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#26 2016-02-11 23:08:40

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

yeah i dont think roleblocking mafia is possible in any other cases than roleblocking all 3 mafia members which is nearly impossible

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#27 2016-02-11 23:21:06

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

please do not claim, people :/

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#28 2016-02-11 23:22:43

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Processor wrote:

I think it is _very_ likely that they found the serial killer as well. SK cannot be killed at night so it would make sense.

no, SK would kill the attacker if that would happen and we would see a mafia dead, not zelda

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#29 2016-02-11 23:27:18

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

uh ok then
also drawn this cus boredom and also to organise facts:


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#30 2016-02-11 23:33:02

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

what if they have some sort of an ability that is worth using instead of a kill..?

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#31 2016-02-11 23:42:02

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

if you get swapped spots with someone else and you were supposed to get RBed but the other person gets, are you notified of anything?

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#32 2016-02-11 23:59:13

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

if i were calicara i wouldnt tell everyone of my night action if i were mafia so i doubt she is...

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#33 2016-02-12 00:08:28

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Anak wrote:

I don't see why there would be two town roleblocking PRs.

i think everyone here realizes that every town is a PR so im sure many of us have a roleblock action

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#34 2016-02-12 00:24:02

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

hmm why?
we dont have legitimate proof to judge anyone yet

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#35 2016-02-12 14:32:59

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Zoey2070 wrote:

having two town RBs seems unlikely...

maxi123 wrote:

i think everyone here realizes that every town is a PR so im sure many of us have a roleblock action

idk what to say about creature, this sounds very true that he is mafia and kill failed cus RB but.. would he admit it then?

Creature wrote:

I'll just confirm I was indeed furried roleblocked, so Calicara is either town prostitute escort or femme fatale consort.

also requesting enlightment:
escort = town?
consort = mafia?
am confused

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#36 2016-02-12 16:44:09

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

im still in doubt that creature is scummy
if he is mafia why would he admit that he got RBed if that just pushes us closer towards conclusion the mafia kill didnt occur due to him being RBed?

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#37 2016-02-12 16:48:32

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Creature wrote:

First, I wouldn't make the kill if I were mafia.


Creature wrote:

If Anak had roleblocking abilities, someone should've said they were roleblocked by now.

maybe theyre just inactive like tako

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#38 2016-02-12 16:57:01

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Processor wrote:

This is the second time you buddy with Creature this game.

if you havent noticed, im trying to question almost every accusion to prevent town mislynches
also what was the 1st time?

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#39 2016-02-12 18:29:39

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Processor wrote:

but we must lynch someone today.

we dont have enough evidence on D2 for a 100% accurate lynch

Processor wrote:

This is the first time you buddied with Creature:

Processor wrote:

Both maxi123 and Creature are attacking calicara.
Maxi defends Creature's stance.

i thought you were joking around
i have no clue what led you to that conclusion and i have answered to that accussation or read or whatever of yours
please dont be stupid like that, its annoying

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#40 2016-02-12 18:33:54

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Calicara wrote:

Ill RB him again and see what happens.

it is indeed smart to lay out that plan here
do you really think creature will do the faction kill this night just to prove your point?

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#41 2016-02-12 19:35:35

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

you gotta change your plan now, just making sure you realise that :l

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#42 2016-02-12 23:14:20

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Processor wrote:

So? No matter what, we still need to lynch someone.

yeah lets just lynch someone because mislynch chances arent even high as hell cmon

Processor wrote:

We have higher chances of winning if we were to lynch random people than if we sit and do nothing.

no. do your math. we will lose faster if we do random lynches

Processor wrote:

This is the second time you strongly defend Creature. That is a fact and you cannot really say it didn't happen because it did.

i didnt defend him. i questioned the accusations on him to see if it would be a valid choice to lynch him.

Processor wrote:

a) You told Calicara to stop attacking Creature and called her behavior stupid. (Defended creature, attacked calicara)

maxi123 wrote:

cali pls
get the joke lol
dont repeat ur defensive crap from game 3

it was D1 and we were joking around while cali seemed to take the joke too seriously and was about to go overly defensive about it like she did in game 3
show me that line where i referred to creature and defended him
show me that line where i told cali to stop attacking creature
show me how your point makes sense

Processor wrote:

b) You said Creature wasn't scummy. (Defended creature again)

where exactly did i clearly say he is 100% not scum? i did say i doubt he is scummy but that is because i didnt see enough proof against him.

