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#1 2018-12-06 13:36:23, last edited by Anatoly (2018-12-06 13:36:55)


What I was dreaming of last years - My ideology to the world

Chapter 1 of 1

I've been dreaming of something modern, a thing that actually is wanted by everyone and disliked at the same time. We're all humans, and based on this I'm going to tell you my ideology to this world. As you may seems thinking at the first time thinking, my parents are born in the Soviet Union. No, it's not communism I'm living with. It's more than just any utopia can be. The fix to all problems, but at the same time a problem itself.

Death Mark.

I don't know how I came to this name. I however thought of Death marking herself everywhere, as she marks today, marked dead bodies and will mark the humanity at the same time. I've been dreaming of receiving a start capital to run my business - an internet project to be firstly, to host games, revive dead games and run them, making profit using the old best times. Additionally, a new currency - 1 point. This is another thing humanity has been dreaming already for too long -  byte-formatted, online, trustable currency. Point would not be a currency you can get in game, just a currency for payment. A currency - with future plans. The sad thing we've been experiencing are byte coins. The problem will be with hacking into the database - and simply - crash the numbers - ruining the economy. Many billiards of dollars/euro/etc. were printed - so much paper was lost - so much - And points would be the perfect currency. Always keeping at a same rate of POINTS PER PERSON, it would not be able to crash its' economy - other than hacking.

First time, more games, more stuff would bring more money, later, I'd continue with the plan. Already created the domains (don't belong to me, I don't have any money // ) and https://deathma.rk I would add at death mark image hosting, file hosting, basically all the stuff you already can do - but on one site - another, better social network.

Once more money received, I'd planed on creating the first Death Mark split - DMGames for the earlier stuff, DMMovie for new actors, DMTechnology for actual technology - a piano - but like a very long iPad, a music engine, with an amazing OS, being able to download DJ engines, different amazing sound effects, music, etc. DM would sell modifications on the human body - a clock built into the hand, like in the movie "In Time", a memory put into brain, so you can have a photographic memory, when needed. Brain reading systems, so whenever you think of something, creating a new movie, it could be displayed on the computer. This would add a new way for movie creation, the last fixes on any other software.

An artificial intelligence, which will generate those movies, become immediately smarter than any human, proving more and more phenomenas, math formulas and thinking of ways to be more productional in chemical education. Just like sire, you could request anything, mashups, movies. While she/he becomes more powerful, DMParty - for reign, for power, for might. Firstly, organisation to help the school wit technology, then taking over the judicative and legislative powers. With the time going on, making unity around over the world, one ally, one country, one world. With this becoming true, after some time, there won't be no discrimination, as over many thousand years, all people will become equal looking, equally thinking. There will be the problem of place. The only solution I was thinking of is - sending people to different places all over the world, so everywhere around the world, there will be the same people.

What religion for me is? The answer became nothing. My second dancing partner, you saw videos from me with her, stopped coming Sundays because "going to church is more important" - since than my hate grew - religion in first place ruins the freedom of the person - science however can help the humanity - and everyone loves either maths, languages - if thought the correct way. In my opinion the current way school teaches is old and not efficient, what can and should be improved. Back to religion -  we all slowly understand what mistakes we've made - and with new generations we become more realistic, stopping to believe in god, but still keeping the ethics that killing, being a thief is bad, and love and believing that you can do it is good.

Stopping to produce plastic and starting actually working on protecting nature - will help us to return the good times - when fresh air was everywhere, not only in some forests, building a city not at places where we have the forest, but building big long sticks into the earth, and place our buildings above the forest, but giving them all the water and light from the bottom of our houses. This way, we will build in a unlimited spaced place - the air. Stop using wood, use iron.

Going forwards, learning to create a formula like O₂ → Fe, what would be actually replacing protons, electrons and neutrons in their connections.

My ideology, is the future of our world. I hope you won't treat me now other than earlier, by getting to see something from my inside.

With love and future,

#2 2018-12-07 16:53:19

Joined: 2015-04-02
Posts: 1,364

Re: What I was dreaming of last years - My ideology to the world

TL;DR: Anatoly wants to rule the world.



#3 2018-12-07 16:59:00

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: What I was dreaming of last years - My ideology to the world

Anatoly wrote:

My ideology, is the future of our world.

