Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Re: Game Discussion » Beta Logic » 2018-05-01 14:59:43

Beta blocks are a beta feature only. They're not being tested but act as a form of incentive for you to get beta. A perk for beta only members.

#2 Re: Game Discussion » Why can you only buy 1 NPC at a time? » 2018-05-01 14:21:57

I have a fun world idea in mind I might do when I get 100 of them. Won't be for a while though rip rip

#3 Re: Game Business » [Update] - 23rd of December - Christmas 2016! » 2016-12-25 02:44:24

So Grinch shows up twice in the smiley box now... same smiley but different ID? :thinking:


Edit: Oh nvm it goes away after you leave world

#4 Re: Game Discussion » Why are you still playing EE? » 2016-09-13 10:49:13

Jokes on you, I don't play anymore... just lurk the forums awaiting for the perfect moment to make a random post like this.

#5 Re: Game Discussion » How to show adventure league badge » 2016-05-29 13:21:30

Or you know... just not have adblock like the cool kids these days

#6 Re: Off Topic Discussion » So I calculated the apocalypse » 2016-05-02 10:25:22

So if all humans stop walking... does that mean the world will never end?

#8 Re: Game Business » Everybody Edits Contest: Spring 2016! [Winners Announcement!] » 2016-04-17 01:46:08

Yay! so glad Sensei1 got first place. He deserves it after not even placing in the loading screen contest.

Gratz everyone else on winning as well!

#9 Re: Game Business » Introducing two new moderators: benje00 and zioxei » 2016-04-14 12:42:45


I've been waiting years for Boh and BEE to become mods...

but zioxei?

#10 Re: Game Business » Everybody Edits Contest: Spring 2016! [Registration and Rules!] » 2016-03-27 04:44:51

Rip, completely missed sign up deadline by 1 day //

Welp good luck to all the teams participating. I've been a bit inactive lately, this would have been a great opportunity to jump back in the fray. Oh well, maybe next time.

#11 Re: Game Discussion » cleared » 2016-03-06 12:33:24

tak4n wrote:

g7O1H.png -> pFhcd.png -> FexQx.png -> 1ntnj.png -> zuvkw.png -> zAJlQ.png -> WU4Y


Next evolution guess: ZM12G.png

Wow this topic is so old... this post isn't even right. Ninja was my first smiley that I used consistently.

Either way, here's my updated list:

FexQx.png Good ol' nub days -> 1ntnj.png Good ol' Ex crew boss days -> zuvkw.png I was so happy when I got this -> The grinch is a lie -> Good ol' old graphics -> 2dUXb4I.png Yep, this list seems right now

Next prediciton is still

#12 Re: Game Discussion » VALENTINE'S DAY GEM GIVEAWAY | OVER ♥ » 2016-02-17 04:49:48

anch159 wrote:
tak4n wrote:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm bad at poems
But so are you

But it's ok 'cause we're all friends
This is my poem
Now give me dose gems >:D

I feel like you or someone else used that for the valentines day poem contest last year or a couple years ago...

Shhh don't tell anyone. It's a secret //

Just as said in the poem... I'm bad at poems. //

#13 Re: Off Topic Discussion » find me this game and get 50 gems | NEVERMIND IT WAS GENEFORGE » 2016-02-16 23:28:06

*cough* Zelda *cough*

Sorry been having a really bad cough lately

#14 Re: Game Discussion » VALENTINE'S DAY GEM GIVEAWAY | OVER ♥ » 2016-02-14 22:46:14

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm bad at poems
But so are you

But it's ok 'cause we're all friends
This is my poem
Now give me dose gems >:D

#15 Re: Off Topic Discussion » EE Minecraft Server » 2016-01-16 07:58:08

Just realised...

tak4n (Tak4n_)

My username in Minecraft doesn't have a space after it... can you please whitelist me, I'm not actually white listed on the server yet.

#16 Re: Off Topic Discussion » EE Minecraft Server » 2016-01-08 03:23:10

What difficulty is the server on?

#17 Re: Off Topic Discussion » Powerball Lottery » 2016-01-08 02:40:29

JaWapa wrote:

The government is the real winners when someone hits the jackpot.

Getting dem mad tax money

#18 Re: Off Topic Discussion » EE Minecraft Server » 2016-01-07 12:50:28

Applied, why do I find out about this server so late?

