Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Like I know the technical differences, HTML5 vs Flash and all that, getting rid of the cruft that's been build up over the years. But like from game to game what are the differences going to be? I could have sworn there was a topic going into more detail about how EEU was going to work as a game but I can't find anything now.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
I can't find anything now.
For $25.00 a month, you can know all about EEU.
Upon the cancellation of your monthly donation, the ee staff will clear your memory like the Men in Black.
Discord: jawp#5123
Nothing really. It's mainly because flash is dying in just under 1.5 years that they're making eeu.
As Forum Administrator, quite comical that you're asking, but I sort of understand the ulterior motive behind it.
This is the original thread I think you may have been referring to, although a lot of things have changed since:
So here's a summary of the differences I believe I have announced in various places to date, whether they were in-game, on the forums, or in Discord chats:
HTML5/JavaScript/TypeScript/C# instead of Flash/ActionScript/C#.
24x24 graphics instead of 16x16 graphics.
Smiley Customizer - Instead of lots of individual smileys, we currently plan on having base smileys, and up to 2 accessories for smileys, in the forms of headwear and eyewear.
Vector Graphics instead of PNG - This provides much better scaling with the graphics, usually to Full-screen, and for the upcoming Smartphone App we plan on releasing.
More Render Layers - Decoration layer will be separate to the Block layer for example, meaning most decorations can be placed in front of most blocks!
Better World Purchasing System - Although we haven't gone into too much detail on this yet, the plan is that people will be able to purchase worlds in 50 block increments up to the current planned cap of 600x400 (which would be 24,000 Energy total).
3 Currencies instead of 2:
- Jewels - The Premium Currency - Won't be the exact same value as Gems.
- Energy - The Rechargeable Currency - Very similar to EE's Energy.
- Stardust - The Magic Currency - Instead of Magic Items being collected in order in EE, when collecting a Magic Coin in EEU, we plan for it to explode into Stardust, which then sucks into your smiley. This can be used to purchase Magic Items in any order you wish, or things such as Max Energy Increases or Energy Potions.
Energy Potions instead of Energy Refills - Most likely refilling 250 Energy per Potion.
Planned Starting Maximum Energy of 500 instead of 200 - Currently planned to recharge at the same rate.
Auto-Tiling - This won't apply to every block, but will hopefully apply to a few. For example, a brick wall could look more like a single brick wall rather than lots of wall 'squares'.
Immediate Hold-Jump - If you hold space, you'll continue jumping until you stop holding space!
Daily Featured Levels instead of Campaigns - We don't plan on having any Campaigns in EE Universe. Instead, there may be featured levels with rewards daily.
Time Trial Archive - After the day a level is featured, it may enter a Time Trial Archive (if suitable for time trialing).
Uniform Rewards/No More Time-Limited Items - We don't plan on having any items that could only ever be received "only within a specific time-span", such as most Contest Rewards in current EE. There may be a uniform trophy decoration that's always possible to be earned for every official contest we hold. Basically, everything should be available in some form to newcomers as well as veterans. Still plan on Seasonal items, as they would always return in future.
Finally, for now, the most exciting thing for me at least:
Multiple types of zones are planned, including more than I'll list here for now, but the 3 most notable ones are:
Edit Zones - Very similar to the edit zone found in one of the earliest Everybody Edits Tutorial levels. Anyone will be able to place specific zones within their levels for people to edit in!
Vision Zones - Pretty much exactly what Vision Blockers would have done, but without the 'block' needing to be placed. Players whilst in these zones would only see the area within the Vision Zone!
Music Zones - RavaTroll has composed some epic music for Everybody Edits Universe, so world owners will be able to place their choice of his music tracks in their levels, and can do within specific zones!
I hope this is a decent summary of our plans to come!
Atikyne, Kirby, Zoey2070, CaRmAgE, N1KF, Emily, Filip2005, mutantdevle, Onjit, Different55, mrjawapa, Raphe9000, Charlie59876EE, den3107, LukeM, Anch, Joeyjoey65, Slabdrill, Snowester, ZeldaXD, Weirdoverse, shadowda, pncordik, danielcool1, MartenM, PTU, AllenCaspe9510, coinage, LOL6, John
how is 24×24 vector graphics any different than 16×16 vector graphics set to 150% in-game zoom?
I'm known as "haslo" in EE. Also, I refuse to play EEU.
Better World Purchasing System - Although we haven't gone into too much detail on this yet, the plan is that people will be able to purchase worlds in 50 block increments up to the current planned cap of 600x400 (which would be 24,000 Energy total).
