Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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With the last corrupted smiley banished, and
feel a profound sense of peace descend upon them. While they would usually lynch someone at this time, they feel no need to do so, as there is no splitting pain in their heads, there is no sense of terror and urgency making the room seem smaller, and there is no taunting voice in their heads egging them on. They enjoy some light conversation and refreshments until the next EE invite arrives. One by one, they all enter into EEU, both of them being polite and offering to be the last one to go. In EEU, the survivors all reunite and enjoy some easy minigames together before adding each other as friends and going to their new home worlds to take some time off.
Congratulations to the TOWN of Mafia 27: PurgatorEE...
Trytu, Kirby, Onjit, ZeldaXD, Slabdrill, Processor, peace, 2B55B5G TNG, mutantdevle, and Kira!
Thank you everyone for playing my game! Thanks to the mafia team for making this game super intense, and thanks to the town for performing well in an all-vanilla setup! I hope you all learned something about mafia from this game. I chose an all-vanilla setup on purpose to try to force you guys to play the game, and I'm really happy it worked out well. As you can probably see I put a lot of work into making this game work out smoothly. I would give Mafia MVP to Norwegianboy, and once you read the mafia thread the reason for that is obvious. He might have gotten sent up on Heaven 3, but he never stopped playing the game, and kept encouraging and trying to help his team throughout the game. Town MVP is a tossup somewhere between Kira and Mutant imo, since Kira started the chain of events that lead to the last two mafia being caught, and mutant made a game-winning plan and managed to execute it in the face of adversity. Anyways it's like 6 AM and I need to go to eat breakfast and catch a train to head off to work. Until next time, guys!
We lost... SCREW YOU TOWN!
Oh well, this was a really fun setup. I can't speak for townies, but playing as a mafia member was a blast. I actually wanted to be a townie at first and was a little bummed out, but i quickly forgot that feeling and started to have lots of fun deceiving everyone. The mafia team was great, all capable members, the only problem was towards the end when Taskmanager and Crybaby started going afk during crucial moments in the game.
NoNK, i want to thank you for your excellent format. This was one of the most fun mafia games i've participated in. Turns out removing all of those roles makes the "text analyzing" part much more important, which i could appreciate. I know some people probably didn't enjoy it since they started spacing out and not giving a **** about the game anymore. But i certainly enjoyed it.
Think about it, if I were to, as town, state an opinion that was wrong and benefitted the mafia, why would the mafia then not back it up? They support the idea, and then, when it goes wrong, I take the **** for it. Which is exactly what happened. When I spoke up about jawapa, norweiganboy instantly voted and mentioned he'd been in support of the idea since the previous phase. Then, when Jawapa flips town, I get the blame for being wrong and nobody thinks any ill of norweiganboy over it. And then with my argument with Processor, norweiganboy was backing me every step of the way. Then, when I'm wrong about Onjit, norweiganboy then gets no **** for it and even gets into heaven - this despite the fact that he actively supported every mistake that I've been considered suspicious for. The mafia has been hiding behind my mistakes. You could say that norweiganboy was backing me up because we're on the same team, but do you really think either of us would be so blatantly obvious about it especially given how subtle norweiganboy was with jawapa?
Look who figured out my strategy. Too bad it was a little too late, and you even voted me into heaven before you figured things out.
I and the other mafia saw you as a big problem from the onset, we knew your big voice could mean trouble for us. So i had difficulties in thinking of a way to permanently kill you off. But then i realized, why even do that? All we had to do was act like townies, excessively supporting your opinions, and wait for you to hopefully start attacking the other innocent and less active townies that trusted you less. Your hubris made you blind to the people that seemingly "supported" your endeavor, trusting me only because you thought i agreed with what you said. Thus when your conclusions inevitably went wrong, the town conveniently blamed you for your failures that we actively promoted. Paving the way for us without even needing to eliminate you. Of course this all crashed and burned during hell phase 4 when i explicitly told Task and Crybaby to eliminate you, but they messed up by staying afk. And Task was voted. That made us lose. :/
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
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I put most of the mafia members in Townish in my read list lmao
Great game, I had fun.
