Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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pls can u do:
oh and chikorita+combee=chikbee
and gastly+combee=gasbee
IM REALLYSORRY IF THIS IS TO MUCH TO ASK FOR!! did i do the bold on 'really' right? i hope so- this is my first comment!:):D THANKS
btw u are AMAZING at these sprites :D:D:D:D:D:D
Last edited by TulipTwirl7720 (Apr 16 2012 8:40:30 am)
@Cola1 OMG how did u get that EE smiley?? IT IS AWESOME ...srry i like bold...
Last edited by TulipTwirl7720 (Apr 19 2012 9:56:12 am)
Try making a triple phusion sprite.
Cola1, you have to remember, I have a project I'm busy on. Don't worry though, it should be finished by tomorrow.
patience is key, I haven't made any triple sprites, but I did make a octuple one.
Genesect+Keldeo (Geneldeo) nuff' said.
I are back.
sorry if all mine was too much too ask for....
or sorry if you're too busy...
i like how u always show your newest one on your posts aswell ^^
sorry if all mine was too much too ask for....
or sorry if you're too busy...
It wasn't too much to ask for, but I only choose ones that I think I can actually do.
i dont mind!
thanks anyway!!:)
oh, and can i stay on this forum though? because i really like the sprites, no matter what they are a mix of
Last edited by TulipTwirl7720 (Apr 21 2012 11:33:43 am)
Sorry I haven't been making many of these lately, but the schoolwork is almost completely behind me now. I still have the Pokemon in Minecraft thing going though, and that's been slowing me down too. For the next couple days I'll work on these more.
ok good... not much feedback tho so I'll give some more.
I think there was a slight fail in Jigglypuff+Gyrados's face a little. otherwise everthing is fine.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
ok good... not much feedback tho so I'll give some more.
I think there was a slight fail in Jigglypuff+Gyrados's face a little. otherwise everthing is fine.
I will fix that, I get that a lot.
[EDIT] Is this better?
Last edited by Krazyman50 (Apr 22 2012 1:04:57 am)
please make this one
OnixSaur (Onix+Venusaur)
do magicarp+ mew
Last edited by deetz (Apr 23 2012 5:33:16 pm)
Celetini looks so cute!
I knew it!
... all of your friends/family members requests sound AWESOME!
Scolipod (Scolipede+Metapod)
Duskrai (Dusknoir+Darkrai)
Duskdol (Dusknoir+Claydol)
Deibell (Deino+Weepinbell) (I forgot how to spell some pokemon names)
Sharpoom (Sharpedo+Gloom)
Cobarakizion (Cobalion+Terrakion+Verizion)
Silvanny (Sigilyph+Leavanny)
Similga (Simipour+Emolga)
Last edited by haze123 (Apr 24 2012 10:42:29 pm)
I are back.
I worked very hard on Dialkom, it probably took the longest to make, so I hope you like it :3
dialkom was great!!!!
are you going to do palkia+reshiram next then?:);)
Dialkom was my idea! It looks awesome! I wish it was in the game...
I are back.
dialkom was great!!!!
are you going to do palkia+reshiram next then?:);)
I was planning on it, but I cancelled it.
[ Started around 1741671977.7738 - Generated in 0.085 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.64 MiB (Peak: 1.86 MiB) ]