Pages: 1
In the future I hope this can be converted to wiki format and uploaded it to the EE Wiki.
You can download many of these versions from Rivelka's Everybody Edits Ultimate Archive Versions (in addition to a bunch of mods mixed in). The dates were gathered from blog posts, the Wayback Machine, and the SWF files themselves.
Please keep in mind that the official version numbers are inconsistent, and sometimes contradictory.
Tildes (~) mark an unknown time, before or after a date.
Let me know if I got anything wrong.
Multiplayer Platformworld is uploaded to Newgrounds.
Platform Sandbox is uploaded to Nonoba. … .com/chris
(cropped image) … 6-2048.jpg
Only one screenshot exists, in 640x480 game resolution with no hotbar.
There is a red circle (likely the avatar) and a smaller, transluscent grey circle. The circles are slightly larger than the blocks.
The only confirmed blocks are brown Brick block, Generic face block, and blank.
Circle avatars are standard 16x16 sprites with outlines.
Gold Metal block confirmed to exist.
Based on the image, the avatar might be misaligned by one pixel.
No other details known.
2010-03-05 … 68#msg8168
"Now with small avatars."
Smileys are added. This update may overlap with the final version of Platform Sandbox and Multiplayer Platformworld.
2010-03-?? - Final … andbox.PNG … 3-2048.jpg
These screenshots now have visible hotbars.
It is similar to, with the following known differences:
Gravity dots are larger
Hotbar differences: "Goto Lobby" is missing, different positions, "Type" is "Types", and "Map" is "Toggle map"
Only one world
The first five entries of the "What else is new?" list from the announcement apply here:
* You can now control gravity (Likely referring to Gravity blocks)
* Everybody has a smily to show their mood
* Many more bricks to draw with (Same set of blocks as in
* Minimap so you can see what's going on
* Minimap now shows where players are (Player appears as green dot on minimap.)
The last two cannot be determined from the screenshots:
* Better physics
* Better multiplayer synchronization
2010-03-07 -
Everybody Edits published on Kongregate … iew/529716
Everybody Edits published on Newgrounds
Everybody Edits published and updated on Nonoba … chris/news
Added lobby
Gravity dot is now smaller
Hotbar differences: "Goto Lobby" added, adjusted positions, "Types" is now "Type", and "Toggle map" is now "Map"
This is the oldest version of Everybody Edits that has a known version number, and hasn't been lost to time.
Hey Everybody
[Edit: Wow more than 100 people online! Rock on NG!]
[Edit II: Green score! Not sure I deserve it, but thanks!]
[Edit IV: Think I found the issue with the server - lets see!]So, a few days ago I released Multiplayer Platformworld which was basically a quick test of a new blitter based render engine. Anyway NG really liked it so I decided to create an environment with more depth around and options.
Additionally the original game only allowed up to 45 people online at the same time. This is now increased to over 2000 by adding a lot of new rooms.
So what else is new?
* You can now control gravity
* Everybody has a smily to show their mood
* Many more bricks to draw with
* Minimap so you can see what's going on
* Minimap now shows where players are
* Better physics
* Better multiplayer synchronizationI have purposefully not added a chat button as I find the whole concept of fully anonymous games rather interesting.
In the pipeline i have persistent private rooms, but I need the Player.IO persistence layer to be released before this is going live.
Hope you like it, remember to vote and all power to NG for making this a success in the first place!
Added private rooms
Added WASD to movement keys
Rewrote the physics to act more like a real platformer
Reworked lobby to allow for more basic rooms
2010-05-10 - 0.6.x
Reworked the lobby yet again
You can now easily find your favorite room using the new search filter
Full rooms are now put at the bottom of the roomlist
Your own smiley is now always on top
On Newgrounds: "A lot of small updates, I forgot most of them but here is a few."
Fixed bug in arrows that made gravity work differently depending on smiley orientation
Made it easier to find the secret black brick … iew/535677
2.2 kb … dits-0-6-x
You can now link directly to rooms if playing from
~2010-05-12 - 0.6.1 …
Updated server protocol to take up less traffic
Replaced the in-game interface with something more future proof
~2010-05-17 - 0.6.3* …
You can now click and hold to draw in locked rooms
Fixed bug where game creators where unable to link directly to newly created rooms
Fixed bug where the right wall was missing
2010-05-19 - 0.6.3* …
Added coins to locked rooms
2010-05-31 - 0.6.3* …
#1 at GamesChart …
Fixed bug where people where able to fly during specific conditions
2010-06-06 …
Pledgie … igns/10809
Added in-game appeal for donations. Blue coins will be added at 500$ donated!
2010-06-11 - v0.7.0 …
Added Gates and Locks to the game.
Added crowns to the game.
Updated minimap to better reflect the actual map.
You can now draw everywhere in locked rooms
Fixed a bug that would kick people off the server
Renamed image: Guy.png to PlayerImage.png (unlisted)
Added Generic caution block (unlisted)
Added red and beige Brick blocks (unlisted)
Added pop-up to Level Bricks toolbar section (unlisted)
2010-06-12 …
Added black brick that does not show up on the minimap
Arrows no longer show on the minimap
Added twitter link in the lobby
2010-06-30 - Everybody Edits 0.7.0 …
Small update to the way rooms are sorted in the lobby
Anti cheat v0.1 online. Sorry for killing all the rooms
2010-07-05 …
Fixed bug where people would be able to jump more than 3 tiles high
2010-07-06 - 0.7.2 …
Added tiles that appear when a key is touched
New loader logo
Tweaked the physics a bit more towards platform physics.
2010-07-09 - 0.7.2 …
"beta testing a whole bunch of new features on live"
2010-07-11 - 0.7.3 (formerly 0.7.2) … …
Added smiley package to the game
2010-07-13 - 0.7.4 …
Fixed bug where the server would report people as spawning in 20x20
Changed smileys to be based on donations rather than micro-transactions
2010-07-16 - 0.7.5 …
Added three new block types (Free for all)
Added blue coins
Created new load screen
Share screen now have a facebook share button
Added grass (unlisted)
2010-07-19 - 0.7.6 …
Creators will no longer be kicked by anti cheat
If you have the super secret edit key, hit g for god mode!
Rewrote the basic synchronization algorithm
2010-07-20 …
Small tweaks to physics engine to make the game work better
You can now see how many people have played each level.
Changed anti aliasing on the lobby text.
2010-07-21 - 0.7.6 …
Yet another update to the prediction engine. It's now lees precise, but it looks better.
2010-07-22 …
Fixed bug where people could get stuck in arrows
2010-07-26 … com/chris/
Chris once again uploads a "new game" called Everybody Edits to Nonoba, with the description being "Everybody Edit" now. How or why is unclear.
2010-08-11 …
Added news section and login to the game.
Fixed bug where the share on facebook button could be clicked when not visible.
Changed how the lobby shows room names with multiple spaces.
Updated level load help screen.
You can now ask the game to remember you when logging in with Facebook.
You can now play the game directly on Facebook at …
2010-08-17 - Beta
Beta members now receive the Smiley package as well as full Beta access when entering the Beta program. … php?id=236
Beta is out … php?id=237
-Paid Access
-Smiley pack re-opened
2010-08-18 - Beta
The game now has a mute button
Beta users now have their own set of worlds
The game now has an in-game pre-loader
The Beta game is now integrated with the Beta website.
You will be prompted to login before joining a direct url game.
2010-08-19 - Beta
You can now login without having a Facebook account.
Fixed bug where you would draw on the world when clicking the share world textfield.
Made the beta use the public room database again. This will change when compatibility breaks.
2010-08-19 - … php?id=297
Update Released
-Account system
2010-08-20 - Beta
Fixed bug in login system.
2010-08-20 - … … php?id=328
-Saving (woo!) (Saved worlds are here!.)
-Fullscreen mode (Get a much more involved experience by playing the game in fullscreen)
2010-08-23 - Beta
You can now see a list of the most played saved worlds here
Fixed bug where saved facebook sessions would be cleared if a login with a basic user happened.
2010-08-26 … t-working/
Facebook Connect working again
2010-09-07 - Beta Version … is-online/
Beta Version Is online … s-0-8-0-0/
Keyboard shortcuts in Everybody Edits
Arrows / WSAD Move your smiley up, down, left & right
Space Jump
G Toggle god mode
0-9 Select corresponding brick in quick brick panel
Hold ALT / CTRL / Shift Temporarily select the first brick in the quick brick panel
Hold TAB Show all bricks
M Toggle moderator mode (Only for Admins and Moderators)
New game Interface!
Added 6 new bricks just for beta members
Fixed bug where people would not exit god mode when changing the edit key. … php?id=641
Version is live! …
Added blog section to the website
Fixed bug in HTML that made the game sometime fail in Firefox
Simplified login system …
2010-09-09 … 0-preview/
Everybody Edits Preview
2010-09-15 - v0.8.0.0? … -released/
New interface released … -part-two/
What’s next? part two! …
The new user interface is now live for everybody!
2010-09-17 - v0.8.0.0
You can now download the game to your computer
2010-09-22 … dits-todo/
The short-term Everybody Edits todo
2010-09-24 … -security/
Status update Facebook and Security
2010-10-04 - v0.8.0.1
You can now change your password … m:80/chris
Chris updates Everybody Edits on Nonoba.
2010-11-15 … t-preview/
Chat Preview
2010-11-16 - Beta … a-0-8-1-0/
Beta is live Earn Beta & PRO for free. …
Time to get back to Everybody Edits! First item on the todo will be chat. You can see a preview of how it will look here
2010-11-17 … d-pro-bug/
Beta and Pro Bug … -for-chat/
Changes to the interface to make room for chat … o-preview/
Chat Video Preview
Everybody Edits Chat Sneak Preview
2010-11-18 … a-session/
Q&A Session
2010-11-19 … at-update/
Quick Chat Update.
2010-11-22 - …
Fixed bug that would make the game loose focus when using the UI bar.
2010-11-22 - Beta Version … n-0-8-2-0/
Beta Version is live! … .com/chris
Everybody Edits is updated on Nonoba.
Beta now has an in game chat!
Members who have saved worlds can now clear their worlds by clicking a single button.
The change level popup will now show the current name of the level.
Fixed issue that resulted in facebook pro members logging into not getting beta features.
Fixed bug that resulted in new beta members not being able to use their beta bricks and smilies in some rooms.
2010-11-23 (or earlier) - … …
2010-11-23 - Beta
Text in chats are now centered.
Chat bubbles now stay visible for 15 secounds instead of 10.
Holding shift will now result in names and chat being shown while moving
Fullscreen now uses bitmap smoothing (things look better in fullscreen)
New title screen showing off some of the new features
2010-11-24 - Beta … 1-is-live/
Beta is live!
Texts in chat bubbles are now centered.
Chat bubbles now stay visible for 15 secounds instead of 10.
Holding down the shift key will now result in names and chat being shown while moving
Fullscreen now uses bitmap smoothing (things look better in fullscreen)
New title screen showing off the new features
There is now a chat bar on the right side of the game
Fixed bug where the game would forget saved passwords
Changed visual style of scrollbars
Chat is now hidden per default. Hold shift to show the chat.
2010-11-30 - Beta … 2-is-live/
Beta is live!
The game now has a real chat element on the right side
Changed the visual style of scollbars
Fixed bug where the beta would forget saved user credentials
In game chat is now hidden per default. Hold shift or press enter to see the chat in-game.
2010-12-02 - Beta
Note: blog post was made on December 3, but the Beta website lists it as December 2
It's December so it's snowing!
All beta members now have a special beta only private room … a-0-8-2-3/ …
~2010-12-03 - …
2010-12-03 - Beta …
Added highlighting to messages with your name in it in the chat.
World owners can now kick people by typing /kick name
You can now quickly type usernames by typing in the first few letters of the username and pressing TAB
Reset your world by typing the command /reset into the chat. Real UI will come later!
2010-12-04 - Beta …
Fixed bug that would result in people kicking them self when trying to kick other people.
2010-12-05 - Beta … 4-is-live/
Beta is live
You can now kick people from beta rooms by typing /kick username where username is the user you want to kick.
The beta client is no longer compatible with the normal client. Thus only beta rooms can be played using it. You can however still play your old saved levels with everybody at
You can now reset your beta world by typing the command /reset into the chat. Real UI will come later!
Fixed bug that resulted in players getting out of sync
Added highlighting to messages with your name in it in the chat.
You can now quickly type usernames by typing in the first few letters of the username and pressing TAB
2010-12-06 - Beta
Switched to new internal physics model that should be better syncornized.
The game should now be more responsive to keyboard input.
Search filter now works in the beta as well.
Fixed issue where blue coins would count wrong.
Fixed issues where rooms contaning badwords would show in the lobby list.
Fixed issue where none beta rooms would sometimes appear in the beta.
You can now toggle the minimap by pressing m.
2010-12-07 - Beta
Added 3 new smilies
Fixed bug where people would not get their smiles when using energy.
Added the Big Spender smiley
Fixed bug where you could jump on arrows
Fixed yet another jump bug.
