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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#2 Re: Game Suggestions » change action of toxic block.. » 2018-09-06 04:13:42

azurepudding wrote:

It's like a spike block, but lets you swim through it like water when you have protection.

But it's a liquid block.. It's like we just ignore that its a liquid.. Regardless of protection or not..

 Liquid - a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume, having a consistency like that of water or oil.

Lava has water in it.. So does the toxic block - it's a liquid just like Mercury & Motor oil.

It even states within the tags that is it's a "fluid"

#3 Game Suggestions » change action of toxic block.. » 2018-09-06 01:56:13

Replies: 12

Why does this liquid base item\block act as a spike? I understand we're trying to have a different outlook on new items and etc but shouldn't it be like lava with a timer on it?

I just don't like the fact its instant death on touch when it's a liquid based "block"

#4 Re: Bots and Programming » Protocol documentation » 2018-09-04 09:54:46

So, after realizing the following protocol was taken down … p?id=33679. I figured i'd post the new protocol here since forum mods or Thanel himself haven't did so. The new address for a protocol that currently works is here:

Credits for the protocol: Capasha

#5 Re: Bots and Programming » Map arrays » 2018-09-02 19:13:57

HG wrote:

You're trying to send the whole block array, when you should send the element of the array with the coordinates from the loop.

con.Send("b", 0, x, y, bid[x, y]);

appreciate it - that fixed it.

#6 Bots and Programming » Map arrays » 2018-09-02 18:36:14

Replies: 2

Is there a way i can write a map array to use for everybody edits? Due to the following way I'm trying i get the error:

C# wrote:

Message only supports objects of types: string, integer, boolean, byte[], float, double, uint, long & ulong. Type 'System.Int32[,]' is not supported.

My code:

        public class Map
            public void Draw(int[,] bid)
                for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < 6; y++)
                        con.Send("b", 0, x, y, bid);

Case "b" code:

Map map = new Map();

map.Draw(new int[,]
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

Any ideas? Suggestions, Anyone //

#7 Questions and Answers » Why was the following removed? » 2018-08-03 07:06:33

Replies: 5

Using the following link:

The case "pm" was removed for private messages through bot - any reason why it was removed? Does it not work anymore?

#8 Re: Questions and Answers » Isn't there a command for effects? » 2018-08-02 22:49:12

N1cholas7778 wrote:

The command is /giveeffect (player) (effect) I think

Late on post but i appreciate the effort and help //

#9 Re: Questions and Answers » Isn't there a command for effects? » 2018-08-02 06:30:49

LukeM wrote:

I've added this and a few other things to the help message this update //

italkalotfromee wrote:

Number 6 in the list seems to be a /setteam command of some sort - not sure if this is correct or its a bug..

Teams used to be effects, but I guess at some point someone decided that that doesn't make sense so moved it to /setteam

Appreciate it //

#10 Re: Questions and Answers » Isn't there a command for effects? » 2018-08-01 22:30:53

LukeM wrote:

/giveeffect or /geffect

Not sure why its not showing up in the help message... I guess I'll look into it

After testing this command and here's the results i got from it:
/* Effects:
0: High jump [1- high, 2- low]
1: fly effect
2: run effect
3: Protection effect
4: Curse effect
5: Zombie effect
6: Gets a message saying "Please use the command 'setteam' instead."
7: low gravity

Number 6 in the list seems to be a /setteam command of some sort - not sure if this is correct or its a bug..

#11 Questions and Answers » Isn't there a command for effects? » 2018-08-01 12:38:25

Replies: 10


The command /ce [player name] removes these effects from players - but i was curious if there was a hidden command or not added onto the list that adds them?

#12 Re: Off Topic Discussion » What’s the problem? » 2017-12-14 07:03:13

The government has alleged multiple times that the people don't have say in government actions. Such as, killings, bombings, and etc. I believe that no matter who we vote for they will always do what they want. This world isn't 'free' or what we compose to be 'free.' We live in a society were people think they have the divine right to tell someone else what to do. Like you have to buy food or only hunt in certain times of the year. But natural law says "Humans are allowed to forge for food and water when they are hungry." But yet, we still undermine that.



#13 Re: Questions and Answers » Read, if you want.. idk subject lol » 2017-12-14 04:57:04

MrJaWapa wrote:
italkalotfromee wrote:

The police can do what they want, it's their streets. I mean you do listen to their laws right? Okay then.. That's my point.. I listen to the laws & in-game rules but I don't suck up to the staff or the police and I don't go trying to make laws were the police are allowed to by pass them, do I? NO. So why should players make ideas in-game were the staff can break those? Such as the ban or kick player..

Game staff can do what they want, because it's their game. They make the rules. It's up to them what can and can't be done, and what is allowed in worlds. It's not your call. All you can do is complain and hope they take it into consideration. Stop comparing a video game to a police state. They're not police, and their not invading your home

Why are you posting here acting like you're grumpy & etc.. I was just trying to discuss something and you get all defensive.. Why you suck up to the stuff so much?? No wonder, they loved you as a staff member..