Maybe 25? 50 seems a little bit too much. The smallest is 25 and I think that's a fine size.
Immediate Hold-Jump
This one is nice.
We don't plan on having any Campaigns in EE Universe.
This one is sad. What about campaigns, but not in the way the current ones' work: Example: Worlds that in some zones give you edit, for the sake of learning how to construct switch systems, etc. basically campaigns not for skills but knowledge on how to build with ee, BUT keep the tutorials campaign.
how is 24×24 vector graphics any different than 16×16 vector graphics set to 150% in-game zoom?
vector graphics from their name "vector" assume that they are high-quality at any scaling, including WIDTH * HEIGHT of your computer. 24 x 24 is just a size that will start with.
Vector Graphics instead of PNG - This provides much better scaling with the graphics, usually to Full-screen, and for the upcoming Smartphone App we plan on releasing.
Can you make it so the faster you move the smaller your blocks and other things become, but the more fits on screen, makes sense for fast movements.
Also an effect I suggest time ago here can be added.
Thank you for news!
also, wasnt there a thread about how currency will transfer over to eeu? i cant seem to find it
HTML5/JavaScript/TypeScript instead of Flash/ActionScript/C#.
So in the end you ditched C# backend in favour of a TypeScript backend?
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
Xenonetix wrote:HTML5/JavaScript/TypeScript instead of Flash/ActionScript/C#.
So in the end you ditched C# backend in favour of a TypeScript backend?
what in the kentucky fried **** is typescript
and for the upcoming Smartphone App we plan on releasing.
That'll gonna be already sick playing on the smartphone.
Xenonetix wrote:and for the upcoming Smartphone App we plan on releasing.
That'll gonna be already sick playing on the smartphone.
in Early 2021*
Zumza wrote:Xenonetix wrote:HTML5/JavaScript/TypeScript instead of Flash/ActionScript/C#.
So in the end you ditched C# backend in favour of a TypeScript backend?
what in the kentucky fried **** is typescript
that's javascript in the .ts extension, run on node, supporting javascript types.
var i = 1;
function func (a, b, c = "Default value") {...}
turns to
let i[: number] = 1;
function func (a[: number], b: string, c[: string] = "Default value") {...}
The thing in the below code in square brackets is optional.
the reasoning here is the strong typing that allows many coding applications to debug faster and better: Are you really taking the sum of two integers right now? The sum of two strings is not an integer, and the debugger will throw you an error, while javascript, correct me if I'm wrong just returns NaN (in the case of +(str1 + str2)).
So the actual thing is that you can check for types.
(I assume you know what javascript is..)
Zumza wrote:Xenonetix wrote:HTML5/JavaScript/TypeScript instead of Flash/ActionScript/C#.
So in the end you ditched C# backend in favour of a TypeScript backend?
what in the kentucky fried **** is typescript
typescript is javascript with types.
in javascript any variable can have any value type: string, number, boolean, etc. If you have a string variable you can change it into a number.
in typescript you have to specify the type for a variable and later type can't be changed.
typescript is later compiled to javascript so if you don't know anything about programming, you don't need to think about it at all.
Vector Graphics instead of PNG - This provides much better scaling with the graphics, usually to Full-screen, and for the upcoming Smartphone App we plan on releasing.
What graphics will be a vector? im assuming the hud, because a block can't be 24x24 if it uses vectors, as that's not what a vector is. Though everyone keeps talking about it in that way. Either im misunderstanding, or everyone else is.
Auto-Tiling - This won't apply to every block, but will hopefully apply to a few. For example, a brick wall could look more like a single brick wall rather than lots of wall 'squares'.
Will there be an option to place blocks without auto tiling? e.g. place an edge grass block in the centre of the grass?
When your energy refills...
Xenonetix wrote:Vector Graphics instead of PNG - This provides much better scaling with the graphics, usually to Full-screen, and for the upcoming Smartphone App we plan on releasing.
What graphics will be a vector? im assuming the hud, because a block can't be 24x24 if it uses vectors, as that's not what a vector is. Though everyone keeps talking about it in that way. Either im misunderstanding, or everyone else is.
a vector image consists of mathematical figures using quadratic Bezier curves to describe the image features, similarly to a font file. unlike a font file, a vector image can also contain various colors of the shapes made with Bezier curves. the points of the Bezier curves can be placed in a fractional position I think (unlike in fonts) so it is possible to scale a 24×24 vector picture to 16×16 and have the same result but smaller. which brings me into this question:
how is 24×24 vector graphics any different than 16×16 vector graphics set to 150% in-game zoom?
