Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I mean, they were just made the owner recently, and now they have announced that they're discontinuing EEU. Like, 2 months after EE has been discontinued. Instead, we're getting *another* EE sequel which is not even 5% done due to the fact that we got no assets revealed or even the logo of the new game.
So now, we're in the following state:
The only playable EE game is EEU, without shops, campaigns or even a moderation system.
EE! will be released in "early 2022", we all know how it was with "early 2019".
EE, the only EE game that had been stable has been discontinued.
So we're basically having no EE to play for who knows how long.
Staanya is a troll >: (
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
Firstly - EE wasn't discontinued. It had to follow the Adobe's Flash shutting down
Secondly - Leaks of the game do not mean the game is only 5% or 95% done..
Thirdly - there are many reasons EEU is discontinued, one of them is the complete mess in the code
And the last thing - yes Muse is trolling us all.
Conclusion - if you're passionate about the game, you'll have the patience to wait without any complaints. While leaking the assets of the game shows the development is actually in progress, it ruins the first impressions of playing the game. Do you want it to be ruined? I personally don't..
Not today...
History already showed that scrapping everything to redo all instead of doing iterative improvements can basically kill any project, the best example of this was netscape navigator.
Sure, "it's a mess" maybe, i don't know, nobody bothered to actually show the code, but scrapping it entirely certainly won't help.
Neither will telling people <<Its fine you can still play eeu>> and <<no you cant play eeu we arent letting anyone in>> at the same time. There really ought to just be a normal way to use EEU right now, with a normal account.
We will see what happens though, in any case.
I am a bit stumped why you think that liking a game means one has to wait patiently for people who one doesn't even know to maybe somehow put something forward to "fix everything", also with impossible design constraints (Like, people wanting it to be /exactly/ like EE, (by which they probably mean the physics system of the last 3 years) and at the same time wanting inoooovation)
EE was never about the physics, EE was about the social aspect, you beeing a part of a bigger world, playing levels all together, stairs weren't fun because the concept was so inovative, stairs were fun because you could try to beat kentiya (:p) climbing the stairs together, and seeing who gets there first.
Sadly the whole "my saved world" "my crew" "my code" "my bot" stuff distracted more and more from that core gameplay, to the point were worlds got more exclusionary than anything else. But hey, EE had a good run, who knows what comes next (For my part i'll just continue working on my game... perhaps it will be good, perhaps it won't, that too only time will tell)
Anyway, my 2 cents.
and now they have announced that they're discontinuing EEU. Like, 2 months after EE has been discontinued. Instead, we're getting *another* EE sequel
This isn't new. EEU itself was just another sequel akin to UnitEE and the like. EEU was just the first to deliver on a promise of anything being presentable.
Instead, we're getting *another* EE sequel which is not even 5% done due to the fact that we got no assets revealed or even the logo of the new game.
What you see does not reflect what is there behind the scenes
The only playable EE game is EEU, without shops, campaigns or even a moderation system.
This isn't the new team's fault
EE! will be released in "early 2022"
Citation needed
EE, the only EE game that had been stable has been discontinued.
This is nobody's fault but Adobe for shutting Flash down. We're lucky we even have EEO, on top of a bunch of capable and willing modders who add content to it after the fact.
So we're basically having no EE to play for who knows how long.
You should really try out some of the EEO mods. There's so much content. You could stick with KyYay's if you're looking for a lot of new functionality and features, or maybe you could try mine if you're looking for a lot of new graphics. Or, you can keep playing EEU, which has multiplayer and bigger graphics.
We're not trolling you. We were given a very specific hand to deal with when we took on EE, and we're playing with the cards we have. I'm not going to sit here and promise you certain features or a release date or anything like that, but this is basically the only chance EE has to survive at this point.
If you don't like the staff, or the forums, or the rules, or the announcements, or even EEO/EEU, more power to you, but if you want the game to keep going, please understand that we want the same, and we're doing what we can to make it better for all parties involved in the long run, and that's why we're doing EE!
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
>This is nobody's fault but Adobe for shutting Flash down. We're lucky we even have EEO, on top of a bunch of capable and willing modders who add content to it after the fact.
