Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Re: Game Business » Everybody Edits Contest: Summer 2016! [Discussion!] » 2016-07-11 13:47:44

Benje00 wrote:

Processor placed the text in the world, not me.  It will not be the deciding factor between winning and losing.

I knew people would bring this up even though it doesn't affect the level at all... I got confirmation from toop prior to submitting, so this is all fine.

#2 Re: Game Business » Everybody Edits Contest: Summer 2016! [Discussion!] » 2016-07-01 12:19:16

Xfrogman43 wrote:

So lictor submitted his world.

Lictor666 wrote:

Team name : Trix RIP
Members : Lictor666, Kiraninja, Stagecrew, DClevels, Benje00
World ID :

But this is the world they registered with:

TOOP wrote:

Team name : Trix RIP
Members : Lictor666, Kiraninja, Stagecrew, DClevels, Benje00,
World ID :

And according to the rules...

TOOP wrote:

-Registering teams:
-Once your team is registered no new members can join the team, nor can the world be changed. can't change your world once you registered. Toop, you have to follow your own rules...

We couldn't register that world because it didn't exist yet. If you look earlier in the discussion, you will see Kira saying we were not going to use that world. We wanted to use the new world size and had an agreement with Toop before Lictor made that first post.

#3 Re: Game Business » Everybody Edits Contest: Summer 2016! [Discussion!] » 2016-06-30 17:11:09

Luka504 wrote:
Kira wrote:

Team name : Trix RIP
Members : Lictor666, Kiraninja, Stagecrew, DClevels, Benje00,
World ID :

Ok yeah congratz, you made the world too difficult.
There is no way this meets the easy-medium requirement.
Oh well im sure toop will again judge unfairly and you will slide into first place anyways :>

Not addressing what you said but Kira has deleted his post because it was the wrong format. Lictor needs to post, so he'll be doing that once his ban ends.

#4 Re: Graphics Suggestions » ew old topic » 2016-06-26 02:24:42

Ernesdo wrote:

Yes Prodigy, woot everything Lord Kira has to say with his totally amazing profile pictures of crippled anime characters and one-look judgement.

Maybe Prodigy wooted it because he agreed with what he said? If you noticed, he wooted Koya's post as well. Kira said that he agreed with Koya, so of course he would woot Kira's post because he's saying pretty much the same thing. No need to insult two people in one post.

#5 Re: Off Topic Discussion » Cool Math - And you won't finish it!! » 2016-06-20 22:01:00

Koya wrote:

2 means imagine a graph y=991x/199, which points are both x and y whole numbers

Oh, okay. That makes much more sense. I was put off by diagonal of square, because that is definitely not diagonal of a square.

EDIT: Solved it. If we have a AxB rectangle, the answer is A+B-gcd(A,B). The number of boxes you pass through increases by 1 each time x passes an integer or y passes an integer, which would lead you to believe that the answer is A+B. However, sometimes we count the same box twice when the lines passes through a lattice point: this happens at gcd(A,B) points.

(Also Koya I think you should read the question again, it's asking how many boxes the line passes through, not lattice points.)

#6 Re: Off Topic Discussion » Cool Math - And you won't finish it!! » 2016-06-20 21:46:29

Nice problems, but your wording was a bit difficult to figure out on a few.

Hidden text

#8 Re: Off Topic Discussion » MATH HELPS » 2016-05-12 23:45:36

Jabatheblob1 wrote:
Stagecrew wrote:

If you set k high enough (k>2 for example) then they will intersect once in the interval, but let's ignore this case for now. Take u=(tanx)^2, turning f into 3u^2+2k and g into -u^2+8ku+k. We want these transformed functions to be tangent in the interval 0<=u<=(tan1)^2 - set the discriminant of f-g to zero and make sure the root of f-g is in that interval. The discriminant of f-g is 64k^2-16k, having roots at 0 and 0.25. Discard 0, it's not in the range. Checking at k=0.25, the root of f-g is in the right interval.

Now for the higher k, we want the transformed version of f-g to have a root at (tan1)^2 for the lower bound. Solving for this gives k=1.279, so if k>=1.279 it also works.

I wasn't able to follow you very well but this seems about right. This was a no calculator part of a calculus test though. So the first method you seemed to used seems to use no calculator which would work.

If you can't use a calculator, here's a slightly different way to approach the second part: we can express it in exact form in terms of (tan1)^2. We want f-g=4u^2-8ku+k to be 0 at u=(tan1)^2 so 4tan^4(1)=(8tan^2(1)-1)k meaning that k>=4tan^4(1)/(8tan^2(1)-1)=1.279 works. You can think of the change tan^2x->u as just plugging in values for tan^2x instead of x for your function - it's still the same thing, you just plug in different stuff. It's nice to make the substitution though because it reduces to a quadratic which is easier to deal with.

#9 Re: Off Topic Discussion » MATH HELPS » 2016-05-12 01:48:08

If you set k high enough (k>2 for example) then they will intersect once in the interval, but let's ignore this case for now. Take u=(tanx)^2, turning f into 3u^2+2k and g into -u^2+8ku+k. We want these transformed functions to be tangent in the interval 0<=u<=(tan1)^2 - set the discriminant of f-g to zero and make sure the root of f-g is in that interval. The discriminant of f-g is 64k^2-16k, having roots at 0 and 0.25. Discard 0, it's not in the range. Checking at k=0.25, the root of f-g is in the right interval.