Crown now renders ontop of the smiley
Fixed bug where you could get stuck behind a lock wall, even though you yourself is surrounded by keys.
2010-12-10 - Beta … beta-0825/
New physics and smilies in Beta
Energy shop
"Four new smilies in the energy shop" (Working Smiley, Christmas Smiley, Ninja Smiley, The Big Spender)
Small bug fixes
Jumps now have 100% predictable outcomes
100 Max Energy
2010-12-10 - Beta
The load level from storage is now called /loadlevel
The /reset method now resets people to spawnpoints
Commands are no longer affected by the spam filter (You can kick people more than 4 times)
Chat length is now limited to 80 characters everywhere.
Adding energy is now much faster.
Added spawn points
Added new :-o smiley
Fixed bug where clearing your level would result in your spawn points getting lost.
People in god mode no longer teleports on a /reset
To prevent abuse you can now only be connected to the same room twice.
Fixed small physics bug
2010-12-13 - Beta
Note: Some of the additions listed here are also listed as being added in older versions.
Spawn Points
Christmas Specials
Fixed yet another jump bug.
Crown now renders ontop of the smiley
Fixed bug where you could get stuck behind a lock wall, even though you yourself is surrounded by keys.
The load level from storage is now called /loadlevel
The /reset method now resets people to spawn points
Commands are no longer affected by the spam filter (You can kick people more than 4 times)
Chat length is now limited to 80 characters everywhere.
Adding energy is now much faster.
Added spawn points
Added new 😮 (surprise) smiley
Fixed bug where clearing your level would result in your spawn points getting lost.
People in god mode no longer teleports on a /reset
To prevent abuse you can now only be connected to the same room twice.
Added Christmas decorations.
200 max energy for everybody!
When kicking a user from a room they are now automatically banned for 5 min.
Fixed bug where people would not get their smiles when using energy.
Added the Big Spender smiley
Fixed bug where you could jump on arrows
Superman confirmed to exist
2010-12-14 … l-control/
Parental Control
Chat costs 0.01$ (1 cent)
Meh Smiley is free
2010-12-15 - Beta
Fixed bug where the scrollbar would not work in the shop.
Fixed bug where facebook login would fail to open
Added Gambit as yet another gems source!
2010-12-16 - Beta
Non chatting members are now gray in the userlist
2010-12-17 - Beta
The ninja smiley is now almost invisible on the Minimap
Added a female smiley per popular demand
Merged the beta and free clients back together! … com/chris/
Everybody Edits is updated on Nonoba.
2010-12-21 - Version … a-is-live/ …
Free and Beta can now again play together
Released the Energy Shop for all registered members!
Updated website.
Members who have chat can now use the chat sidebar on this website.
You can now get more saved worlds in the energy shop.
The game now support worlds of any size.
Fixed bug where spawn points would act strange in small worlds.
Fixed bug where guests / none chatting members could see the chat.
2010-12-22 … .com/chris
Everybody Edits is updated on Nonoba.
2010-12-23 … tmas-beta/
New World Prices and Christmas Beta
It's Christmas so I discounted the Beta and lowered the energy/gem prices for levels.
25*25 = 250 energy
50*50 = 500 energy
100*100 = 1000 energy
200*200 = 4000 energy
400*50 = 2000 energy
The beta membership package can be had for only 50 gems (5$) instead of 100 from the shop! … mas-event/
The Everybody Edits Christmas Event
Female smiley confirmed
2010-12-28 …
Re-enabled Gambit for getting gems
Extended the Christmas Campaign to the 1st of January
All registered members now have usernames
All members are now able to get the chat via the verification system. … -specials/
Sever Maintenance and Christmas Specials
Extended the Christmas Campaign to the 1st of January … everybody/
Usernames and Chat for everybody.
2010-12-29 - Version … 2010-2011/
New Years Special 2010 / 2011
5 New Years decorations
New Years Smiley.
You will be able to get the special to the end of January 1st 2011 for 1.250 Energy … m.php?id=4
courtesy of RPGMaster2000 …
Fixed issue where non beta members could not chat!
Added New Years 2010 Special!
Fixed bug where decorative items would be drawn on top of the last dragged item in the quick draw menu. … k-to-beta/
Back to Beta
2010-12-29 - Beta
Fixed issue where non beta members could not chat!
Fixed bug where decorative items would be drawn on top of the last dragged item in the quick draw menu.
~ 2011 ~
Fixed bug where people who where in god mode when a room key where changed did not teleport when /reset was called.
Switched to new and much better model for handling changes to the world! Drawing should now be MUCH smoother.
Public admins are now marked with orange in the in the game, userlist and chat to make admin impersonation harder.
Fixed bug where coin count would not be reported correctly after Clearing or Loading Levels
Coins and coin count is now reset when /reset is called.
Fixed bug where /reset could not be called before a level had been saved.
There is no longer snow in the loading screen and Lobby.
Fixed bug where coins in the quick bar would not work after a room change.
Fixed bug where decorations and spawn points would appear as empty black squares in the quick bar after room change.
Fixed bug where Green and Blue keys could not be toggled if the Red key where toggled.
Fixed bug where you could not call /reset or /loadlevel before you had saved your level at least once.
Extended auto ban times after kick from 1 minute to 5 minutes.
Entering a level and /loadlevel should now be faster.
~2011-01-05 - Everybody Edits
2011-01-10 - Beta & Free Version … n-0-9-1-0/
Beta & Free Version Released
Text selections are now visible in the chat sidebar
Fixed bug where people who where in god mode when a room key where changed did not teleport when /reset was called.
Switched to new and much better model for handling changes to the world! Drawing should now be MUCH smoother.
Public admins are now marked with orange in the in the game, userlist and chat to make admin impersonation harder.
Fixed bug where coin count would not be reported correctly after Clearing or Loading Levels
Coins and coin count is now reset when /reset is called.
Fixed bug where /reset could not be called before a level had been saved.
There is no longer snow in the loading screen and Lobby. … 727#p99727
Glass is known to exist, but not in-game
Wizard is known to exist
2011-01-10 Part two - Beta … oin-doors/
Back to beta Coin doors
2011-01-11 - Beta
Note: The next day's blog post later announces Beta, but the Beta website lists it as today.
You now get 5 coindoors for 1000 energy
Great 400×200 sized worlds are now online for beta members.
There is now a fully black brick in the beta energy shop.
Fixed bug where new coin doors would not appear on the minimap.
Basic bricks can now be drawn on the level edge in saved levels.
2011-01-12 … -of-magic/
Back to beta Coy smiley and a little bit of magic.
:3 smiley
Magic … -on-magic/
Hints on Magic
2011-01-14 - Beta … y-package/
Back to beta Factory Package
The shop now shows how many coin-doors you have correctly.
Coin-doors have been bumped from 5 to 10 per purchase.
Keys are now twice as precise (Still not perfect but better)
Did something with the magic.
It is now impossible to get Magic in a coin farm. … lets-talk/
Let’s talk. … mpetition/
Announcing the winners of the New Years competition!
Wizard is confirmed to exist (unlisted)
~2011-01-14 - Beta (supposedly)
- Coin doors that require a certain amount of coins before opening.
- Spawn points
- Fully black block that adds transparency to the minimap.
The login system has been recoded and now works much better.
The following packages has been released for the non beta: Pure black blocks, Coin Doors & Coy Smiley
You now have a more than a one in one trillion chance of finding a magic coin. (Wooops)
Fixed bug where edit rights would not be lost when a key where changed.
Fixed bug on the server that could results of people getting kicked from rooms.
~2011-01-19 - Beta … fmagic.png … magic2.png
Everybody Edits Beta - Key Features
RPGMaster2000 confirmed in Staff team
Fixed bug in the game that prevented some users from getting banned.
2011-01-21 … stability/
Game stability. … omo-video/
New Everybody Edits promo video. … nto-magic/
A little insight into magic.
2% Wizard
10% +15 energy & full energy bar
20 % + 10 energy
68% + 1 energy
2011-01-23 … com/chris/
Everybody Edits is updated on Nonoba.
Fixed bug where you could be permanently stuck in the beta payment screen (The screen now has a logout button.)
Fixed bug where other players would not correctly exit god mode when a key was changed
Reworked the key handler to help fix the sticky keys issue some people have.
Added logic to stop the game sending pointless updates to the server.
Updated a few graphical updates.
2011-??-?? … me-update/
Introduced secret passages / platforms
After January 20
2011-01-26 - Nonoba Update … chris/news
Chris updates Everybody Edits on Nonoba.
~2011-02-01 -
2011-02-01 - Update … ways-2020/
Hindsight is always 20/20
Note: The blog post was made the following day, which is noted on the post itself. … me-update/
Latest game update.
Fixed bug the minimap would be rendered wrongly for coins etc
Changed how secret passages / blocks works (Secret blocks will now become visible when touched once.)
The ultimate fan smiley where showing the wrong graphics, this is now fixed!
Added terminator smiley
Fixed graphical errors in the shop
2011-02-08 … omo-video/
Mochi Awards 2011: Everybody Edits promo video!
Everybody Edits - Mochi Awards promo video
XD confirmed to exist
Two Secret blocks confirmed to exist
2011-02-20 -
Note: The blog post for this update was made the following day. … e-goodies/
New shop interface update! (And more goodies…)
New shop interface
Polished lobby interface
XD Smiley (beta)
Bully smiley (beta)
Glass pack (beta)
Polished graphics (energy icon, fan smiley, yellow factory block)
The ultimate fan smiley now write the users username in the description text.
Changed a few of the admin commands (Uhh!)
2011-02-23 … of-deadth/
Post game crash report (Black screen of death) … m:80/chris
Everybody Edits is updated on Nonoba.
2011-02-26 … -released/
Extended promo video released.
Scheduled date for Valentines 2011 smiley removal
2011-03-14 … ing-saved/
Energy not being saved [fixed]
2011-04-10 … edits-1-0/
Announcing Everybody Edits 1.0 … a-members/
More items for non beta members.
~2011-04-17 - Beta
2011-04-19 … update-ii/
Everybody Edits 1.0 Update II
2011-04-20 - v146.swf … 501#p96501
2011-05-03 - Beta Update … an-update/
Easter rewards … hp?id=7594
"the winners now have their energy and smileys!" … smiley-go/
Where did the ultimate fan smiley go?
The ultimate fan smiley is no longer in the shop.
2011-05-04 - Update … ysics-fix/
Minor physics fix.
2011-05-05 - Update … re-wizard/
Spring Package 2011, XP Smiley and Fire Wizard
Fire Wizard
Spring package 2011
XP Smiley
Fixed bug where players could not login with facebook
2011-05-06 … ongregate/
Fixed rather embarrassing issue where Kongregate users could not play. Sorry guys!
2011-05-09 - Update: Guests are back … bug-fixes/
Guests are back + bug fixes!
Fixed bug where some users who bought chat without buying beta could not chat.
Everyone can now send commands to the server by hitting enter and typing /[command]
Moved most chat notifications such as access denied etc to modal dialogues to allow none chatting member to see them.
Guests are back! (New and improved)
2011-05-10 - Update: Profiles … -profiles/
Introducing Everybody Edits profiles
2011-05-12 - Update: Newsletter, Postman … ewsletter/
First every Everybody Edits newsletter
2011-05-13 - Update: Hide your profile … r-profile/
Hide your profile … com/chris/
Everybody Edits is updated on Nonoba.
~2011-05-14 - No more version numbers! … …
2011-06-21 - Update: Angel, Nurse, Templar … -to-peter/
Say Hi to Peter!
Share level: Text changed to “Direct LINK to this level” instead of URL
Changed font’s to match the rest of EE in the share link / lobby login box
Roomfilter: UI Changes, reduced to 3 tabs
ADDED smileyangel, smileynurse, smileytemplar
News box UI revamp
Moved “show/hide” and “view profile” down besides “logout”
Diamonds and Portals are now out of beta!
2011-07-07 - Update: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs … bugs-bugs/
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs
2011-07-08 - Update: Summer 2011 … -released/
It sure is hot here… Summer pack 2011 released!
Tutorial level
Classic tab
~2011-07-28 … 793#p83793
supadorf24: "Decorations are visible on the minimap, but keys and crowns aren't." … 798#p83798
Zalgryth: "Physics changed. Old minis don't work because arrows affect people differently. Two up arrows now make you fall through. Gravity dots make it hard to move up in a tight fit. So do up arrows."
Zalgryth: "Speed is different. Race tracks have been ruined. Art is also screwed because of different colouring. Keys and crowns are no longer visible on the minimap (which ruins the world Sepia, which is art entirely made from crowns)."
2011-07-29 - Update: Backgrounds … ody-edits/
Injecting new life in to Everybody Edits!
The background layer.
Basic backgrounds
Brick backgrounds
Checker backgrounds
Solid dark backgrounds
Pretty pastel backgrounds
"the basic game physics have been rewritten yet again."
The smily will now auto align to the game grid if close to the grid and standing still, making it easy to jump up trough 1 block holes. Something that was almost impossible to do before.
