Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Imagine caring about the blocks so much that you start malding about having a **** compensation
At least be patient and give EE! a try in the future (even though I lost my patience already waiting for that early 2019 )
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
If a new EE releases and i can just bring my old worlds over i will be happy.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
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Satanya! Can you leak something major to the public?
We're dying <3
I Animate Stuff
I understand Mylo's frustration, Xeno said that purchases made in EE would be available in the new game (EEU) but that didn't end up happening. Not blaming anyone but I can see why people would be frustrated. People spent money thinking they'd get stuff in whatever the spiritual successor is but that's not happening now.
Miss Everybody Edits and your old friends? Check out and reconnect with the community!
Honestly I just like free crap.
Limited edition smileys or bust.
All I need is the Postman smiley and I'm all good.
Jokes aside, I can't wait to see what happens with the game while I also wait for the successor to Block Miner to come online.
Boi do I have a lot to say to that.
I mean, servers are expensive, but expanding your little company to do that sorta stuff.
EE was owned by Zendroforce, the company owned by Xenonetix. It was not 'expanded'. It was acquired by a different company. Regardless of how you feel about the new company, it was Zendroforce's decision to shut EE down.
Why a logo contest? 500 dollars is a bunch of money. Besides, there are FOUR graphic designers.
The community knows better than anyone what makes EE truly what it is. It would be a disservice not to allow them to design the logo.
On the flip side, the contest isn't asking for completed products. The graphics designers will take on the task of constructing the logo based off the winning design.
$500 is a lot of money. Just let that be a sign; we mean business.
Why did you ditch the whole team for a new one?
The old team, even including those of us from the old team who are still on, were all volunteers. EEU was seeing updates once in a blue moon. That's great for a team of volunteers (considering EEU is the only reboot we ever got to see) but that being said, the old team all had lives outside of EE. That's great, there's nothing wrong with that. The new team is going to be paid to do this as a job, full time.
The old team was and still is great (at least from my point of view on the mod team), I'll tell you that from experience working with them. The new team is also great, though it's up to you whether you choose to take my word for it or not.
Original Everybody Edits, probably in HTML5:
I NEED the original Everybody Edits or all hopes will die off.
If your hopes die off, then I apologize.
EE was supposed to get rebooted several years ago. We were all lucky it made it to December 2020.
We're doing our best to make EE! great, we hope you will come to enjoy it, even if you miss EE.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Heya fantabulous peeps, Satanya checking in! (Or whatever the phrase is!!!)
It's been a little over a month since we acquired Everybody Edits, and, naturally, there are questions, things to announce, so on so on so on!!!! So, let's begin with the most important part! Actually, there are like a bunch, so let's start in some sort of order!
Online wheel picker thing said to go with staff team. SO! Staff team. Since I've announced the new staff team, understandably many people were concerned about a lot of things-- namely, "why is there one developer? Why are there no graphics artists?" The answer is simple-- we first needed to see what we're dealing with and the scope of the project. With new art style changes and the like (FORESHADOWING), we needed to look through different artists and see which ones were staying and which ones are not up to our standards. And as of now, with the design doc's completion a few weeks ago, we know just what the scope of the project is and how many devs we need. So, there are four other people we've hired fulltime for programming. Per their request, I will not name them. Not everyone wants to be involved with the community, after all! There are, also, four graphics artists, myself included!
Okay, Everybody Edits Universe-- what's up with that? Why's there no updates? EEU update when?!
Short answer: we're scrapping Everybody Edits Universe.
Long answer: Everybody Edits Universe has, kindly put, seen many hands, many programmers. There is no documentation, and, according to the devs, quite inconsistently written and coded-- an understandable consequence when you have a revolving door of staff. This makes the code something different than spaghetti code to deal with. More like... trying to untangle earbuds and wires!Everybody Edits Universe uses a bit of legacy code (Everybody Edits Flash) and builds and expands upon it. The game, from the design docs I've been shown and the assets I scrolled through, seems to have been planned to just be a port of Everybody Edits into HTML5. The artstyle was made to emulate it a bit, and plans ranged from questionable (4+ currency types) to fairly clever and useful ideas (zones.)
The easiest and most time efficient solution is to scrap Everybody Edits Universe and create a new game altogether that serves not as a port to Everybody Edits, but rather a spiritual successor. A game that borrows many of the main elements and the lifeblood of Everybody Edits and expands and evolves them. Modernization. (And less than four currency types.)
This new project is called Everybody Edits! (exclamation mark included.)
