Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I am noticing the pattern that players who don't give a **** about being sent to hell and vote themselves end up being town (Onjit, Trytu)
Mafia can notice the same pattern too!
I have never thought of programming for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out. That is the reason why I code.
With 9 alive, it takes 5 votes to send a smiley to HELL.
2B [2]: Kira, 2B
mutantdevle [1]: Crybaby
Not voting [6]: Everyone else
This phase will enter overtime in 72 hours.
Mod notes:
Anybody want cake?
Personally, I think 2B55 is using the self vote as a defence mechanism as expressed through how prematurely he votes for himself.
Zelda, there are 2 mafia left in the game. If you had to pick 2 people right now to decide the fate of the game then who would you pick?
Honestly, I have no idea, my reads are complete trash. We really need to think this through.
If I’m Mafia and I got sent to hell, that’s great, you got rid of another mafia member?
But what if I’m town? I don’t see you can get any information from lynching me.
Fine, lynch me, but if I’m town, please lynch Mutantdevle.
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
you got rid of another mafia member.*
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
Fine, lynch me, but if I’m town, please lynch Mutantdevle.
What do you mean ‘if’? Surely you know what you’re going to flip, right?
Personally, I’d learn from your lynch whether peace is also likely to be mafia. It would also solve your alignment which would be great considering you’re one of the most elusive players in this game.
With 9 alive, it takes 5 votes to send a smiley to HELL.
2B [1]: Kira
mutantdevle [3]: Crybaby. 2B. Proc
Not voting [5]: Everyone else
This phase will enter overtime in 60 hours.
Mod notes:
a very common form
Two mafia threw Zoey under the bus. Impressive
You mean 3? If I'm mafia, that makes 3 mafia members that decided to throw a teammate under the bus. That's 3/4 of her teammates. 2 of which (myself and jawapa) playing an active role in starting the wagon.
mutantdevle wrote:Personally, I think 2B55 is using the self vote as a defence mechanism as expressed through how prematurely he votes for himself.
Zelda, there are 2 mafia left in the game. If you had to pick 2 people right now to decide the fate of the game then who would you pick?
Honestly, I have no idea, my reads are complete trash. We really need to think this through.
Then think it through. Make a conclusion. This late in the game it's not acceptable for your opinion to be 'I don't know'. Your opinion doesn't have to be based on who is scummiest. Instead, you can eliminate options through who you think is townie or townish. Process of elimination is a valid way of finding scum.
To those of you who think I'm mafia, who do you think my partner is?
I am afraid that Mutant has been manipulating the Town almost entire game
Consider Jawapa's heaven lynch: Mutant suggested it out of the blue
Consider Norboy's lynch: Mutant was on this wagon too, albeit it's not a major scum tell because we've all got fooled
Onjit, Peace, 2B55 - they all were pushed by Mutant at some point
They are/were scummy and can't defend themselves. They're all low hanging fruit
I also don't know how and why do you town read Kira, so, of all much suspicious people here I would place Kira first on your partners list
Consider Jawapa's heaven lynch: Mutant suggested it out of the blue
Consider Norboy's lynch: Mutant was on this wagon too, albeit it's not a major scum tell because we've all got fooled
We all got fooled by jawapa too. Surely that means that's not a major scum tell either?
Can I just remind y'all what happened with the jawapa vote. I merely suggested him. My expectation was that he should be dicussed as an option but immediately everyone was like 'yeah let's do this!' and voted. One of those players who had that reaction was Norweiganboy. We've established from Onjit's flip that the mafia are prepared to frame people so how can you be so sure they're not framing me too?
It genuinely annoys me that I'm being used a scapegoat for both the mafia and the town. Almost every time we get something wrong I get the blame. Y'all have been just as wrong about these things as I have, but I get the blame for it simply because my voice has the most power. The mafia, knowing this, just let me ramble on - of course they're not going to push back against my opinions if what I'm saying will help them win. Both jawapa and norweiganboy took on the strategy of mostly staying out of everything that's going on and looking townie in the process. And because most people here show the same behaviour - except without the added bonus of looking townie - that's what has allowed both the mafia players sitting in heaven to get where they are.
Taskmanager, do you agree that you've had very little impact in this game? Because I certainly think that's true. What gives? Usually, you're seen as one of the most valuable players yet in this game you've just been a semi-lurker. Why have you become less helpful in a game where you don't have to worry about being night killed?
Thanks. I assume this is because you still want to give me a chance to talk rather than that you're having doubts?
They are/were scummy and can't defend themselves. They're all low hanging fruit
To say that they are incapable of defending themselves is just insulting to them to be honest.
I don't like how you're brandishing everyone I've been suspicious of as low hanging fruit. So many people in this game fit that description. I'd argue that right now even I fit the description of low hanging fruit so what's your excuse?