The smiley will no longer overlap the map by one pixel.
Enormous amounts of bug fixes
New minimap renderer (Sand block from the summer pack now renders an orange color in the minimap)
Most decorations now render on top of the smiley instead of behind
The foreground layer now has a drop shadow!
A bunch of polished smilies! (Angel, Big Spender, Bully, Commande, Ninja, Terminator, Nurse)
Some basic bricks have been polished.
Arrows & Coins now have a black outline.
2011-07-31 - Update: Tweaks
BUG: Fixed the secret bricks (removed shadow, now invisible on minimap, backgrounds are now visible)
BUG: A known secret is now reset once you place another brick on that tile.
BUG: Portal no longer breaks when setting background behind them
BUG: Revealed Secret bricks no longer hides when putting a background behind them
BUG: You can now again easily move into a single brick wide hole above you.
BUG: Level plays are now reported correctly when initially joining a world.
FEATURE: Secret bricks are now shown as other users see them, until you discover them by running into them. When in god mode, all secret bricks are revealed.
TWEAK: The old hardcoded legacy colors are now used on the minimap again. Only new bricks have their color auto generated.
TWEAK: The new basic physcis has been tweaked to be more alike the old.
TWEAK: The gravity dot is now slightly smaller visually.
TWEAK: Everybody knows that Peter has the username sbeam, thus he will now be marked with orange in the user list.
TWEAK: The minimap now renders above the more brick popup.
TWEAK: Grid align is now 3x slower and you have to be closer to the grid for it to kick in!
TWEAK: The game now has a new home screen
2011-08-15 - Update … .com/chris
Chris updates Everybody Edits on Nonoba.
2011-10-03 - Update
Details unknown
Before 2011-10-04
Candyland Pack … 953#p73953
Koto: "when the Candyland Pack was released, their was this glitch where you could stick to the bottom of blocks."
~2011-10-04 … 951#p73951
Shift: "He took out the summer pack."
2011-10-05 - Update: Bug Fixes … less-bugs/
Less bugs.
Fixed bug where larger rooms would not load.
Fixed bug where you would be able to jump on a row of dots or arrows.
Fixed bug where guests would not be sent directly into a room when linked.
Fixed bug where your momentum would be reset when teleporting at high speeds.
Fixed bug where you could make the game break by moving too fast with the help of portals.
Optimized server performance.
main_gi: "dot jump is back"
The First Gamer: "Better chat sidebar and more bugfixes"
xXExpress0Xx: "Profile names show up, and they have a new icon next to them, but chat history doesn't."
2011-10-11 - v133.swf … 307#p74307
2011-10-12 - Update: Halloween 2011 … ody-edits/
OOoooOOoo… It’s Halloween in Everybody Edits!
Frankensteins monster
Halloween 2011
2011-10-13 - Update: Discounts … ts-abound/
Listening to the community: Energy cuts abound!
Frankenstein: 500 > 500 0% energy discount
Vampire: 1500 > 1000 25% energy discount
Ghost: 3000 > 1500 50% energy discount
Halloween bricks: 3750 > 2500 33.3% energy discount … -facebook/
Everybody Edits on Facebook
2011-11-01 - Update: Halloween's End, Bug Fixes … bug-fixes/
Halloween is over and bug fixes
Fixed bug where the minimap would not correctly show the colors when you where changing the background behind bricks.
Fixed bug where the background would be incorrectly cleared when deleting blocks, dots and arrows.
Action items no longer override the background color on the minimap
2011-11-03 - Update: Bug Fixes … nd-tweaks/
Minor bugfixes and tweaks
Fixed the minimap rendering of the secret brick
Fixed bug that could allowed users to block themselves from registering a user by pressing the register now button to fast.
Fixed bug where new users would see “undefined” as their username
Improved the guest, login and registration flow
Fixed bug where the game would miss behave on Armor Games
2011-11-22 - Update: Thanksgiving 2011 … -released/
Happy Thanksgiving! Two new smilies released.
Pilgrim smiley
Indian smiley
2011-11-24 - Update: Black Friday 2011 … -now-live/
Black Friday offers are now live
2011-11-28 - Update: Back to normal
Now that Thanksgiving and Black Friday is over Everybody Edits is all back to normal. I am currently focusing my time on working on new features and a huge Christmas surprise for everyone!
~2011-12-21 … 256#p60256
Decompiled source code available
2011-12-02 - Update: Decorations off Minimap … te-fans-9/
Todays Ultimate Fans … er-engine/
Minor update to EE render engine … hadows-go/
Where did the shadows go?
2011-12-07 - Update: Christmas 2011 … -presents/
It’s Christmas in Everybody Edits! Loads of new presents!
2011-12-14 - Update … nd-tweaks/
Misc bug fixes and tweaks
Profiles now show max energy
Profiles now show moderators as such
Those of your rooms that are currently open will now show at the top of the roomlist.
Your rooms will now be marked as such in the roomlist.
Names of your own rooms are no longer censored in the room list
Updated game such that the game does not use 100% while in the lobby.
Fixed bug that prevented guests for joining rooms directly
Fixed a bug that resulted in users having to reload before they where successfully awarded the grinch smiley.
2011-12-17 - Update: Drums & Maestro … -released/
Ba-dum tisch, Drum package is released!
Drum package
Maestro smile
2011-12-28 … uick-chat/
Introducing quick chat.
2011-12-28 … -discount/
Massive New Year 2011 Discount
Brick packages which are 50% off
Canvas, Black Block, Candy, Factory, Glass & Secret
Smilies which are 50% off
Angel, Bully, Commando, Girl, Ninja, Nurse, Templar, Terminator & Worker
2012-01-05 - (File v217, Client v89)
2012-03-29 - Update: Easter 2012 (File v232, Client v92) … 12-update/
Easter 2012 Update
System that allows you to view profiles in game rather than going to the website.
Hold shift to open on website directly!
Implemented the Sigh smiley
Implemented the SciFi Package
Implemented the Easter 2012 package
Implemented the Carnival background package
Implemented new profanity filter.
Rewrote the UI alignment code for better support of 3rd party websites such as Kongregate.
Fixed a few spelling errors here and there.
Fixed two bugs that would prevent you from entering into some worlds.
2012-04-27 - Update: Friends … h-friends/
Play Everybody Edits with friends
The news section has been moved to an overlay that appears when a new version has been released.
The game will now remember which smiley you were using between games.
We fixed a bug where a single user could be online in multiple worlds at the same time.
2012-05-05 … bug-fixes/
This week in Everybody Edits, Prison pack and bug fixes
Police smiley
Prison pack
Moved the coins to the decoration layer
2012-05-10 … bug-fixes/
Release Thursday Window package, Music Blocks and Bug Fixes
Window package
Piano, Drum, and Mineral blocks out of beta
Changed the Everybody Edits website to a minimalistic design.
Fixed bug where users playing as guest on Kongregate would get a popup.
When playing on the Everybody Edits website, the url will now change to reflect the current level
Diamond smiley will no longer persist between worlds.
Fixed bug where the room a friend where online in would not be shown
Fixed bug that would incorrectly kick you when switching levels fast
Fixed bug that allow players to crash the game by sending specially crafted chat messages
Fixed bug that would make the smiley blink when first joining a level
Added new and improved bad word filter
Updated art for checkered background to make it flicker less
Worlds in the profile will now be scaled if to wide for the view
Fixed bug where none chatting users could sometimes chat
Improved profile security
Pirate Package
2012-05-23 … nd-ninjas/
Release Thursday Pirate and Ninjas.
Viking package
In-game news: Ninja pack
2012-06-01 … this-time/
Thursday release -Ninjas! for real this time!
Ninja package
2012-06-08 … hat-level/
Thursday release Finish that level.
created three new tutorials
updated the login and register screen
introduced the completed brick
2012-06-15 … oth-of-us/
Thursday release This Town Ain’t Big Enough for Both of Us!
Cowboy package
Cowboy smiley
Rotating Portals working again
You can no longer collect crowns or see the endscreen in godmode.
Gods are not affected by ladders.
You keep the Silver crown as long as you stay in the room. If you have or get the Gold crown, that will be shown instead of the Silver crown untill you loose it.
Added transparent bg on Level Complete screen to make other items unclickable.
Centered share level
Level Complete brick only shows up on the edit tab in your worlds.
If a block is created where you stand, then deleted before you move, it will not show up on you screen.
Players online status world name is updated when a world changes name.
The tutorials are listed as locked rooms and can be searched for (if you want to replay them). They are still on top pf the list untill they are played, after always at the buttom.
On the edit tab, Level Complete is now grouped with spawn brick under “tools”.
Guest trying to chat is not stored in chat history.
2012-06-22 … d=404#p404
2012-06-28 … -packages/
Thursday release, introducing the first of 4 summer packages!
Water package
Scuba smiley
The blue “mine” tag is back to show which worlds are yours.
Friends online users status now correctly reflect the name of the room when the name is changed.
Level complete text now correctly shows the room name after the room name have been changed.
Fixed bug that sometimes fails to show the image in the news section.
Tanned smiley appears in MrShoe's profile
2012-06 - v88.swf
2012-07-06 … -packages/
Thursday Release Introducing the second of four summer packages!
Summer package
(Sand package?)
Tanned smiley
The game can now once again be played on ArmorGames at
The name of your worlds will now show in the lobby.
Energy awarded by magic have been turned off as the system where being abused.
2012-07-12 … y-release/
The sky is the limit Thursday Release
Cloud package
Propeller smiley
New and improved guest experience
The gambit payment provider has been removed as it no longer worked.
Guests no longer count in amount of plays a world has
2012-??-?? - Update: Industrial
Gas mask
2012-08-09 - Update: Medieval 1 (File v304, Client v119) … ackages-2/
Medieval pack
The timed doors can be placed again when deleted.
2012-08-17 - Update: Castle pack and new shop … -new-shop/
Thursday Release (on a Friday) Castle pack and new shop
Castle Package
Guard smiley
SALE: Templar smiley (500 energy)
Shop redesigned
The Snowman and Reindeer smilies are now available in the classic section
2012-08-23 - Update: Good old smithy … ld-smithy/
Good old smithy
Portal “special properties” settings now always visible in the construction bar
It is now possible to get caught inside a timedoor (before it was possible to mess up the timedoor timing)
Items in the shop is sorted on price (as they used to be)
Mousewheel scrollspeed adjusted to make it faster to scroll worlds and shopitems
New topbar layout, including logout button. Shop is now the first thing in the topbar, to make it more visible.
Font size in tabs. Font is now same size in the “myprofile” tabs, the world filter list and the shop tabs.
2012-08-30 - Update: Between themes … en-themes/
Between themes
Pipe Pack
LOL smiley
Coin gates
Warning before updating
Classic items showed an energy bar. It is now removed.
2012-09-07 - Update: Space
Space pack
New loading image (a bit brighter than usual)
Sharing open worlds are working again.
Fixed bug where things in the shop was not marked as bought. If anyone has accidently bought the same thing twice, please contact me at: [email protected]
Added a small “busy”-animation when adding energy or usiung gems.
When a user gets banned, his worlds are banned as well.
You can not get caught in a coingate anymore. (This fix introduced another bug, also known from other gates, which will be fixed later)
Some decorations had colors. These have been removed.
In the properties of the piano bricks in the construction bar, the offset of some of the dots were displaced. It has corrected.
Selecting a sound from the drums or piano properties no longer plays a sound if the game is muted.
2012-09-13 - Update: Mars … 3/space-2/
Mars (Space 2)
2012-09-20 - Update: The final frontier … -frontier/
The final frontier
Space worlds
Black basic brick
Astronaut smiley
2012-09-28 - Update: MrShoes Birthday … -birthday/
MrShoes Birthday
2012-10-03 - Update: “Human” Cannonball
https://everybodyedits.files.wordpress. … onball.png
“Human” Cannonball
Boost arrows
Cannonball smiley
Worlds in profiles are loading again.
Smiley is saved when exiting a level (Not diamond or partysmilies though)
My email got added to the support mail list on the blog 🙂
Space world border is reset to black on “clear level”.
Monster pack
2012-10-10 - Update: Potions … 0/potions/
Red, Blue, Yellow potions
People wa experiencing Synchronization Errors when using boost arrows.
The Edit-tutorial was missing the editbar
After using a potion and entering another world, the players already in that world could not see the colored aura.
You could no longer drag blocks to favorites bar
2012-10-17 - Update: Fog … reepy-fog/
Non-chatters can now always chat with moderators.
Shop energy-loader is no longer strange and small.
2012-10-24 - Update: Halloween 2012 … rd-switch/
Throw the third switch!
Halloween pack for 2012
People was experiencing loosing all potions of one kind when using one of them. It is now impossible to use a potion of you already have an active one of the same kind. Also, the graphic is updated, so it shows a empty potion when not in use.
2012-10-31 - Update
Jump potion
Turn potions off
Switches only open/closes the doors/gates for you
The last used smileys are now saved as it is supposed to. Including “standard” and “beta” smileys.