This new game has its own unique artstyle, new soundtrack, style, ideas, plans... We will be sharing our ideas in the coming weeks and months, and showing you progress where we can!!
Oh also expect a contest that's a bit unrelated to EEU soon.
tldr; Everybody Edits Universe gonna get replaced, new game is called Everybody Edits!, progress check in sometime later.
Some questions and answers:
▼Will there be compensation?▼What will happen to my worlds?▼Is EEU going to stay up?▼Why can't you keep EEU up forever?▼Is it going to get any more attention while we're waiting for Everybody Edits!?▼Can I still opt in to Everybody Edits Universe? Will I need to opt in to the new Everybody Edits!?Kthxbye!!!
Ha-ha-ha! Thousands of dollars attempting to invest in this game for nothing, this is why I just stopped playing altogether,
although @Satanya this new concept and project I can believe in, it just sucks all the money and time I put in went for naught.
So thank you satanya, I hope this new game embodies the true spirit of EE 2013-2015!
So we've gone from Flixel Walker to Platform Sandbox to Everybody Edits to Everybody Edits Offline, and EEO's successor has gone from UnitEE to Everybody Edits Universe and now back to Everybody Edits! Hopefully this will put a stop to this chain of madness. If not, we'll need a timeline chart and we'll end up like this xkcd comic:
edit: there's also Multiplayer Platformworld I think. I forgot about that one.
possibly important question: Will any part of Everybody Edits Universe be open-sourced like Everybody Edits Offline/Legacy was?
There is LITERALLY a xkcd for everything.
We're doing our best to make EE! great, we hope you will come to enjoy it, even if you miss EE.
I deleted my post for obvious reasons. Look, I had different thoughts about the company back when Satanya was controversial. If I made something (I am actually making something right now.), I would invite people to suggest ideas for it. Of course, I wouldn't ask some guy off the street to do it. But, I wouldn't do any sweepstakes stuff until the company that runs my thing is pretty popular, and a lot of money is there for it.
I have more faith in the reboot because of the more recent posts.
Also, I liked the old team more, because they can do it closer to the original, which is what people, like me, want. I know that people like Criobite decided to quit the project. As for why they shut down the original game and the possibility for a html5 port, that's beyond me. I don't know the financial status of GGRID, nobody does, so I don't know if doing jobs full-time makes sense. In fact, I know next to nothing about GGRID. In fact, all that I know about the company is the people making EE!, what they are doing, work being done on EE!, and the fact they make games. Nothing else.
I wish a logo like the original was made and chosen, because I didn't like the logos after 1st place.
My hopes haven't died off at all. I will still hope for EE! until it comes.
I might make this reply more neat and all, but I'm sorry for being controversial.
The old team was and still is great (at least from my point of view on the mod team)
I'd just like to expand on this a little because I feel like there's a story that needs telling here and a good reflection on what came before. There's not much I'm about to say that I haven't said before, but I think it's good to concisely reflect on the past now that no one has any reason to be sceptical of my assessment of it.
I define 'the old team' as the team from this point onwards until the game changed ownership. Prior to that, the various staff teams in place were fairly dysfunctional. There have been numerous dramas about all that, which aren't worth repeating, and I got a taste for just how bad it could get by reading through some of the old staff chats. But the team that I got to be a part of was full of positivity. We were having fun whilst working on the game and that seemed so crucial. It felt like a fresh start, with things looking promising, and that was what the game needed. Everyone was having fun. It's unfortunate that the teams in the year or two prior to that didn't get to have the same experience. Chatting with Priddle, John and Minimania in voice chats was a particular highlight.
Additionally, I remember telling some people that I anticipated progress to start snowballing into greater and greater productivity. It was a shame that LuciferX had to leave because before becoming completely unavailable he was incredibly productive on the game and gave a lot of his free time to it. But behind the scenes we had (if I remember correctly) two new developers join the team and the process of training them to work on the game had begun/was set to begin. They weren't the most experienced people but they'd have been very helpful once the server rework was completed. There may also have been a new graphics designer and a potential third new developer, who was much more experienced, that the owner was in talks with. I don't remember the names of any of these people, and it wouldn't be my place to reveal them even if I did, but from my position, it really did look like the server rework was going to be the final hurdle that needed crossing to allow the team to be truly productive.