Also forgive 1nsanity for his 'pranks' he does go too far with them.

Had some great memories from MIHB's and Capasha's server one of the more memorable ones:


#19 Re: Creative » BAVE: Eternal Darkness » 2016-01-02 13:45:12


For those not aware of what this topic is yet, it's my story that was once written on this forum. It will have the names of a lot of people from EE in it and I highly appreciate any feedback. I will be rewriting this story because I'll be getting it prepared for publication as a full fictional novel. Note: I will update every day since I have the book mostly finished so it will get very overwhelming to read! The book will roughly be ~90k words once finished, it was planned to be a 3 book series but I haven't really made much of a start on the second book yet so I don't know when or if all 3 books will ever be finished. Either way, for those that will read this I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Edit: You can still find the full draft of this book on this forum. Easy way to find it is if you click my name and search for one of the ABVE topics.

#20 Creative » BAVE: Eternal Darkness » 2016-01-02 13:44:37

Replies: 1

"My lady! You may not go in there at this time!" A guard yelled.
"Move out of my way! I've got important business to discuss!" The lady shouted as she shoved the guard out of her way and burst through the main doors of the Royal Conference Room.
"Bave! You're not supposed to be here! Have the guards not informed you!?" The Royal One exclaimed.
"I will not stand for this decision father!" Lady Bave protested.
"Where are your manners young lady!? What is it that you're suggesting here?" Royal One demanded an answer.
"You shall not allow Him, this... fiend... to participate in the Xenostone Championship!" Bave protested.
The Royal One had a quick glance at Acreus who was sitting patiently at the Conference Round Table.
"I understand your concern..." Royal One began. "However, Acreus and I have come to a solution." He finished as he extended his hand. In it was something unusual, glowing with unsettling essence.
"Is that...?" Bave wanted to ask.
"Yes daughter, this is the very same elemental essence with which you were infected not that long ago." Royal One began explaining. "We will use it as our solution to this problem."
"But... how did you obtain it? And how is it going to help us solve this issue?" Bave begged for information.
"We found the woman responsible for the attempted assassination on you..." Royal One wanted to speak.
"You have!? Why have I not heard of this earlier? I must speak with her immediately!" Bave interrupted.
"No, I shall not allow you to do this! She is under the same stimulate as He is making Her too dangerous for you to approach. She will be dealt with in the same manner as He is so you shouldn't fear. We will create a stabilised, controllable version of this elixir and we will give it out to the other participants at the tournament. Best case scenario, He will be killed on even grounds in a fair battle. Worst case scenario, we will create a mutated army to take down His menacing power. Best part about this modified version of the elixir is that the person infected with it won't be able to turn against the Crown because the effect would erode them from the inside leaving nothing but a bunch of remains. It's a win - win situation, the crowd would also be eager to see enhanced warriors in action so we'll get a lot more traffic and monetary gains!" Royal One explained.
"Father, listen to reason! You're creating a weapon!" Bave exhaled waiting a moment for her words to sink into the minds of everyone at the table. "You don't have the power to control such strength!" She cried out. With a quick movement of her hand she created winds which were strong enough to put out all the candles in the room and force all the paper to go flying up into the air and off the table. With a quick movement of her other hand she just as easily lit all the candles back on fire showing that it took no effort to cause disruptions in the most basic elements of this world. "You're going to fight fire with fire!" She exhaled one last time.
"That's the final straw young lady! Know your place!" Royal One yelled at her.
"When was the last time I was wrong father? I beg of you - listen to reason." Bave teared up as she rushed out of the building.
"She's right Acreus." Royal One admitted after Bave left them be.
"We all know she is right, but what other options do we have on the table? You and I both know that this is our best shot - our only shot at keeping this town and its citizens safe from Him." Acreus explained.
"It hurts me to admit you're right. I'll talk with her once I get back to the Royal Palace. I announce that this conference is now at its end. Thank you for coming here today Acreus, you are now free to leave." Royal One finished.