I'll have to disagree with you there, heavily. EE should have switched away from flash in 2013~4 already. It's not adobes "fault" that they refuse to support their technology for another decade in an enviroment (e.g browser vendors) that really doesn't want it.
EE could have gone further than 2020 with flash, if they wanted, there is a rust-wasm implemenation available for instance. (Not that it runs EE as is, but there was plenty of time to put engineering effort forward, EE just didn't)
Ondrashek06 wrote:and now they have announced that they're discontinuing EEU. Like, 2 months after EE has been discontinued. Instead, we're getting *another* EE sequel
This isn't new. EEU itself was just another sequel akin to UnitEE and the like. EEU was just the first to deliver on a promise of anything being presentable.
Ondrashek06 wrote:Instead, we're getting *another* EE sequel which is not even 5% done due to the fact that we got no assets revealed or even the logo of the new game.
What you see does not reflect what is there behind the scenes
Ondrashek06 wrote:The only playable EE game is EEU, without shops, campaigns or even a moderation system.
This isn't the new team's fault
Ondrashek06 wrote:EE! will be released in "early 2022"
Citation needed
Ondrashek06 wrote:EE, the only EE game that had been stable has been discontinued.
This is nobody's fault but Adobe for shutting Flash down. We're lucky we even have EEO, on top of a bunch of capable and willing modders who add content to it after the fact.
Ondrashek06 wrote:So we're basically having no EE to play for who knows how long.
You should really try out some of the EEO mods. There's so much content. You could stick with KyYay's if you're looking for a lot of new functionality and features, or maybe you could try mine if you're looking for a lot of new graphics. Or, you can keep playing EEU, which has multiplayer and bigger graphics.
We're not trolling you. We were given a very specific hand to deal with when we took on EE, and we're playing with the cards we have. I'm not going to sit here and promise you certain features or a release date or anything like that, but this is basically the only chance EE has to survive at this point.
If you don't like the staff, or the forums, or the rules, or the announcements, or even EEO/EEU, more power to you, but if you want the game to keep going, please understand that we want the same, and we're doing what we can to make it better for all parties involved in the long run, and that's why we're doing EE!
Okay, but isn't EEO basically the campaigns that is also a player of level files but no editor nor shop nor social stuff?
Okay, but isn't EEO basically the campaigns that is also a player of level files but no editor nor shop nor social stuff?
No shop, no social stuff, but there is an editor, and you're granted a lot more freedoms than you had in the original version of EE before it died. You can also create Fake Players to spawn and place inside of switch systems to make "animated worlds" work. EEO mods only add to the options you have in that sandbox.
>This is nobody's fault but Adobe for shutting Flash down. We're lucky we even have EEO, on top of a bunch of capable and willing modders who add content to it after the fact.
I'll have to disagree with you there, heavily. EE should have switched away from flash in 2013~4 already. It's not adobes "fault" that they refuse to support their technology for another decade in an enviroment (e.g browser vendors) that really doesn't want it.
EE could have gone further than 2020 with flash, if they wanted, there is a rust-wasm implemenation available for instance. (Not that it runs EE as is, but there was plenty of time to put engineering effort forward, EE just didn't)
Going by this logic, then it's the fault of the teams that came before Xenonetix who promised such projects would come to fruition and didn't deliver.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
EE was never about the physics, EE was about the social aspect, you beeing a part of a bigger world, playing levels all together, stairs weren't fun because the concept was so inovative, stairs were fun because you could try to beat kentiya (:p) climbing the stairs together, and seeing who gets there first.
Stairs was fun because you get to see who get’s there first? *Supressed snort*
Yeah right.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
☆ ★ ★
Going by this logic, then it's the fault of the teams that came before Xenonetix who promised such projects would come to fruition and didn't deliver.
Okay, I don't recall blaming anyone, but if you want to do that go ahead... I'm sure there is plenty of blame for everyone
Minimania wrote:Going by this logic, then it's the fault of the teams that came before Xenonetix who promised such projects would come to fruition and didn't deliver.
