching quite a lot of the TV show 'Monk' at the moment since it fully released on Netflix. Gamewise, I'm primarily just playing Genshin Impact on PS5, and some mobile games.

Boba wrote:

did you check out 'every build exists' when it was being actively updated around august-october? if so, what did you think?

I heard decent things about it, but never tried it out myself, no. Glad people are still working on fan projects though. //



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