Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Zoey2070 wrote:THE TITLE LUKA
What about it
Luka's Officially Unofficial Reviews
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
luka don't change it
angel vs. devil
who will you follow
change it but spell it wrong again
thanks koya
change it but spell it wrong again
I've already beaten you to that. Surprised no one noticed it.
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Hey Luka the world ID was PWUkD8yHYucUI if you want to review the level.
... That link leads to Devlin's level, and as such I couldn't review your level.
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Norwegianboy when reviews for round 2 (and 3?)
lol Luka504 u still spelled wrong my team name, but idc
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
Luka, I think they posted the wrong link in the official tourney. Here is the link to my world. It should work. PWZHHvGoMxcUI
Norwegianboy when reviews for round 2 (and 3?)
lol Luka504 u still spelled wrong my team name, but idc
No i’m not doing reviews for any earlier rounds. I don’t have the time sorry. But i’ll do my best to make reviews for every round from now on.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
☆ ★ ★
Round 4 for the loser bracket is out - I'll have to edit them a bit more tomorrow to fix some wording here and there, but yeah.
I gotta say, most of these worlds were hot garbage. Most of y'all were lucky to get an opponent who didn't submit anything.
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I feel like the third segment of my world could have been done better, but.. a 1/10 for art? I dunno man, I think the first and second segments look fine, and especially the win areas where it gets more detailed with decoration use. I guess I'm lost here, because if I use even just two different tile types, it's "too busy" even if the tiles appear nearly the same, but you also want detailed art somehow.
The spikes were hard to see..? I put different colored backgrounds behind them to make them more noticeable. Red tile on blue sky's pretty easy to notice. I don't know how this could have been made even more clear. I guess I could have also placed red tiles on the ground spikes, but I thought the grass patches did well enough to show the safe spots. And.. the spikes themselves are already pretty easy to see. Literally what else could I have done to make them clear to see?
Please tell me how it could have been done better, the concept, cuz telling me it coulda been better and just that doesn't really help.. and simply calling a mini "bad" also doesn't tell me what I can improve on. Having to repeat- I get. But just "bad" or "it could have been better" tells me nothing.
You had to beat the same mini 3 times but.. they were super short. I almost went with all clues revealed on one trip.. maybe I could have done that, but then the world was beatable in like 10 seconds. In the first zone depicted above, there are at least 4 different paths the player can take. I guess I coulda forced them while sacrificing art with the use of purple blocks, but I didn't want to ruin my art for something the player could do on their own.
Maybe you're just good at the puzzle, but I've seen a few people miss all of them and get the bad ending.. including a judge (not naming who). I was concerned it may have been TOO tough but.. can't please everyone I suppose. I kinda thought the spike noticeablity was what was designed for goldfish, but I guess every person is different.
As for my opponent... their world was hard, and there were plenty of things I didn't like, but I will say one thing, the first mini is possible, maybe I got lucky, but I finished it in roughly 4 or so attempts. It DOES look impossible but is surprisingly doable.
So, Azure, I knew your inevitable response was coming, so let's start from the top.
My problem with this art is mainly that it is ruining the experience of the rest of the world, with the main issue being a lack of consistency, which I'll get to later. The first area looks fine, and so does the second area (Though I don't understand what any of the objects there are supposed to be), but that third area is just utter trash. "Eye-sore of a level" was a bit of a hyperbolic remark, you got me there, but I still do not believe that this art is good. Maybe the art is worth a point or two more than what I originally gave it, but no more.
Then we move onto the consistency of your art. Every spike should have a red background behind it. If you only have some of them with a red background, you're unconsiously telling the player that red is bad. This means that people will jump into obvious spikes because there isn't a red background behind them. This isn't just a theory either, I've observed the players that were playing your world and most of them blindly ran into a pit of spikes numerous times.
Then we have the use of any repetition at all. If you force the player to do the same minigame they've already beaten, that's just artificially making your world longer. A really short organic world would have been better than a slightly longer artificially elongated one. And no, "You can take different paths" doesn't cut it, since tell me - why should I use a different route if the one I used the first time proved to be effective? I'm not going to take a slight detour if I don't have to. And this isn't just me, most of the other players in your world do the same thing. They do the same thing 3 different times with very little differences. Even if they didn't do that, it would only really matter for the first section. The second and third section don't have any alternate paths for you to take, thus throwing a big wrench in your argument.
