Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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The EE ficfion no one ask for, But everyone's probably going to end up reading.
All the screen shots are from the Nintendo Switch Demo for Miitopia. And because I no longer have Nintendo Online there's no access key for any of the Mii's I created.
Note: Any event I didn't record or take pictures of will be summarized below.
Our story begins with a warrior named mutantdevl!
(yes mutantdevl because of the ten character limit.)
Who wants to stop the evil Stan from stealing everyone's faces.
And because I made their personality stubborn, when our narrator invited our head chef, Crabaret to join the team.
when it came down to life or death? mutantdevl being a stubborn butt, refused to eat Crabaret's home cooking and ended up getting KOed. Only to refuse by getting back up and saying,
''We don't do that here!''
Before taking a sword and jamming it into the butterfly's face.
After the narrator decided mutantdevl needed another party member, they called in Love'n It to the team.
Why the Mcdonalds logo? Well I don't know much about Minimania, besides the fact they're into art and they enjoy a meme or two. Plus I already created Love'n It in advance. So...yeah.
And that's when I decided to change mutantdevl's personality type to cool so they don't hurt Crabaret's feelings anymore. And with that? I pause the adventure for a bit to contacted Satanya through dm on the forums asking them what job class they wanted.
Until I realized the big cheese doesn't really use the forums unless it's to post news or anouncements, so I pick for them.
Look at that smol bean!
After that they all had a small party to celebrate Satanya's arrival.
And so because Love'n It kept pulling an Undertale by sparing all the monsters we came across.
Because of this? When it came time for the boss fight, the team was under level and got their butts handed to them by the giant mouse? Boot leg Pokemon thing????
(Footage for the boss fight got corrupted and couldn't be saved.)
After the boss battle was over, I decided to give the big cheese, the cheese.
While the other party members refuse to eat any of the proper stat boosting foods for their job classes. And so that's where I decided to end the story for now while I wait for copies of this game be to restock.
Mean while, my Mii
decided to run off with this Mii
before riding off into the sunset together.
(The last bit was a really bad inside joke. It's best not to read too much into it.)
Can I be related in this kind of story ? With the whole story about players .
What are you looking for?
I don't care.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This isn't fanfiction. This is just how daily internal staff affairs are handled. There's no fiction to this at all; it's all true
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Can I be related in this kind of story ? With the whole story about players .
I hadn't really plan on continuing that save file after this. Even if I did? I would literally need to buy the game and know something about you in order to create a Mii for it.
Welcome to part two of where people literally ask for this, as the community speculates if silvermoonLight will be ban or censored over butt hurt.
Were we last left off, Minimania found out about this fanfiction and went over to go beat up love'n it, while screaming 'Your in my spot!' as they yeeted him away. And with that? Mutantdevl and friends decided to head off to the castle. But upon arriving, they soon realize Ben the Dinosaur was standing guard and refused to let them in.
Who is Ben the Dinosaur? Well...
After being rejected by a Squishmallow, they made their way back to town. When this happen.
And then in the middle of fighting R2D2, Minimania decided right then and there they really, really, needed a banana...
look. Contary to what some believe, I litarally have 0 control over any of the party members do in-game (besides the hero.) and I'm just writing this as I go along.
After Mutantdevl and friends got permission from Darth Vader,
On their way back to the castle, they ran into something... so horrible... Something diabolical! Something so despicable, evil, and terrifying that even
the best gamers at any video game fear it the most... It's... It's!... IT'S!!!
And that's when Mutantdevl ran into the unholy abomination that silvermoonLight created...
The Patrick Star horse.
Mutantdevl and friends tried to out run it. But The Patrick Star horse was persistence and refuse to accept no for a answer. Because... ''Video Game Logic!'' Mutantdevl accepted the horse into the party. And after they finally reach the castle, Ben the Dinosaur finally let them in to meet the king.
After that over the top entrance, Mutantdevl explained to the King about how he discovered he possesses shonen protagonist powers. And him and his friends need gold to buy better gear to grind level before the Ebil Lord Stan realizes this, and sends a level 50 boss monster to finish him and his friends off when they're only at level seven.
But of course, Burger King doesn't believe him and says, ''Bruh, that's sus.''
''If you truly were a 'Shonen Protagonist,' then why isn't chaotic things happening around you?'' Just then his face starts floating away as he screams, ''Tasukete!'' Before floating away.
After Mutantdevl saves the king. (Not a Final Fantasy reference!) The King finally believes him, and gives him money before asking Mutantdevl to go check up on Princess Kitty to see if Kitty has
finally chosen a pizza man.
After being fat shame by the door, (Those of you who played Miitopia before know exactly what I'm talking about.) Mutantdevl realizes who Princess Kitty is and asks,
''Dude... What's with the princess getup?''
Different tells Mutantdevl that It's just plot convenience. Don't pull a Cringe Theory and over analyze It! Before telling Mutantdevl to go check on Not a Furry, and Barbie to see what's taking so long.
And so the crew ventures out on a quest to go find Not a Furry, only to come across this.
After saving Tomahawk, Mutantdevl asks, ''Dude. Why are you walking like that?''
When Tomahawk replies, ''It's cause my knickers are on too tight!'' Causing Mutantdevl to think, TMI.
And so the crew ventures out to find Barbie, only to realize it's BuzzBee. And he's gone full Karen!
-insert overly dramatic DUN-DUN-DUUUUN!!! sound effect here-
After taking BuzzBee to talk to the manager. They saw Tomahawk was there and was already trying to bribe Different into choosing him.
And that's when BuzzBee charged in screaming, ''The only one putting on that suit and being Different's pizza man is me, you dog!'
