#2: The ingame art is not only quite good in this level, but it's creative too! This is the first level I've seen that changes as you play it.
The minigames in easy mode were a little bland (it felt like it was made for hard mode, and easy mode was an afterthought) and in hard mode they were better but sometimes tedious since they didn't have any checkpoints.
Creativity in this level was excellent, not only did you have a decent storyline but the level itself introduced a relatively new concept.
G:6/10 A: 8/10 C: 9/10 R: 10/10
#4: What is it about the first teams who signed up being awesome? Because your ingame art is awesome and you should feel awesome. I have no nitpicks except maybe adding more furniture to the mansion.
There weren't really minigames, but I really liked the puzzle-like gameplay you created. Especially great were the puzzles where you moved a block player around the room.
Concept was again, great. The mansion felt creepy, I liked how some events were unexplained and the mirrors between the dream world and real world. There was a lot of creativity in both gameplay and art here.
G:9/10 A: 8/10 C: 9/10 R: 10/10
#5: The ingame art is beautiful; it really sets a happy atmosphere while playing and overall works well. In addition, I enjoyed the creative zones of the level you made.
The minigames here were, for me, some of the strongest in the contest. Not only were they smooth, creative, and blended with the art but you had the great of idea of adding musical notes to some of the minis at the right times in the level.
The level concept itself wasn't incredibly creative, but it was made up for by the originality in art settings and minigames.
G:9/10 A: 8.5/10 C: 8/10 R: 10/10
#7: Nice, clean ingame art. Stuck to a theme and used it well. Issues include: repetitiveness (some regions were the same) and the house at the start and ground at the end.
No minigames were very annoying, and all were smooth on some level. However there was not much variety in the design, so by the end of the level they became less interesting to play.
Originality: An interesting idea exucuted pretty well. The idea of travelling through some sort of underworld to escape after entering a graveyard is different from the maps where you just wandered through a landscape.
G:7/10 A: 8/10 C: 7/10 R: 10/10
#8: Your ingame art is too simple and never really looks like anything. The minigames are not blended well with the art.
Fortunately, your minigames were great and I really enjoyed them. They were fun, smooth, and every single one was creative. The only thing I disliked was the zombie minigame.
The concept was decent, I liked how the world slowly became more dream like, ending with you waking up.
G:8.5/10 A: 6.5/10 C:7/10 R:10/10
#9: The art was okay. Most of the level was pretty simple and not very interesting artwise, but I did like the lava pits you made.
The minigames on hard mode often relied solely on precision for difficulty, which ended up making them annoying a lot of the time. They often seemed random.
I liked the idea of investigating an abandoned factory, but the connection to the houses at start and end seemed a little superficial (like they were just kind of there because they had to be).
G: 5/10 A: 6/10 C: 6/10 R:10/10
#10: Ingame art was really well done here. Occasionally it would look messy, but for the most part it was nice to look at ingame.
Minis were a little bit above average, since there was some variation on the rope ladders and jumping from block to block theme. However, you used both of these in your level as well.
Creativity wasn't the best here (it doesn't really stand out as different from the other worlds) but it wasn't awful.
G:5/10 A: 8/10 C:5/10 R:10/10
#11: The art is okay, often it's a little bland but never bad.
I found your minigames fine at the start, but towards there were several annoying ones that I had to dock points for.
The concept is great here - I like the idea of moving from frame to related frame, which lets you do a few animations. The plot is OK (it's a little cliche) but works well.
G:4/10 A:8/10 C: 9/10 R: 10/10
#12: The ingame art is okay, all the rooms seem to be the same type of art. There isn't anything that really catches my eye as good ingame art.
Yes, I finished this level. Yes, it was way too hard on hardmode. This level took me the longest to finish with an ungodly number of deaths. The thing with hard minis is that they need to be really good to make up for the fact that you're probably going to feel some rage and want to quit. The minis in this level often required too much precision or were unreliable, resulting in more rage than fun. However, they were often creative which earned you points.
The concept is 2012 sewers. Seen it too much.
G: 7/10 A: 6.5/10 C:5/10 R:10/10
#13: If this ingame art isn't a 10, I don't know what is. Not only does it look amazing, it's in 3D and it actually works! Any time I've seen an attempt at 3D art it fails to work with gameplay, but somehow you made it work.
The minis were simple and easy - this level was mostly about exploration, which I liked. I didn't take off a lot of point here because they were not annoying to play.
The concept was great as well, I liked the idea of failing suicide and realizing that you did have something to live for, and then finding your way through town back home. What is also creative about this level is the use of 3D, because I know that getting it to work right is tricky and does require creativity.