And no, I'm not any better at the puzzle than anybody else who played your world. Frankly I wouldn't even really call it a puzzle, you're just remembering 3 ingredients and then repeating them back to the world about half a minute after learning them. But to get back to the main point - Most people who struggled to beat your world didn't struggle at it because it was tough, it's actually incredibly easy believe me, the problem is they have no idea how the world works because you failed to explain it well. This world is not hard.
And for your opponent, I don't care if it's technically possible to beat it, I couldn't be bothered to put in the effort to at least do the first minigame.
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So, Azure, I knew your inevitable response was coming, so let's start from the top.
My problem with this art is mainly that it is ruining the experience of the rest of the world, with the main issue being a lack of consistency, which I'll get to later. The first area looks fine, and so does the second area (Though I don't understand what any of the objects there are supposed to be), but that third area is just utter trash. "Eye-sore of a level" was a bit of a hyperbolic remark, you got me there, but I still do not believe that this art is good. Maybe the art is worth a point or two more than what I originally gave it, but no more.
Then we move onto the consistency of your art. Every spike should have a red background behind it. If you only have some of them with a red background, you're unconsiously telling the player that red is bad. This means that people will jump into obvious spikes because there isn't a red background behind them. This isn't just a theory either, I've observed the players that were playing your world and most of them blindly ran into a pit of spikes numerous times.
Then we have the use of any repetition at all. If you force the player to do the same minigame they've already beaten, that's just artificially making your world longer. A really short organic world would have been better than a slightly longer artificially elongated one. And no, "You can take different paths" doesn't cut it, since tell me - why should I use a different route if the one I used the first time proved to be effective? I'm not going to take a slight detour if I don't have to. And this isn't just me, most of the other players in your world do the same thing. They do the same thing 3 different times with very little differences. Even if they didn't do that, it would only really matter for the first section. The second and third section don't have any alternate paths for you to take, thus throwing a big wrench in your argument.
And no, I'm not any better at the puzzle than anybody else who played your world. Frankly I wouldn't even really call it a puzzle, you're just remembering 3 ingredients and then repeating them back to the world about half a minute after learning them. But to get back to the main point - Most people who struggled to beat your world didn't struggle at it because it was tough, it's actually incredibly easy believe me, the problem is they have no idea how the world works because you failed to explain it well. This world is not hard.
And for your opponent, I don't care if it's technically possible to beat it, I couldn't be bothered to put in the effort to at least do the first minigame.
How many worlds use the same bg behind spikes? Those are meant to be apples. I'm not gonna have apples all over my world, only going to have them falling from the tree. You can clear as day see them everywhere else, I even turned part of the third section's sky blue so the pink behind the spikes would stand out more. Pink sprinkles, and sharp ice in the second area. Say what you want about the art of the third section, and the repetition of each minigame. I can see those points, and I can't really argue against them, and I know I can improve there and try better next time. But your complaints about the spikes, I deeply disagree about. I've been in my world much longer than you and can say your "studies" don't seem that accurate to mine.
The art in the third area is harder on the eyes, though personally I don't mind it that much, but I will concede it contrasts with the first two sections. But if less than one third of the map has slightly rough on the eyes art, it's really a disservice as advice to slap a 1 out of 10 for the whole world's art. You said the first two sections looked fine so that seems like the art rating should be 5 or 6/10 or something from from 7 or 8 because of the third section, but w/e. if you say it looks good but rate it THAT low for some reason doesn't really matter I guess.
As for not knowing what to do, there is a sign that the first area drops you on explaining what to do- it was added last minute as I realized people might be lost. It tells you to find the three clues, then drop below to guess. If they explored the left to only find a credits sign, there'd be no where else to go but to the right. I mean I could have added more signs but I know people like to skip and that I didn't want to hand-hold the player. Find the clues, drop down below to guess, seemed clear enough to me.
You should probably take a listen to the old saying that the apple does not fall far from the tree, but your apples do. Honestly I never would have guessed those red backgrounds were meant to be apples.