I also don't know how and why do you town read Kira
Kira has consistently shown a desire to solve the game. Although I don't agree with all of his conclusions, his logic makes sense on how he came to them and the very fact that he's been able to show his logic is proof that his reads and conclusions are genuine. I have similar reasoning to town read Zelda but their posts are not as strong as Kira's. I also think that Kira's initial lack of hope at the start of the game is quite a townie thing to think - if he was mafia, he would be glad of this advantage and possibly not feel the need to mention.
Posts like this stand out to me as townie. He could have just joined the wagon with a simple vote but instead not only did he make it clear that he agreed with me but more importantly he explained why he agreed with me. Just scroll through Kira's iso and you can see for yourself how consistently he does this kind of thing. He explains his logic and actively tries to solve the game when he has time to.
He's also suspected for quite a while now that 2B55 and norweiganboy are scum partners. Of course, at the time everyone ignored him because we all town read norweiganboy. But hey, Kira was right about him being scum. Maybe it's about time we listened to him.
Idk how do I prove myself innocent now tbh.
There is a chance that Norboy backed up me almost every time on purpose to make me look suspicious.
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
In the past I said many times that I don’t think Norboy has been backing up me nor me backing up him. Idk why you guys still have that thought. If my death can help solving the game then I’m willing to sacrifice, but now the only thing I can see to help is Peace’s alignment, and I don’t even know where that Peace and 2B55 is connected thing came from.
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
If I’m Mafia, Norboy should’ve knew that if he keeps ‘backing up’ me, people will be suspicious of me, especially when Norboy’s alignment is revealed. You have fell into his trap. He wouldn’t let this mistake happen if I’m Mafia, because it’ll make them in a dangerous position.
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
2B55, a way you could try to prove your townieness to me specifically would be to give a detailed list of what alignment you think everyone is - justifying why - and mentioning any changes from previously.
I'm making a list now (actually since 20+ minutes ago)
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
My previous list:
NorwegianboyEE (maf)
mrjawapa (maf)
Onjit (dead)
Caleb101 (replaced by Peace)
Trytu (dead)
sxrrealism (Slabdrill)
My new list:
peace (actually inbetween Townish and Neutral)
TaskManager (most townish)
Slabdrill(least townish)
So Processor stayed in the Town section, mainly because he was right about Onjit being town (again). I know some of his arguments are invalid but at least he was right about Onjit being town. He's also one of the people who voted for Zoey.
He moved down from Town to Townish. The reason is because I was wondering why he doesn't want to go to heaven, especially after this post:
Wait wait wait wait wait why Zelda and why Norboy?
Processor I thought you were really suspicious of Zelda, why did that suddenly change after Onjit flipped?
Although later he said that he misread Processor suggested Zelda, it's still clear that he didn't 100% trust Norboy, he even said it in this post:
Slight fix: I don't trust that ZeldaXD or Norboy are 100% town
He didn't trust Zelda or Norboy, so for him, the best option is probably Processor or Crybaby himself, but he didn't vote for Processor or himself, it's a bit weird for me. But after all he's helpful so I put him in Townish. He didn't vote for Zoey btw.
He replaced Caleb101, so I'll talk about Caleb101 too. Caleb101 at the start of the game is inactive, or ****, and he still was until he was replaced by Peace, suspicious. Now, Peace. Peace didn't trust Norboy, and said that he'll like to vote Processor,
we alreayd ave 1/3 mafia in heaven maafia won for 33% already let snot giv ehim 33 mor e%
This post shows that he didn't trust Norboy,
honeslty norwegian coudl be town but im more sure abotu proc rn thats why i voted him;we know for almost 99% sure proc is town (defending onjit why would a mafia defend a town during hell?)
This shows that he trust Processor and would like to send him to heaven.
And at the end, his suspection was right, Norboy is mafia.
But the reason why I wanted to put him between Townish and Neutral is because he thought Onjit was mafia. But maybe that was normal because at that time Onjit was really suspicious. Did not vote for Zoey.
I was unsure for this one, I originally put him in Neutral in my new list, but I re-read his posts and put him back in Townish. He is helpful in the game, (I want to quote posts but the stupid forum glitch won't let go to the next page when I isolate his posts , and it's so long so I just gave up)
He voted Kirby in Heaven Phase 1, which was a correct vote.
He voted Jawapa in Heaven Phase 2, which was a wrong vote, but normal because Jawapa fooled nearly the whole town.
I think ZeldaXD didn't vote in Heaven Phase 3 (I can't go to the next page of his posts so I can't see, so I used 'I think')
He can be in town but the fact that his suspect list has 2 town members is making me hesitate,
My list of suspects:
Then I saw his more detailed read list, which made me think that he's town, not 100% sure tho. Did not vote for Zoey.
A bit of **** at the start but later become helpful. Is one of the people who voted Kirby to heaven. But also voted Jawapa and Norboy to heaven.
I think this is a good post:
You guys realize the lynches are compulsory and the person with most votes is lynched regardless, once the time runs out?
I see no better candidate than Onjit, but neither do I see a point in pushing the wagon any further right now. It's about 9 hours more or less.