Also if that's how the staff is then why do people play?? That's kinda messed up. Like the community has no say basically? I mean why do you want to play a game like that? It's good to debate and discuss things not to be stuck up like you're doing right now. I don't know why you are acting like that..

#14 Re: Questions and Answers » Read, if you want.. idk subject lol » 2017-12-14 04:37:20

Emalton wrote:

Look, it's your world but their game. Actually, you don't own anything you create on the game.

And if you simply ask a staff member to leave if you want privacy they normally will unless if you are doing something that they consider questionable.

Okay, If we're looking at it from this stand point of view then I want my refund back for the smiles i purchased. Since I don't own anything in the game.

LukeM wrote:

What if you are, for example, trying to convince someone to give you their password, then a staff member joins; they wouldn't know that you are doing that, so by your rules you could kick them so they don't see... This would mean that as the staff member doesn't know what you are doing, they wouldn't be allowed to join your world, and you could continue to steal passwords without them being able to stop you.

If someone is trying to steal your password it is your responsibility to report them. Not the admins/moderators to hop in your world and try to stop it. You need to stand up for yourself and your information. Otherwise, I would recommend a parent to watch over you.

MrJaWapa wrote:
italkalotfromee wrote:

You're basically saying staff members are allowed in my world for any reason whatsoever.. That's like saying the police are allowed into your home for any reason.

Those are completely different things.

The staff can do what they want. It's their game.

The police can do what they want, it's their streets. I mean you do listen to their laws right? Okay then.. That's my point.. I listen to the laws & in-game rules but I don't suck up to the staff or the police and I don't go trying to make laws were the police are allowed to by pass them, do I? NO. So why should players make ideas in-game were the staff can break those? Such as the ban or kick player..

Mega Lamb wrote:
italkalotfromee wrote:

How come people all ways feel like the staff is entitled to over-run them or allowed to do whatever they want? I understand they are the staff team and they do support and moderate the server. But mostly, when people suggest things all ways try to give the staff the upper hand.. Such as:

HG wrote:

A user can not ban staff members from their world.

I do not intend to disrespect staff members, moderators, or anyone who supports the game or helps with the game. But I do not understand why people think that staff should be obligated to join the world of a player who doesn't want the staff in it. I mean if the staff feels so obligated to join that persons world because of "drama" or anything of the sort then it should be handle accordingly to the rules. Not harass a player by joining their world consistently because you're a "staff member" and you can do so. I mean everyone every now & then wants there privacy right?

Not sure which member of staff you're referring to, but I feel like I should step in to defend staff to an extent. Firstly, (and I'm aware this is somewhat the fault of the developers,) we have no indication whether worlds are "visible" or not, or if they're Friends-Only, until AFTER we join the worlds, as all the worlds with anyone in them, visible or otherwise, are listed in the lobby. As such, the staff isn't immediately kicked on entry, but we do get a notification. If I join and see that it's clear I shouldn't be there, I leave without trying to rejoin.

Secondly, staff shouldn't be abusing their powers to rejoin worlds where they're not wanted. If they are, I believe you can still "Report Abuse" just like with any other player, and a discussion about it may be had amongst the staff.

I agree with you but lets say you're kicked from the world owner and he doesn't give you a reason. Do you rejoin or what do you do? <- This is what I am aiming at. Because I've seen players kick staff and they instantly rejoin. No I'm not going to point out people or say names. This isn't a post to try to belittle or call someone out, I'm not here to offended anyone but to understand the reason why staff should have the right to rejoin a world even after kicked unlike players having to wait..

Not intentionally aiming at any staff.

#15 Re: Questions and Answers » Read, if you want.. idk subject lol » 2017-12-13 16:34:39

LukeM wrote:

My point is that staff members sometimes need the ability to join any world, and they should be trusted not to abuse that power (if a user doesn't want them in their world, and they don't have a good reason to need to be there, they should be trusted to respect what that user wants)

They aren't Gods and players should have authority/rights over there own world.. Else why are you even entitled to the world..
Basically staff should be able to be kicked, banned, or removed from worlds by the world owner for any reason without questioning. It doesn't matter the reason.. If i can kick a player then i should be able to kick a staff member. Unless it's a Jurisdiction reason then I don't see the point in why you can't kick, banned, or remove them from that world. If you please to do so.

#16 Re: Questions and Answers » Read, if you want.. idk subject lol » 2017-12-13 16:18:55

LukeM wrote:

I mean if you are doing something illegal in the world, not if you've already done it //

And they wouldn't make someone staff if they aren't a trustworthy person, and players don't have a reason to need to be allowed into every world, so that bits irrelevant...

You're basically saying staff members are allowed in my world for any reason whatsoever.. That's like saying the police are allowed into your home for any reason. NO! I disagree, if staff doesn't have a valid reason of why they are re-joining your world after you have kicked them then they shouldn't join again. I state "staff" because people said you shouldn't be able to ban them.(from your own worlds..) When I highly disagree.