Now for the higher k, we want the transformed version of f-g to have a root at (tan1)^2 for the lower bound. Solving for this gives k=1.279, so if k>=1.279 it also works.

#10 Re: Game Discussion » Official Contest Results Complaining Topic » 2016-04-16 22:45:15

Napakeun wrote:
iDC wrote:

If he gets disqualified from our team than you wont be seeing a map from us.

iDC wrote:

I am also pulling NSFW from the contest until/if lictor gets added back to our team. I will not let all his hard work on this map go unaccredited.

iDC wanted his team and world taken out of the contest and judges didn't respect his choice. Someone from 2nd place should go to 1st, from 3rd to 2nd and someone from honorable mentions to 3rd place.

If you look at a later post you would see that we entered the contest again. After Lictor was officially disqualified, we decided to stay in anyway.

#12 Re: Game Business » Everybody Edits Contest: Spring 2016! [Registration and Rules!] » 2016-04-07 01:58:22

Bimps wrote:
Stagecrew wrote:

Ok, you guys have convinced me that Lictor should be disqualified. You were right. I'll let the judges decide.

we havent convinced you one bit
you just dont wanna get flamed by the community
stand up for what you believe in
even if no one else likes it
dont give in

No, here's why I'm convinced: a) I'm probably pretty biased because I'm on the team b) Nobody else seems to agree, so I'm probably wrong

#13 Re: Game Business » Everybody Edits Contest: Spring 2016! [Registration and Rules!] » 2016-04-07 01:55:17

Ok, you guys have convinced me that Lictor should be disqualified. You were right. I'll let the judges decide.

#14 Re: Game Business » Everybody Edits Contest: Spring 2016! [Submit Your Levels Here!] » 2016-04-06 23:02:20

Since the situation with lictor has been resolved, we are now submitting our level again.

Team Name: Not Safe For Work
Members: DClevels, KingoftheOzone, Badoosh, Stagecrew
World ID:

#15 Re: Game Business » Everybody Edits Contest: Spring 2016! [Registration and Rules!] » 2016-04-06 20:40:45

Look, DC got a completely new player to test the level. Not only did he complete it, but he enjoyed it and went on to try the campaigns.

Stop putting NSFW to a different standard just because we tend to make harder maps. I would consider several submitted entries on par with the difficulty in ours. (For example, sensei's and asurch)

#16 Re: Game Business » Everybody Edits Contest: Spring 2016! [Registration and Rules!] » 2016-03-26 22:02:26

I have a question: my team has a plotline and concept that revolves around spring, but a good portion of the art (ingame and minimap) is actually set in winter. Is this OK, or will we lose points for this?

EDIT: We have already made a sketch, toop should be able to join our world (but not all of the other judges).

#18 Re: Game Discussion » EE Speedruns on youtube. Latest Video: LOEE Demonic Citadel » 2016-02-08 15:12:05

hummerz5 wrote:

wth the coins weren't needed to win?

what the heck was I doing that whole time


The idea is that Malor can lie to you (which many people don't get, because they are used to levels forcing you to go one way and leaving no options!) and in fact taking the coins is what you don't want to do. Instead, you should take the switches in order to kill him.

Also what Arkona mentioned is an exploit, not intended :c

#20 Re: Worlds » Loud Legend » 2016-01-05 00:17:51

While it does look similar to the mountain I made, it's clear that mat made the mountain himself and that's what matters. He may have used it as a reference, but I don't think credit is needed.

#21 Worlds » NSFW unreleased maps » 2016-01-02 20:48:46

Replies: 7

These two worlds were originally intended to be part of series of effect levels. Unfortunately, these were the only two we actually finished before NSFW became inactive. Enjoy!


NSFW Sugar Rush


NSFW Nightmare

#22 Worlds » Landscapes » 2015-12-22 23:03:26

Replies: 0

After a break from EE, I've come back and... actually finished a level! The level is just art, not at all intended for playing.

Here you go


#23 Creative » Pencil and pen sketches » 2015-09-26 14:30:26

Replies: 9

One of my favorite things to do in my spare time is making random things in pencil and pen... I usually tend to do landscapes, but I do branch out sometimes!

Acrylic paint

#24 Re: Game Discussion » [Going Home] Results » 2015-09-09 02:19:18

some man wrote:
Stagecrew wrote:

The honorable mentions! Here are 3 levels the judges liked but didn't quite make the cut:

The Haught Night by Tomkazaz

Purple depths by ArkonaGames

Teenage Nightmare By Skullz17


Ipwner/Kirby Contest by Ipwner and Kirby

Dead Line by minimisaurio

The Haught Night by Tomkazaz

so nice you named it twice?

It was mentioned by a judge for the first ranking and happened to do very well score-wise too. So it's in both lists.

#25 Re: Game Discussion » [Going Home] Results » 2015-09-09 01:45:29

ILoveBaconYUM wrote:
Stagecrew wrote:

The honorable mentions!

When are you releasing the reviews? Did you do them just for the winners or for everybody?

They're getting added to the post right now, I'm just making edits.

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