    ♪ Some legends are told ♪
♪ Some turn to dust or to gold ♪
♪ But you will remember me ♪
♪ Remember me for centuries ♪
     ♪ And just one mistake ♪
        ♪ Is all it will take ♪
   ♪ We'll go down in history ♪
♪ Remember me for centuries ♪

Chapter One: The Xenostone Championship

     Two years after the previous event...
     The sun shone brightly over the wasteland and the city that resided on it. At temperatures rising higher than most other parts of this world, the citizens had to wear desert robes to protect themselves from the intensive heat. There were no animals in this region and crops didn't have the sufficient soil or conditions to grow. All the food and fresh products had to be imported from other regions of the world, however this destination prided itself for being one of the most prestigious tourist destination for the upper class citizens. This was the only part of the world that held Xenostone Games, 4 versus 4 battles to the death between some of the strongest warriors of all the lands. It was surely a sight that had to be witnessed if you were regarded as an upper class citizen or even a royalty. There weren't too many residential homes in this region, mostly buildings for commercial use. This town also has a main marketplace which mainly sells food and necessities to the residents that worked in this region. The rest of this land was covered with various kinds of inns and bars which were popular between the warriors that participated at the Xenostone Games and the upper class tourists that came from other towns and regions to witness the Xenostone Games. This region was also the home to a Royal Palace and other royal buildings where the Royal One and his daughter resided. And finally, there were also numerous stadiums scattered all around the land in which the games were held, these games were held between four main factions; Brotherhood, Archangels, Veterans, and Element forming the famous slogan of BAVE named after Princess Bave.

     The Xenostone Tournament which is held once every two years was coming up again, and the registration office was excessively busy. Two inconspicuous siblings were standing in line to receive their dose of the elixir and even though they were warned that the effects of the elixir varied and could have had severe consequences on their health, they still wanted to participate at the Xenostone Championship. Their names were Movone and Honey, for most of their life they had to survive on the streets as they were unfortunate to have lost their parents and had to resort to theft to survive. The Xenostone Games was their chance to have a normal life as it would have provided them with a shelter and the basic necessities they needed. The age restriction to enter the Championship was 18 and over, Honey recently turned 18 and Movone being 19 himself met the age restriction to partake in the Games. The registration office seemed very shady, dirt on the walls and mud on the ground. It was nothing more than a barn house that hasn't been taken care of for a very long time. As they walked closer and closer to the guard that led people inside a dark room where they received the elixir, they heard two thugs talk about a warrior in the Championship that had a demonic presence and was more powerful than anyone else in the entire world. Rumors even had it that this warrior was strong enough to take down a whole team all by himself. It was clear that these thugs feared this unknown warrior, even though they didn't know His name. Movone and Honey decided to brush off the news as simply just a rumor created to discourage the participants at the tournament. Movone and Honey finally got to the front of the line and stood in front of the guard.

     As the guard looked down at them, he gave a cheeky smirk "Not old enough to partake in the tournament."
The guard smelt like he hadn't taken a shower in weeks, and looked like he just ran a marathon with sweat dripping down from him.
"We're over the age of 18! Old enough to participate!" Movone argued.
"Ha! Look at this kid trying to look all tough." The guard laughed. "Where is your proof?" He then asked.
"Well I..." Movone quickly realised that he had no way to prove that he was over the age of 18. He lived on the street most of his life, in fact he couldn't even prove that he lived in this region.
"Look around and tell me what you see kid." The guard then proceeded to speak.
Movone gave a quick glance at the line behind him. He saw warriors that came from lands far away, who has trained years upon years just to get themselves in shape for the championship. Warriors that were bulky enough to kill Movone without even having to use a weapon. He was no match for them, entering the tournament would have been suicide.
"Now tell me kid, are you still inclined to participate?" The guard gave yet another cheeky smirk thinking Movone would run home in tears.
"Yes, sign us up." Movone then slowly said.
"Ah, screw you! I'll sign you up to settle down your ego." The guard finished as he opened the door into the dark room.
The guard then noted their names down on the enrollment list as team mates part of the Brotherhood faction. Movone and Honey smelt alcohol coming from this guard as they walked past him and into the dark room. Movone and Honey knew that the guards also known as the 'defendants' in this region were all corrupt, so they weren't surprised by this guard and his nasty personality either. Still, they couldn't help but wonder what kind of mess have they got themselves into...