And it doesn't matter if you disagree with me about the spike issue. These are my reviews and from what I've seen, the spikes are a major distraction and cause more confusion than necessary. Even after playing the world a bunch of times, I still don't notice the spikes that just blend in with everything else, because of your lack of consistency. I've seen a bunch of players doing the same thing which only further confirmed my mind that people can subconcsiously not see those spikes.
However, I will admit my fault when it comes to the art rating of your world. I'm going to change that part of my review to give it a somewhat decent 4/10. But, I still stand by everything else I said.
And no, your world is still badly explained. You've confirmed as much yourself when you said that people got the bad ending a lot. You can try making the world sound more obvious than it really is, but let's be honest here, you're the worst person to judge how logical your world is. You've made the world, so you know how it works and functions and how to beat it. You can't see the world from a player's perspective.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
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Concept - 0/10
Ahahahahahahhahaha. Also no.
Art - 0/10
Ahahahahaha. No.
lol???? im sorry but how is trolling a "No."? trolling is a unique form of art. it's sad that you don't possess the judging competence to realize that
You should probably take a listen to the old saying that the apple does not fall far from the tree, but your apples do. Honestly I never would have guessed those red backgrounds were meant to be apples.
And it doesn't matter if you disagree with me about the spike issue. These are my reviews and from what I've seen, the spikes are a major distraction and cause more confusion than necessary. Even after playing the world a bunch of times, I still don't notice the spikes that just blend in with everything else, because of your lack of consistency. I've seen a bunch of players doing the same thing which only further confirmed my mind that people can subconcsiously not see those spikes.However, I will admit my fault when it comes to the art rating of your world. I'm going to change that part of my review to give it a somewhat decent 4/10. But, I still stand by everything else I said.
And no, your world is still badly explained. You've confirmed as much yourself when you said that people got the bad ending a lot. You can try making the world sound more obvious than it really is, but let's be honest here, you're the worst person to judge how logical your world is. You've made the world, so you know how it works and functions and how to beat it. You can't see the world from a player's perspective.
Most people are able to beat it, I only said a few were unable to, but I guess that's true with almost any world. As you have pointed out before, sign skippers will skip signs and you can't prevent that, and this world relies on them with answering. Those who skip, will probably lose, yeah. But that's out of my control, I have no way of forcing them to read.
I still don't know what to tell you about the spikes. They're clear as day to me and I don't know how they could be made more clear without like, using pastel backgrounds which would've been too bright for my tastes. I guess I also could have circled them with neon line decos too?? That said, now I wish I had went with darker backgrounds for the third area, as those hurt my eyes as a main sky bg too. I already use decos and backgrounds to mark where hazards are (or aren't) so I don't know what to tell you, other than look before you leap? First area: Red bg for air spikes, grass patches for safe spots on ground. Second area: the floor is lava.. also has warning signs, the sharp ice has a deep blue bg, and the dirty water is green. Second area: air spikes have pink bg, and by now every area has had deadly floor spikes.. and the up arrows mark the safe spots. You are telling me to mark them but they're already marked, you have convinced me on other faults, but this is not a fault.
I opened my world a few hours before the deadline for some feedback so I could make some last minute changes and.. no one actually had any trouble figuring out what to do.. it was only me who decided to put a sign there in the first area for some extra info, in case anyone wasn't sure what to do. But it sounds like you want me to hold the player's hand the entire way through, and yet another common complaint from you is my worlds being too easy. In almost any platforming game, it's typical that the player has to move to the right. And if they moved to the left, they'd be met with a wall. The sign says to head to the right three times, then enter the door below to guess.. I.. don't know how that's not clear. What should I have said instead? Again, "it coulda been better" criticisms don't help me improve..
Luka504 wrote:You should probably take a listen to the old saying that the apple does not fall far from the tree, but your apples do. Honestly I never would have guessed those red backgrounds were meant to be apples.
And it doesn't matter if you disagree with me about the spike issue. These are my reviews and from what I've seen, the spikes are a major distraction and cause more confusion than necessary. Even after playing the world a bunch of times, I still don't notice the spikes that just blend in with everything else, because of your lack of consistency. I've seen a bunch of players doing the same thing which only further confirmed my mind that people can subconcsiously not see those spikes.However, I will admit my fault when it comes to the art rating of your world. I'm going to change that part of my review to give it a somewhat decent 4/10. But, I still stand by everything else I said.