Okay, I don't recall blaming anyone, but if you want to do that go ahead... I'm sure there is plenty of blame for everyone
Misunderstanding, sorry. I still personally don't like the decision Adobe made in shutting down Flash. If it was an MS Paint situation, sure. For context, MS Paint stopped seeing support from Microsoft, and it won't be seen on their machines in the future. But it's not like that. Adobe went the extra mile to implement a killswitch in their updated flash players to ensure the application didn't work for anybody at all. You can still use MS Paint.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Era wrote:Minimania wrote:Going by this logic, then it's the fault of the teams that came before Xenonetix who promised such projects would come to fruition and didn't deliver.
Okay, I don't recall blaming anyone, but if you want to do that go ahead... I'm sure there is plenty of blame for everyone
Misunderstanding, sorry. I still personally don't like the decision Adobe made in shutting down Flash. If it was an MS Paint situation, sure. For context, MS Paint stopped seeing support from Microsoft, and it won't be seen on their machines in the future. But it's not like that. Adobe went the extra mile to implement a killswitch in their updated flash players to ensure the application didn't work for anybody at all. You can still use MS Paint.
Because it has (possible unseen) security vulnerabilities. If they did not implement the kill-switch people would have continued running their old out-dated software and posed a risk to them self, probably without even knowing about it. MS paint does not have any of these issues, hence the kill-switch is not required.
Flash has had it's time and the replacements has been there long enough, they waited 3 more years with the kill-switch.
It doesn't really matter anyway, the plugin api the flash player is based on is beeing heavily phased out by browser vendors already, and those that still have it likely won't in the future either.
Perhaps if they haden't you could still play flash in the browser with some old firefox forks or something, but the mainstream "just download this plugin" case would have died sooner or later either way.
Safari already killed the plugin api some years ago, they now re-introduced a plugin api, basically the same javascript based one chromium and firefox now have. (In addition to webkit2's own content blocking api they added beforehand (note that that is /only/ for content blocking, and is like 5000 times faster than the js addons..)
Chromium already removed npapi in 2015, and they will remove papi in 2022: … eline.html
Webkit2 technically still has npapi in tree, but i highly doubt most people would be able to compile it themselves, specially with the windows support mostly broken.
Firefox removed npapi completely in january 2021
History already showed that scrapping everything to redo all instead of doing iterative improvements can basically kill any project, the best example of this was netscape navigator.
Sure, "it's a mess" maybe, i don't know, nobody bothered to actually show the code, but scrapping it entirely certainly won't help.
Why would you say this if you haven't seen the code
thx for sig bobithan
Every programmer wants to scrap the current "**** legacy" codebase and start over from stratch. The only thing keeping that from happening in most software projects are project managers...
NoNK, Joeyjoey65, Slabdrill, Minimania, MartenM, rat, Gosha, Snowester, St1ckS4m(EE), Boba
EE was never about the physics, EE was about the social aspect, you beeing a part of a bigger world, playing levels all together, stairs weren't fun because the concept was so inovative, stairs were fun because you could try to beat kentiya (:p) climbing the stairs together, and seeing who gets there first.
speak for yourself lmao
i am perfectly content making levels until i die and releasing them to a community of 2 geriatric EE players in 2070, one of which is the grandchild of orangecrix who is an even better speedrunner than his grandfather
wasnt about who got to top first, it was about pressing it right before they got to the top so they fell all the way back lolo
I agree
It’s common courtesy to give the new owner a month to settle in before getting your pitchfork.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
speak for yourself lmao
i am perfectly content making levels until i die and releasing them to a community of 2 geriatric EE players in 2070, one of which is the grandchild of orangecrix who is an even better speedrunner than his grandfather
I'll probably be the other one
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
It’s common courtesy to give the new owner a month to settle in before getting your pitchfork.
It has been 2 months already.
Troll or not, it is VERY funny.
Completely new staff coming in and taking one look at the dumpster fire, being like "uh, no thanks", scrapping EVERYTHING, and then announcing the release of EE that isn't EE?
Probably not a troll, but still a truly hilarious twist
**** i didn't even know the forums could be this active
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
Imagine Satanya waiting for a dumbster fire and then leaks EE! Gameplay
I Animate Stuff
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