     Inside the room, they came across a few men dressed in robes. The door was shut behind them to prevent any noise going into the registration room, unlike the registration room, this dark room was completely silent and very unsettling.
"Are you aware of the terms and conditions?" One of the monks said in a soft voice.
"Yes, you are not responsible if something goes wrong with the effects of this elixir." Movone spoke up. "However, I have a question..."
"Ask away child." Another monk whispered loud enough for Movone and Honey to hear him.
"This 'elixir' wasn't in the last tournament. What really is it and what will it actually do to us?" Movone requested explanation.
The third monk smiled. "Theoretically, you will receive 'one' single elemental power that will help you in the tournament."
"Theoretically...?" Movone slowly asked.
"Yes, we can't guarantee what will actually occur after drinking the elixir or whether you will actually live after drinking it." The monk then waited for a moment. "However, I'm sure you've already heard of this lecture before. Are you still willing to proceed with this?" The monk asked.
Movone slowly nodded. The monks then handed Honey and him the elixir. The liquid inside it glowed with unknown essence, what really was it? Either way, Movone and Honey couldn't dwell on their decision for too long anymore so they opened their elixir flasks and took a drink out of them.

     Honey began feeling fluids rushing through her veins, a feeling she had never experienced before in her entire life. As she took a breath of air, she felt energy and an unknown force fill her body. She felt strength that she had never felt before and at the next instance she knew what she had to do. With a swipe of her hand she began transforming common elements into something incredible. Fusing atoms together with ease, she began altering matter itself. And in the next moment what appeared in her hand fascinated everyone, a crystal arrow. You could only get one power from this elixir and she knew that her power resided in archery. Next to her Movone began experiencing a similar feeling, or something similar. Movone burst into screams as he felt the fluids in his veins burn him as if it was lava. He began overheating and in the next moment he fell onto the ground, unconscious. Honey rushed to help him but at a single touch she was flung backwards, Movone was boiling hot preventing anyone from touching him. As Honey screamed for help, two men with hard leather clothing came up to Movone, placed him onto a carrier used to take victims of the elixir out of the building. It became clear that this isn't the first time this scenario occurred. This is what Movone and Honey were warned of, they were given a choice and they decided to take the risk. Now they end up paying the full price for it.

     "He's not dead! He's not DEAD!" Honey screamed with tears as these two men took Movone away.
These men understood that Movone's power would prevent him from being incinerated which is where they usually took the victims. Therefore those rare scenarios such as Movone had to be buried far away beyond this land. Honey couldn't bare it any longer, with a few swift movements of her hands she created a Crystal Bow coated in Dragon's scale and two crystal arrows molded in the finest essence of Gryphon's feathers. She knew that if she killed the men with the arrows, her body would begin to disintegrate and ashes would be the last remains of her. However, if Movone was to be pronounced as dead, then she would go out with him. Since childhood they promised to be by each other's side and she wasn't going to break this promise this easily. She readied her bow, took a deep breath and fired the arrows.

     As the arrows flew towards the two men, something unusual began taking place with Movone. He began glowing with a red aura as the two arrows engulfed in flames. Only ashes remained from the two arrows.
"He's not dead." One of the men spoke up.
"This boy will either remain in eternal slumber or he's going to make it out okay. What do you think?" The second man asked.
The two men glanced towards Honey who was on her knees and slowly choking from her tears.
"I say we give him a chance, he seems like a fighter. Let's take him to the infirmary and see if he'll recover." The first man explained.

     A week had gone by after a week and Movone was not showing any signs of life other than a beating heart. Honey began losing hope, the qualifiers for the tournament were about to begin leaving her no time to practice with her newly gained powers. With a swift movement of her hand she formed a bright red ruby arrow and placed it down next to Movone.
"I'll be back." She whispered as she turned towards the door.
"W..." Movone whispered something very softly.
"Movone?!" Honey stopped.
"Th..." Movone tried to say as he slowly opened his eyes.
"I'm here! What is it?" Honey spoke in a very worried fashion.
"Together." Movone finally whispered.
Honey smiled. "Together."