So Tomahawk was like? ''Show me what you got little man!'' Which resulted in this
as Tomahawk told BuzzBee to stop being mean to him.
Then Burger King rushed in and demand they stop fighting before realizing they're fresh out of a certain ingredient. And told Mutantdevl to go get more. When Mutantdevl ask,
''Why do I have to do it?'' Before the king replies. ''Because this hellish landscape silvermoonLight put us in won't end unless you advance the plot!''
And with that? They set out to go find the missing ingredient as Mutantdevl had an idea,
''Hey, since silvermoonLight already beat the game on their main save file. Why can't we just escape this world through there?''
They all thought that it was an excellent idea. Until they actually got over there and realize everyone in the party was a vampire and there was too much in-biting.
After finding the missing ingredient, Sat On Ya started plotting evil. Only for Mew Tan Dev to be like,
When they finally got back to the palace they realize different's face was stolen.
-insert overly dramatic DUN-DUN-DUUUUN!!! sound effect here-
After BuzzBee saw this? He dip. As Tomahawk stood up and said that he would rescue Jiffy's face before running off. Mutantdevl just sighed and said,
''Com'on guys, we better go after him before he gets roasted.''
After running up all those stairs they saw the fact Tomahawk was trying to karate chop the Boss monster.
And when the Boss chop back, Tomahawk just laid there and he was like, ''I'm just trying to do my job, can you please stop being mean to me?''
When the thing said, ''NO U!'' is when Mutantdevl and friends decided to step in.
After saving Different, returning back to the palace, and seeing this? Mutantdevl went to go get mind bleach after seeing this unholy sight.
Note: To anyone who is wondering? No I don't ship the staff. This was just a experiment to see if the Russian Government would age restrict the EE forums to be 18+ (Pat yourself on the back if you got that reference. )
After arriving to the new kingdom and checking in for the night at the inn. Mutantdevl woke up the next morning and realized someone played a cruel prank on him by putting him in a human suit, making it look like he was appropriating red face culture.
In all seriousness, I wish Nintendo would allow us to make your mii's base skin tone any color of the rainbow you want to avoid issues like this.
Mutantdevl decided, desperate times calls for desperate measures. He quickly put on his Birthday suit of Justice! And went to go get his friends to help him punish the pranksters.
Only to realize they were gone.
While moping about, Mutantdevl was like. ''Ah man, this stinks! First I get attack by a butterfly, then all that weird stuff happens with the shonen protagonist powers, and now my co-workers got kidnap... Can this day get any worst?'' Before hearing a knock at the door.
The pretty Hinoa greeted Mutantdevl with a, 'Ara, Ara!' And Mutantdevl was like?
Mean while, after silver ran off with Helios, (Yes I gave them both a make over. Mainly to fix his look to make him look more show accurate.) she did this. (I didn't plan this. She literally gave him this after putting on that tux.)
Then the next morning when silver woke up and discovered Helios was kidnap. She ran up to the screen and told me, ''fix it!'' And when I broke the news to her I couldn't, she ran off crying.
After seeing she was serious, and taking pitty on my mii. I enlist the help of the Ultimate World Spun Crew to help get him back.
Side note, I know some of you maybe wondering why I made a Mii of Helios.
My favorite character from the whole series after I have stated publicly more than once in the past that I hate Sailor Moon.
Honestly I wasn't lying about that and I really do hate Sailor Moon. However, I never once stated I hated, Pretty Soldier SailorMoon. (Those of you who didn't assume and actually came out and asked me, knew this...) If you honestly can't tell the difference between these two?
Than that's not my problem.
And as promise. Bonus content!
Refuses to eat: https: //
Wake up Kirby!: https: //
Crabaret meets boba fett:
Minimania pay was cut:
Kirby gives Kirby a job:
Kirby's advise:
The reason why I need to skip town and change names after posting this:
And to answer a few questions people wanted to know.
Will I be sticking with Nintendo Online after my membership runs out?
No. honestly if it wasn't for the EE fanfiction I started on this thread and users asking me for a download code for Mii's I created, I wouldn't have even bother with this because of issues like this that have existed on the switch for years that Nintendo turns a blind eye too. Yet, they won't stop advertizing their new N64 service.
Will I ever come back to playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons?
Despite the fact Kapp'n is finally in the game. I don't plan to play ever again. The only way I would even reconsider is if they make the villagers less busy body and add a option to completely skip over Isabelle announcements. You know the ones that play no matter what time of morning or night you log in...
Will there be a part 3 to this fanfiction?
No... Because I have no more EE staff left to torture.
Will I be on EE! when it comes out?
More then likely no.
Why wasn't I featured in this fanfiction after I ask to be in it?
Well, if you were one of the users I contacted and asking for any image or character that represents you, and you told me no? Then that's why.
Will I be making anymore Miis?
After being openly accuse of being a 'Mii thief' on Reddit, after Joey was nice enough to post something on my behalf. And dealing with the miitopia community who wants dictate how you play a single player video game. I decided it's not worth it.
And finally the Miitopia download codes
mutantdel's team L7PY8D
silver's team 1MGKJ54
And all the ones I didn't make or I locked them because I don't want people to see, download, etc. I got from this code: P2HR71
*cracks knuckles* Okay, my turn,
| hi, i'm anne! |
i do some silly things
And then in the middle of fighting R2D2, Minimania decided right then and there they really, really, needed a banana...
Wow you have my mannerisms down pat
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
I feel like I got cancer
EE>>>>>Any other online sandbox
i'm 5'2 tho
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
i'm 5"7
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
i'm gosha
i would like to apologize for my last post and to anyone who i may have hurt in the last post. it was mean of me and i am sorry.
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