Of course, how could we not see it? How foolish we were to believe in atheism and Christianity when the true god was in front of us all along.
Let us all buy him bitcoins in deathmark and gain "esteemed" ranks in his cult New world order!

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#4 2018-12-07 19:45:46


Re: What I was dreaming of last years - My ideology to the world

NorwegianboyEE wrote:
Anatoly wrote:

My ideology, is the future of our world.

Of course, how could we not see it? How foolish we were to believe in atheism and Christianity when the true god was in front of us all along.
Let us all buy him bitcoins in deathmark and gain "esteemed" ranks in his cult New world order!

It became my ideology since no one of the rulers actually started doing it:

Future technology, flying cars, etc. - we all want it

#5 2018-12-07 19:54:08


Re: What I was dreaming of last years - My ideology to the world

this story is one chapter too long

#6 2018-12-07 20:44:28

Formerly ThuggishPrune
From: Ohio
Joined: 2015-06-20
Posts: 459

Re: What I was dreaming of last years - My ideology to the world

whatever you say sonytv2


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#7 2018-12-10 06:33:24

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,168

Re: What I was dreaming of last years - My ideology to the world

Okay, jokes aside, I don't understand this. You make this post and think we'll understand the way YOU feel, but yet you miss the point. Everything here seems to be either power fantasies or flimsy ideas of how people should act.

You say we should love each other. Can you really put into words why you think that way? Hating each other is pretty practical. It distances us from people who make us uncomfortable, makes us feel better about ourselves, and appeals to our ANGRY URGES. Clearly all the dictators of the world would agree with me. How are you going to explain this to them? You'll have to be more specific if you want to convince them you're right.

Don't get me wrong. I love the idea of world peace. But it's just an idea. If you put all your hope in the world you'll be devestated. So don't. Worst case scenario, you'll spiral into intense social anxiety, spend hours a week staring at a computer screen typing about ways you wish the world could be better, and call yourself N1KF.

Have you considered what a terrible idea it is to remove everything that makes people unique? To turn them into robots. If we all look and think the same way, we cannot learn from each other. If one person learned without the others, it would throw things off balance. So we'd all have to know the same things. We would have the same personality, same ideas, same lifestyles, same hobbies, same fashion, same desires for pets, art, music, and anything special.

Basically, it would be like a single person exists in complete aimlessness and loneliness. Nobody to look up to. Nobody to share our problems with and get a new perspective.

If dropping religion were the smart idea, don't you think genius philosophers and historians with decades of debate and research would have done that long long ago? Meanwhile here you are, explaining why we should drop religion with the only explanation is that your dance partner chose to go to church on Sundays. WHAT?????

Do you understand what you are saying? You are saying that your dance partner should: value dancing with you over going to church? Do you realize that church is where people go to sing for God? Talk to churchmates? Hear a sermon? Talk to their pastor? Eat delicious breakfast pastries? And most importantly, build their relationships with God? If that is what you are saying, then clearly you do not realize the value of good worship. Many people have risked their lives, and still do to worship God. For thousands of years, people have tried to censor the Bible because they realize what a threat it is to the cruel, inhumane leaders in charge. It is far more deep, and more complex than anything you have written here. You might not like religion, but don't pretend you know enough about it to suggest it should all be destroyed (if that were even possible). As you can probably tell, it's very personal to some people and what you're doing is extremely dismissive of their experiences, their worldviews, and thousands of years of it.

You say that religion removes freedom. I don't know about other religions, but part of Christianity's message is about freedom from sin. And Christianity, at its completely allows freedom. Did somebody rob a bank? That's sin, and it's "freedom" from Christianity! Christianity has some of the most libertarian ideas you could imagine. Just don't try to follow some of the ancient Jewish laws.

Your very specific ideas about the world nearly sound religious themselves. They are similar to the antichrist's plans as described in the Book of Revelation. Some of these plans are to rule the world under a single government, implant marks into peoples' hands and foreheads needed to function in society, as well as convince people they are the Savior for humanity. Just letting you know.

Oh and by the way I agree that modern schools should be improved.

What you have suggested is a complete trainwreck. Thank you for sharing anyway, and I hope we can all learn something from this.


