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#51 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

me wrote:

. . . . . . l . . . . . .
.              . l .
.              . l .
.              . . .
I hates them.Just hates them

what is wrong with that? at   any rate, that is one of the easier dot minigames. ok, i can see how you don't like them if people just make more then 3 :rolleyes:

#52 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

So you mean you have seen those where it where less than three?

Last edited by me (Feb 10 2011 9:00:16 am)

#53 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

If you think about it, if it is extremely hard and you failed about 10-20 times, it gets annoying. No matter how creative and different it is, it can still be annoying.

#54 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

Don't do this:
Post levels that have reached at least 1 completion point.
Well, at least on this forum 'Level Creation'.

Last edited by rdococ (Sep 18 2010 7:17:27 am)

#55 Before February 2015

I Like This Game2

Re: Tips on what NOT to do

I hate it when they put in a coaster longer than it needs to be. I can understand if there is no space in that part of the room make make another mnigame in that area, but to put a coaster of 5 lines is simply annoying. //

#56 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

Don`t make levels that based on key-bricks and place a key in every part of it (I just played a minigamestage with platforms of keyblocks in every room and keys in the coasters between them, you can understand that were not good)

Last edited by me (Sep 24 2010 8:23:41 am)

#57 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

______________ /\ /\ /\ /\ >|_|<  /\ /\  <           >|_|< <           >|_|< <           >/\<    < <<<<<<<<<<<

What is going through the creator's mind when they decide to make one of these, or perhaps 7 in a row if they're feeling frisky.
And, always. One of these.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<< <><><><<></\/\>>><\/ /\>>>\/\/\/>>>>>/\<<<> >>>>>><>><><><>><< /\>/\>\/>/\>/\<\/</\>/\/\> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>< <<<<<<<<????????????????

Last edited by Des (Sep 25 2010 7:59:07 am)

#58 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

Also, don't just make minigames and bosses. Make other things, preferably more than one thing (not minigames & bosses together), and if you're making a minigame level, be sure to add break rooms every once in a while (not just 3x3 rooms filled with dots, make at least 12x12 rooms with "tables" and "beds". Maybe even "bathrooms"!). And once again, NO DEAFENING COIN DROPS!!!!!!!!!! Also, do not, whatsoever, make levels entirely out of black blocks, gravity arrows, and other things invisible on the minimap.

#59 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do


#60 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

Got enough tips?

#61 Before February 2015

From: We will meet again as stars
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 3,281

Re: Tips on what NOT to do

No, we are at the same school... YOU HAVE'NT EVEN TRIED THIS

        //   <<<<<<
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB                                          B= Block     .=dotwalking



#62 Before February 2015

DK Levels

Re: Tips on what NOT to do

Whoever first started those 'buying houses by jumping' levels was a genius, I don't like them but at least they were original.

#63 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

But now they are really overused, They are all the same. It annoys me when half the maps in the lobby are BUY A HOUSE FOR FREE.

#64 Before February 2015

DK Levels

Re: Tips on what NOT to do

Exactly, its hard to be original because if you do succeed its going to be overused and people get sick of it quickly

#65 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

What About
^                                   ^
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^                                   ^
^                                   ^
^                                   ^
^                                   ^
^                                   ^
^                                   ^
^<<<<     >>>>>^
Those Are Annoying

Last edited by kaosslasher (Nov 3 2010 11:30:41 am)

#66 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

DK Levels wrote:

Exactly, its hard to be original because if you do succeed its going to be overused and people get sick of it quickly

Quoted for truth.

#67 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

oranj wrote:

Also, don't just make minigames and bosses. Make other things, preferably more than one thing (not minigames & bosses together), and if you're making a minigame level, be sure to add break rooms every once in a while (not just 3x3 rooms filled with dots, make at least 12x12 rooms with "tables" and "beds". Maybe even "bathrooms"!). And once again, NO DEAFENING COIN DROPS!!!!!!!!!! Also, do not, whatsoever, make levels entirely out of black blocks, gravity arrows, and other things invisible on the minimap.

I think adding little chair and tables should be something not to do, it's silly and done to death.

#68 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

It doesn't really affect the game play, so it doesn't matter much.

#69 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

I absolutely hate those E jumps and where you have to jump with really low ceilings!        //

#70 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

To answer a TON of questions on this post I have something to say. The reason there are not that many creative and original levels in EE anymore is because 1. Most of the people who play EE are noobs if it is not something that they have done 1000 times before they'll quit 2. Those kind of levels are hard to make unless you have a crew because it is damned hard (Trust me I know this from experince) to make a origanal level ALL by your self without it taking weeks (And yes maybe EX crew levels took weeks but people who have mothers who say no more than 2 hours on the computer a day don't have "weeks" to make a lvl) 3. lets face it the same-old-game levels are easy to make and they get a lot of plays and tats what most people want. Hope thats answer SOMETHING

#71 Before February 2015

From: Virgo Supercluster
Joined: 2015-05-26
Posts: 1,114

Re: Tips on what NOT to do

I hate this-                       

                                                       B   B
                                                       B   B
                                                       B   B
                                                  ^ B   B
                                           BBBBB   BBBBBBBB

Obligatory piece of text placed here forcing you to load an extra 100 bytes of data per post I make.


#72 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

Des wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<< <><><><<></\/\>>><\/ /\>>>\/\/\/>>>>>/\<<<> >>>>>><>><><><>><< /\>/\>\/>/\>/\<\/</\>/\/\> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>< <<<<<<<<????????????????

I don't even know how to complete things like these :'(

#73 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

|                  .                     |
|               .   | GOAL!!! |
|            .      | GOAL!!! |
|         .         | GOAL!!! |
|      .            | GOAL!!! |
|   .     //     |                    |
I hate things like that...

Last edited by Jojatekok (Nov 20 2010 11:09:02 am)

#74 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

Heh as I see not many people reads this topic, there are lots of levels with RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRINNNNNNNGGG welcoming you //

Oh, and.
What do you think about my level? Is it annoying? :/

#75 Before February 2015


Re: Tips on what NOT to do

alex wrote:

I think adding little chair and tables should be something not to do, it's silly and done to death.

the worst thing is death traps, like in your level //

Last edited by johan (Nov 23 2010 10:29:31 am)

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