Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Alright enough meta discussion, discuss the actual topic at hand, don't discuss people's discussion unless your discussion of their discussion remains relevant to the original discussion.
Honestly, it was only needed a moderator to PM me to stop the deleting & posting habit.
Mods didn't make this topic. Mods weren't aware this was a thing until this topic was made. Plenty of users who were affected by it were aware though.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Mods didn't make this topic. Mods weren't aware this was a thing until this topic was made.
Plenty of users who were affected by it were aware though.
I sent a PM to all forum moderators to delete this topic after some minutes this topic was made, but moderators refuse to delete the topic, your point different55 makes no sense, if this topic had a valid question it does not mean that is needed, Mysterion could asked forum moderators by PM to get an answer for this personal question, and moderators could sent me a PM to solve the problem.
I find it really improper from part of moderators to warn a player to stop doing something into a public topic, it would be really appreciated to receive a PM asking me to stop the delete & repost habit, instead of doing it in a really long public topic about the theme.
A PM could had the same result, but much less annoying for me.
Here's another opinion to trigger you: You're a nub for rejecting Diff's request to stop spamming threads.
After Different55 told me to stop, I stopped the delete & repost habit immediately, so your point is nonsense Tom, because I had not spammed anything, I had not broke any rule and all has been solved without any ban or repercussion.
And if you can't handle criticism then don't post at all.
I can hold criticism, and I really appreciate constructive criticism.
Can´t say the same about the sarcastic comments, and the comments of how someone unsuccessfully requested moderators to ban me.
I sent a PM to all forum moderators to delete this topic after some minutes this topic was made, but moderators refuse to delete the topic
We never delete topics that aren't spam or duplicates. This is no exception, not even if it hurts your feelings.
I find it really improper from part of moderators to warn a player to stop doing something into a public topic, it would be really appreciated to receive a PM asking me to stop the delete & repost habit, instead of doing it in a really long public topic about the theme.
This applies to everyone, not just you. Publicly is the best place to make such an announcement.
After Different55 told me to stop, I stopped the delete & repost habit immediately
Really? Because I seem to recall you immediately stating your intent to keep on doing it.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Minisaurus wrote:After Different55 told me to stop, I stopped the delete & repost habit immediately
Really? Because I seem to recall you immediately stating your intent to keep on doing it.
I wrote it before you told me to stop in this topic.
After you told me to stop I stopped the delete & repost habit immediately.
Minisaurus wrote:I sent a PM to all forum moderators to delete this topic after some minutes this topic was made, but moderators refuse to delete the topic
We never delete topics that aren't spam or duplicates. This is no exception, not even if it hurts your feelings.
The topic could be closed taking in consideration that the topic itself is about me, only a player, and that the main purpose of the topic is to ask moderators of the why they did not banned me because the delete & repost habit
he's seriously farming with posts and hummerz5 was at this time online and he didn't ban him, I'm confused
that could has been asked by PMing a moderator rather than make a whole topic about me and why I did not got banned.
This applies to everyone, not just you. Publicly is the best place to make such an announcement.
The answers you are giving to me different55 only makes me see that you want to make the warning public, that is really contempt and apathetic.
The request should be like every other warning, sent to the single player, I would absolutely prefer to get the Nub warning rather than a public request to stop, honestly.
^ (can't be bothered to quote, I'm on my phone)
The whole point of this topic, as it says in the title, is to ask whether deleting and reposting posts is allowed; you were just the best example of somebody doing it and annoying other people
I'm sure that it would be much better to have one topic (possibly with a better title though) that people wondering whether deleting & reposting is allowed could look at than a fairly large discussion with admins through PMs every time someone did it
^ (can't be bothered to quote, I'm on my phone)
The whole point of this topic, as it says in the title, is to ask whether deleting and reposting posts is allowed; you were just the best example of somebody doing it and annoying other people
I'm sure that it would be much better to have one topic (possibly with a better title though) that people wondering whether deleting & reposting is allowed could look at than a fairly large discussion with admins through PMs every time someone did it
About the topic question:
I agree that it could be good to have a topic about if the deleting & reposting habit is allowed or not in the forum, but:
The words in the topic content is the worst way to use me as an example:
he's seriously farming with posts and hummerz5 was at this time online and he didn't ban him, I'm confused
Obviously I can feel identified and offended with that words, the topic could had a more adequate word content to ask about the deleting & reposting habit.
i like how whenever minisaurus knows he lost something argument-wise he immediately deletes all of his posts to cover himself up and cower away
i think he's just post farming!
We don't exactly need to ban deleting/re-posting, since someone might do it because of misunderstanding (like me, even through I barely do).
We need to implement a system that decreases the user's post count when they delete a post.
As we're here in the «Is this allowed?»-thread...
My brain is almost perfect. (Thanks, Ninja)
i like how whenever minisaurus knows he lost something argument-wise he immediately deletes all of his posts to cover himself up and cower away
No, I don´t.