#8 2018-12-10 20:44:47

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,396

Re: What I was dreaming of last years - My ideology to the world

N1KF wrote:

Okay, jokes aside, I don't understand this. You make this post and think we'll understand the way YOU feel, but yet you miss the point. Everything here seems to be either power fantasies or flimsy ideas of how people should act.

You say we should love each other. Can you really put into words why you think that way? Hating each other is pretty practical. It distances us from people who make us uncomfortable, makes us feel better about ourselves, and appeals to our ANGRY URGES. Clearly all the dictators of the world would agree with me. How are you going to explain this to them? You'll have to be more specific if you want to convince them you're right.

Don't get me wrong. I love the idea of world peace. But it's just an idea. If you put all your hope in the world you'll be devestated. So don't. Worst case scenario, you'll spiral into intense social anxiety, spend hours a week staring at a computer screen typing about ways you wish the world could be better, and call yourself N1KF.

Have you considered what a terrible idea it is to remove everything that makes people unique? To turn them into robots. If we all look and think the same way, we cannot learn from each other. If one person learned without the others, it would throw things off balance. So we'd all have to know the same things. We would have the same personality, same ideas, same lifestyles, same hobbies, same fashion, same desires for pets, art, music, and anything special.

Basically, it would be like a single person exists in complete aimlessness and loneliness. Nobody to look up to. Nobody to share our problems with and get a new perspective.

If dropping religion were the smart idea, don't you think genius philosophers and historians with decades of debate and research would have done that long long ago? Meanwhile here you are, explaining why we should drop religion with the only explanation is that your dance partner chose to go to church on Sundays. WHAT?????

Do you understand what you are saying? You are saying that your dance partner should: value dancing with you over going to church? Do you realize that church is where people go to sing for God? Talk to churchmates? Hear a sermon? Talk to their pastor? Eat delicious breakfast pastries? And most importantly, build their relationships with God? If that is what you are saying, then clearly you do not realize the value of good worship. Many people have risked their lives, and still do to worship God. For thousands of years, people have tried to censor the Bible because they realize what a threat it is to the cruel, inhumane leaders in charge. It is far more deep, and more complex than anything you have written here. You might not like religion, but don't pretend you know enough about it to suggest it should all be destroyed (if that were even possible). As you can probably tell, it's very personal to some people and what you're doing is extremely dismissive of their experiences, their worldviews, and thousands of years of it.

You say that religion removes freedom. I don't know about other religions, but part of Christianity's message is about freedom from sin. And Christianity, at its completely allows freedom. Did somebody rob a bank? That's sin, and it's "freedom" from Christianity! Christianity has some of the most libertarian ideas you could imagine. Just don't try to follow some of the ancient Jewish laws.

Your very specific ideas about the world nearly sound religious themselves. They are similar to the antichrist's plans as described in the Book of Revelation. Some of these plans are to rule the world under a single government, implant marks into peoples' hands and foreheads needed to function in society, as well as convince people they are the Savior for humanity. Just letting you know.

Oh and by the way I agree that modern schools should be improved.

What you have suggested is a complete trainwreck. Thank you for sharing anyway, and I hope we can all learn something from this.

As a follow up to this, I would like to redirect you to an article entitled What's So Bad About Hate by Andrew Sullivan. It's a really good read, and a real eye-opener. I don't want to spend too much time butchering an explanation of what it's about, but tl;dr the concept of hate isn't such a bad thing like people make it out to be.

You may find the article here.

Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!


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#9 2018-12-11 14:55:21

Joined: 2015-02-21
Posts: 4,066

Re: What I was dreaming of last years - My ideology to the world

We need to clean the world from humans before. I really hate humans.


#10 2018-12-11 15:59:31

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: What I was dreaming of last years - My ideology to the world

capasha wrote:

We need to clean the world from humans before. I really hate humans.

Ok, why don’t you start with yourself?

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#11 2018-12-11 16:36:59, last edited by MWstudios (2018-12-11 16:37:41)

From: World 4-2
Joined: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,331

Re: What I was dreaming of last years - My ideology to the world

NorwegianboyEE wrote:
capasha wrote:

We need to clean the world from humans before. I really hate humans.

Ok, why don’t you start with yourself?

And if you're asking, no, this wasn't supposed to be offensive in any way
just popped up in my mind when I read that post

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