And no, your world is still badly explained. You've confirmed as much yourself when you said that people got the bad ending a lot. You can try making the world sound more obvious than it really is, but let's be honest here, you're the worst person to judge how logical your world is. You've made the world, so you know how it works and functions and how to beat it. You can't see the world from a player's perspective.
Most people are able to beat it, I only said a few were unable to, but I guess that's true with almost any world. As you have pointed out before, sign skippers will skip signs and you can't prevent that, and this world relies on them with answering. Those who skip, will probably lose, yeah. But that's out of my control, I have no way of forcing them to read.
I still don't know what to tell you about the spikes. They're clear as day to me and I don't know how they could be made more clear without like, using pastel backgrounds which would've been too bright for my tastes. I guess I also could have circled them with neon line decos too?? That said, now I wish I had went with darker backgrounds for the third area, as those hurt my eyes as a main sky bg too. I already use decos and backgrounds to mark where hazards are (or aren't) so I don't know what to tell you, other than look before you leap? First area: Red bg for air spikes, grass patches for safe spots on ground. Second area: the floor is lava.. also has warning signs, the sharp ice has a deep blue bg, and the dirty water is green. Second area: air spikes have pink bg, and by now every area has had deadly floor spikes.. and the up arrows mark the safe spots. You are telling me to mark them but they're already marked, you have convinced me on other faults, but this is not a fault.
I opened my world a few hours before the deadline for some feedback so I could make some last minute changes and.. no one actually had any trouble figuring out what to do.. it was only me who decided to put a sign there in the first area for some extra info, in case anyone wasn't sure what to do. But it sounds like you want me to hold the player's hand the entire way through, and yet another common complaint from you is my worlds being too easy. In almost any platforming game, it's typical that the player has to move to the right. And if they moved to the left, they'd be met with a wall. The sign says to head to the right three times, then enter the door below to guess.. I.. don't know how that's not clear.
What should I have said instead? Again, "it coulda been better" criticisms don't help me improve..
um i disagree your world is bad too many spikes
azurepudding wrote:Luka504 wrote:You should probably take a listen to the old saying that the apple does not fall far from the tree, but your apples do. Honestly I never would have guessed those red backgrounds were meant to be apples.
And it doesn't matter if you disagree with me about the spike issue. These are my reviews and from what I've seen, the spikes are a major distraction and cause more confusion than necessary. Even after playing the world a bunch of times, I still don't notice the spikes that just blend in with everything else, because of your lack of consistency. I've seen a bunch of players doing the same thing which only further confirmed my mind that people can subconcsiously not see those spikes.However, I will admit my fault when it comes to the art rating of your world. I'm going to change that part of my review to give it a somewhat decent 4/10. But, I still stand by everything else I said.
And no, your world is still badly explained. You've confirmed as much yourself when you said that people got the bad ending a lot. You can try making the world sound more obvious than it really is, but let's be honest here, you're the worst person to judge how logical your world is. You've made the world, so you know how it works and functions and how to beat it. You can't see the world from a player's perspective.
Most people are able to beat it, I only said a few were unable to, but I guess that's true with almost any world. As you have pointed out before, sign skippers will skip signs and you can't prevent that, and this world relies on them with answering. Those who skip, will probably lose, yeah. But that's out of my control, I have no way of forcing them to read.
I still don't know what to tell you about the spikes. They're clear as day to me and I don't know how they could be made more clear without like, using pastel backgrounds which would've been too bright for my tastes. I guess I also could have circled them with neon line decos too?? That said, now I wish I had went with darker backgrounds for the third area, as those hurt my eyes as a main sky bg too. I already use decos and backgrounds to mark where hazards are (or aren't) so I don't know what to tell you, other than look before you leap? First area: Red bg for air spikes, grass patches for safe spots on ground. Second area: the floor is lava.. also has warning signs, the sharp ice has a deep blue bg, and the dirty water is green. Second area: air spikes have pink bg, and by now every area has had deadly floor spikes.. and the up arrows mark the safe spots. You are telling me to mark them but they're already marked, you have convinced me on other faults, but this is not a fault.
