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#126 2022-09-01 03:56:06

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

But claiming anti-town is helpful to the town


#127 2022-09-01 04:57:04

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Here are my thoughts on everyone so far.

ShadowsEdge - They're providing helpful information, but they're also haven't posted many opinions/reads besides the slight tr on Gandhi.

Onjit - many memes but i hope he'll participate eventually

Marshmallow Marshall - I misinterpreted what they said, but if what they said in their clarification is correct, they're suspicious of Elijah. Elijah is an easy target since there's a theory that he signaled to the other mafia that he was a traitor. I also think their vote on me may be overreacting. However, these actions aren't outside the realm of possibility for a townie, so i'm suspicious but not dead set on them being mafia.

2b55b5g - i'm waiting on their reads because so far I haven't seen much outside of a few good comments.

Minimania - kind of fillery and i think the vote on me was just a misunderstanding. I want to see more from them.

AllenCaspe9510 - He'll be back later, I guess.

Big Bon Jovi - MIA

ElijahBaley - Hasn't made any reads but their defense against being the traitor made sense to me. I'd like to see their reads since they seem reasonable.

BuzzerBee - mostly filler. I wanna see more.

Nuclear Gandhi - interesting theories and a hot take on 2b, but there's effort here and he doesn't seem malicious.

Grilyon2 - I think it's their first game so idk if "let's wait till night then" means they want to end the day early. I assume since they're wooting the posts where people vote for me that they want to vote for me.

Lumi - 3 posts but they're lying about being new.


#128 2022-09-01 05:11:38

Formerly 2B55B5G TNG
Joined: 2016-08-27
Posts: 3,009

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Pqwerty wrote:

Oh also 2b and Gandhi, do you have any opinions on people so far? I've seen a lot of theorizing but idk where your heads are at.

Gandhi looks townie to me, mainly for the same reason that Shadow townread them. i also like their approach of giving simpler reads to new people, it seems to me that they're making an effort to try and solve the game. i like their post about voting on D1 as well, it's probably common sense to vote D1, but they also added Norwee's intent to their reasoning, which further proves that they want to solve the game.

Marshmallow also looks like a townie. i like their response in post #31 regarding to Gandhi's idea about Elijah being the traitor that breadcrumbed. maybe it's just me but i feel like if Marshmallow was mafia, their response would've been more defensive? same goes to post #33 where they liked the reasoning.
another reason why i townread them is because they voted Pqwerty. Pqwerty claims to be an anti-town role, so it's probably the best for mafia to keep them alive, hence why i think Marshmallow probably isn't mafia.
side note i also like their take on traitor breadcrumbing (post #91)

i slightly townread BuzzerBee. it probably means nothing but i just like his enthusiasm to read into posts.

Pqwerty is interesting to me. i do kinda believe his anti-town claim, because claiming that as a mafia is pretty bold imo, especially in the first post, and like Shadow said, we'll likely see the effects of it at some point.
im not sure what to think or say about his reads. the main thing i wanna say is his argument about serious vs joke, it seems like a misinterpretation of what Marshmallow said, especially the joke part. i assume Pqwerty probably thought that Elijah's vote on BuzzerBee was a joke, but Marsh didnt assume that, so there was a bit of a disconnect there. he later clarified his thought as well on post #114, so i dont think he's necessarily trying to make Marshmallow look bad?
other than that i dont really know what to think of him. he seems like he's trying to help by constantly asking questions, so i guess i'll townread him for now (i guess because i dont really like his vote on Minimania), but i'll also wait to see more due to the anti-town situation.

i want to townread Elijah, but i'll wait to see more of them before townreading. there isnt much to say about them right now, they said stuff about wanting to lynch scum and not town, and how easy it is to make townie posts especially in early game. these aren't bad posts but idk if it's necessarily alignment indicative. though i like their defense/discussion about the traitor.

