Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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instead of making the race effect kill, i think there should just be a doorgate for if a race is active or not, alternatively also with a timer option so you can only pass through with a timer of more/less than [X] seconds
(having an autokill lowers the amount of creative uses i can have for it. the setting for the doorgate is optional but i think it would be good because i can also think of stuff to do with it)
suddenly random sig change
^ I was thinking about how it could be made as usable as possible, and I think this would work:
Have a 'Timer' effect that has a single parameter for time to death
If that parameter is 0 then the timer is in 'count up' mode, otherwise it counts down
You can then use timer doors and gates that open / close when the time displayed is above / below that number
Added race doors/gates based off Slabdrill's suggestion.
The race with time-limit effect now has an argument for death on timeout, allowing an even bigger variety of uses.
EDIT: Friendly reminder that this suggestion is adapted as most as possible to the racing theme. It's specifically designed to allow speed-running at it's finest, while still allowing non-race related uses. It's not meant to be a generic timer effect, but can still be used like one. Every possible speed-running improvement will be included in this effect suggestion.
Added race doors/gates based off Slabdrill's suggestion.
The race with time-limit effect now has an argument for death on timeout, allowing an even bigger variety of uses.
if i make some kind of race suggestion will you make graphics for me
If it's considered to dramatically improve the suggestion, then I'll try. Already made graphics are still highly appreciated though.
on each split add a time comparison to your best run in the current session
so like if on your best run you reached split X in, lets say, 19.25 seconds and on the current run you reached it in 19.45 seconds, it will say "+00.20" in red next to the split time for a few seconds
or if you do it faster than your best run, lets say, 19.19, it will say "-00.06" in green
same for reaching the finish point
It's a great addition.
I'd like to get suggestions on how to improve the racing idea overall. I'm taking in mind all the possible existent race/speed-run suggestions to improve the effect.
I want this to be the most complete race implementation suggestion ever.
Note about splits: What exactly triggers a split? Is it the first time you hit a split block during a race?
(Your splits in the TT8 example - you'd be able to hit both blocks and have it count as two splits?)
suddenly random sig change
Splits are triggered the first time you hit a split block during a race.
About the example, thank you for pointing out that flaw. Each split counts no matter if they're together. It could be cool if split groups counted as only one split, but it could somehow ruin the potential.
While it's not part of your question, it led me to think whether splits could be touched multiple times or once. Could be useful for round trip speed-run worlds. Adding this...
this idea needs somethign to suport more laps
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
this idea needs somethign to suport more laps
that's what splits are for
Reposting update with more new content:
Splits now have an additional ID argument, which allows placing a series of splits on the same section. Unidentified splits can still be placed using ID 0.
There are now split doors/gates, which toggle after a specified amount of splits are touched.
There's a new command that allows you to retrieve the info about your last race, useful in case you miss to capture your win.
yes devs should add a race packwith useful race effects and such it'll be the first action only pack
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
I've made new textures for the race effects, based off the current effects, and Zoey's revamped effects.
This is how the effects look when they have arguments:
What do you think about these graphics? I consider them better than the ones at initial post.
I definitely like the revamped graphics. The lack of corners allow them to blend in better with BG in my opinion.
--- made by EyeOfDarkness#0350 ---
After experimenting and receiving feedback from other players, it's been decided that the second row of the revamped effects was better for this suggestion.
All the images have been modified to show the new effects.
How do the IDs for splits AND the touch limit work together? For instance, what happens if i place one split with ID 1 and touch limit 1 and another split with ID 1 and touch limit 2?
suddenly random sig change
That's a good catch. During the development of the split IDs and touch limits, I assumed that all splits with the same ID would have the same touch limit.
If any split is touched, the touch count will increase for all splits with the same ID, but the limit is split-dependent., not grouped.
In your case, if any split with ID 1 is touched, the first split with touch limit of 1 touch, can't be touched anymore, but the other split can be touched.
There's now a pause effect which can stop a race's timer, without finishing the race itself. Can be useful for rest spots, or unexpected challenges during time-limited challenges.
Your suggestion works like:
Time set for example to 20s, after the time ends (0s), an event happens, a door closes for example.
Time start from 0 to the limit time set, 15s for example, after that an event happens, a door closes for example.
Time start from 0s, and it won´t stop the counting after the player touch a switch/key/other.
Which one is the application of your suggestion?
It can be used as both. If the race has a time limit set, it'll work like a timer counting down, until out of time, or a finish effect is touched. Otherwise, it'll just count up until a finish effect is touched.
It can be used as both. If the race has a time limit set, it'll work like a timer counting down, until out of time, or a finish effect is touched. Otherwise, it'll just count up until a finish effect is touched.
Timer, sounds really good.
Stopwatch, its rather an in-game tool for speed running, could work to let every player use it independently from any action tool item, as a key or switch would not use all of its potential for speed running over all worlds in EE.
Stopwatch has been suggested already, moderators have their reasons to not add to EE that feature yet I may guess.
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