Switches are no longer visible in the editbar if you can’t use them.
Some users have had problems connecting to worlds. This should be fixed, but otherwise, please contact me.
I forgot to mention that when the “allow potion” is switched on/off, there is a 30 seconds delay before it can be changed again.
Also, press “u” to use a potion that you have chosen.
And hover over a potion to get a description of the potion.
2012-11-07 - Update
Potions for all
Checkered blocks
Boost arrows had gravity in them (so you could fall if a vertical boost arrow was pointing into a wall)
the New year pack image in the shop did not show the smiley included in it.
Potions you don’t have do not show up in the potion-selector.
Added an empty potion to the potionselector so you can deselect potions.
It was possible to get stuck in purple doors/gates.
2012-11-14 - Beta Update: woot in the world!?!
Woots (Beta)
Levels (Beta)
Removed decimals on current woots.
Added a small ingame clock to show when the next woot will burn away.
Made the text on the wootbar easier to read.
Made a number on the woot-button, showing the amount of woots you can give away.
Removed woots you can give away from the topbar in the lobby.
Changed the header on the ingame woots found bar.
Added hover labels to woots (in the main profile)
Added hover labels to wootbar and woot giveaway.
Text in “You do not have any potions” corrected (again)
Worlds in main-profile world tab are loading again.
“Woots found today” bar inconsistency fixed.
Full worlds were sorted on top.
~2012-11-19 - (File v384) … 60#p263760
2012-11-21 - Update: Magic Coins, Magic Class and Woots!
Magic Coins
Magic Class
Potion of Green Aura
2012-11-23 - Update: Black Friday, and more energy!
SALE: Black Friday
Sort the open worlds as you like
2012-11-26 - Update: Oh, extended sale
Woots now decay faster. This should make worlds move up and down the world list faster.
The last sorting method you used is the remembered and used again when you return.
“Shuffle” is not locked, so you can press it more times to shuffle again.
2012-11-29 - Update: Jungle Theme
This week, we have ancient jungle ruins, and a headhunter smiley.
New world-list. Search and refresh have been moved to the top to make it look better and give more space to worlds.
“MyWorlds” filter option now only shows your worlds (and a “buy more worlds here” button)
2012-12-05 - Update: Deep Jungle
Nice jungle-backgrounds and decorations to set the mood. Oh, and also vines, which can be climbed (like ladders).
We added titles to the Magic Classes. So If you are Magic Class 1, your title is Amatuer. If you are Magic Class 12, you are a Grandmaster 🙂
Open worlds are added again (look for “open” on the world sorting menu).
“Login with Facebook” have been removed. This is due to new facebook terms (
Users who used to play on with their facebook account now have to play it on facebook.
Minor fix: Open worlds now recieve woots correctly.
Minor fix: Magic bar in profiles now fill up properly.
Minor fix: Chat textfield no longer overlaps with player names.
Minor fix: No longer possible to add woots both from bottombar and world complete screen.
2012-12-13 - Update: Builders Club
Builders Club
Beta users still exists, but it is no longer possible to become a beta-member.
2012-12-?? - Update: Builders Club (revision)
Builders Club Aura can now be colored using potions.
Diamond is available in the shop again.
We added two new commands: /giveedit “username” and /removeedit “username”. With this you can give edit rights to a single user.
Players in the ingame sidechat now has level and Builder Club marked.
2012-12-19 - Update: Hazardous, yet merry worlds!
“/respawn” Respawns you at the latest checkpoint.
“/respawnall” The same, but for all players (for world owners only).
Christmas 2012
2012-12-21 - Shop update: Christmas Sale!
Builders Club
2013-01-04 - Update: Winter Void
Winter smiley
2013-01-09 - Update: Hell, but fun!
New potion, which gives you a flaming aura when playing (not in god-mode)
Possible to buy blocks as Builders Club member
2013-01-?? - Update: Hell, but fun! (revision)
Corrected minimap colors for Lava Backgrounds
Fixed incorrect world listings for Builder Club members.
Added the commands: /kill #name# and /killemall. Kills one or more non-god, non-mod players 🙂
2013-01-16 - Update: A cursed day in hell!
Smiley Magic Classes
No longer possible to place infinite fire hazards
Added an ad for all non-Builders Club members on
Updated the Loadscreen image. Thanks for all the good advice and general jumping around to everyone who joined in 🙂
2013-01-23 - Update: Can't touch this
Potion of Protection
Added the command: /teleport #name# #x# #y#, which allows the world owner to teleport other players inside his world. If no coordinates are given, they are teleported to the owners position.
Fixed fireanimation bug (slow start if placed in lower right corner in some world types)
Players can’t affect world after they died (Sorry to those who have build worlds around that bug. But it was a bug)
2013-01-30 - Update: Theme of the living dead
Zomibe Potion
We have finally got around to making Terms & Conditions and Help sections. The links are located in the top right corner of the mainscreen / lobby.
Bug preventing the use of some rare smileys (Magic smiles and more) was fixed on Monday.
2013-0?-?? - Update: Theme of the living dead (revision)
By popular demand: Added commands to turn certain potions on/off: (/potionson #a# #b#…#x#) and (/potionsoff #a# #b#…#x#). Read more in the Help section. (We would really like to make a panel for all these new commands, so they are more user-friendly.)
Small delay from when you spawn until you can be infected/cursed.
Can’t die of a potion if the world have potions off.
Less chat spam (Removed “player died from a zombie potion)
2013-02-06 - Update: Swamp of the hidden zombies
a pack with muddy water, bubble decorations, rushes and more.
Respawn Potion
Zombies can now run a bit faster, which means they can now also dive in water.
If you are killed as a zombie, you will respawn normal (not a zombie)
The bug where you could exit then reenter and look like you are not a zombie is fixed.
Switches are now reset if loadlevel or reset commands are called.
All players must read and accept the Terms & Conditions before playing Everybody Edits.
2013-02-14 - Update: Evil Dead
Bruce the Zombie Slayer
Zombie Slaying is not for everybody, so you’ll need a minimum magic class of 11 to wield the awesomeness of the Bruce.
Zombie Vs Humans status in the HUD
Builders Club is on 50% sale from today and until Monday! Get it before it is to late.
Kissing smiley on sale
/visible #visibility# command added. Sets the visibility of a world in the lobby. Values are true or false.
/getpos #playername” command added. Sets the visibility of a world in the lobby. Values are true or false. Gets the current position of #playername# in the form “pos,playername,x,y” where the x and y are specified in tiles (as opposed to pixel coordinates).
/help #commandname# command added. Type ‘/help’ to get a list of command names, type ‘/help’ followed by the command name (f.ex ‘/help /visible’) to get a description of the command. The output is only shown to yourself in the chat and like all commands it only works for world editors.
Fixed teleport so players can’t be positioned in the world borders (or outside them).
2013-02-20 - Update: Gonna catch me a Zombie!
Zombie Traps
Invisible Portals
By popular demand, the ‘b’ message now carries the id of the player placing the block. Lots of potential usages for the bot engineers out there. We look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Fixed kick message where the dispatcher got the message instead of the kicked player.
2013-02-27 - Update: Another World
World portals
Featured Worlds
Shop items in Energy Shop showing infinite loader when purchased fixed
Zombie door count in shop fixed
2013-03-01 - Update: Back to basic
Open worlds can now only contain the basic blocks, metal blocks, gravity arrows and crowns.
2013-03-07 - Update: Sci-Fi! Get your glow on
Glowy Lines pack
Featured Worlds
2013-03-14 - Update: Sci-fi, The Sequel
Invisible Portals
Builders Club 1 month membership
A sign added to world portals informing the user how to use them down the line we want to add the target world name, but for now this will have to do.
Added “/listportals” command, that returns all portals (visible and invisible, but not world portals). Output is on the form “id,target,x,y,type”. Don’t know how useful this is overall, but it does allow for some overview of your placed portals.
2013-03-20 - Update: Prepare to take off
The potion of levitation
2013-02-27 - (File v438, Client v162)
2013-03-13 - (File v447, Client v164)
2013-03-27 - Update … ch_27_2013
NOTE: This is from a secondary, non-archive source.
Sparta blocks
2013-04-04 - Update: What’s Sparta without Spartans?
Spartan warrior
Sale on the timbered package
Fixed the dead zombies bug, where guests are not respawned when the zombie potions runs out.
2013-04-11 - Update: Final Ancient Greece update
Helen of Sparta
With the new super awesome Potion of Flaunt, everybody can see just how awesome you are!
Club members do not lose magic
Club members can add up to 40 friends
This update also adds a new command “/reportabuse #reason#”.
Sale on Builders Club!
1 month is now 4$ (before 11$)
3 months is now 10$ (before 30$)
6 months is now 18$ (before 54$)
12 months is 32$ (before 96$)
2013-04-19 - Update: Everybody Amish
Farm package
2013-04-25 - Update: Wizard of Oz?
Moo moo
Home Worlds
today we’re releasing chat for everybody with the exception of guests.
We added two new commands that can be used by everybody in any world.
/mute #playername# Prevents the player with the specified username from sending you messages in the chat. Others will still be able to see messages from the specified user. Note: /mute is local to a game session.
/unmute #playername# Removes the player with the specified username from the muted list.
2013-05-01 - Update: Tranquility!
Potion of solitude
We changed the profile of the report abuse command a bit. It now requires a player name (of the player you wish to report), and a reason (meaning the reason is no longer optional).
Fixed basic gray background block bug
2013-05-15 - Shop update: Sale on Summer packs
Since the weather is actually summer-ish for once (at least here), we thought we’d have a sale on both the summer packs (2011 & 2012). We’re cutting the price in half.
2013-05-22 - Update: I for one welcome our new smiley overlords (File v467, Client v174)
Kung Fu Master
Night vision
Dark Wizard
2013-06-19 - Update: MrShoe is on holiday (Client v176)
Summer girl
I have removed the Magic decay!
Builders Club Sale!
2014-??-?? - Crash issue should be fixed
"The crash issue should have been fixed a while back." (2014-05-26)
2014-05-02 - Client v472, Client v178
2014-08-21 - Update: Wow, real mail!
Fanboy II
2014-08-29 - Update?: Guardians
2014-10-01 - Update: Blue is best
Blue coin doors and gates
we have found it necessary to reintroduce “pay for chat”. This means you have to buy the chat items in the shop in order to chat.
A minor update (that we made some time ago, but never made public) is command auto-completion. Just start writing a command, press TAB to auto-complete the command.
2014-10-02 - Shop update: Chat
we have made chat cheaper, so it is now only 1$, which includes 20 gems. What a bargain!
2014-10-08 - (File v496, Client v184)
2014-10-31 - Fastest leaf on the tree
Introducing the Autumn pack 2014 with pumpkins, leaves and acorns.
Potion of Speed
Email verification, which allows you to enable free chat
Button to set World visiblity. Turn it off to hide your world in the world list.
Added text bubbles to portals to show id and target, when you’re in god mode.
Changed Gem Icon
Fixed black background behind bricks in the brick selector.
Fixed profiles not loading correctly.
2014-11-17 - Holographic Environment Simulator
Hologram block
New landing page image (themed for the season) (done by jawapa)
Changed max. portal ids to 999
Added /getblockplacer command.
Simply type /getblockplacer (or /gbp) to activate. Then click a block to get the name of whoever placed that block. Type command again to deactivate. Only world owners (and Guardians) can use this command. And it only works with blocks placed since the world was last opened.
Added a command that allows Guardians to ban worlds.
If a world is banned, only Guardians and the world owner can access it.
2014-??-?? - Update: Christmas Edition
Christmas 2014 decorations
2014-12-15 - Client v504, Client v187
2014-12-19 - Client v504, Client v187
2015-01-06 - Client v506, Client v187
2015-01-16 - Client v507, Client v187
New loading screen
2015-02-06 - Shop update: Passing the torch…
Beta is now available in the Energy Shop for $7,50
2015-02-07 - Update: The big update
Switches now have ID’s.
Added Cyan, Magenta and Yellow key doors/gates.
Added Valentines 2015 package with Smiley
Added death doors and gates (Beta only)
Added one-way blocks (Beta only)
Added invisible gravity.
Added /pm “<username> <message>” command.
Beta is available again.
New magic and energy system.
Also new magic smiley.
Chat is free again!
Added a hex color tag to the Label Block.
Increased friend limit to 50 people (70 for Builders Club).
Changed the loading screen image.
Fixed “/bgcolor none” showing error message.
Fixed “/gbp” not always showing username.
Fixed texture errors with Pipe package and Halloween Background corner.
Fixed the system censoring a bit too well…
Made invisible portals invisible on the minimap
Updated name colors for Moderators and Guardians.
2015-02-?? - Update: The big update (revision)
All items are no longer in Beta testing.
2015-02-?? - Updates
Valentines decorations
Blushing smiley
Magic blocks
2015-02-08 - Client v513, Client v188
2015-02-24 - Update: Bye bye magic! (File v518, Client v189)
Removed magic classes.