i also dont think there's much to say about Minimania. i like his question and response to Gandhi. he also said that he doesnt feel comfortable giving Gandhi a townread, and i think that's fair. however, he is also slightly inclined to believe that Grilyon is innocent, and i disagree with that.
other than that im confused why he unvoted after saying "what anti town role can you be if not Mafia". idk if i should townread him so i'll wait to see more

Grilyon probably never played before, but i dont think that affects their role. i also think they kinda know whats going on, because they have been wooting posts that placed a vote on Pqwerty (post #107, #119). im curious if Grilyon has any other reason for supporting the Pqwerty wagon, other than what's already been said. it's also strange how they wooted those posts but never voted.

i kinda like Shadow and his reads so far, especially on Pqwerty and Grilyon, but idk what to say other than that lol

i dont have an opinion on everyone else.
also i know that im probably townreading too many people, but thats just how i am //


also known as DevilCharlotte

search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)



#129 2022-09-01 05:19:46

Formerly 2B55B5G TNG
Joined: 2016-08-27
Posts: 3,009

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

minimania can be town as well for voting Pqwerty, due to the anti-town thing, i almost forgot about that


also known as DevilCharlotte

search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)



#130 2022-09-01 05:22:43

Formerly 2B55B5G TNG
Joined: 2016-08-27
Posts: 3,009

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

sorry for triple-posting but i just realized this, is it a stretch to say that Grilyon = mafia, is the reason why they wooted posts, but never actually voted? because mafia doesn’t want to lose an anti-town role?


also known as DevilCharlotte

search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)



#131 2022-09-01 05:26:03

Formerly 2B55B5G TNG
Joined: 2016-08-27
Posts: 3,009

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

2b55b5g wrote:

minimania can be town as well for voting Pqwerty, due to the anti-town thing, i almost forgot about that

wait im dumb, i forgot he also unvoted lol, i think this still makes sense though


also known as DevilCharlotte

search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)



#132 2022-09-01 06:42:14

Formerly 2B55B5G TNG
Joined: 2016-08-27
Posts: 3,009

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

!vote Grilyon2


also known as DevilCharlotte

search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)



#133 2022-09-01 07:27:47

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

BuzzerBee wrote:

btw @norwee does lynching require a majority (in this case 7 or more people) or is it just whoever has the most votes

Majority. Day ending on 6 votes when 7 is required means no flip.

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#134 2022-09-01 08:51:56

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

[1] BuzzerBee: ElijahBaley
[1] 2b55b5g: Nuclear Gandhi
[1] Minimania: Pqwerty
[1] Pqwerty: Marshmallow Marshall
[1] Grilyon2: 2b55b5g

[8] Not voting: ShadowsEdge, Onjit, Minimania, AllenCaspe9510, Big Bon Jovi, BuzzerBee, Grilyon2, Lumi

7 majority votes to lock in the choice of elimination.

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#135 2022-09-01 08:59:25

Forum Admin
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Posts: 4,575

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

alright guys i have a long post incoming but first i would like to offer an invaluable tool for everyone, the ~isolated posts link list~

(0.) Norwee

1. ShadowsEdge
2. Onjit
3. Marshmallow Marshall
4. 2b55b5g
5. Pqwerty
6. Minimania
7. AllenCaspe9510
8. Big Bon Jovi
9. ElijahBaley
10. BuzzerBee
11. Nuclear Gandhi
12. Grilyon2
13. Lumi



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#136 2022-09-01 09:54:57

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Posts: 4,575

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

okay, i work a shift from 10am to midnight tomorrow lol so there is an unfortunate possibility i won't be able to post again before the end of day 1. so i'd like to give as much information as possible in this post just in case


they haven't really said much of anything which is a little concerning but since the game just started i'm not reading too much into that. i am however reading into this post that they made where they suggest we "wait till night". i'm assuming this means they don't plan on voting today. new or not, Nuclear Gandhi was kind enough to make a whole post laying out why voting to lynch on Day 1 can be very beneficial for us and Grilyon seemed to just ignore that.

