Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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ahahahahahhahahhhahhahahagahagaagagagg ahahhaahgagahhhhhhahhabhhahhahhahhahahahhahahhhahh hahhahahahaahaahhhhhahahhahahhahhahhhhhahhahhahhahhahHhahahhahahhhahHHhahahahHhahHhahHaAAhahhahqhHhahahahaHhahHhaHhahHhHahHhaauauaahahahaggagahhahahahahahaha ahahhahahahaHHhahahahhahhhahahahahahahahaahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahauauaghauhahahhahahahahha ahahhahahahHhahaHHhHHhHahAHAHAHAHAHHhahahahhaahahha
very funny i laff
The best part was when the video finally ended.
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best part come snow: im gonna press CTRL+W fast
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
I am pretty confident that with a bit of work, soniiiety will become a meme template one day for something.
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
Hi soniiietys mom
im cringing so hard, someone help
I am pretty confident that with a bit of work, soniiiety will become a meme template one day for something.
I have a curse which does not allow me to be famous or to be wide known.
the more I try to break the curse the worse it gets.
but it seems to be working.
I will also make a fortnite meme and hopefully it can get spread to pewdiepie.
what in the **** omg
I believe it would be"OMFG"
also TANK you very much!
dad im hungry
Why isnt this an ad on youtube
btw all these photos are just jokes and pranks, thats my light from my beanie.
it can be tooken out of it or placed back in.
also it has 200 lumins and can be recharged.
also here is some new kit cat pictures
lamo XD
lamo XD
Laughing as my o****?
man, you are recording videos on Tik Tok? Are you upset about something in your life or do you have problems with classmates,
family or you have mental disorder characterized by abnormal behavior, strange speech, and a decreased ability to understand reality?
man, you are recording videos on Tik Tok? Are you upset about something in your life or do you have problems with classmates,
family or you have mental disorder characterized by abnormal behavior, strange speech, and a decreased ability to understand reality?
man, you are playing EE? Are you upset about something in your life or do you have problems with classmates,
family or you have mental disorder characterized by abnormal behavior, strange speech, and a decreased ability to understand reality?
you have mental disorder characterized by abnormal behavior, strange speech, and a decreased ability to understand reality?
Yes he have mental disorder. He have been talked about it so many times. You would notice that.
And what I remember does he not have many friends and he live cheap and have problem with his family.
I'm not a stalker, but I have noticed this since all his other blog posts in this forum page.
i find it hard to believe that's actually you soniiiety
akahaka wrote:you have mental disorder characterized by abnormal behavior, strange speech, and a decreased ability to understand reality?
Yes he have mental disorder. He have been talked about it so many times. You would notice that.
And what I remember does he not have many friends and he live cheap and have problem with his family.I'm not a stalker, but I have noticed this since all his other blog posts in this forum page.
The reason is that he doesn't know how to behave in society. His actions are not clear to anyone. He's not schizophrenic, maybe he has Tourette's syndrome which will develop with his age.
Given how many times his Pets died, it can be concluded that the family does not have enough money to care for them.
Perhaps the death of Pets slightly touched his mind and he began to withdraw from reality, taking his blog to YouTube and pointless, stupid video to tik tok. Given his appearance, he's constantly bullied at school, which is also effect on the human psyche.
Sony tries to seem funny and serious, but he does not get it, he always looks stupid.
I get what you’re saying Akahaka, but if you really care about soniiiiety i don’t think you’re helping much. Yes Tik Tok is cancerous and an sign of the end times, and it’s a bit weird he shares them here on the EE forums, but give the guy a break yo. There’s no need to be so mean-spirited, he just is this way, so accept him as he is. I say we let him live his life and make harmless music videos we can laugh at for being cringy. It doesn’t harm anyone.
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