G: 6/10 A: 10/10 C: 9/10 R: 10/10
#15: The ingame art is decent, there are a couple spots (like the city) that could use some improvement artwise. The starting house, the pizza place, doesn't look too good inside.
The minigames can be annoying occaisonally, but you have a lot of fun, creative ones throughout the level. Great job here.
The concept is different, since there are no other levels that require a return to the starting house. This sets it apart from the others in a good way, concept-wise.
G:8/10 A:7/10 C:8.5/10 R: 10/10
#16: The ingame is clean, nothing bad. However, it comes off as very drab overall and this cost you some points.
The minigames were creative, I liked the puzzles you included. However, the pathing was often difficult to follow and some minis could be a pain to complete.
The concept of the level being a metaphor (within a dream!) stood out from the other levels.
G:6/10 A: 5/10 C: 7/10 R: 10/10
#19: Excellent ingame art. Houses, unlike MANY other levels were actually designed as real houses would be, and on top of that had great interiors. The landscape was well done, I especially liked the outfits and death animations you made. The train was spot on, something I've tried myself and know is hard to do.
Minigames are what brought this level down. If only you had worked with somebody else to make better minigames - the puzzles were fine, but the actual gameplay (such as vine jumps, avoiding spikes, getting in the vent) were often annoying to the point I wanted to leave.
Concept was really great here - the story was engaging and fit the mood set by the ingame art perfectly! On top of that, I really enjoyed your creative ideas with the map puzzles and navigating the subway. Again, excellent job here.
G: 5/10 A: 8.5/10 C: 9/10 R: 10/10
I'd reccomend you work with somebody else stronger in minigames, I bet you could make awesome levels in the future!
#22: Art usually sets the scene well and makes the player feel as if they are actually there. Some minor flaws include the usage of the castle block background in the caves (it does not match well with others) and having too many blocks that clutter the playscreen.
Minigames were a dissapointment here, given the other categories were done so well. Often they were a lot more creative and fun than most levels, but had several annoying sections (e.g. you included hovers at one point) and often lazy. This is not to say there weren't good portions! I especially liked the minigame using the red key on the road.
The level's storyline was very creative and different from the others, well done! It was engaging and gave playing a sense of purpose.
G:6/10 A: 7.5/10 C:8/10 R:10/10
#23: The ingame art inside of the houses is okay, but they both seem too empty and bland. On the other hand, I really liked the ingame art you did in the forest and this brought your score up.
While different and creative, I often found the minigames far too difficult for where they were in the map or annoying.
The concept was nothing too new (but still more creative than others) but I liked how creative you were in the actual layout of the map.
G: 7/10 A: 8/10 C:7/10 R: 10/10
#25: Ingame art was your strong point here. I liked the lightning effect you added, and the rest of the ingame art really set the level's mood well.
The minigames were often a bit tedious, but showed some creativity.
The story is a little too similar to others (waking up in an abandoned house) but is still creative.
G: 5/10 A:7/10 C: 5/10 R: 10/10
#26: The art inside the end house and the trees were the best parts here. The sky didn't look right because of how the stars were placed (stars don't go in front of trees or cluster like that) and the caves section didn't look right because you could see the sky underneath it while playing.
There was nothing new to be found in the minigames, except for one minigame that involved jumping over a lake.
I liked your concept, it provided a good reason for travelling home but probably should have explained why you are in the wilderness. If you had a town or something it would make more sense.
G:5/10 A: 6/10 C: 6.5/10 R: 10/10
#28: Disqualified.
#29: The ingame art looks nice at times but it is messy and distracting overall. You lost points for this.
Pathing was unclear at times (in a bad way, not an adventure sort of way) but when you did find where you should be the minigames were decent.
Nothing very creative was in the level that I saw, but it wasn't awful.
G:6.5/10 A: 4/10 C: 5/10 R: 10/10
#32: Ingame art was okay, the house at the start was poorly designed (this was an issue present in many levels - houses do not look like that!) and the interior is pretty empty. It got better outside but still remained too simplistic and empty.
The minigames were not very good here. The starting minigame involves several hovers (with a restart putting you back at the spawn...) which I found annoying. The two mud/lava minigames were a bit boring but not annoying, and there was a blue coin that required two hooks to be done. The final minigame involving lava was nothing new.
There isn't really a concept here, it just seems like random lava and wandering. The end is very abrupt with no explanation - I'm walking on a cloud and suddenly I'm home? Why wasn't I at home at the start?
G: 2/10 A: 5/10 C:3/10 R: 10/10
#35: I disliked your ingame art. The backgrounds and blocks you chose didn't mix well with each other and the design of the house was poor. I did like the satanic room at the top, so props for that.