maybe i'm biased because they have an active vote on me right now, but their gameplay just seems a little aggressive. also while i do see their point about wanting to lynch scum and not town, if  Pqwerty's role is beneficial to mafia, then they'd probably be trying to keep Pqwerty alive


Nuclear Gandhi
i'm almost confident Gandhi is town. or otherwise an extremely high IQ mafia member. their long post about voting on Day 1 was extremely thorough and only beneficial for the town, not for the mafia. they also have a pretty laid back attitude and don't appear to be hiding anything. they have been active, and they voted for someone (2b55b5g) and gave a solid explanation as to why they voted instead of just casting a random vote to lynch

also pretty confident that Shadow is town. they've only made a handful of posts, but the more recent posts are pretty dense with gameplay talk and strategy and they seem to be actively engaged and reading people's posts thoroughly.

right now i don't see any reason not to trust their claim of being town-aligned but negatively impacting us. not really sure what that means but it's a closed setup so i guess anything goes.

Marshmallow Marshall
wasn't sure whether to put marshmallow in my townreads or in neutral, but overall i think i lean more towards town for Marshmallow just because they seem to be creating discussion and also voted for Pqwerty, which i doubt the mafia would do immediately if Pqwerty's claim is true

pretty much the exact same as Marshmallow Marshall. i could go either neutral or town-leaning with Minimania but they're also creating discussion and like 2b55b5g mentioned in this post, Mini briefly voted for Pqwerty which is kinda town imo

she's been very active and has offered some really useful reads and information. leaning strongly towards town for 2b


hasn't made one post that provokes any kind of discussion yet. but it's onjit so, yeah

seems innocent enough but i haven't seen enough from them to form an opinion

other note: i'm against voting to lynch AllenCaspe9510. doesn't look like he's said anything yet so i'd like to get a proper read first before just lynching for inactivity. hopefully he and Big Bon Jovi come back to say something soon

that's it for now lol. i'll try to keep up while i'm at work or when i take my break, but if anything i should be back to cast a final vote before Day 1 ends

but for the moment i'm gonna go ahead and

!vote Grilyon2

just for the reasons i listed above in their scumread. it's not a strong suspicion but it's the best lead i have at the moment



#137 2022-09-01 12:33:11

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,396

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

I've seen Lumi pull off great things in the champs game we played together. I'm not sure if they've just been incredibly busy lately, or if the silence is indicative of trying to lay low.

Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!


#138 2022-09-01 12:43:31

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

2b55b5g wrote:

hi i just woke up so i’ll backread later, but i’ll say this random fun theory that i had, note that this theory doesn’t really affect my view on Pqwerty, my brain just likes to think of theories that most likely don’t matter

what if Pqwerty is mafia fakeclaiming an anti-town role, using it as an excuse to not claim in the future?

obviously it’s just a dumb theory so im not gonna read Pqwerty based on that

The first thing I thought about was something like a Miller claim (which can well be fake). That being said, as I said myself, I think their claim means quite literally nothing at all. It's their behavior that interests me, and it earns them my vote.

BuzzerBee wrote:
Nuclear Gandhi wrote:
BuzzerBee wrote:

i guess i will ask if voting on day 1 is normal or helpful?

i haven’t played mafia in probably a year or two but voting on day 1 with no information seems like you have a better chance of random lynching someone from town than actually getting the mafia. is d1 not just for introductions and getting reads?

serious question lol correct me if i’m wrong

It is my understanding that…

It's silly to play/hope for mechanical solving as the main strategy when the host claimed the intention to host a setup which requires social deduction to win. Not voting Day1 means you must vote more accurately in the game overall while also having less information to work with due to no voting patterns to analyze.

this is actually really helpful, ty. i love social deduction and that was one of the reasons why i decided to join norwee’s game in the first place so now i’m even more excited to read into the subtleties of everyone’s posts lol

anyway if it matters to anyone i *don’t* like pineapple on pizza

For the record, I don't think it's out of Gandhi's scum range to help people, but he does feel like his town self and is actually helping. I just wouldn't fully clear him right away for it.

