Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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alos luka i got a pam sayign your action faile dbecaus eluka504 was nto foudn at home after i wrote !tip luka so thi sis weird but if you got your tip then i don tneed to tip you again or maby you'll get a new tip?
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
alos luka i got a pam sayign your action faile dbecaus eluka504 was nto foudn at home after i wrote !tip luka so thi sis weird but if you got your tip then i don tneed to tip you again or maby you'll get a new tip?
I didn't get any tip, just an invitation to a seccret hiding spot.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.
wait that hidign spot is something otheres im not ogign in detial alos ow many peopel are in game an dhow many have actulay posted yet? havent seen posts of kirby yet
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
wait... Luka, do you know what the Mafia could've done last night? I know you said they had the power to make a new chatroom, but what else could've happened? Also, have you seen anything from dot?
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dot hasn't said anything since I claimed. He/she wasn't very talkative to begin with, but still.
In regards to who did what during the night, one of the things that Mr. X told dot to take the mafia kill while Quintet used his night action to make a new mafia chat. Provided that they haven't deviated from that strategy, that's how it should have played out.
I'm not sure if Mr. X then was NorwegianBoy or not, however.
luka if you saty home tonisht i can tip you okay?
That'll leave me wide open to get killed, though.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.
Wait that makes no sense, because nobody died last night. Unless dot got roleblocked or something.
Also, @schlog why did you give up?
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peace wrote:luka if you saty home tonisht i can tip you okay?
That'll leave me wide open to get killed, though.
what message did you get from th ehiding place because i got the hidgin place shared wiht someone and it was very protective and i wa sallowe dot shar it whoeevr i wanted bu 1 perosn per day cycle so i shared it wiht you + you got protected twice last nogt so you okay?
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
Wait that makes no sense, because nobody died last night. Unless dot got roleblocked or something.
Also, @schlog why did you give up?
I could have been attacked last night. Mr. X only told dot to kill *someone*, but never specified who.
I've been given protection last night, so it's possible.
Luka504 wrote:peace wrote:luka if you saty home tonisht i can tip you okay?
That'll leave me wide open to get killed, though.
what message did you get from th ehiding place because i got the hidgin place shared wiht someone and it was very protective and i wa sallowe dot shar it whoeevr i wanted bu 1 perosn per day cycle so i shared it wiht you + you got protected twice last nogt so you okay?
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.
Crybaby wrote:Wait that makes no sense, because nobody died last night. Unless dot got roleblocked or something.
Also, @schlog why did you give up?
I could have been attacked last night. Mr. X only told dot to kill *someone*, but never specified who.
I've been given protection last night, so it's possible.peace wrote:Luka504 wrote:peace wrote:luka if you saty home tonisht i can tip you okay?
That'll leave me wide open to get killed, though.
what message did you get from th ehiding place because i got the hidgin place shared wiht someone and it was very protective and i wa sallowe dot shar it whoeevr i wanted bu 1 perosn per day cycle so i shared it wiht you + you got protected twice last nogt so you okay?
i got this message:
*insert name here who i keep secret becuase i dont see a reason to share yet* has shown you a hiding place!
People who know of a hiding place may choose to hide in it addition to other night actions, which will prevent people who don’t know of it from visiting the person. Anyone inside a hiding place may show others that hiding place, including during day, but only 1 per day cycle. Everyone in a hiding place will know who else has hid in that hiding place that night.
Showing someone a hiding place will give them this message.
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
A few more messages later, he 'confesses' to me that he's actually Jawapa. I asked if he's only giving me this information just because he thinks I'll die that night
How could he know that you'd die that night if he wasn't the one making the kill? Maybe it's actually dot that's speaking to you? In that case, both players are probably active
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I still received what you sent me.
Wait, you did? You weren't supposed to get anything. Oops.
I also have a message from ~2.7 hours ago:
Remember that I did say: "Fair warning if you didn’t get it earlier; this is a bastard setup."
I might not be writing in pink, but that doesn't change the fact I'm the one writing it. Pink or yellow, it doesn't matter. I've been using both of the colors to confuse you and It's working pretty well apparently. Both of the colors have the same influence. Period.
suddenly random sig change
Wait that makes no sense, because nobody died last night. Unless dot got roleblocked or something.
Also, @schlog why did you give up?
really poor balancing, the mafia got decimated day 1 and i think that's just stupid
also i was on the list of suspects
Luka504 wrote:I still received what you sent me.
Wait, you did? You weren't supposed to get anything. Oops.
Remember that I did say: "Fair warning if you didn’t get it earlier; this is a bastard setup."
I might not be writing in pink, but that doesn't change the fact I'm the one writing it. Pink or yellow, it doesn't matter. I've been using both of the colors to confuse you and It's working pretty well apparently. Both of the colors have the same influence. Period.
Can we lynch Kira just for being like this?
Wait, that's true. Maybe they both were talking to you as Mr X. One of them started it, while the other caught on quickly?
Yeah, that's the only possibility. Norwegianboy is the original Mr X, and after Norwegianboy gave up on the game, Quintet took his name. I'm not sure why he did that, as he revealed his secret to me not too long after our conversation last night began.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.
[ Started around 1741679649.4925 - Generated in 0.196 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.75 MiB (Peak: 2.02 MiB) ]