Minigames were, like many other levels, bland and consisted of chain and rope paths mixed with hooks.
Creativity was average, there was not much new about it.
G:3/10 A:4/10 C:5/10 R:10/10
#38: The ingame art was okay, like many other teams you messed up on the design of the houses. I liked the backgrounds you used (they helped set the scene better) and the tornado in the desert region was great. However, the insides of the houses were lacking.
There wasn't really much gameplay... you left a lot of blank space in your world. Where there was gameplay, it wasn't annoying but you lost points for having so little.
The concept of waking up in a random house wasn't new and I've seen it in a lot of levels. It was average in creativity.
G:5/10 A:6/10 C: 5/10 R:10/10
#40: Your ingame art was ugly (the factory didn't look good, outside was better). Sorry.
The minis were just "yay let's jump" type minis, nothing creative. On top of that easy mode made it harder because of the jump effect: you had to speedcontrol a jump.
The concept didn't exist.
G: 2/10 A:5/10 C:4/10 R:10/10
#41: At least you tried... no wait, you didn't do that.
Trying usually helps get points. (R is 0/10 because you have no house. 3 blocks is not a house.)
G:0/10 A:0/10 C:0/10 R:0/10
#42: Ingame art is very cluttered and messy, it looks like you focused on the minimap instead. Fortunately, I liked the angels a lot!
The minis, like a lot of levels, were not very creative (mostly seemed random) but played smoother than most.
The concept was one I saw a lot during the contest, just a journey through a landscape with no real purpose.
G:6/10 A:4/10 C:5/10 R:10/10
#46: The ingame art is good here - I like the detail on the miners and what they are mining as well as the inside of the start and end houses. While these aspects were good, some negative parts include the lack of detail once underground and the lava background arrows (these looked ugly).
Minigames, while never making something truly creative, avoided annoying and overused elements and were tested enough to play smoothly (most of the time). I enjoyed the easy puzzles where you had to grab powerups in a certain order.
The concept at the beginning was different from the others, but while playing it did feel very similar to other levels. This was mixed.
G:6.5/10 A: 6/10 C: 6.5/10 R:10/10
#47: Great job with the art. It makes you feel as if you actually are some where, it's beautiful ingame. I loved the stylized bits you added, it really gave the level some personality.
Minigames were smooth and I actually found myself enjoying playing them. Unlike many other levels they had some variety and interesting concepts added. However, the level remained so easy that when I finished I felt like "this is it?". It needed to be longer/harder in my opinion.
The level was somewhat creative, I liked the concept of the player having a big hallucination. Good job!
G:7.5/10 A:9/10 C:7/10 R:10/10
#49: The art looks like you focused more on the minimap than ingame here - while it looks good on the minimap, it looks cluttered and sometimes ugly ingame.
The minis were well done, they were smooth and offered more creativity than many other levels.
The concept was not very creative, it was the typical 'cave journey' to the surface which I've seen many times.
G: 7.5/10 A: 5/10 C: 5/10 R: 10/10
#50: The art often felt too simple, but set the mood effectively. My favorite part of the art was the truck at the start.
The minigames were a bit annoying (too many random spikes) but you avoided the all too familiar hooks and dot paths I've been seeing far too much of.
The concept was different from the other levels, but it wasn't really carried out well (what I mean by this is that I didn't feel like a monk - it seemed like an excuse to just make a landscape)
G: 6/10 A: 7/10 C: 6/10 R: 10/10
#53: Ingame art looks good. It's nice, simple, and uncluttered. Especially good job with the trees and the little people near the end.
Gameplay was a big let down - with better gameplay, this level could have gone somewhere. Instead I found myself surrounded by hookjumps and "lets jump form block to block" minis. In the volcano it was difficult to see where blocks were and wading through a large pool of lava isn't a fun restart.
The concept is what I was expecting most levels to be, nothing great but nothing bad.
G:3/10 A:7/10 C:5/10 R:10/10
#54: Ingame art isn't too cluttered but is often ruined by the minigames or a poor choice of blocks (such as the roof of the second house). The details in the houses are well done.
Gameplay was boring, there were hooks, rope paths, and jump from block to block minis and no variation. The only interesting part was the section with the curse, which was hardly a minigame.
The concept is nothing new and can be seen in multiple levels - the lightning strike was different, but wasn't pulled off well.
G:3/10 A: 5.5/10 C:5/10 R:10/10
#55: There was practically no ingame art, it was just boxes.
The gameplay consisted of hooks, annoying precise hooks, annoying dodging of fire... let's just say I didn't like your gameplay very much.