And I can finally find rest knowing that you reject pineapple on pizza ♥


#139 2022-09-01 12:45:18

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Minimania wrote:

I've seen Lumi pull off great things in the champs game we played together. I'm not sure if they've just been incredibly busy lately, or if the silence is indicative of trying to lay low.

You literally stole my next post. I saw Lumi in the null section of a list of reads, which is simply wrong lol. That being said, I've played with scum Lumi, and they didn't lay low at all (on the contrary, they got themselves townread, actively manipulated the chat, etc.), so I would rather assume they're just busy.


#140 2022-09-01 12:55:07

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Pqwerty wrote:
Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

I have never criticized Elijah for being too serious in that sense, but rather for making a crappy accusation. As for "it's a joke", it's a quite easy dismissal, hence my slight reserve.

So, just to be clear, this whole time you thought Elijah's vote on Buzzerbee was a legitimate accusation from Elijah? As in, 15 posts into the game Elijah decides to start a case against Buzzerbee and then later dismisses it as a joke?

Is it not possible that this was in fact a joke vote and that he later clarified that it was just a joke vote? Is it more likely that Elijah is a bold wolf or that he's just a town who made a joke on the start of D1?

I think the latter is more likely tbh, but if you have a good reason to believe that Elijah is a mafia please share. Because right now your vote is on me, but from what you've clarified, you're suspicious of Elijah too.

Yes, I thought he was accusing for real (considering it was early D1, it was possible that it was a real accusation on weak grounds, as those are common). It is absolutely possible that it was meant as a joke, but I think it's less likely; the answer I would have expected from town!Elijah would have been "I was trying to get a reaction out of Buzzerbee, it was early D1, relax", but instead he just threw it all away and said it was a basically meaningless joke, which is a strange rejection of his own post imo. That being said, I don't think it's TERRIBLY suspicious or anything, just slightly.

As for unvoting you, well. You do look like someone who is genuinely reevaluating after a misunderstanding, so yeah, I guess I can do that. And considering I don't have a better vote, I will vote Elijah, I guess. I foresee a no-lynch, and this saddens me infinitely.

!Vote ElijahBailey


#141 2022-09-01 13:07:30

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

As for Grilyon, I don't feel any particular way about him, and don't see why he's being so attacked. He looks like the average newbie who doesn't know how the game works and plays wrong because of it (by not doing anything and "waiting for the night"). Am I missing something?


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#142 2022-09-01 13:25:02

Formerly 2B55B5G TNG
Joined: 2016-08-27
Posts: 3,009

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

As for Grilyon, I don't feel any particular way about him, and don't see why he's being so attacked. He looks like the average newbie who doesn't know how the game works and plays wrong because of it (by not doing anything and "waiting for the night"). Am I missing something?

thats fair, i still wish he'd say more about his thoughts though

is unvoting a thing in this game btw? no lynch is an option but i think that's different from unvoting


also known as DevilCharlotte

search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)



#143 2022-09-01 14:58:48

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,710

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ShadowsEdge wrote:

Pretty much yeah

in that case i would have to agree with you



#144 2022-09-01 15:18:45

Joined: 2022-08-07
Posts: 112

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

1) I thought my vote was still on MM when you asked
2) The vote on MM was the joke not buzzerbee


#145 2022-09-01 15:20:22

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

2b55b5g wrote:

is unvoting a thing in this game btw?

Of course. I'll add it to the rules too.

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#146 2022-09-01 15:48:35

Big Bon Jovi
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Posts: 6

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Wassup gents


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#147 2022-09-01 15:55:07

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

[2] Grilyon2: 2b55b5g, BuzzerBee
[1] ElijahBaley: Marshmallow Marshall
[1] BuzzerBee: ElijahBaley
[1] 2b55b5g: Nuclear Gandhi
[1] Minimania: Pqwerty

[7] Not voting: ShadowsEdge, Onjit, Minimania, AllenCaspe9510, Big Bon Jovi, Grilyon2, Lumi

7 majority votes to lock in the choice of elimination.