I'm known as "haslo" in EE. Also, I refuse to play EEU.
how is 24×24 vector graphics any different than 16×16 vector graphics set to 150% in-game zoom?
The reason for having a specific original size for the graphics is that with the numbers for positioning things within the graphics, such as rectangles or borders, we want things to line up nicely on the pixels it's being rendered to. So if you have a vector graphic that's 16x16px by default with a border that's 1px wide, you'll have a 1.5px border when scaled to 24x24px. Obviously half pixels don't exist, so you end up with blended colors that often look slightly blurry.
Now of course doing 24x24px vector graphics will still mean some sizes will appear slightly blurry, but they primarily need to look their best at the sizes you'd see them at commonly. So at the default game size, they'd be 100% scale, in fullscreen on a 1080p monitor (most common among gamers), it'd be 200% scale. Most other scales in between look alright, but they can't always look sharp since things are lining up in between pixels. At higher resolutions like 1440p (which is 266.67% scale), the "interpolation" wouldn't be as noticeable because there is less of an overlap between the shapes in the graphic onto the same pixels, and because higher resolution displays also usually use a higher pixel density, so those blended pixels are a lot less obvious.
Xenonetix wrote:HTML5/JavaScript/TypeScript instead of Flash/ActionScript/C#.
So in the end you ditched C# backend in favour of a TypeScript backend?
It's actually just TypeScript for the frontend—the backend is still C#, with .NET Core and the Kestrel WebSockets. That was just a typo since he was primarily just talking about the player-facing side of things.
former lead-dev on EE/EEU, 2018—2020
(aka Criobite, Joshua Stone, TechnoWolf99, & LightWolf)
Charlie59876EE wrote:Xenonetix wrote:Vector Graphics instead of PNG - This provides much better scaling with the graphics, usually to Full-screen, and for the upcoming Smartphone App we plan on releasing.
What graphics will be a vector? im assuming the hud, because a block can't be 24x24 if it uses vectors, as that's not what a vector is. Though everyone keeps talking about it in that way. Either im misunderstanding, or everyone else is.
a vector image consists of mathematical figures using quadratic Bezier curves to describe the image features, similarly to a font file. unlike a font file, a vector image can also contain various colors of the shapes made with Bezier curves. the points of the Bezier curves can be placed in a fractional position I think (unlike in fonts) so it is possible to scale a 24×24 vector picture to 16×16 and have the same result but smaller. which brings me into this question:
PiotrGrochowski wrote:how is 24×24 vector graphics any different than 16×16 vector graphics set to 150% in-game zoom?
because I explained it, there were no 16x16 vector graphics, ..
wait I only now understand your question!
24x24 is just better to look at than small 16x16
Music Zones - RavaTroll has composed some epic music for Everybody Edits Universe, so world owners will be able to place their choice of his music tracks in their levels, and can do within specific zones!
Will we be able to compose our own music?
I can speak by breathing in but it sounds like a dying horse
Signature by HG
Zumza wrote:Xenonetix wrote:HTML5/JavaScript/TypeScript instead of Flash/ActionScript/C#.
So in the end you ditched C# backend in favour of a TypeScript backend?
what in the kentucky fried **** is typescript
> Microsoft makes C#
> Create a lot of C# developers in their company
> Javascripts steams through the web as a standard
> web-based apps become a common thing
> C# ain't working that well with web
> Microsoft still has a ton of C# developers
> Microsoft makes Typescript. Javascript with a more C#-like syntax
> C# devs can not with little effort switch to typescript and work on the web
> Profit for Microsoft
PiotrGrochowski wrote:Charlie59876EE wrote:Xenonetix wrote:Vector Graphics instead of PNG - This provides much better scaling with the graphics, usually to Full-screen, and for the upcoming Smartphone App we plan on releasing.
What graphics will be a vector? im assuming the hud, because a block can't be 24x24 if it uses vectors, as that's not what a vector is. Though everyone keeps talking about it in that way. Either im misunderstanding, or everyone else is.
a vector image consists of mathematical figures using quadratic Bezier curves to describe the image features, similarly to a font file. unlike a font file, a vector image can also contain various colors of the shapes made with Bezier curves. the points of the Bezier curves can be placed in a fractional position I think (unlike in fonts) so it is possible to scale a 24×24 vector picture to 16×16 and have the same result but smaller. which brings me into this question:
PiotrGrochowski wrote:how is 24×24 vector graphics any different than 16×16 vector graphics set to 150% in-game zoom?
because I explained it, there were no 16x16 vector graphics, ..
wait I only now understand your question!