The concept was the most interesting part of this level, I liked the idea of being strangely locked in a house and trying to escape.
G:2/10 A: 1/10 C:61/10 R:10/10
#57: Ingame art looks messy and trolled for the night area. The second area (day one) was a lot better, but still didn't look good ingame.
Gameplay consisted of hooks and those annoying ladder chains. The thundercloud gave a speed powerup and was more creative but did not make up for this.
Originality was okay, I can see that thought was put in here.
G:2/10 A: 4/10 C:5/10 R:10/10
#59: Ingame art fits the theme very well and for the most part made me feel as if I was actually there, which is ultimately the goal. The major flaw here was that the ground looked too trolled/random, but I didn't take off a lot of points for this.
Gameplay was never annoying, but also never became very interesting. Most minigames felt like fillers, with no real challenge or gameplay.
Concept was really well done here, I greated enjoyed your level because of this. The idea sticks out as very different from the others and isn't done poorly.
G:5/10 A:7.5/10 C:8.5/10 R:10/10
#60: Art was good here. It started off a little messy (one thing that annoying me is your grass went from dark to light when the sun was above) but there were some good ingame designs such as the horse and windmill. Overall clean look.
Minis were not the best, there was a maze and most minis were just jumping. I did like how you went about creating an alternate difficulty.
Originality was not your strong suit here, but you made a decent effort and came up with something mildly interesting.
G:3/10 A: 7/10 C: 6/10 R:10/10
#61: Art is done well where you can find it. The level is far too empty and the building at the start is poorly designed.
The level hardly has basically no gameplay, it's just move to the other end. This cost you a lot of points.
The level seems random and events are seemingly unrelated. No concept seems to be behind this.
G: 1/10 A: 4/10 C: 3/10 R: 10/10
#62: The ingame art was clean, but often drab and boring.
The gameplay consisted of a lot of hooks, a dot maze, rope grabs, etc. This was not fun to play, although one or two minigames were creative.
The concept is the standard walk across the map approach, seen it in a lot of other levels.
G:3/10 A:5/10 C:3/10 R: 10/10
#64: Ingame art is poor, building is not designed well and trees do not look very good. There is a lot of empty space.
No gameplay.
Concept (night and day) seems like it could be interesting if it was elaborated.
G: 0/10 A: 3/10 C: 4/10 R:10/10
#65: As I expected from you, exceptional ingame art. The level looks beautiful everywhere, and I have to really look to find any complaints whatsoever.
The gameplay was a little boring and often involved some guess and check. However, it was spiced up a lot by funny ways of dying which I enjoyed.
Given that the concept is completely new, you got a lot of points on creativity. Great job!
G:7/10 A: 9/10 C: 9/10 R: 10/10
#66: The ingame art is often messy, but effectively sets the dark/quirky mood of the level. I especially liked the balloons outside of the clock tower.
Your title set me up for dissapointment here, but it wasn't bad. While at first the minis were dull and sometimes obscured by backgrounds, later on there were a few easy puzzle minigames I liked.
Creativity was good here, I liked the idea of going through the same landscape in different states.
G:6.5/10 A:7.5/10 C:7/10 R:10/10
#67: The ingame art was okay, at times it was messy (like the starting house and a few trees).
The gameplay was creative sometimes (the password one) but a lot of the gameplay was hindered by overuse of secret blocks.
Creativity was average, a lot of levels had the player escaping from a house to get home.
G:6/10 A:7/10 C:5/10 R: 10/10
#70: Great hooks you got there. Despite making a joke level your ingame art actually turned out better than a lot of levels.
G:joke/10 A:6.5/10 C:joke/10 R:10/10
#73: The ingame art is well done! It's never too bland or too cluttered, and always manages to look good.
The minigames were your weak point here. While never being annoying and sometimes creative, they were never really smooth and fun.
Concept was your strong point, the level was not only funny (go bruce :3) but it was radically different from all the others, and definitely a level I would remember playing.
G: 6/10 A: 8.5/10 C: 9/10 R: 10/10
#75: Excellent ingame art. It really set the mood wherever you were, and was at its best when you came to the house at the end. I also liked how you showed items and transitioned to the end.
There were not really minigames here, but I liked how if you paid careful attention to the ingame art what could have been a coinhunt became a puzzle, and a lot more fun too!
I liked your story a lot, especially the concept of becoming a ghost and trying to guide the police to your murderers. Not only was it a good idea, but you carried it out well.
G:7/10 A: 9/10 C: 8.5/10 R: 10/10
#76: Ingame art was decent. I liked the little touches you made on the benches in park and the little smokestack on the factory. While not everything looked good (a few houses were poorly done) I liked it overall.