No current need for any replacements.

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#148 2022-09-01 15:57:52

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:

1) I thought my vote was still on MM when you asked
2) The vote on MM was the joke not buzzerbee

Uhh, ok. How do you read the way people have reacted to you? Do you still think buzzerbee is suspicious?

Big Bon Jovi wrote:

Wassup gents

Greetings. Thoughts on Buzzerbee and on Elijah?


#149 2022-09-01 15:58:06

From: Heart Locket
Joined: 2018-03-24
Posts: 901

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

I spent my time reading through this thread, thankfully it's not crazily long. If appreciated, I have made my own personal list of my reads (some of them without determining weather they're town or not). I personally think that I would be having a hard time to catch up with this thread due to outside hindrances, so I'll be attempting to try my best to read them all i guess. It's slow.

Elijah - I usually think that sometimes, a straight up lynch can be done just for fun, but I also think that pointing pressure can be a attractive perspective, what I mean is like trying to get attention for starting a lynch. You also voted Buzzerbee for being off topic, and i assumed that you didn't like it since you answered buzzerbee's question wrongly. To add more detail to that, you didn't answer 2b55b5g's question about that vote whether it was a joke or not, I don't see any significance in saying that (might need to put more attention into it), but it's something I like to take note on. I'm having a slow time to catch up with this stuff.

Gandhi - I like his individual self for trying to strike a topic for a small appealing quiet town. Putting a little pressure on mallow who hasn't talked yet. (I thought of something crazy, but I'd say it needs more paint) I do kinda wanna say that you make a lot of convincing posts, there's not really much I can say about.

BuzzerBee - If you don't mind me answering your funny questions like pineapple on pizza. Yes, I like pineapple and pizza for giving flavor for the thick rough crust. Some people don't eat that for some reason but I like. Back to the game thread, uhh. I find your posts to be town appealing for me, your reads and yeah.

2b55b5g - Expresses thoughts as the thread progresses, I'd say it's productive, town leaning.

Marshmallow - I find his introduction to be fine, not really interesting. I do like his talk with Gandhi.

Onjit - He hasn't said much bout his thoughts (scum-reading in general) when he first entered the thread and I like to keep it that way since it's day one. Is there something wrong about that? But it does get a little concerning if he doesn't give out his thoughts bout this situation.

Minimania - Since, I can't really think of good reading for him. I want to point out Buzzerbee's reading for mini.

Pqwerty - Anti-Town. Good word. He supports Elijah for defending himself, I suppose you can be right to hide your information you have right now since mafia can use that information I suppose. I'm looking forward on what your up to.

Lumi - Unknown

Beepboop - I like passive nature, I'm leaning towards onto see on what happens.

Grilyon2 - Do you need a book for your curious questions? I like to answer them sometime. I wish you'd be more responsive.

I spent too much time, writing this post. It took a while to get here. I hope I can slowly get the better glimpse of this situation as the thread progresses.

I Animate Stuff


#150 2022-09-01 16:01:10

From: Heart Locket
Joined: 2018-03-24
Posts: 901

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

On a more serious note: how many here are new to this kind of game?

I like to call myself new because I just got into this thread, if you allow that kind of stuff

ShadowsEdge wrote:

Thus I present to you all the debate of the season: Folded or Flat Potato Chips.

This is probably a debate somewhere but I thought about it like last week and I just thought it would be fun to ask people about it. Anyway I prefer folded chips and I am prepared to obliterate anyone who says flat.

Uhhh... what do you mean by folded? Like folded chips? Or did I actually screw myself?

BuzzerBee wrote:

i guess i will ask if voting on day 1 is normal or helpful?

In a way, I guess you can say that, it can be helpful to finally start serious controversial debate (on hot crusty bread and potato chips jk).

Grilyon2 wrote:
2b55b5g wrote:


Hmm, suspicious

I wish you could explain this in more specific detail

I Animate Stuff



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