I opened my world a few hours before the deadline for some feedback so I could make some last minute changes and.. no one actually had any trouble figuring out what to do.. it was only me who decided to put a sign there in the first area for some extra info, in case anyone wasn't sure what to do. But it sounds like you want me to hold the player's hand the entire way through, and yet another common complaint from you is my worlds being too easy. In almost any platforming game, it's typical that the player has to move to the right. And if they moved to the left, they'd be met with a wall. The sign says to head to the right three times, then enter the door below to guess.. I.. don't know how that's not clear.
What should I have said instead? Again, "it coulda been better" criticisms don't help me improve..
um i disagree your world is bad too many spikes
not ENOUGH spikes!!
Story - 0/10
There's a ton of signs, but I don't care enough to read any of them. I did notice most of them have grammatical errors. I really wish I could give this negative points.
i understand that my world isn't better than peace's, but why did you give me 0 points for story if you didn't read signs!?
grammar errors =/= story
i understand fully rest points, but story?
i know it breaks in some point, but you should give me at least 1 point, because i have "story"
i know i won't better, but 0/100 is just not fair, even for that world
Thanks to Nikko99 for signature
https: //
https: //
Luka504 wrote:Story - 0/10
There's a ton of signs, but I don't care enough to read any of them. I did notice most of them have grammatical errors. I really wish I could give this negative points.i understand that my world isn't better than peace's, but why did you give me 0 points for story if you didn't read signs!?
grammar errors =/= storyi understand fully rest points, but story?
i know it breaks in some point, but you should give me at least 1 point, because i have "story"
i know i won't better, but 0/100 is just not fair, even for that world
If any effort was put into a world, I don't think any should score 0/100. My main issue with your world is that it's not even complete. A whole lot of options are portal-less (or are portals that link to themselves), which limit what you can do. So it's not complete, and then there's the visuals issue- it's quite boring to look at when everything is gray basic. it's kind of a shame, as I see effort went into working the money simulator, but it's unfinished and empty.
Luka504 wrote:Story - 0/10
There's a ton of signs, but I don't care enough to read any of them. I did notice most of them have grammatical errors. I really wish I could give this negative points.i understand that my world isn't better than peace's, but why did you give me 0 points for story if you didn't read signs!?
grammar errors =/= storyi understand fully rest points, but story?
i know it breaks in some point, but you should give me at least 1 point, because i have "story"
i know i won't better, but 0/100 is just not fair, even for that world
I gave you 2 points out of 40.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
☆ ★ ★
For the spike issue, I don't know what more I can say without repeating myself. Just, in the future try to be more consistent with spike coloring. Either color them all or color none of them, don't do it halfsies.
For the signs part - For me personally, when I first played the world, I read all the signs and still had no idea that I was doing something wrong. Maybe it's more to myself than the actual world, but I had no idea what I was doing for my first playthrough and had to play again just to understand. However, I am willing to accept that it might be my own issue.
My main complaint with the two worlds I've see from you isn't that they're easy, but that they're dull, which is a pretty important difference. The gameplay suggestions that I gave for your previous world were about making the world harder, sure, but the main point of those suggestions is to make the world more engaging. You might not consider "You should work on your minigame creation skills" as a form of constructive criticism, but it most certainly is one. You can't fix a problem you don't know exists.
Anyway uh... I hope that answers everything.
Honestly does it even matter? One point is basically the same as zero points, so even if I did give you a point for the story, it doesn't really mean anything.
I gave your story 0 points because there were too many signs for me to care enough to read any of them. Before you hit me with a "You need to read it before you can judge it" argument, let me just inform you that I don't need to eat an entire steak to notice that it's raw.
Just... Make an actual world that isn't just sign spam next time.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
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Just... Make an actual world that isn't just sign spam next time.
There isn't a next time.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
☆ ★ ★
Luka504 wrote:Just... Make an actual world that isn't just sign spam next time.
There isn't a next time.
I meant that as next time he builds a world outside the contest.
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[ Started around 1739349387.8956 - Generated in 0.217 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.92 MiB (Peak: 2.26 MiB) ]