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
Balance in this setup is interesting. Assuming random lynches, mafia is favored. However as you can probably tell, no nightkills swings things back into town's favor in practice.
The interesting thing about this setup is that I've seen it run offsite two other times (9p variant), and both games ended in a town win. They went a little bit similarly to this one, minus the day 1 bus on zoey (which I think was a great move btw). Day one, town to hell, heaven 1, mafia to heaven. then a mafia to hell, and then townies both ways until they eventually catch the last mafia by associations.
What I was wondering to myself while this game was running was this: What if, after the mafia bussed zoey, they all worked together to keep each other out of hell AND heaven, and aimed for an 8 man judgement day, with heavily townread Crybaby, Norboy and Jawapa? Does town ever win that scenario, even if the martyrs catch taskmanager? Food for thought.
I thought sacking Task would have been enough to convince Mutant that I was town. Would've been way too risky of a play if I was Mafia, but my gamble in the end didnt pay off
Also I legitimately have been really busy irl
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
I thought sacking Task would have been enough to convince Mutant that I was town. Would've been way too risky of a play if I was Mafia, but my gamble in the end didnt pay off
Also I legitimately have been really busy irl
What the hell kind of plan is that? You didn’t even vote for Taskmanager. If you were doing this strategy you should have gone all out instead of just lightly suggesting that Taskmanager might be scummy without even voting for him. It really just looked like you were afk and didn’t do anything at all during hell phase 4. So you didn’t convince anyone if that was what you thought you did. You should have told us your plan in mafia chat. I could have told you that your plan sucked/and or wasn’t executed properly.
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Town MVP is a tossup somewhere between Kira and Mutant imo
Ehh, I personally think it was processor. He was right more often than the rest of us and, whilst I do think the mafia would have won had they successfully sent me to hell, it was processor that stopped that from happening. I still don't understand why, but his decision to keep me alive and even further than that, actively follow me, is probably the decision that eventually lead the town to win. Furthermore, having Crybaby so far up the list on 'the plan' was entirely because of processor. I was very clearly flip-flopping on my read of Crybaby. Proc's and my's argument over Onjit ironically did some good because it taught me that, although Processor isn't very convincing, it doesn't mean he's not right. I can't be certain that Crybaby would have been in the hell part of the plan if it wasn't for proc.
The mafia played a good game though. They very nearly won. I think there are 2 moments that could have secured their victory. First of all, there's obviously lynching me when they had the chance. But secondly, I think that had they sent Crybaby to heaven instead of Norwegianboy they'd have had more of a chance. Whilst Crybaby flipping mafia would not make Norwegianboy look more suspicious, Norwegianboy flipping mafia definitely badly impacted Crybaby.
good job on the mafia for misleadin gmutant i really scum readed him cause of that crybaby was a very goood town mafia norboy i have a question why did 3 mafs bussed zoey?
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
This was an interesting game. It was something different.
Wasn't sure how it would play out, but it was a lot of fun.
Sorry, mutant, for any brain damage that may of occured from beating your head trying to figure us out.
There was confusion on why we lynched zoey. It was because she made an obvious mistake, and was likely to be lynched for it anyway. Seemed like it was a good choice. Even though we sacrificed a teammate, it made us look like town.
gg everyone
Discord: jawp#5123
Norwee, Kira, peace, TaskManager, mutantdevle, Kirby, NoNK
it would have been out of character for me, because I also at one point suggested him for heaven and I never built up any strong arguments against him, whereas I did for Mutant, and I gave a reason for not trusting him
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Congrats on completing the second longest game of Mafia archived on these forums.
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[ Started around 1739672706.1973 - Generated in 0.260 seconds, 13 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.85 MiB (Peak: 2.19 MiB) ]