That all said, there were still some underlying issues. In my opinion, the reason that the previous teams had been so dysfunctional wasn't fully resolved by a fresh start, just greatly reduced. I was still concerned that those issues could return over time. Secondly, there was no escaping that everyone working on the game were only volunteers meaning they could never be as productive as you'd otherwise expect a growing team of developers/artists to be. And as I only came to properly realise after the change in ownership, it seemed there was a vetting issue when it came to hiring new staff members due to how much they were needed. It came to light that some members of the old team, I think including 1 of the newly hired ones, held some opinions which were troubling to be associated with the game to put it lightly.
But overall there was a very positive atmosphere among staff members and productivity was looking up too. Had there been no change in ownership, I'm confident that the open beta for EEU would have been released by now and we'd probably be receiving monthly updates mostly of block packs and smileys and maybe a new action block every 2 or 3 months. So the main advantage that would have had over the current situation is that there'd be a nice amount of content accessible to everyone. But on the other hand, this new team has maintained that sense of fun when working on the game but with more people and none of the previous underlying issues. Sure we don't have anything to play right this second, but when EE! 1.0 is released it will have more content than EEU 1.0 would have had and probably released before EEU 1.0 would have been. So I definitely support the change and I'm glad to be part of it
Mylo wrote:"All legacy players will receive a standard bonus for their account." I'm sorry, but that sucks and makes me feel sad. If some shiny smiley (or whatever item it might be) will be the result of hundreds of hours spend in this game, that just feels to me like a sad joke. I surely was proud about having all them blocks, smileys and the energy. And I do remember moments where I got some of them. Chris once did a talk about how he manipulated kids into spending hundreds of dollars for useless smileys. And why did they? Maybe because some level of emotional attachment to this stuff. Losing all of it is just sad. And tbh. even if it might not sound as nice, it also feels crazy unfair to give all "legacy accounts" the same shiny item.
What's sad is that people don't realize they're not entitled to get things in one place because they spent time and money on different things in a different place. You all already got compensation for any money you spent on EE, and it's called the things you bought in EE. If you want more playtime rewards, then play the new game. You put the hours into EE, great, you got things for that in EE. You aren't deserving of extra things just because the last game ended.
Well what about this grey area concept;
~ the hundreds spent on patron in hopes for funds to directly go towards the provress of the game, and the blocks, smileys, auras etc. Given for that particular compensation that by technicality was not the same concept of "purchase" as these funds werent to simply buy a builders club, gold, or beta game add-on?
Because for this to happen: "All legacy players will receive a standard bonus for their account."
- Does this take into account the high-payment patron monthly donations to help cund the game, and another would be falsely promised assets for these "payments" that were supposedly to be used within the EEU? So how would you compare said "countless" hours into EE Legacy and what we, the players assets for said time, energy, and work to players who spent countless dollars into EE Legacy for a false, nullified, and void "extra asset"?
@Santaya: how will this topic of issue be resolved, and if so are steps already in fruition as apart of your above proposed announcements?
Oh well, good times and i will still remember this game (forever) Also yes "Gravedigging" kek
^ Made by Bobithan thx. ^
Is the project EE! still a go? Where can I go for updates?
I am interested in it, and maybe I might even reunite with old friends I knew, or make new friends! (:
Snap: CrypticPi
Instagram: Noncryptic
Is the project EE! still a go? Where can I go for updates?
I am interested in it, and maybe I might even reunite with old friends I knew, or make new friends! (: here official discord
Offline here official discord
That's awesome! I sadly don't use that platform, so I will keep tabs on this forum.
Snap: CrypticPi
Instagram: Noncryptic
Grilyon2 wrote: here official discord
That's awesome! I sadly don't use that platform, so I will keep tabs on this forum.
Updates on the forums here aren't immediate, but we will keep you updated. If you want potential leaks, check out the Upcoming Content thread by N1KF. You may get bits and pieces of info you might not otherwise.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
I wish everyone a great ongoing years and maybe we will meet once again in a different game :o who knows.. o7
^ Made by Bobithan thx. ^
I cannot log into EEU, does this mean it's officially dead?
Can you re-post a permanent link for the Official EE! Discord? Im awaiting news too and for me it is more comfortable than reciving news from forum newsletter.
Also, im one who are on the side concerning on old maps retrocompatibility. Im not opposed as a rework of ingame physics, but keepinng old behaviors its definitely doable. I dont like compairing a tiny new team with bigger ones, but just focus on the concept here. I got into a beta where the devs didn't need to make a port of a console version, considering there are differences with the game mechanics defined as standard years ago. Instead they made it in a way that reassembles the experience almost like the original game.
Im no one to beg for accomplishing something like this, but ill just put my hopes and patience into this new project.
Pd: Thanks for sending me here after mailing staff! Now im a bit more up to date about what happened on all this years.
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