Added new basic, beta, brick, checker, basicbg, brickbg, checkerbg, darkbg and normalbg blocks.
Changed energy time to 1:30 instead of 2:30.
You now have all your portals, but x5. Also when you buy them.
Changed Woot count to 10.
Added more id’s to switches.
Changed a lot of user interface things.
Added a new package. Don’t ask me what it is, because it’s extremely secret and hard to get (or find). And no, you can’t obtain it by having Builders Club 😀
Added the DJ Smiley to the drums package.
Fixed several bugs.
2015-02-25 - Client v519, Client v189
2015-03-13 - Update: Hot stuff! (File v535, Client v190)
Added Artist, Princess, Chef and Clown smiley.
Added liquid lava to the lava block package.
Added /godon <username> command (same with /godoff).
Added /givecrown <username> and /removecrown (/removecrown doesn’t need an username since only one person can have it)
Changed the whole magic system.
Fixed a bug where guests could get magic.
Fixed a bug that only allows you to have 1 magic brick.
Fixed a bug where you could place fully invisible blocks in other worlds.
Fixed a bug that messes up world names on profile.
NOTE: Fixed the update. Rolling out now.
2015-03-14 - Client v540, Client v190
2015-03-15 - Client v541, Client v190
2015-04-14 - Client v543, Client v190
2015-04-18 - Update: Super Effective! (File v554, Client v191)
Effect blocks
Jump effect
Speed effect
Fly effect
Protection effect
Curse effect
Zombie effect
World options
You can now hide your worlds from the lobby and your profile.
You can now toggle whether players are allowed to join your worlds.
You can now enable/disable spectating in your worlds.
You can now add a description to your worlds
UI changes
Block selector: In your block bar, hold down a number key (0-9) and click a block to assign it to that number on your quick bar. This also works as a block picker on blocks in the level!
Added an aura selector button
Improved guest UI
Guests can now use quick chat.
Guests can now only send PMs to guardians/admins.
Added descriptions to some blocks.
Improved loading animations.
Worlds can now be previewed from the lobby. — extra credits to XJEEX for helping here!
Your smiley is now green with a green trail on the minimap.
Block changes
Spawns, switches, invisible portals, signs and cakes are no longer visible on the minimap.
Fixed a few bugs with one-way blocks
Invisible blocks are now only visible when god mode is active.
Revamped the ladder texture.
Revamped the crown texture.
You can now press “/” to open chat for quick command entry.
Expanded the /help command.
Added /spec command — shortcut to specate someone.
/getpos is now available for everyone
You can now reply to the last received PM by pressing backspace.
You can now press enter to log in instead of clicking.
Added auras to the shop
Added two new tutorial worlds
The limit of simultaneous players in a world has been increased from 45 to 75
Pressing shift no longer closed the text entry field when typing a message
You can now see world changes while stuck in a block
Revamped certain smileys
Hitting a smiley-changing block no longer overrides your default smiley.
Added a new smiley: 3D Glasses
2015-04-23 - (File v564, Client v191)
2015-05-09 - (File v565, Client v192)
2015-05-10 - Cave Business
Cave background blocks!
Custom limits!
There is now a limit of 140 characters.
You can create a new line by adding \n on signs
Effect blocks no longer show up on the minimap.
Blue coindoors now show as blue on the minimap
Icy one-ways: Reverted the icy properties back to normal. They will return, most likely in a different form.
/reset and /loadlevel now also remove fly/jump/speed/zombie/curse effects from users.
You can now teleport users in god mode.
You can no longer send PMs to users you muted.
Text from signs are now on top of chat bubbles/players.
Added a new loading screen.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with rejoining the same level through world portals.
Jump spamming through effect enable/disable blocks now correctly enables/disables correctly.
Fixed a bug where you couldn’t jump while on a protection disable block with a dot on top.
FIxed a bug with slipperiness transferring to mud/water
You can now change aura when given /godon
Fixed a bug where users would appear to be on fire/dying all the time.
Dying and respawning now instantly snaps the camera to your smiley.
Clicking the profile button in the user list no longer requires surgical precision.
Team icons now properly align in the user list
Clicking on world portals in the block bar no longer blocks off the rest.
World descriptions can no longer bypass the word filter.
World descriptions can no longer be a bunch of new lines, blocking the entire lobby.
Backgrounds used with /bgcolor now shows correctly on profiles/lobby previews.
Fixed an image in the shop showing incorrect wording on zombie blocks.
Fixed a typo in the shop (desease > disease).
Fixed a bug where a yellow border would pop up when trying to redeem gems.
Fixed a bug where the browser back button would show a long list of the same links.
2015-06-12 - Streamlining (File v571, Client v193)
2015-06-16 - (File v578, Client v193)
2015-06-22 - 2015 Summer EXCLUSIVE pack!
A new orange aura, regular and Builders Club!
5 new decorations: summerdecos
Two new smilies:
The tourist smiley tourist
The sun-burnt smiley sunburnt
Block picker
Selecting blocks and backgrounds while holding down a number key now always only requires 1 click.
You can now assign blocks to the 0 key.
Made the phrasing of the world options consistent.
Re-ordered a bunch of blocks/backgrounds on the block bar to make them consistent with the rest.
Morphable blocks now show up as “morphable” instead of “rotatable”.
The “ladders” category has been renamed to “climbable”
Fixed an issue where guests were spammed to register to be able to chat when resizing the window.
Fixed a silly typo in the guest lobby (costum–>custom).
Fixed guest side buttons overlapping the minimap button.
Increased the chances of getting a magic coin a bit more.
Not having chat now also disables PMing whomever you like.
Added a word filter to user creation.
Using the teleport command now says *SYSTEM* instead of *WARNING*.
Polished the beige brick background.
2015-06-26 - (File v578, Client v194)
Scheduled 2015-08-18 - Shop update: Moving to Classic
Summer 2015
Mad Scientist
New Years 2013
2015-08-20 - Everybody Edits 2.0
Campaigns (Beta)
Add friends by username
Daily login rewards
Creating new accounts now require email confirmation.
Settings tab
Enable particles
Green on minimap
Enable block picker
Enable AZERTY keys
Minimap transparency
Word filter
Hide usernames
Hide chat bubbles
Show profile
Block friend invites
Select smiley & aura
Current badge
Player action menu
Non-invasive pop-ups
Likes and favorites
To allow for more creative freedom, the smiley size has been increased from 16x16px to 26x26px.
Some subtle changes have been made to current smileys to make use of this change.
Cat: Have a fondness for felines? Then this smiley is for you!
Graduate: Celebrate educational success with this smiley.
Sombrero: Ready for a fiesta? Get this smiley in a traditional wide brimmed hat!
Environment Pack: Start building the great outdoors with these five natural blocks and backgrounds!
The shop has had a complete overhaul to be more user-friendly.
It is now easier to find what you’re looking for and spending energy has been made much easier: you can now purchase an item with 1 click by pressing “All”.
Crew tab
Services tab
Gem codes
Name change
New command: /givegod: this allows players to enter/exit godmode, but without edit rights.
Command change: /godon. To prevent confusion with /givegod, /godon has been renamed to /forcefly. It functions completely the same.
Instructions in home world
A few system messages now show up when first joining your Home World to help new users get started.
Clicking a world on a profile now opens the word in a new tab/window
A message now shows up when trying to spectate in a world in which spectating has been disabled
Maximum simultaneous accounts per IP has been limited to 5
With the alert system in place, account bombing is no longer necessary. Therefore you can be at only 5 accounts online at the same.
Admins/mods are no longer invulnerable to /kill
Your own worlds now only show up in the room list when sorting on “MINE”
The cursor now changes to the “hand icon” on all buttons on the block bar for consistency.
Bug fixes
Chatting quickly no longer ignores first input
Users given godmode before another using joining no longer appear to be teleporting
/Reset now also resets team
The edit right message can no longer be spammed
Spamming backspace/enter no longer triggers chat limit
Fixed a typo for the /teleport command error message: plese/please.
2015-08-22 - (File v578, Client v195)
2015-08-27 - Update: Long list of bug fixes
The subscriber count now works on the crew profile (Note: all subscriptions have been cleared to make this work, please subscribe to your favourite crews once more!)
Fixed crew profile redirecting
The crew tab now has a scroll bar to scroll through the members list
Assigning a member to a new rank no longer causes the game to load permanently
Added a scroll bar to the pending list under the crew tab
Fixed a bug where one would appear to be in a crew they're not part of when switching accounts
Fixed a bug where usernames would show up as pending after accepting a crew invite
Fixed an issue where you couldn't be in two different crew worlds at the same time
Fixed an issue where new crew members couldn't be invited
Fixed an issue where beta worlds didn't show up on crew profiles
Adjusted anti-cheat data to be more accurate and reduce false positives
Campaign worlds are now sorted to be always on the bottom
Fixed an issue where all worlds would show up as campaign
Fixed an issue with difficulty indication variation in campaign mode
Fixed a bug where the images of the Puzzle Pack 1 campaign didn't load
Fixed an issue with not receiving god mode after beating one's own campaign world
The news tab now has a scroll bar
The news tab now shows a notification when there is a new news item
Kongregate users no longer have their lobby cut off
Profiles and crew profiles are now aligned properly in standalone mode
Fixed an issue where going full screen would cause havoc
Fixed the image size of badges in the Player Action Menu
Fixed the aligning of badges in the Player Action Menu
Fixed the border colour of staff alerts
Fixed an issue where clicking "Show my codes" would show 2 pop-ups
Corrected faceplate shop previews
Added missing zombie doors/gates images to zombie effect in the shop
Fixed an issue where worlds didn't show up in the shop
Fixed an issue with buying crew items after switching crews
Restored the New Years 2010 smiley to its former glory
Banned users can no longer buy items from the shop
Shift + click now opens worlds in a new tab when clicking from profiles
Your beta world (not Beta Only) world now shows on your profile
Corrected the kick message when trying to cheat
Corrected typo: "Spectating not allowed int this world"
Fixed an issue where stackable action items couldn't be bought
Fixed an issue where private profiles couldn't be closed
Fixed a bug where friends didn't load in the friends list
Fixed an issue where beta worlds didn't show up under the "mine" tab
Fixed team icons and Builder's Club icons incorrectly aligning in the user list
Fixed an issue with rejected friend requests coming back when refreshing the friends tab
Fixed an issue with getting stuck on the loading screen when trying to join worlds on different tabs
Fixed an issue where admins/mods would show as green/white
2015-08-28 - (File v578+1, Client v196)
2015-09-27 - Update: Half blocks, low gravity effect, more!
Mail system
Low gravity effect
Stone pack
(Beta) Domestic pack
You can now leave your crew.
Crews can now be disbanded.
Clicking the crew logo to edit now opens in the same tab. Shift + click opens in a new tab. This was an issue for Kongregate players who were redirected to the main site instead of the Kongegate website.
Alerts improvements:
Added a time stamp to alerts.
Clicking the title now opens the crew profile.
Text is now selectable.
Campaigns are now out of beta and available to everyone!
Your progress will now be saved temporarily. If you disconnect or accidentally leave the room, you have 15 minutes to rejoin the world to continue playing to beat the map. Note: the reconnect feature is beta only until further notice.
A set of new campaigns will be added on Friday the 2nd of October.
Campaign worlds are now sorted like normal worlds in the lobby.
Made several fixes and small nerfs to campaign worlds:
Added a world portal from Tutorial #2 to Tutorial #3
Upped Puzzle Pack 1 difficulty indication to medium-hard.
Switch Labyrinth: moved to first tier, removed blue path.
The Memory Game: moved to tier two.
Perilous Endeavour: nerfed a holdspace minigame in the middle purple section, nerfed last minigame.
Water Levels: nerfed a pixel hookjump in the running stream section in the middle.
Persian Peril: fixed two exploits in mini #8.
Increased gem reward from 3 to 15 for Fractured Fingers campaign. Everyone who already beat it have already been given the additional 12 gems.
User Interface
Added some animations to the lobby:
Background slideshow
Displaying friends
Profiles now display some additional information:
Beta status.
Builders Club status.
Maximum energy.
Your friendlist now displays how long ago friends were last online.
Removed /getblockplacer and /gbp command.
Added /inspect: this command replaces /gbp and shows a pop-up of who has placed the blocks, including backgrounds and block deletion, even if the player who placed the blocks has left the world.
Added /cleareffects: use this command to remove all effects from a player.
Added /setteam: use this command to assign a team colour to someone.
Added shortcut: /gedit (for /giveedit)
Added shortcut: /ge (for /giveedit)
Added shortcut: /redit (for /removeedit)
Added shortcut: /re (for /removeedit)
Added shortcut: /ce (for /cleareffects)
Renamed “Crew” item to “Create crew”.
Changed the way of obtaining the Red Ninja smiley.
You can now mute players through the Player Action Menu.
You can now scroll through lists ingame when the game is selected. Click anywhere else on the website to scroll through there.
Chat: press up to view and repeat last sent chat message or command.
Improved world saving format. Saving filled up 300×300 worlds should no longer be an issue.