Gameplay was okay, mostly there were bland jumping minigames. Nothing really stuck out here except for the hooks in the factory (in a bad way).
Concept was different from other levels, it was the first time I saw a city and a way to allow quick navigation through it. Well done here.
G: 3/10 A: 6/10 C:7.5/10 R:10/10
#77: The ingame art is way too cluttered, I can barely see what I'm doing.
The gameplay was a bit above average, I did see two hooks as a restart and some annoying sections with the spikes but overall it was relaxing and not too bad.
The concept seems like an excuse to build a random landscape, I did not find this very creative. (It's only involved at the start really...)
G:5.5/10 A:3/10 C:5/10 R:10/10
#81: Minigames were above average, there were several creative levels but many places where boring or annoying minigames took their place.
Ingame art was poor except for near the end, which was well done. (I disliked the dark borders and cave designs, plus it was too simplistic)
Concept was great, very different (in a good way) from other entries. I liked how after completing a level you would see the next stage of grief and they were color coded.
G: 6/10 A: 5/10 C: 7/10 R:10/10
#82: Ingame art was the strong point here. The underground mine portion was really well done (the deco art was perfect) as well as the city. The outside portion wasn't as good, but not bad.
Like many other maps, minigames pulled you down. They were mostly jumping from platform to platform or dot paths. There were many places were creativity could have been added, such as the maze section.
The concept was nothing all that different from the standard approach of just moving across a landscape, but I did like the twist at the end where you don't actually get to see your family.
G:5/10 A: 7.5/10 C: 6.5/10 R: 10/10
#84: Ingame was was decent, I liked the earth at the end and how you added ores in the mars rocks. However, I didn't like the inside of the starting dome and the art seemed too plain overall.
Minigames were probably limited a lot by the low gravity here, but you seemed to do well. Nothing was annoying, and while a few challenges were interesting it was mostly a coin hunt.
The concept stuck out from the others a lot (first space level, and one of the few to provide a good reason for going home). This was the strong point of the level.
G: 6/10 A: 6.5/10 C: 8/10 R:10/10
#85: The art is simplistic and clean, but doesn't look good ingame. This is due to poor design of buildings (just a box - people don't make them that way), block choice on the mountain and generally the level feeling too empty and underdeveloped.
Your gameplay was average and boring, I didn't encounter anything creative. Most of the minigames were tedious: the hooks after the mountain, standard jump from block to block a million times types minis before and in the mountain, ropes minigames in the trees, etc.
The concept is good (the portion with escaping from your master at the start) and you got points for this.
G: 3/10 A: 4/10 C: 7/10 R:10/10
#88: The art looks trolled and is practically eye rape ingame. Sorry, didn't like it.
The minis are typical of many levels, they tended to be overused and often seen types of minigames which really aren't very much fun to play. The level also has poor restarts - and example of this is the trail of icicles that is already annoying with an instant restart, but you decided to make it a trail of mud.
It seemed concept was just an excuse to make random levels, which I didn't like. You didn't even try to incorporate it into the level.
G: 1/10 A: 3/10 C: 2/10 R:10/10
#90: Disqualified. You use a 50x50 world, which was expressly forbidden in the rules.
#98: Disqualified.
#99: Your ingame art was often bland without a lot of details added. One thing that bugged me was the use of magic bricks underneath the grass - this is clearly minimap art, if you were focusing on ingame art this make no sense at all.
The minigames at the start seemed like box minigames (but got better later on - for example, the dropping minigame where you avoided the spikes) and your level suffered from hookitis, the use of hooks whenever you need to go upwards.
The concept seemed like an excuse to make a random landscape, as wasn't really incorporated into the level.
G: 6/10 A: 4/10 C: 5/10 R: 10/10
#102: The ingame art is well done, I enjoyed how you created a level select and how you tried to have a 3D look ingame (this was most noticable at the bridge). However, some of the interiors turned out a little bland.
The gameplay feels like a coin hunt, except for switches. I did not enjoy this part, especially because there were no minigames to add to it.
The concept is good, but feels a little random: why would all those crazy things happen to some one? It makes it feel forced.
G:5/10 A: 7.5/10 C: 8/10 R:10/10
#104: Ingame art was better than the gameplay, I especially liked the skull and the silhouette hills. I could see some attention to detail, but it still felt bland overall.
Gameplay was decent, much better than other entries. There wasn't really a consistent difficulty (it went from hardly a mini to medium) but I did enjoy what you made.
While it wasn't exactly clear what was going on (this cost points) you did have an interesting idea (being chased). It could have been developed further.
G:7/10 A: 7.5/10 C:7/10 R:10/10