Processor wrote:

You are too focused on defending yourself even though I didn't put a vote down on you.

i like to clear things up when im talking with people so an issue is resolved once and for all

honestly you look a LOT like scum to me right now, you clearly stated that youre trying to get a mislynch + you start to alter the meaning of my words and make things up, like mafia typically does to accuse town
im not sure but
!vote Processor

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#43 2016-02-12 23:20:49

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Creature wrote:

I am starting to feel the 2nd neutral is actually a witch (considering Anak's action was changed to someone else, seems like a witch), unless town/mafia has the ability to change someone's target.

there was a bus driver (which was aligned with town) in game 2 so i think there might be a town capable of doing that

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previous signature by drstereos


#44 2016-02-13 01:38:51

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Processor wrote:
maxi123 wrote:

show me that line where i referred to creature and defended him

Ok here you are:

maxi123 wrote:
Calicara, in response to Creature wrote:

And you are? I'm getting a scum reading from you already, attacking me on D1. Smh

cali pls
get the joke lol
dont repeat ur defensive crap from game 3

Calicara was accusing Creature and you told her to back off. Isn't that defending him?

i didnt tell her to back off. i told her that its a joke. wtf?

Processor wrote:

Winning chances if we don't lynch at all: 0%
Winning chances if we lynch randomly: >1%
It is almost always better to lynch someone instead of nobody. Scum aren't going to kill themselves during the night, you know...
Town lost the mafia game 2 by just nolynching.

town lost mafia game 3 by mislynching
while i can agree that nolynching all the time will make us lose, lynching should be done VERY carefully. how many times town lynched a scum in games 2 and 3 together? just once i guess

Processor wrote:

Seriously, you exactly know that I don't want a mislynch either.

well, maybe? thats if youre town

Processor wrote:

YOU are the person who is changing the meaning of MY statement (which is: we still should lynch the scummiest person, even if they could unfortunately be a town member).

the first time you worded it like "lets just lynch someone"

Processor wrote:

You already stated that you think a lynch today could result in a mislynch and that's why you think we should not lynch anyone.
Then you go ahead and vote to get me lynched, what the hell, that is such a contradiction.

i guess i overreacted since what you done so far wasnt enough for a good scum read

also, you said i want to get rid of attention, do you really think i would go head-on against you, playing agressive if im scum?

while this now made me look just stupid and wont defend me in any way i want to point out two things:

first is:

Calicara wrote:

I have not seen much from Hostage, W24, Smitty, Tako, and Bobithan.

this is a very good point, while we are blaming eachother the scum might be hiding under the radar


Processor wrote:

Creature still looks scummy, his argument about not killing if he were mafia makes 0 sense (and I know that he is capable of proper argumentation).

while what i will now say will make us look like buddies a lot and is sort of a claim, i can guarantee you that creature is not a mafia, this is not a read or anything based on evidence, but rather something related to my role. and he is not a SK either because he was RBed yet SK did a kill this night
so creature is not the person we should aim at with the lynch today

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#45 2016-02-13 01:43:12

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

a purposeful no-kill for mafia makes much more sense now, look what chaos it caused

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#46 2016-02-13 02:53:22

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

W24 wrote:

!lynch maxi123

y'know, you could at least say why or say you agree with proc
not just tossing a random accussation at first, then being silent and rolling in after with a random lynch vote

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#47 2016-02-13 16:00:18

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Pyromaniac wrote:

Also maxi, I think playing aggressively isn't a valid alibi. You were in the last game and saw how people claimed mafia was always passive. So if you're mafia you might have been trying to place suspicion on calicara or whoever through "jokes"..

yeah remember when i played aggressively game 3 to carry out the situation? you hammered me
also, everyone here with at least a little bit sense of humor realises that D1 is a day for pure jokes. well except you and proc

honestly this whole thing with "omg u disagree with me u must be buddying him!!!" is a giant bull****, literally anyone can call two people buddying if one of them disagrees with whoever accused the 2nd one
example (just an example, not claiming any facts) - i say proc is mafia, 2 towns say he isnt i say u 3 buddy and ur mafia
makes no sense right

also can someone explain what jester is/does

right now i dont know who to suspect, zoey seems a bit scummy but i would want to hear something from the lurkers (tako being the first one in queue)

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#48 2016-02-13 16:27:27

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Pyromaniac wrote:

You did the same thing that Hostage did last game with the "haha I'm going to make a joke", and then he turned out to be mafia

i guess hostage just doesnt know how to crack dat memes
it was D1, it was obvious he was joking, he just failed to make that behavior like when ur joking and went super serious, i guess
plus i didnt even make the joke with cali, i told her to take creature's joke in an adequate maner

Pyromaniac wrote:

You've been super quick to defend yourself

what, am i supposed to ignore people's accusations on me?
i would rather prove them wrong

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#49 2016-02-13 16:28:29

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Pyromaniac wrote:

Also has anyone else besides processor voted recently?

i voted on proc, then unvoted when realised i overreacted

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#50 2016-02-13 18:38:36

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Processor wrote:

Calicara's vote is RIP.
Maxi unvoted.
W24 is voting Maxi.
I am voting Zoey2070.
We need 7 votes for a lynch.

gg we're making progress and agreement here

Processor wrote:

If she [calicara] turns out to be otherwise [mafia], we know who to lynch tomorrow)

who? i didnt catch up with your thoughts here

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