I can only fancy two reasons for pushing the lynch further right now:
- You're in a hurry and don't want to wait another 9 hours
- You want to prevent Onjit from potentially making that post he's been promising to make
NorwegianboyEE and Kira voted after this post appeared, and one of them is even confirmed mafia. So I think Task might be town, but I'm still a bit unsure. One of the people who voted Zoey.
I struggled for so long with this one. He was one of the people who voted for Zoey, who was mafia.
Now things get strange. I know Jawapa is mafia, but the fact that Mutant didn't vote for Jawapa is weird for me. When Crybaby asked why Mutant didn't vote, this was his answer.
Crybaby wrote:How come you havent voted yet, Mutant?
I don't feel that I need to.
And then when Crybaby asked why Mutant doesn't think he needs to vote, this was his answer.
That question will remain unanswered for the time being.
I was like, ????, confused, but I didn't think much. Now when I'm writing this list, I came up with two possibilities.
- He really feel like he doesn't need to vote.
- He didn't vote to avoid suspicion because he knew Jawapa is mafia (because Mutant himself is mafia) and if he voted for Jawapa, people will start to suspect him.
I came up with the 2nd possibility because he suggested to send Jawapa to heaven, then this post by Norboy appeared,
mutantdevle wrote:It's kind of odd that no one's suggested him yet.
I mentioned him before during the first heaven phase i think. But yeah that's a bit strange. Don't you think it's more likely that the people that don't get mentioned are less likely to be mafia?
Norboy, who was mafia, agreed with Mutant. It seems like Mutant wanted Jawapa to go to heaven so mafia can have higher chance to win, so he suggested Jawapa, who was town in most people's eyes, and then called Norboy, who was also not very suspicious at that moment, to agree with him. Then people voted for Jawapa.
I was certain that he is mafia but another thing came up in my mind, why would a mafia do so much mislynches? Wouldn't that make himself suspicious?
Here are Mutantdevle's mislynches:
- He voted Trytu, who was town.
- He voted Onjit, who was also town.
- He voted Norboy to heaven, who turned out to be mafia.
So at that moment I was very confused, I couldn't decide, so I put him in neutral.
I know there's a possibility that he has been planning his lynches but will Mutant really do that? That's a lot of effort.
Replaced sxrrealism. Sxrrealism was ****, so I thought he was maf trying to get his attention away from himself. But then Slabdrill replaced him, which made me changed my opinion about him.
Slabdrill also didn't post much, I isolated his posts and it was 1 page only. Originally going to put him between Neutral and Mafia, but because of his read list, I put him on Neutral. His opinion on Onjit was (+0.5), and then Onjit was indeed town.
I think that's all about him lol, really nothing much to say. He didn't vote for Zoey btw.
Originally was in Neutral. Now in Mafia.
I am really suspicious about him.
He was one of the people who voted for Zoey. He used this to defend Trytu's suspicion towards him,
You are literally suspecting the person that suspected the first Mafia.
This might can defend him at the earlier stage of the game, but not now. 2 of the people who voted to lynch Zoey was mafia.
But ok, I assume he didn't know that 2 mafias lynched Zoey at that time.
And then I scrolled up again, and read the post that he suspect late voters on the Zoey bandwagon. He susp.ected me and Norboy. But he ignored that fact that he was also a late voter. Although Norboy indeed is mafia, before Norboy is revealed, he said several times that Norboy and me are backing up each other. I already feel a bit wrong here, it seems like he wanted to get rid of me and Norboy. Then when Norboy is revealed as Mafia, he used it to try to lynch me. Honestly, I think that this is a long planned thing. Maybe Kira was mafia, so he told Norboy to purposely back up me, and then Kira will say that me and Norboy is connected. Then when Norboy is revealed as mafiam he can use it as a reason to get rid of me. And after all, that me and Norboy are connected thing seems reasonable, everything didn't go wrong, now some people are suspecting me. Then maybe after I'm lynched, people found out I'm town, Kira will say 'Well they both seem like they're connected '
But did they not realize that this is risky? And why do some people still think Norboy is really connected with me? Again, if I'm mafia, and town lynched me, mafia will be in a dangerous position. Using a mafia's death to protect another mafia, is it really worth it? No. If I'm mafia and I'm dead then there's 1 maf left in the game, it's very risky.
With that, I don't understand why people will think that I am really connected with Norboy. Ok, if Kira is town, does he not notice something wrong? Sending a mafia to heaven just to make another mafia get send to hell? Is Norboy really stupid enough to do this kind of action? I don't think so.
I'm going to say one more time, I am NOT connected with Norboy. The part that I suggest Norboy to go to heaven might seem like it's me backing up Norboy but the fact is he was the most suitable candidate at that moment. Many people voted for him to go to heaven too, but then Kira only blamed me, with that 2B is connected with Norboy thing, and suggested to lynch me.
You can notice that at the end (or start) of every person I stated whether they voted for Zoey. I feel like that Zoey bandwagon was a very important bandwagon.
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
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