I delete everything and I try to recompose my point of view to give a more accurate explanation of the why of my perspective.
he's seriously farming with posts
Alright going to actually reply the OP here.
No, I am not farming posts, I don´t care about my amount of posts, I have not the intention to increase the number of my posts.
I was deleting & reposting because I don´t like that ¨Last edited by¨ under the edited comment.
Reminder: Different55 told me to stop doing it, so I won´t continue the delete & reposting habit.
Um, I'm not sure anyone will care or remember you specifically after this thread dies. It's really not a big deal.
You can always put a strike through what you wrote before, and put the new stuff under it. That way people see that your views/opinion changed, and the "last edited" message makes sense because you can see the edit. Or put the old stuff in a spoiler.
Deleting all the old content in an edit is confusing if people have replied to it, because unless someone's quoted you, new posters won't know what to reply to.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
mini stop arguing semantics and just accept you **** up
mini stop arguing semantics and just accept you **** up
I know that deleting & reposting could be annoying to others, I already told that I won´t continue that habit.
About the topic:
It could be helpful to have a list of things that could provide an user a Nub warning: It could be located for example in the forum rules,
(A link on the Nub warning that bring users to a list of things that could be motive to receive a Nub warning).
That could be a way to prevent this class of misunderstandings.
It could be helpful to have a list of things that could provide an user a Nub warning: It could be located for example in the forum rules,
(A link on the Nub warning that bring users to a list of things that could be motive to receive a Nub warning).
That could be a way to prevent this class of misunderstandings.
The whole point of the nub warning is so that there is a warning for things that nobody thought of yet (or I guess cant be bothered to add to the rules)
This means that there will probably never be a list of things that could give you a nub warning, because nobody really thinks of them until somebody actually does them, so you physically cant make a list of them
The whole point of the nub warning is so that there is a warning for things that nobody thought of yet (or I guess cant be bothered to add to the rules)
so you physically cant make a list of them
The idea of that list is to give users (specially new users) a list of the possible things that does not break any rule but could provide a Nub warning.
There could be a list of things that we already know that could bring a player a Nub warning, for example: deleting & reposting continuously.
Just to be sure that the users know that the thing that is in the list and that user is doing could bring to that user a Nub warning.
The idea of that list is to give users (specially new users) a list of the possible things that does not break any rule but could provide a Nub warning.
It's all there in the nub rule description, "Things that disrupt the site." If it disrupts the site, you'll be asked to stop and then be warned. Don't do anything that disrupts the site and you'll be fine. If you do disrupt the site, you'll be given a final chance to stop. The whole Nub warning in general is very much a case by case basis. If something happened to cause multiple people to be given the Nub warning for the same thing, it would be put into the rules. As it is, both instances of the nub warning that I'm aware of have very much been a one-off kind of deal. No point in cluttering up the rules with something that will likely only ever apply to one person. If you do something that is worthy of the warning, you will be told by a mod before you're ever given the warning so there's really not any reason to be worrying about that.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Just to be sure that the users know that the thing that is in the list and that user is doing could bring to that user a Nub warning.
Though that's a tangent, the nub warning also should be considered special as it really isn't saying what shouldn't happen. It's saying that after the formalities of a warning list, the fact remains that no document (or person's imagination) can cover all conceivable infractions in a timely manner. Instead of what can actually be considered wrong, it does create a limit on what "editorialized" responses could entail.
You can't argue against the very nature of the nub warning because then you're asking to create a system where rules must be explicitly determined throughout. The instant some loophole is determined, you're subject to its exploitation senselessly.
In fact, the rule itself has a cushion in favor of the rule-breaker. The once-off warning is a necessity to make things "fair" in the reality where the mod and the errant might have different rationale regarding the situation. Naturally the ideal situation is that both parties' reasoning coincides where the errant doesn't need the warning; they're simply aware of their misconduct outright.
In short, the nub warning's principle is hardly something you could argue against. This is not to say that detailed rules are wrong, or adding explanation to things is wrong. However, this is to say that condemning the rule for its necessary existence is wrong.
I delete everything and I try to recompose my point of view to give a more accurate explanation of the why of my perspective.
You ignored my previous question about this. If you truly change your mind or reasoning to the extent that the screenshots show... what exactly are you taking a stance on? If you're sharing something that's purely opinion, is there a use for you to share it? Clearly it isn't a central tenet that could be acted on. On the other hand, if something based out of fact or reason is the cause for your altering, is your reasoning all that valid? To adjust some resolution to the point where you cannot simply modify small parts (but, rather, the whole post... repeatedly) is to suggest that your reasoning swings violently. Is there much reliability in something so volatile? Should it be taken into consideration in the thread if you find your reasoning is faulty? (is that ad hominem?)
In a way, we discussed this issue with a system (from MrJawapa) here
Try rereading multiple times before you post; maybe you can avoid having to edit.
Agreed, but they seem to suggest that the entirety needs alteration... though that hardly justifies the entire deletion but I digress
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