24x24 is just better to look at than small 16x16
im confused at what you're getting at. vector graphics don't use pixels
When your energy refills...
▼Anatolyim confused at what you're getting at. vector graphics don't use pixels
vector graphics are just vectors, but they still need a fixed size.
If you're interested in the more technical side of things, I posted a summary of the changes a while ago here, I'll put a copy of it here so it's easy for people to find:
I'm fairly sure there was a topic explaining the more technical side of what EEU will be, but I can't seem to find it at the moment, so I guess I'll go through it again here:
EEU will still be a predominantly web-based game like EE is, but we will be moving to HTML5 (written using TypeScript) instead of Flash, which has much better support, performance, and security, and has a very solid place in how the web works so it hopefully won't be going the way of Flash any time soon. It will also be a full redesign from the ground up with expandability in mind this time so that hopefully we won't have any of the problems we've had with EE getting progressively more messy and difficult to manage and update, which should mean we can focus more of our time on what matters.
This will also mean that we should be able to release a downloadable client that would either use something like Electron or Desktop PWA technologies to allow you to run it as a normal program similar to Discord / Twitter / etc, and possibly even a phone app or Steam game (although this is far from certain).
We will also be moving away from PlayerIO for the hosting, we'll be designing our own servers and multiplayer API which will hopefully give us a lot more control over how things are handled, and let us bypass a lot of the limits PlayerIO imposed (such as the 500KB database limit which caused many worlds / profiles to fail to save). The servers will be using .NET Core, and we plan to release botting libraries for at least TypeScript/JavaScript and .NET Standard (which supports C#, VB, and F# through both .NET Framework (the old one) and .NET Core (the new cross-platform one)) once we're in a good place with EEU.
▼Anatolyim confused at what you're getting at. vector graphics don't use pixels
Vector graphics don't use pixels to store the image itself, but they do generally use pixels to measure the positions of things in the graphic, and there is no such thing as a vector monitor (well there is, but you wouldn't want to use one), so eventually they will be converted to the bitmap graphic that you see in game.
Yes, you'll be able to scale the graphics to any size, its just that we're focusing on 24x24 as our target resolution, so when the graphic designers are designing a new block, 24x24 is the primary resolution they'll use to test it. This doesn't mean they won't work at other sizes, it'll just mean that in general they look the most crisp at multiples of 24x24.
24x24 is just better to look at than small 16x16
im confused at what you're getting at. vector graphics don't use pixels
Vector graphics don't use pixels to store the image itself, but they do generally use pixels to measure the positions of things in the graphic, and there is no such thing as a vector monitor (well there is, but you wouldn't want to use one), so eventually they will be converted to the bitmap graphic that you see in game.Yes, you'll be able to scale the graphics to any size, its just that we're focusing on 24x24 as our target resolution, so when the graphic designers are designing a new block, 24x24 is the primary resolution they'll use to test it. This doesn't mean they won't work at other sizes, it'll just mean that in general they look the most crisp at multiples of 24x24.
Back to vector blocks, does this mean that there will only be simple blocks as well? because some blocks currently in ee would be impossible to make look as good with vectors. e.g. a coin gate etc.
When your energy refills...
PiotrGrochowski wrote:how is 24×24 vector graphics any different than 16×16 vector graphics set to 150% in-game zoom?
The reason for having a specific original size for the graphics is that with the numbers for positioning things within the graphics, such as rectangles or borders, we want things to line up nicely on the pixels it's being rendered to. So if you have a vector graphic that's 16x16px by default with a border that's 1px wide, you'll have a 1.5px border when scaled to 24x24px. Obviously half pixels don't exist, so you end up with blended colors that often look slightly blurry.
That's why fonts have hinting, so that they don't always "end up with blended colors that often look slightly blurry".
You could make EEU graphics in multiple fonts, then blend those fonts while rendering, in various colors, to produce the final output.
You could have a setting to change the rendering mode. Think about it:
When EEU's version of ClearType is enabled, the font would look like this:
Users would have flexibility over how the blocks will be rendered! Think about it, hopefully this will convince the graphic designers to become type designers and create EEU graphics in TrueType! TrueType is literally a programming language that can be used for flexible hinting of characters.
I'm known as "haslo" in EE. Also, I refuse to play EEU.
[ Started around 1740944002.923 - Generated in 0.237 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 2.02 MiB (Peak: 2.37 MiB) ]