Restored displaying “My worlds” rather than only displaying them when sorting on “Mine”.
Added shortcuts with important links when right clicking the game.
Added an interactive guide for new users to help navigate through the menus.
Bug fixes
Fixed magic coins…again. Anticheat was interferring with magic.
Beating a world that you have already liked or added to favourites no longer suggests unliking / removing from favourites.
Fixed a typo: Password incorect -> incorrect.
Removed the ability to use God Mode in open worlds.
Placing a coin gate over a coin door no longer keeps the old coin value.
Pressing the World tab multiple times no longer dupliclates the number of worlds.
Fixed an issue where world descriptions wouldn’t load in minimap previews.
Fixed an issue where profiles of non-existent users loaded infinitely.
Fixed a weird bug concerning checkpoints, dying, and players being teleported as a result.
Fixed an alignment bug with standalone profiles caused by ultra wide worlds.
Guests can no longer unlike/unfavourite.
Guests can no longer send friend requests.
Fixed a bug where /clear wouldn’t remove admin text.
Fixed a bug where crew members would be removed twice.
Fixed a bug occurring when placing blocks on oneself and using /loadlevel or /clear.
Fixed a bug with world duplication on crew profiles.
Fixed a bug where the colour of “nothing” could be changed when customizing the crew profile.
Fixed a bug where scroll bars disappeared when entering full screen.
Fixed a bug which caused the parenthesis to show a little square.
Fixed a bug where you were sent to the lobby instead of campaign menu after beating a campaign world.
Fixed a bug where names were displayed as CREWNAME and USERNAME when logging in as guest.
Fixed a bug causing Crews to be stuck on the loading animation.
Fixed a bug where greyed out chat would partially be not greyed out.
2015-09-29 - (File v596, Client v200)
2015-10-03 - (File v599, Client v200)
2015-10-15 - Update: Halloween 2015
Halloween 2015 package
Scared smiley
Added tooltips to the settings page in the interactive tutorial.
Half-blocks now rotate the same direction as one-ways.
Commands are no longer case sensitive.
Reverted text smoothing.
Changed the text next to the search bar from "Play" to "Search".
Guests and chat-banned users can now read chat.
You can now lock your block bar to open/close automatically.
Bug fixes
Fixed some physics bugs with half blocks. Not yet final.
Fixed a bug where all players were always rendered, causing lag issues. More optimizations are coming with the next update.
Fixed an issue where daily rewards would overwrite campaign rewards.
Fixed a bug causing dismissed alerts to return.
Fixed a bug where players would bounce when gaining levitation/low gravity effect.
Fixed a bug with standalone profile aligning.
Fixed a bug causing users to be unable to leave the campaign menu.
Fixed a bug causing badge images to not load.
Fixed a bug where crews couldn't be found when viewing from an alert.
Fixed gem button centering for Kongregate users.
2015-10-16 - (File v602, Client v201)
2015-10-17 - (File v603, Client v201)
2015-11-05 - Update: End of Halloween, small things, bug fixes (File v605, Client v202)
End of Halloween
The lobby and the website have been cleaned up, back to their original styles.
Removed the Halloween campaign: it will return next year.
Moved the Ghoul smiley to Classic items.
Moved the Mummy smiley to Classic items.
Moved the Bat smiley to Classic items.
Moved the Halloween 2015 pack to Classic items.
Earning a smiley as a campaign reward now automatically equips it.
The Purple Ghost smiley can no longer be attained through magic. It will return as a campaign reward in a new campaign later.
The Red Ninja smiley can no longer be attained through the ninja/key Easter egg. It will return as a campaign reward in a new campaign later.
New magic smiley: Light Wizard! This Wizard will show the way through these dark, cold, wintery times.
New shortcut: press I to toggle the inspect tool.
Re-added the zoom options to the right click context menu.
Disconnecting from a world now displays a pop-up stating this information.
Users attempting to purchase crew items while lacking the required minimum amount of energy now receive an error stating this information.
Guests and chatbanned users can no longer read chat.
Lava blocks now cause a Fire Effect: this allows you to see the remaining burn duration before dying.
Browser tabs now display the world name when in a world.
You can now remove worlds from your favourites in the lobby by clicking the icon:
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where BC members who hadn’t purchased team blocks were unable to use the /setteam command.
Fixed a bug where crew member descriptions couldn’t be deleted.
Fixed a bug where you could fall through one-ways when exiting a portal.
Fixed some website links at the bottom of the page.
Fixed a bug where the game would crash if a campaign reward image was not found.
Fixed a bug where effects were ignored when being hit through a boost.
Fixed a bug where black spots were sometimes left on the minimap when deleting blocks.
Considering its rare occurrence, this fix has not been confirmed.
Fixed a bug where some users didn’t receive their badges after beating a campaign.
This has been corrected automatically in the meantime. If this occurs again, rejoin the world to receive the badge.
Fixed a bunch of exploits/places you could get stuck in the following maps:
Slip Slide Ride
Water Levels
NC Naos Antediluvian
I Crew Persian Peril
Spidey’s Abode
2015-11-06 - (File v606, Client v202)
2015-11-26 - (File v612, Client v203)
2015-12-23 - Update: Winter Time in Everybody Edits (File v610, Client v204)
Arctic pack
Ice block
New Year's Deco pack
Double jump
Reset block
Slow dot
Added 2 neon backgrounds
Renamed and expanded the “Special” pack: it’s now called “Generic”, and has two extra blocks.
Extended amount of available colors of one-way blocks from 4 to 9
They have also been changed in looks to clearly show their passable directions. This was an issue with half block tunnels.
Music blocks
Extended the amount of drum sounds
User Interface
New block bar
Search function
Hide names of packs
Collapse mode
New smiley and aura customization menu
Improved world settings menu
Settings in-game
Usernames now show up bold in chat
Added autocomplete support when typing in an addressee when sending a mail
You are now presented with the option of subscribing to a crew when beating a world
You are now presented with a list of pre-selected options for reporting.
You can select “Other” to file a custom report. Reporting now shows list of reasons when not to report. Reporting for the listed reasons is considered report abuse and will result in a warning or even a ban.
Hiding a world now properly hides it from crew profiles
You can now view your own crew powers
Your profile now shows which crews you’re in
Disbanding a crew now deletes it completely.
This means you can add the worlds to new crews again. All disbanded crews are deleted upon entry of a relevant crew world.
New aura system
You can now purchase shapes and colors separately.
New aura shape: Ring, also called “Torus”
New aura color: Cyan
The former Builders Club aura shape “Pinwheel” is now available to everyone.
Domestic pack is now out of beta and available for purchase to everyone!
Progress restore out of beta
Beta-only for new campaigns
New world options: Toggle showing minimap
Added two new faceplates: Code, Tile
Added some cute snow particles to the lobby
The reset command now allows you to reset a single player by using “/reset X”. To reset everyone, use /resetall
The /killemall command is now used as /killall
Scheduled updates
Slightly altered autumn and fog decorations
/reset now resets crowns, completion status, and smileys received from blocks.
Guest improvements
Guests are now greeted with a message about how the chat works.
Guests can now see chat, but can’t chat unless registered.
Bug fixes
Fixed badges not loading on profiles (attempt #3).
Fixed a bug causing dismissed news items to re-appear (attempt #2).
Fixed a bunch of bugs related to half blocks and physics arrows/boosts.
Fixed a bug causing text in mails not to be selectable.
Fixed a causing text to blur in mini alert pop-ups.
Fixed a bug causing having the levitation effect to bounce players from the floor.
Fixed a bug with the customization of crew profiles showing up without the appropriate rights.
Fixed a bug with name highlighting; “nou:hello” without a space now also highights the name.
Fixed a bug causing a login streak to end due to different timezones.
Fixed a bug with the text color of the “Customize Profile” button on the crew profile page.
Fixed a UI bug causing chat to overlap the login button while playing as guest.
Fixed a bug causing the unlocked block selector to hide when chatting.
Fixed a bug with the /help command
Fixed a bug in which you would get stuck in empty spaces with boosts.
2015-12-30 - (File v613, Client v204)
2016-01-16 - Patch: Small bug fixes, new campaign: Wintery Wonders
Go check out the new campaign: Wintery Wonders. It has an exclusive smiley, too! Note: It will be in beta for one week.
(Some of these fixes were already live but had not yet been documented.)
Switched the hotkey for the search bar to CTRL+F.
Fixed a bug causing the Tile faceplate not to show up in the shop.
Fixed a bug causing the Code faceplate not to show up in the shop.
Fixed a bug with aura colours not displaying for everyone.
Fixed a bug disallowing aura change while on /forcefly.
Fixed a bug with crew status: WIP was Open.
Fixed room descriptions not functioning.
Fixed a bug causing the background colour to revert when changing world name.
Fixed Crypts of Anubis being unbeatable.
Fixed a bug causing you to be able to double jump on closed switches.
Fixed a bug with opening chat with T.
Fixed alignment of crews on the crew profile.
2016-02-10 - Update: Infinite items, Gold Membership!
Infinite items
Shop prices
We have greatly rebalanced the shop prices, making a whole list of items a lot cheaper, saving a total of over 40.000 energy!
New accounts start off with a few more packs now.
Gold Membership
With the item limit being gone, we are replacing Builders Club with Gold Membership. Enjoy Gold Membership exclusives and the support the game by doing so:
Exclusive set of Gold blocks: For your and your crew’s worlds only: a set of exclusive gold-themed blocks and backgrounds, as well a gold sign.
Smileys: A set of smileys only GM users can use, with sleek, gold-themed designs.
Gold smiley border: Show off a special gold border around all the smileys you own! Can be turned on/off.
Exclusive, animated aura, and aura colour: A whole new animation type exclusive to Gold Members, plus a soft gold colour for all other auras.
Exclusive gold faceplate for your crew: Can only be purchased by GM users and must be in the crew to be able to select this.
Coming soon: gold-themed lobby skin, and possibly more!
Added a new pink aura colour for your lovely Valentine.
Improved Pinwheel Aura animation.
Signs are now morphable into different colours. The text colour also changes with each morph.
Worlds in the lobby are now labeled with world sizes.
Text shown with the inspect tool is no longer censored.
Increased chances of getting a magic coin.
Added the “Colored usernames” setting to the lobby options page.
A few blocks are now rendered behind players.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug causing background colour to reset when changing world name. Again.
Fixed a bug causing the Confetti faceplate to not function.
Fixed a bug with mail to reply to the wrong person when clicking “Reply”.
Fixed a bug causing crews not to be found when clicking a news alert.
Fixed a UI bug where the block selector covered a part of the minimap.
Fixed a bunch of typos.
Fixed a bug causing users to only be able to get one reset point.
Fixed a bug causing the word filter to not work in kick messages.
Fixed smiley searching. A small project to add tags will be setup later.
Fixed a few bugs with one-way blocks.
Fixed a bug causing crews to appear instead of worlds.
2016-02-11 - (File v619, Client v206)
2016-02-16 - Patch: Post-GM update bug fixes (File v621, Client v207)
The /listportal command is now available to everyone with edit.
Removed the /kickguests command
Fixed a bug causing background colour to reset when changing world name. Again. Again.
Fixed a bug causing free smileys not to save on the hotbar.
Fixed a bug causing one to be able to see sign text without having edit rights.
Fixed a bug causing music blocks to decrease jump height when on ice.
Fixed a bug with crew description editing being disabled when opening from crew profile.
Fixed black block transparency issues.
Fixed the orange pinwheel aura to be misaligned.
Fixed a bug with chat history showing old instead of most recent messages.
Fixed a bug causing gold smiley setting not to be saved between sessions.
Fixed a few bug with the environmental pack blocks.
2016-02-17 - Update: New campaign, items from beta, items to classic
We’ve released a new campaign with the Hard difficulty: Looks Can Deceive. The title already suggests the theme 😉 As usual, it will be in beta for a week
We’ve removed Double Jump, Ice, and the Clown smiley from beta, which means they are now available for purchase for everyone!
Furthermore, we have fixed a lot of shop descriptions to make them more consistent and to remove typos.
Lastly, we have moved the following items to Classic:
Earmuffs smiley
Hooded smiley
Winter Hat smiley
Sunburned smiley
Summergirl smiley
Elf smiley
New Year 2015 decorations
2016-03-31 - Update: Global switches & more (File v622, Client v208)
Global switches
New command: you can now use /save to instantly save your worlds!
Gain the new Fanboy III smiley by collecting 100000 blue coins in one world!
The chat now adds new messages more smoothly.
Morphable blocks now have shadows.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug causing the subscribe button to overlap the subscriber count on crew profiles.
Fixed a bug where signs would turn into ice blocks when replacing it while standing on it.
Fixed a bug causing background colour to reset when changing world name. Again. Again. Again. Like, for realsies.
2016-04-01 - Update: Introducing the Fairytale Pack! (File v628, Client v209)
Fairytale pack
Sick (Beta)
Minor fixes:
/clear, /loadlevel and /resetall should now reset orange switches.
Orange switch interface typo fixed.
