Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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To KillerTheGreat,
(I would quote but freaking I can't because I finally made my account for the forums not too long ago, I had an account but I lost the password so I just made a new one since the email for that account belonged to someone else other than myself.)
So I dont know if anyone answered this for you yet, but the two decos are unobtainable at this point. The (?) Deco was the grand prize for the tournament that ended a couple of weeks ago, while the other deco was the Bag of Gold Deco which was awarded to 1st - 3rd place in the tournament. And as they are technically 'Contest Prizes' (I say in quotes since it was a tournament and not a contest, but the prizes are still counted as Contest Prizes), they are not able to be awarded or obtained by any other user other than the winners of the tournament.
Hoped this helped to answer your question! I just didnt know if it was answered yet or not.
Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.
Many thanks for clearing that up! I'm gonna go hunting for more secrets in the next update. While still posting some updates of my own.
Now I know I haven't been active for the past couple of days, but it's because I ran out of ideas. I've got a few more but for now, here's the first snippet.
...Huh? Something wrong here.
The standard aura's have become roughly 2 times brighter than they should be... I'll see if I can readjust them.
EDIT: I think it's something to do with either my eyesight or my computer...
If you need to contact me, use my discord ID 319247782932119554
Iris Aura Map
Gold Iris Map
(1f \ 50ms)
Also why the inside circle for gold only, we non-golds want that circle too!
at least I
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HG's signature for me - Anatoly's signature for me
The Mashed Potatoes Song - The longest post on EE forums - Play my Minesweeper
Mmmm, these auras are stunningly beautiful. They're really something else.
That coming from you means the world! Teach me your ways
When I get the time I'll try my hand at making actual graphic packs, smileys, npcs and not just auras.
If you need to contact me, use my discord ID 319247782932119554
Iris looks more like an aperture than anything
I'll go change the name to Aperture. I wasn't thinking straight at the time.
Here's something else, I was thinking of it for a while. A little on the uh, "technologically underdeveloped" side. I could have just posted the two frames of each one, but it comes in handy when testing them using clients.
Thinking of doing something based upon a plasma ball or disk... Also thinkling of anything else I can try out...
If you need to contact me, use my discord ID 319247782932119554
Many thanks for clearing that up! I'm gonna go hunting for more secrets in the next update. While still posting some updates of my own.
Now I know I haven't been active for the past couple of days, but it's because I ran out of ideas. I've got a few more but for now, here's the first snippet.▼Hidden Auras...Huh? Something wrong here.
The standard aura's have become roughly 2 times brighter than they should be... I'll see if I can readjust them.
EDIT: I think it's something to do with either my eyesight or my computer...
i would really like to see this one in game
i would really like to see this one in game
Me too. But will we ever though? '-'
I decided to make a couple of blocks. First ones in roughly 4 years but I was never really good at them so here.
I'll leave them to the professionals but what sort of graphics designer would I be if I didn't make at least one set of blocks?
Also ASCII npc!
|_ _|
If you need to contact me, use my discord ID 319247782932119554
Gosha wrote:i would really like to see this one in game
Me too. But will we ever though? '-'
I decided to make a couple of blocks. First ones in roughly 4 years but I was never really good at them so here.
I'll leave them to the professionals but what sort of graphics designer would I be if I didn't make at least one set of blocks?▼NeonAlso ASCII npc!
|_ _|
Nice ASCII npc
What is the difference between the 2 neon block packs?
What is the difference between the 2 neon block packs?
Second one is shinier.
I really don't know which one to pick as, as they are right now, I personally don't find any of the packs suitable for the current game style. The concept is nice though.
My suggestion would be a second border for the blocks, and a further expansion to make it look more complete, something actually usable.
EDIT: The first pack looks more appropriate to work with.
Well, I'm officially out of Aura ideas. And seeing as how that's all I'm good at, I'm gonna leave this thread on Standby until I can find some inspiration.
Some assistance please?
If you need to contact me, use my discord ID 319247782932119554
'I'm gonna leave this thread on standby' *Insert image of power button*
google chrome arua: select 3 aura colors the middle bleu circle is your smiley
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
I decided to revisit some of my older concepts for ideas, and despite they don't fit the EE style I'm gonna post them anyway.
If you need to contact me, use my discord ID 319247782932119554
theyre nice
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
While figuring out gravitational lensing, I had an idea for a gem aura, they're a little rough around the edges still.
If you need to contact me, use my discord ID 319247782932119554
I love them. The gem one and the older concepts.
Decided to make clients for you all , first up is the Scrap Edition Client which contains the scrapped ideas.
And second up are the favourites (or at least mine):
Scrap Edition Client.
Aura Favourites Client.
Both version have the 404 Placeholder, and will probably be replaced later.
Also both versions have a very special guest, he replaces one of the smiley's but everyone prefers the classic anyway.
Optimized for the current version of EE, The Original: Fire Demon.
If you need to contact me, use my discord ID 319247782932119554
Decided to make clients for you all , first up is the Scrap Edition Client which contains the scrapped ideas.
And second up are the favourites (or at least mine):
Scrap Edition Client.
Aura Favourites Client.
Both version have the 404 Placeholder, and will probably be replaced later.
Also both versions have a very special guest, he replaces one of the smiley's but everyone prefers the classic anyway.
Optimized for the current version of EE, The Original: … AWU8V1.pngFire Demon.
hey can you make a client that uses all you rideas ?
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
hey can you make a client that uses all you rideas ?
I always replace files in the game, adding them in is a new concept. I suppose if I follow all the guidlines for Flash, maybe.
While making a new splash screen, I realised this could very well be used for the next EE Update during December. (so long as they add in an idea or two)
It also gave me a chance to roll out the frozen NPC Prototype.
Nothing too complex, for now it's just a blue Meh with a few changes applied to it. (Then again all basic npcs are the same)
EDIT: Here's the same NPC, only with added cyan:
I'm thinking of darkening the feet - waist to make it look more unique.
If you need to contact me, use my discord ID 319247782932119554
what loadscren is this? it more looks liek a raindrop NPC ripped off in the npc size for frozen NPC i woudl rather us an lighter blue/cyanish color the npc it self is nic ebut fits more the name rainy (raindrop npc)
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
Sorry for being away for so long, I was on a study trip for a week. Anyway I've been trying my hand at a little bit of ActionScript. For some reason, my items appear in the tab but show up as default aura/colour in-game. Whether this has to do with server-side coding I don't know. But so far, I made a client which adds in the Gemstone aura and the Mauve Aura Colour (and the frosty NPC). (and when I say add, I mean add not replace). I think if someone manages to test this client out on a modified server, it should work... I'll post this later.
Here's the Modified Client. Due to the way it is written this time, you can't access the features. (they will still appear in the UI however)
It's practically ready to be implemented, the only thing missing is the server-side coding.
If you need to contact me, use my discord ID 319247782932119554
Sorry for being away for so long, I was on a study trip for a week. Anyway I've been trying my hand at a little bit of ActionScript. For some reason, my items appear in the tab but show up as default aura/colour in-game. Whether this has to do with server-side coding I don't know. But so far, I made a client which adds in the Gemstone aura and the Mauve Aura Colour (and the frosty NPC). (and when I say add, I mean add not replace). I think if someone manages to test this client out on a modified server, it should work... I'll post this later.
▼Hidden textHere's the Modified Client. Due to the way it is written this time, you can't access the features. (they will still appear in the UI however)
It's practically ready to be implemented, the only thing missing is the server-side coding.▼Screenshots
U added colors wow. Nice.
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