Okay, truthworthy as in they won't abuse their powers.. Not trustworthy as in you can tell them secrets and etc. Just because the owner and other staff members say you're trust worthy and they give you a position in the staff team. Doesn't mean you have to also agree and state that they are trust-worthy also.. You are entitled to your own opinion rather staff is trustworthy or not..

Basically I'm saying you don't have to suck up to staff members because other community members say "he's trustworthy" or "She's trustworthy."

#17 Re: Questions and Answers » Read, if you want.. idk subject lol » 2017-12-13 16:00:24

HG wrote:

You really took your time to search through my posts and take that quote. Nice.

Cheating & staff over-riding players worlds are different but they can be the same. I understand your point in the post you have made. But 'cheating' doesn't apply to staff having the right to enter your world if you 'banned' them from it.. Which was why I posted this topic here..

Also, if players are cheating in your world you can report them then kick them afterwards. As, i stated above:

Notion wrote:

Staff doesn't have to be in-game to ban players.

So to furthermore, of the reason why I shouldn't be able to ban staff from my world is still unexplained..

#18 Re: Questions and Answers » Read, if you want.. idk subject lol » 2017-12-13 15:51:14

LukeM wrote:

I think the general idea is that the staff can be trusted, so you shouldn't have much reason to ban them other than if you're doing something illegal or against the rules, which they would need to stop

But if that was the case, they don't need to come and confront you in the world nor do they have to join the world. I was banned when i was offline for "collecting ips."
Also, players trust each other so how is it any different? How come I can kick someone I "trust" but i can't kick staff member who is apparently "trusted?"

One more question.. Since when did staff automatically become trusted for everybody?

#19 Questions and Answers » Read, if you want.. idk subject lol » 2017-12-13 15:42:36

Replies: 24

How come people all ways feel like the staff is entitled to over-run them or allowed to do whatever they want? I understand they are the staff team and they do support and moderate the server. But mostly, when people suggest things all ways try to give the staff the upper hand.. Such as:

HG wrote:

A user can not ban staff members from their world.

I do not intend to disrespect staff members, moderators, or anyone who supports the game or helps with the game. But I do not understand why people think that staff should be obligated to join the world of a player who doesn't want the staff in it. I mean if the staff feels so obligated to join that persons world because of "drama" or anything of the sort then it should be handle accordingly to the rules. Not harass a player by joining their world consistently because you're a "staff member" and you can do so. I mean everyone every now & then wants there privacy right?

Also this isn't just about joining worlds this goes for anything..

Note: I do understand staff do have special privileges and I agree to a certain degree.

#20 Re: Game Suggestions » Commands: "me" in place of yourself. (When 2 on same account) » 2017-12-13 15:19:50

They could make it where if the same player joins twice. The second player with the same name gets a number after them.. So you can tell..

[This is my idea if you had 2 of the same names on a world]


[This is now with 2 players on]


Just a temporary player for bots or whatever the case may be.

Sorry about the second picture being so big xD

#21 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Arrow blocks » 2017-12-13 14:59:08

Or you can use signs such as: "->" to tell direction. Rather than creating a block for it.. I mean there are things in game you can use for this.. Stop being lazy and be imaginative..
The graphics designer shouldn't have to make something for every little obstacle..

#22 Re: Forum Discussion » Bug reports » 2017-10-03 04:12:12

BuzzerBee wrote:

moved to forum discussion

also no then there would be so many duplicate topics

So you would rather someone abuse a bug or multiple players then just type a simple forum reply saying: "This bug has already been reported."

If so, I think you need to educate yourself some more.

#23 Re: Creative » How I got my username. » 2017-10-03 04:05:58

My name in-game "Italkalot" came from where my dad would always tell me that I talk way too much and need to stop. Because as a kid i would always narrate my gameplay or tell a story off the top of my head about how i did something in the past. Or how something occurred in the game. I just talked way to much...

#24 Re: Forum Discussion » Regarding rules in-game and forum rules.. » 2017-10-03 04:03:37

Different55 wrote:
italkalotfromee wrote:
Different55 wrote:

You can swear, you just can't evade the censors. If you post an image and don't censor it, wrap it in a trigger warning.

If we already have a filter to turn off swearing and etc then why do we have to tag it? All are just creating reason to harass your community players; or so forth it seems to me.

You have to tag it for the people who don't turn it off.

Well then, isn't that there issue and not mine? Why should i have to be punished for someone else's problem?

That's like: I shoot my dad in the foot and then he goes to jail for attempt of murder... like really..

#25 Forum Discussion » Bug reports » 2017-10-03 03:59:41

Replies: 4

I think the bug report section should only be visible to the person who reported the bug or issue.

Just so other players can not abuse a bug in any kind of way...

Lets say i found a gem bug that could let me get 100 free gems.. and i reported it as a bug on the forums, then everyone else started abusing the bug..

Do you agree?

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