Fixed switch syncing.
2016-04-17 - Update: Spring 2016 (Client v211)
Spring 2016 package
Increased the maximum ID from 99 to 999 for switches, coin doors, death doors, and their respective doors/gates. Credit goes to Koya for creating a new number font.
Orange switches are now out of beta and available for everyone!
Polished orange switches’ looks
Sick smiley is out of beta and available for everyone!
Increased chances of getting magic coins
A new, temporary Spring campaign has been added, which will be available until summer 2016
With spring having arrived, the Wintery Wonders campaign will be back next year
Bug fixes
Fixed faceplate selector dropdown showing in front of disabled overlay
Fixed profile color customization
Fixed a bug where the campaign lock icon stretched depending on world width
2016-05-15 - Client v211
2016-06-16 - Update: Summer 2016: Paradise in Everybody Edits!
Sea captain
Soda clerk
Life guard
Summer 2016 package
Added a new world size: 200×400
You can now add all blocks to the border. Note: blocks cannot be removed from border. This will be changed in the future.
Fixed audio delay in drum sounds, re-tuned the piano sounds for a more crisp quality. Credits to Megalamb for fixing this!
Added white variants of: Basic, Beta, Brick, Checker, One-Way, Basic Background, Brick Background, Normal Background, Checker Background and Dark Background
Added system messages for toggling usernames and chat bubbles using keyboard combinations
Added a “Close” button at the email confirmation screen. This way you can still log in if something goes wrong.
Changed Pop-ups so they only show when the center of the player is standing inside the block
Changed colourful packages so they’re ordered by colour
Fixed a bug where note/drum blocks would show shadows when activated
Fixed a bug where favourites and likes would show up in open worlds
Fixed a bug where certain doors with text on them would glow a bit too much
2016-07-17 - (File v632, Client v213)
2016-08-03 - August Update (Client v214)
Magic in chat will now display if the user has received a full energy bar.
Added captcha for account registration. Email confirmation has been disabled.
Added new Spiral aura shape.
Added Indigo and Lime aura colors.
Added Sleepy smiley. Made my SmittyW!
Added Aviator smiley. Made by Kentiya!
Scheduled 2016-09-??
2016 summer themed items unavailable
2016-09-04 - Update?: Account transfers are now possible!
We now offer account transfers.
2016-09-30 - Update: Sweet stuff, info on Unity client progress
Mine Pack
Textile Backgrounds
Restaurant Decoration
2016-10-01 - File v640, Client v215
2016-10-03 - Campaign update: Summer campaign
Summer Campaign returns for 1 week
2016-10-10 - File v641, Client v216
2016-10-11 - Update: Halloween 2016
Werewolf smiley
Swamp creature smiley
Eyeball smiley?
Halloween 2016 package
Halloween campaign returns
Background color fixes
2016-11-03 - Update: New items/price cuts/Black Friday announcement
Firefighter smiley
Fairy smiley
Spy smiley
Crown doors and gates
Free construction pack
Black aura color
Getting kicked for cheating in campaigns now clears world progress restoring.
Add new command: /resetswitches
Added new command: /name X
Added new command: /geffect
Added new command: /reffect username
Removes any effect from the specified user
Increase curse and zombie effects’ maximum allowed duration to 999
Added an 8 second cool down to *WORLD message upon touching the trophy block
Players going out of bounds now get kicked
Taking a screenshot using Shift + B now gives a confirmation prompt
The Restaurant Pack is now out of beta, available to everyone!
We have greatly reduced the prices of a list of items, as well as made a list of them free!
Permanent price cuts
All aura colors: 200 energy / 4 gems each (except Black, because it’s new)
Spiral 2500 energy / 50 gems
Pinwheel 1250 energy / 25 gems
Torus 750 energy / 15 gems
Medium 250 energy / 5 gems
Large 500 energy / 10 gems
Wide 1000 energy / 20 gems
Ultra wide 1500 energy / 30 gems
Massive 2000 energy / 40 gems
Tall 2000 energy /40 gems
Great 4000 energy / 80 gems
Vertical great 4000 energy / 80 gems
Huge 4000 energy / 80 gems
Items now permanently free
Propeller hat
Dark Backgrounds
Secret Blocks
Outer Space
Blue Coindoors
2016-11-26 - Patch: Bug fixes (Client v217)
Fixed a bug with double jump in campaign restore
Fixed a bug causing the horizontal vine to be unplaceable
Fixed a bug where the Spy smiley was visible on the minimap
Fixed a bug where crowndoors wouldn’t reset using reset block
Fixed a bug where Like/Favorite buttons would be invisible when minimap was disabled
Fixed a bug with the Action Menu offset
Fixed player list overlapping chat
Added smiley searching by ID
Smiley IDs now appear when hovering over smileys in the smiley menu
Removed deprecated /setpos command
2016-12-23 - Christmas 2016 update!
Clockwork robot smiley
Teddy bear smiley
Christmas soldier smiley
Scrooge smiley
Boy smiley
Christmas 2016 pack
New Years 2015 blue balloon
2016-12-28 - Patch: Small bug fixes
Fixed blue Christmas lights not showing after rejoining a world
Fixed being affected by physics blocks to the left when standing on non-rotatable halfblocks
Fixed the ability to set the previous chat message to nothing
Fixed duplicate smileys being added to the smiley menu
Fixed the ability to spam the FCWIN tabs (Friends/Crews/Worlds/Inbox/News)
Fixed false cheat detection on the ‘Christmas Town’ campaign world
Added a ‘Random’ button next to the world key textbox (the worldkey is now also remembered)
Removed minimap colors from the mine pack decorations
2017-01-29 - End of Christmas, January update (File v662, Client v219)
Pigtails smiley
Doctor smiley
Turban smiley
Tile pack
Hazmat Suit smiley (Beta)
Star aura (Beta)
2017-02-19 - Patch: Fixes, changes and open worlds (File v663 / v668, Client v219.1)
Christmas sounds are gone.
Low Gravity worlds in the Mine tab are now displayed as 110×110 instead of 50×50.
/ge and /re commands are no longer cAsE sEnSiTiVe.
Some block tag fixes.
Open worlds can now be created with a super secret edit key. Doing so enables god mode and drawing for those who have edit rights.
Instead of a block whitelist, there’s now a block blacklist for open worlds. Most building blocks are allowed now and most action blocks aren’t. Some are, though.
Your own worlds will only show up in the Mine tab unless there are players in it.
The login screen now displays the latest ingame news message instead of a YouTube video.
New Features
Shortcut Shift+V for saving an image of the current minimap (without player trails)
Use Q and E keys to quickly switch between values in some block property pop-ups.
2017-03-16 - (File v670, Client v220)
2017-03-17 - Patch: Pinch! It’s St.Patrick’s Day in EE!
St. Patrick's Day 2017 decorations
Fixed some RoomData issues.
Fixed Q+E shortcuts for Multijump.
Fixed owners getting locked out of crew worlds.
Added a /forgive command so if someone mistakenly kicked a person they can instantly rejoin.
Air block can now be placed on world border.
Removed message limit for world owners (useful for bots, I guess).
Crew members can now kick other players.
2017-04-01 - (File v671, Client v220)
2017-04-01 - (File v673, Client v220)
2017-05-20 - Update: Update May 2017 (File v677 / v678, Client v221)
Angry Smiley
Smirk Smiley
Sweat Smiley
Guitar Pack + Country Singer Smiley
Gravity Effect
Godmode Block
Half Blocks package
Down Gravity Arrow
Big World (150×150)
Changed Multi-Jump Effect: Now allows you to put any jump amount up to 999 (use -1 for unlimited)
Volume Slider
Account Link
Changed Progress Backup: Changed Save Time to 24 hours instead of 15 minutes.
Changed Chat Spam: When you say something more than x times it mutes you for 10 seconds instead of 60.
Changed Share Button
Normal Click – Shows a pop up with the url
Ctrl Click – Copies the URL to clipboard
Shift Click – Copies the ID to clipboard
Changed Block Picker: You can now also use your Scroll Wheel Click to pick blocks into your level brick bar
Changed Inspect Tool: Removed detailed information if you don’t have edit
Changed Friend Limit Increasement: Normal players can now have 70 friends where as Beta/Gold Members can have 130
Changed Chat History Scroll: You can now scroll through your chat messages with up/down key up to 9 messages back!
Removed Piano Disappearance Bug
History Tab
Changed Team & Effect Graphics
New Minimap Icon
Adventure Badge: Renamed “adv” to “avd” so ad blockers no longer blocks the image
/teleport <args>
/mute <arg>
/unmute <arg>
/hide <arg>
/show <arg>
/respawn <arg>
/visible <arg>
2017-05-22 - (File v680, Client v221)
2017-05-23 - (File v681, Client v221)
2017-05-25 - (File v682, Client v221.3)
2017-06-01 - (File v683, Client v221.3)
2017-06-02 - (File v681_2, Client v221.4)
2017-06-22 - (File v686, Client v221.4)
2017-08-12 - (File v688, Client v221.5)
2017-08-12 - (File v691, Client v221.5)
2017-08-16 - (File v692, Client v222)
2017-08-17 - Update: Journey Campaign, Pack Expansions, and New Smileys!
Journey Campaign
Thor smiley
Lion smiley?
Cowgirl Smiley
Raccoon smiley
Cloud Pack Expansion
Industrial Pack: Added 1 Ladder, 2 Static Blocks, 2 Morphable Blocks, & 1 Morphable Decoration
Domestic Pack: Fixed current Pipe Decos to connect properly – Added LOTS more morphable pipes – Also added morphable picture frames
Construction Pack: Added extra Red Beam orientations, and 2 new decorations
Wild West Pack: Added 2 Pole Decorations
Farm Pack: Added 1 Fence Decoration
Beta Backgrounds
Several general bug fixes
Improvements to the way chat works in-game
You can now use %Username% on your signs
2017-08-18 - (File v695, Client v222.2)
2017-08-21 - (File v696, Client v222.3)
Updated Magic block textures
2017-09-24 - Update: Relativity Campaign & Look Who’s Back! (File v699, Client v223)
Relativity Campaign
Laika smiley
Fishbowl Helmet smiley
We have been working on tweaking the User Interface slightly
2017-10-03 - (File v703, Client v223.2 Contest Update)
Updated Magic block textures
2017-10-31 - (File v704, Client v224 Sticky Version)
2017-11-05 - (File v705, Client v225)
2017-12-03 - Campaign: The Official EE Advent Calendar 2017!
Advent Calendar Campaign
2017-12-28 - (File v718, Client v225.1)
2017-12-29 - Campaign: A Bittersweet End To 2017
Bittersweet Campaign
2018-01-04 - (File v719, Client v225.1)
2018-01-06 - (File v726, Client v225.1)
2018-01-07 - Update: Happy New Year! Happy New Team! (File v727, Client v226)
Christmas Campaign removed
Advent Calendar removed
Frozen Smiley
Winter Package
Snowflake Aura
Teal Aura Color
2018-01-08 - (File v731, Client v226.3)
2018-01-08 - (File v733, Client v226.3)
2018-01-09 - (File v734, Client v226.4)
Updated block textures
2018-01-09 - (File v735, Client v226.5)
2018-01-17 - (File v737, Client v226.7)
2018-01-17 - (File v740, Client v226.9)
2018-02-12 - (File v741 & v742, Client v227)
2018-02-13 - Campaign: Mardi Gras & A New Campaign!
Video Game campaign
Masquerade smiley
2018-02-27 - (File v743, Client v228)
2018-03-06 - (File v744, Client v228.1)
2018-03-21 - Campaign & shop update: Spring Has Sprung!
Spring Campaign is back, and with a new (yet old) Easter level!
Half Price! Bee, Butterfly, Spring 2016 Pack
66% Off! Spring 2011 Decorations
2018-03-31 - (File v745, Client v229)
2018-04-01 - Update: Happy Easter! (File v746, Client v228)
66% Off! Easter 2012 Decorations
"Added a few general tweaks here and there"
2018-04-22 - (File v752, Client v228)
2018-04-30 - Update: Beta’s Back! NPCs, Sequels, & New Blocks! (File v753, Client v230)
Video Game 2 (Beta)
Puzzle Pack 2 (Beta)
Campaign Unlock system
Garden Pack
Non-Player Characters (Beta)
"cleaning up things behind-the-scenes, which should result in a smoother playing experience for everyone!"
2018-05-07 - (File v754, Client v231)
2018-05-21 - Update: NPCs For Everybody! New Campaigns! (File v755, Client v232)
NPCs are being released!
"Meh" NPC
Knight NPC
Froggy NPC
Central spike block
Garden textures updated
Bruce NPC (unlisted)
2018-05-21 - (File v756, Client v232)
Reorderded NPC textures
2018-05-23 - Update: Super Summer Sales, Smileys, Sci-Fi, & Starfish!
Summer Campaign, and with a brand new level to complete!