Chapter Two: Qualifiers

     The week of the qualifiers had finally approached as Movone and Honey realised that they were far behind in practice.
"We still need to meet our team mates!" Movone exclaimed as the two of them rushed towards their team's headquarters.
As they burst through the doors they saw two male individuals. One stood up from the couch to come and speak to the two new recruits while the other one remained sitting on the table. Both of them looked around the same age as Movone and Honey and did not portray anything special. It was unlikely that they trained for the tournament which enforced the idea that their team was clearly going to be an underdog team.
"Hi! My name is Gabyss, I like to swim at the beach! But I've never seen a beach before so I don't know how that works, but anyway... hi!" Gabyss gave a massive smile.
Honey smiled. "It's nice to meet you, my name is Honey and this is my brother Movone."
"What took you two weeks to get here? Lost your way around the town?" The guy sitting on the table said as he spit onto the floor.
"This is Mob, he doesn't like to talk very much but it's easy to get along with him!" Gabyss explained. "Anyway, we have four bedrooms, the one on the very left is mine and the one on the very right is Mob's. He said he wanted to have his room as far away from mine as he could, but he didn't mean it... we're best friends after all!" Gabyss smiled.
Mob silently smirked as he looked away.
"Let me give you a tour of the place to make it easier for you to settle down here!" Gabyss continued smiling as he began telling Movone and Honey more about the place.

     The four of them finally sat down around the main table to begin strategising for their upcoming match in two days.
"So what power has everyone received from the drug?" Movone began the conversation.
Gabyss quickly stood up. "My name speaks for itself, I am the master of the abyss and king of the void. My enemies run in fear when they see me! I am Gabyss!" He giggled as he sat back down.
He was clearly excited about the tournament, either way his power seemed very powerful and everyone knew that Gabyss was a very strong contestant.
"That sounds great Gabyss" Honey smiled. "My ability resides in archery and Movone..." She slowly realised that she didn't actually know what Movone's power was yet.
"Fire. I believe my power has something to do with fire." Movone explained for her.
"You believe? So you don't even know what your power is yet!?" Mob gave a laugh. "Losers, I'm surrounded by a bunch of useless trash. One acts like he's 8 years old and the other two arrive two weeks late just to tell us that they don't have a clue what they have got themselves into. I can't believe you people!" Mob uttered as he quickly made his way out of the headquarters, slamming the door shut behind him.

     "In a way he's right. This isn't a game, our lives are at stake." Honey spoke after a few minutes.
"Yes, but we can't dwell on this. We have to strategise to at least try and get ourselves ready for the upcoming battle. Here is what we're going to do..." Movone began. "When we step into the arena I want us to stay as far back from the enemy team as possible, with our powers we're better off to fight from a distance. Honey, I want you to do what you think is the right thing to do. I want you to fire a hail of arrows at them, they won't see it coming and won't be able to react to it quick enough. We only need to kill one of them to win the battle so even if three of them react to it fast enough, I'm sure there will be at least one of them who won't be able to counter the attack. Gabyss I want you to create a void between us so that their attacks won't be able to reach us. It's the perfect strategy, we'll hit them from above and they won't be able to do anything except to concede to the power of our attacks. So does everyone understands what is expected of them?" Movone finished explaining.
"Yes!" Honey nodded.
"Yes Sir!" Gabyss smiled.
"Perfect, then we're set for our upcoming battle!" Movone finished.

     Two days after the previous event, the day where titans would clash in the fight for their lives.
Movone, Honey and Gabyss managed to get some practice before the event, however Mob hadn't showed up since he left and was completely in the dark as he had no clue about their team's strategy. Luckily Mob showed up to the actual arena to meet his team before the battle.
"Mob, where have you been?" Movone requested an explanation.
"None of your business kiddo." Mob replied in a rude manner.
"Here is what we're going..." Movone wanted to strategise.
"No, what you're going to do is stay out of my way do you understand?" Mob rudely interrupted.
"But..." Movone wanted to rebuttal.
"Do we have an understanding or do we have a problem here!?" Mob continued shutting Movone up.
Movone slowly looked down at the ground without saying a word more.
"Good, I'm glad we have an understanding." Mob finished.

     As the crowd grew loud, the north gate began to slowly creep open and a cold breeze from the gate made the crowd cheer even louder. Four figures began to show their faces from the opened gate, Mob, Movone, Honey and Gabyss as the representatives of team Brotherhood. The team felt the sense of tension and discomfort, something wasn't right. Where was the enemy team? Up above the crowd, in a royal chair sat Acreus himself as he was in charge of the arena battles. Next to Acreus sat his right hand man who was also his son, Anch. A boy but a smart one at that, Anch was going to inherit the responsibilities of running the arenas one day. The drummers and other musicians began playing, something was definitely not right.
"Fire!" Someone commanded from the crowd of musicians.
As that happened, the team quickly found a hail storm of arrows heading straight for them. It became clear that the team was being tested before their real match began.
"Gabyss void shield!" Movone commanded.
"On it!" Gabyss quickly shouted in response.
With a swift movement of his hand... nothing happened.