Starfish NPC
Baseball Cap smiley
Golfer smiley
Sci-Fi Block Pack: Expanded to include green and yellow panels and lights
Sale: 11 summery items
2018-06-26 - (File v759, Client v233)
Loading screen updated
Staff Aura updated
Renamed image: Player_Aura.png to items.ItemManager_aurasBM.png
2018-07-04 - (File v760, Client v234)
Loading screen updated
Fireworks decorations
Renamed image: worldsBM.png renamed to shopWorldsBM.png
Renamed image: all block images end with BlocksBM.png instead of BricksBM.png or just BM.png
Renamed image: forgroundBricksBM.png to blocksBM.png
Renamed image: decorationsBM.png to decoBlocksBM.png
Renamed image: backgroundBricksBM.png to bgBlocksBM.png
Renamed image: blockTextBM.png to blockNumbersBM.png
Renamed image: teamEffectBricksBM.png to teamBlocksBM.png
Renamed image: auraGoldenCrossBM.png to aurasOrnateBM.png
2018-07-07 - (File v762, Client v234)
2018-07-22 - Update: New Action Blocks & Campaigns! (File v763, Client v235)
Everybody Edits T-Shirts!
Updated startup logo
Technology campaign
Silver Crown Doors & Gates
Low Jump effect
World Portal Spawn Point
Blue Candy block
2018-08-01 - Update: Everybody Edits T-Shirts! (File v764, Client v236)
Merchandise ad banner in lobby
Minimap block
2018-08-09 - Update: Everybody Edits Patreon! (File v765, Client v237)
Updated merchandise ad banner in lobby
Platinum Big Spender
Elite Supporter added with unique username color and profile tag!
Some minor graphic updates and bug fixes.
2018-08-10 - (File v766, Client v237)
Patreon icon added (TODO: link?)
2018-08-11 - (File v767, Client v237)
2018-08-11 - (File v768, Client v237)
2018-08-19 - Update: Trial & Terror!
Trial & Terror campaign
2018-08-20 - (File v773, Client v239)
Red Dragon smiley
Campaign textures "EXTREME" and "INSANE" updated
2018-08-29 - Update: Toxicity & Poison! (File v774, Client v240)
Toxic pack
Toxic Waste Liquid Hzaard
Poison Effect
Slow Effect
Skelly NPC
Checker Faceplate
Divine Supporter Tier colors added.
Minor graphical adjustments to the store and profiles.
Some bugs affecting crews have been fixed.
Some shadow bugs have been fixed.
Summer Sales and Campaign have come to an end.
2018-08-29 - (File v775, Client v240)
Speed effect texture updated
2018-09-28 - (File v777, Client v241)
Golden Easter Egg updated
New aura (TODO: name)
Bubble aura
2018-09-29 - Update: Auras in Autumn
Sawblade aura
Target aura
Divine Patron aura
66% Off! Autumn 2014 Pack
2018-10-02 - (File v778, Client v241)
2018-10-14 - Update: Dungeons, Monsters, & More! (File v781, Client v242)
New Halloween Edition logo
New Halloween Edition loading screen
New Halloween Edition lobby banner
New Halloween Edition lobby background
Executioner smiley
Gargoyle smiley
Banshee smiley
Dungeon pack
Zombie NPC
Green ? Space decoration
Money bag decoration
Golden Easter Egg updated
Cave Backgrounds expansion
Light gray aura
Like and Favorite icons updated
Full Moon faceplate
Spider Web faceplate
Castle faceplate
2018-10-20 - (File v782, Client v242)
2018-10-20 - (File v784, Client v242)
2018-10-20 - (File v785, Client v242)
Updated backgrounds
2018-11-01 - (File v787, Client v243)
Shadow blocks: Multi-sided and corners added
Ghost NPC
SmileyAuraButton_Aura.png renamed to SmileyButton_Aura.png
2018-11-01 - (File v788, Client v243)
2018-11-06 - (File v790, Client v243)
Shadow blocks updated
2018-11-21 - (File v791, Client v244)
Golem smiley?
New loading screen
2018-11-22 - (File v793, Client v244)
Updated merchandise ad banner in lobby
2018-11-26 - Campaign: Elementary!
4 Elemental Campaigns
Elemental Campaign Hub
2018-11-26 - (File v796, Client v245)
Galaxy aura
Astronaut NPC
2018-11-26 - (File v797, Client v245)
2018-12-03 - (File v798, Client v245)
Galaxy aura updated
2018-12-21 - (File v799, Client v245)
2018-12-24 - Christmas Edition (File v800, Client v246)
Santa NPC
Snowman NPC
Updated specialBlocksBM.png
Light red aura
2018-12-24 - (File v801, Client v246)
Tweaked NPC textures
Tweaked loading screen
2018-12-31 - Update: Time Trials & Lobby Overhaul! (File v803, Client v247)
Lobby Overhaul
Speedrun Campaign
Everybody Edit Universe Closed Beta Opt-In (Beta)
Time Trial Mode
CampaignWorld_Lock.png renamed to CampaignItem_Lock.png (unlisted)
2019-01-04 - File v806, Client v247
2019-01-06 - Winter Edition (File v807, Client v248)
New logo and loading screen
New join screen
2019-01-13 - File v810, Client v248
2019-01-27 - File v811, Client v249
Universal effect clearer
Squirrel smiley
Walrus NPC
Switch reset
2019-02-23 - File v816, Client v251
Effect texture tweaked
Heart aura
2019-03-18 - Spring Edition (File v817, Client v252)
New Spring Edition logo
New Spring Edition loading screen
Fairytale pack: Red mushroom decoration
Flower aura
2019-03-25 - File v819, Client v253
2019-04-05 - File v824, Client v253
2019-04-05 - File v825, Client v253 (Server type v262)
2019-04-05 - File v825, Client v253
2019-04-11 - File v826, Client v253
2019-04-15 - File v827, Client v253
Gold Dragon?
2019-04-20 - Update: ‘EE Offline’ Information (File v828, Client v255)
Download Button
Easter loading screen
2019-04-20 - File v829, Client v255
2019-05-20 - File v830, Client v255
Monochrome loading screen
2019-06-15 - File v831, Client v256
Black Magic block?
2019-07-13 - File v832, Client v257
"Thank you for playing!" loading screen
2019-08-16 - Client v258
2019-08-19 - Client v258
2019-09-30 - Client v258
2019-10-23 - Halloween (Client v258)
Halloween banner
Profile badge corners
2019-11-29 - Client v259
Robot MKII
2019-12-08 - Christmas (Client v259)
Christmas logo, banner, lobby background
2020-01-05 - Client v259
2020-02-07 - Client v260
Pink and cyan sci-fi blocks
2020-06-05 - Client v262
Black dragon
Silver dragon
Colored spikes
Hermit crab NPC
2020-09-20 - Client v263
2020-11-27 - Client v264
2020-12-09 - Client v264
2020-12-09 - Client v264
2024-12-20 edit: Updated to include more info on Platform Sandbox, 2010-06-10 info, and date for Sparta bricks
2024-12-23 edit: Added more info on 2010-05-17 and 0.6.x
Special (black)
Special (caution)
Special (face)
2015 November:
PS/MpPw: (Taken from this cropped screenshot, so the bottom two rows of pixels are missing.)
Key doors (open)
2015 November:
Team doors and gates
Membership door and gate
Old (Builders Club):
Current (Gold Membership):
Brick BG
2012 (original):
2012 (updated):
2015 November:
2015 June:
2015 June:
2015 June:
2015 June:
2012 (unused?):
2015 June:
2015 June:
2015 June:
2015 June:
2015 June:
2015 June (Cannonball):
Current (Daredevil):
2015 June:
2015 June:
2015 June:
2015 June:
2015 June:
2015 June:
See also Toop's smiley revamps in 2015, which went through multiple prototypes and changed a lot of smileys that aren't yet listed here.
Credit goes to Grilyon2 for these.
Revolution of EE Graphics
I Animate Stuff
actualy i kinda wish carnival 2012 woudl return it is a nic ebg type for finihs lines
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
I kind of want the old black block back. It wasn't That hard to differentiate from fully black blocks or fully black background imo.
Do you have info as to when each design marked "current" was made?
Also, Gosha, explain this:
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
Also, Gosha, explain this:
Diagonal keys VIOLATES the three blue key method.
Do you have info as to when each design marked "current" was made?
Nope, but hopefully I can get that info in the future as I dig through more versions. For this topic, I've only gone through five versions, which leaves a LOT more history to be looked through. I'll probably release a compressed file with the actual spritesheets used between versions so people can dig through them on their own.
Keep in mind that any years or versions listed are the versions that I ripped the graphics from, not necessarily their debut, so they may be older than the versions I list. I don't have any versions between and, so some of the graphics may have debuted there for example. I'm also fairly confident most of those
Do you happen to know how I can look through the game's files? I really want to archive everything before the game shuts down if nobody has already.
Credits to Stubby For Making me this Signature!
Do you happen to know how I can look through the game's files? I really want to archive everything before the game shuts down if nobody has already.
Though appreciated, plenty of people have already. If you still want to go through, I'd suggest downloading the swf and using jpexs
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
I had an archive with these old graphics:
its not all
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
Sorted OP into sections, and added Stone, Boost, Team doors/gates, Membership doors/gates, current Carnival checkerboard, and many smiley variants before the smiley width was increased mid-2015.
big shoutouts to for utterly destroying my eyes whenever i pressed an arrow key, gotta be one of the worst blocks ever added to the game
big shoutouts to for utterly destroying my eyes whenever i pressed an arrow key, gotta be one of the worst blocks ever added to the game
There's a reason it got at least three complaint threads, and many considered Carnival the worst backgrounds in the game back in 2013. And it got complaints in other threads:
Just put carnival background behind the minis for eyerape.
Then came the Carnival. These backgrounds hurt people eyes. For those who are color blind, these optical illusions are too much. Evil players spam these in levels, sometimes causing accidental clicking. And these close tabs.
The Carnival package gave us seizures.
Even Xenonetix, former owner of EE singled out the Carnival pack six years after it was added, wanting to disown it for EEU.
Sorry to anyone who likes them, but I think it's time to say goodbye to the Carnival pack, described as "eye-rape" by so many people.
To complete the unholy trinity, here's the second version, which was apparently still bad enough that it warranted another checker enlarging years later.
I found a rare pic of a large dot from Chris Benjaminsen's slideshow... Does anybody know what version this is from? Or when this dot was around? I'm guessing it's between (addition of minimap) and (improved hotbar and brighter gravity) but I can't find it in any YouTube videos.
The slow dots have returned... This thread shows large dots again in mid-2011. So we probably got large dots THREE different occasions in EE history.
These images are from 2011-07-29, the same day the game was updated to include backgrounds and old block graphics were tweaked.
Some basic bricks have been polished.
Arrows & Coins now have a black outline.
If that's where the large dots came from, then it was reversed just two days later.
TWEAK: The gravity dot is now slightly smaller visually.
(edit: I just realized I wrote "slow dots" in the first sentence. I meant large dots, but I'll keep that in because it's funnier.)
(edit 2: Somehow I overlooked that these dots appeared on the blog post I linked to... They were also shown in a forum post by RPGMaster2000.)
An incomplete changelog of Everybody Edits. There's much room for improvement and clarification, but I've been sitting on this for many months and I might as well do something special for my 11,000th post!
edit: Moved to OP.
Edilights, Rivelka, mutantdevle, MartenM, Tomahawk, Kirby, Dencc, Andymakeer, NoNK, Onjit
This is pretty cool! Good work!
Miss Everybody Edits and your old friends? Check out and reconnect with the community!
great job to n1kf, huge ee archivist
I found a rare pic of a large dot from Chris Benjaminsen's slideshow... Does anybody know what version this is from? Or when this dot was around? I'm guessing it's between (addition of minimap) and (improved hotbar and brighter gravity) but I can't find it in any YouTube videos.
OK, looks like I was quite wrong. It doesn't look like the gravity in was "brighter" and the hotbar isn't really "improved".
I have found evidence that Everybody Edits was 496 pixels in some versions before 0.5.0, which matches the screenshot. The oldest versions on Nonoba and Newgrounds are sized at 640x496. That, plus the lack of a lobby button suggests this is likely BEFORE, yet after Chris responded to the suggestion to add smileys, so somewhere from March 4-6. That also explains why it appears in no YouTube videos.
Somehow, there's one big place of EE information I didn't think to check. Back on FANDOM/Wikia , the other Everybody Edits Wiki goes back further than I thought, and thanks to Master1 we have a Platform Sandbox page with this image:
(I cannot embed the image directly. George Orwell warned us about this.)
So we finally have a second screenshot of this early 640x496 version! And the page gives us more insight to EE's early development:
This version had only one world (as expected, from the lack of a lobby button)
This was playable as late as September 7, 2010
It was known as Platform Sandbox, so the "Everybody Edits" title screen might have been different or not in the game
The archives point back to if you're wondering. That's where it would be, if it were still there. It's not in the Wayback Machine or Google Cache, so good luck finding it.
Merged Everybody Edits changelog (rough draft) thread (20th Jan 2024) per request.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
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