     The arrows approached at a rapid speed, the team had seconds to react. Movone had to act now. With the thrust of his hands he flared up the air in front of them with flames that reached outrageous temperatures. Under normal circumstances the arrows would have flew right through the fire without any problem, however this flame was so powerful that it disintegrated the arrows as soon as they made contact with it.
'Whoa!' Movone thought to himself as he looked at his hands in disbelief.
Movone then glanced towards Gabyss who stood in equal confusion, but rather in disbelief of why his own power didn't work. Movone slowly began to realise that Gabyss never actually formed void during their practice, Movone began to doubt that Gabyss actually had the power he spoke off.

     The group of 4 was out of danger once again, however it was not over. The gate on the other side of the field began to slowly creep open. It did not take long for the crowd to go quiet as everyone knew, team Element was on their way out to the field. Team Element was the most fierce faction and was definitely the favourite of the tournament. Originally formed by Him, this faction had many restrictions and had a highly strict team selection. Everyone feared this faction, it was not to be underestimated as all the teams in it were deadly competitors. Everyone quickly recognised the four dark, discouraging faces consisting of Therwin, Decel, Tak, and Theditor. You needed three wins to qualify for the tournament, this team already had an excruciating win under their belts where they absolutely obliterated the enemy team. This was going to be a a tough chaotic battle.
"Don't fear guys, if we work together we'll get through this one!" Movone tried to encourage the team.
"Fear is my ally, it works for me." Mob smirked.
"Stick to the plan guys! Honey you first!" Movone instructed.
Honey then shot out 4 arrows heading precisely for all four members of team Element.

     The first arrow pierced Therwin right through his chest and burst through the other side. However he stood firmly unresponsive to this attack, careless as if nothing had happened. The second arrow was caught with ease and crushed by Tak's hand. It was likely this arrow wouldn't have done anything either way as Tak looked as if he was a massive tank standing on two feet. Decel swiftly dodged out of the way of the third arrow right as it was about to strike him down. The fourth arrow didn't even reach Theditor. It seemed as if he had created a ball of void in front of the arrow which the arrow traveled through. A similar ball of void was created on the other side of the arena, the arrow burst out from the void and struck Honey straight in her right arm preventing her from firing anymore arrows. The plan was falling apart in front of their own eyes.
"You are so incapable of fighting! I'll show you how it's done!" Mob groaned.
"No! Stay back, that's what they want!" Movone protested.
But it was too late to reason with Mob as he began creating numerous clones of himself all of which began charging the enemy team. This was an impressive disguise as the enemy team had no way of knowing which was the real Mob and which were the clones. However something didn't feel right as Movone noticed a nod from Decel towards Therwin from across the arena, it was a trap. Therwin's body seemed to be made out of pure metal with numerous blades sticking out making him seem like a metallic demonic figure. With a swift movement of his hands he detached two of his blades to use as throwing knives. The missing blades on his body almost instantly regenerated back.

     "Mob! Fall back!" Movone shouted.
But it was too late. Therwin threw the blades to the sides like boomerangs and within seconds they homed in on the real Mob killing him instantly spreading blood all over the hot sand beneath them.

#21 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Excuse » 2015-12-29 00:09:22

Hey hey hey now... *afk* is not an excuse... it's a meme

#22 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits GIFS » 2015-12-01 03:27:35

capasha wrote:

The last one wasn't even fun. People could get hurt really bad in that accident.
And for me do I class that image as gore. Even if it's not maybe that violent.

I can assure you, more people were hurt in the second gif than there were in the third gif

#23 Re: Game Discussion » Can we get the old fire back? » 2015-11-01 06:08:57

Old fire was perfect, fit right in with the rest of the game's graphics.

#24 Re: Game Discussion » your daily reminder that mrshoe was not entirely a bad person » 2015-10-31 14:14:12

And friends list, don't forget about the friends list. The one update I respect MrShoe for. But other than that... his vision for the game wasn't too great

#25 Re: Game Discussion » Announcement - Streaming world building start to finish » 2015-10-23 04:33:33

6am start for me, will probably miss most of it. I'll def watch it from the start after the stream finishes though.

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