Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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^ Well it's not a debate when there's a single obvious answer.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
You can't have gun violence without guns. The answer's simple, but the process isn't.
Any attempts to impose legislative changes less drastic and final are lobbied and distorted by organisations like the NRA until they lose all effectiveness, as we've seen with the Florida school shooting. There's too much resistance, partly due to the embedded gun culture in many states, and largely due to gun lobbies having too much influence.
Having banned all guns and torn up the asinine Second Amendment, guns could then be reintroduced in a controlled manner, with background checks, psychological profiling, yearly tests and so on - the ultimate goal being that the effort required to get a gun for malicious purposes would deter those who wished to do harm.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
the ultimate goal being that the effort required to get a gun for malicious purposes would deter those who wished to do harm.
idk man people go to great lengths to do this kinda ****. sad but true
idk man people go to great lengths to do this kinda ****. sad but true
You're kinda missing the point.
Forget real adult terrorists. Little Timmy won't be able to shoot up his school by stealing his father's gun, because little Timmy's father won't have a gun. Furthermore, little Timmy won't have grown up in a household that contains guns, and so his attitude towards them will be completely different.
Violence becomes far less fatal in a society without firearms.
Also, pre-teens won't be able to shoot their siblings and parents by getting hold of a gun without understanding what it does.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
give everybody a gun
if someone shoots it and kills someone shoot them right back since everybody will have a gun nobody will dare to shoot it
what's your actual opinion on this stance, whilst it may be retarded, it is one nonetheless
give everybody a gun
if someone shoots it and kills someone shoot them right back since everybody will have a gun nobody will dare to shoot itwhat's your actual opinion on this stance, whilst it may be retarded, it is one nonetheless
well then someone will have to kill the guy that shot the killer
it will be a loop until all gun owners die
a GOOD solution to world overpopulation problem
I am Brazilian and as some of you already know, we have one of the highest levels of violence in the world, people are afraid to go out on the streets, to work, not knowing what will happen in the next minute of their life, all because we have:
An unarmed police officer and a police officer who has few rights, such as not being able to shoot before the assailant shoots.
Ordinary citizens can not have guns, that is, they can not defend themselves if someone is robbing their home, their cell phone, their wallet.
And we also have disarmament law that further diminishes a citizen's right to carry a weapon and worse, groups that are in favor of it and that are in huge quantity here.
So our daily struggle is that we have to win to get the right to not only have a weapon, but how to hold it, if the police do not have enough strength to defend us, we can defend ourselves.
And yes, we are also fighting for the police, in favor of a better armed police, with more equipment and strength as well.
And it will have rules like any other country in the world, you can not shoot anyone of course, you can not point the gun at anyone and so on.
But what does this have to do with this topic? Simple, I do not know if it was intentional, but it seems that the topic has gone to disarmament laws and this is bad for everyone, and I agree that giving weapons to teachers is a bad thing, but just imagine, if you had armed security in those schools, would solve quickly with security acting against the terrorist, it all depends on who is there to defend you. If the police are not in the moment that the terrorist is firing on all sides, who will be? No one? No, a security, a security capable of defending you, of defending the school.
Sorry for any English error, I used the Google Translator: \
Our memories will always belong to Everybody Edits
If having guns were the best solution, then countries with guns would have the lowest crime rates, which just isn't the case. In the UK we have strict gun laws and unarmed police yet have none of these problems.
If having guns were the best solution, then countries with guns would have the lowest crime rates, which just isn't the case. In the UK we have strict gun laws and unarmed police yet have none of these problems.
Yet there's a terrorist attack every month.
Lower crime rates? Sure.
People are less scared? Wrong.
How to solve gun violence in the US? Apply Japanese's method.
Yet there's a terrorist attack every month.
Lower crime rates? Sure.
People are less scared? Wrong.
In the UK? I have a feeling you might have misunderstood me
Theres hardly ever a terrorist attack here... Since 2010 theres only been 1 on average per year
And I don't think anyones really scared of gun violence (at least nobody I know is)
Kira wrote:Yet there's a terrorist attack every month.
Lower crime rates? Sure.
People are less scared? Wrong.In the UK? I have a feeling you might have misunderstood me
Theres hardly ever a terrorist attack here... Since 2010 theres only been 1 on average per year
And I don't think anyones really scared of gun violence (at least nobody I know is)
In 2017 there has been 5 terrorist attacks, 2 in june, 1 in march, 1 in may and 1 in september. People claim to be united and be strong against this type of violence, but in reality they aren't.
^ What's your point?
Are you suggesting that widespread gun ownership would decrease the number of terror attacks in the UK?
Or that it would make people feel safer?
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
LukeM wrote:Kira wrote:Yet there's a terrorist attack every month.
Lower crime rates? Sure.
People are less scared? Wrong.In the UK? I have a feeling you might have misunderstood me
Theres hardly ever a terrorist attack here... Since 2010 theres only been 1 on average per year
And I don't think anyones really scared of gun violence (at least nobody I know is)In 2017 there has been 5 terrorist attacks, 2 in june, 1 in march, 1 in may and 1 in september. People claim to be united and be strong against this type of violence, but in reality they aren't.
Theres been almost none for the 10 years before that though, and even if it continued at the current rate, thats nothing to the almost 1 mass shooting per day in America. I can't speak for the rest of the UK, but none of my family or friends are particularly afraid of gun violence, as it happens so rarely.
^ What's your point?
Are you suggesting that widespread gun ownership would decrease the number of terror attacks in the UK?
Or that it would make people feel safer?
of course!
look at murica, they have great gun ownership laws that keep crime rates to a minimum. last shooting in US that i can remember happened like... 3 days ago? oh wait. there was another one in february, with 17 people dead. oh wait.
Your only good chance to solve gun violence is, have better school safety. I heard in my local schools people can just show up, the teachers open the doors. Bam you're all dead. It's that easy to shoot in schools near me. As for me, italy doesn't have too many shootings in my area. maybe like once every 9-8 months. I don't really know if they have camera's outside or what. But they should really check everybody before they enter the building.
i used this topic to do a speech so thx
A+ easy in public speaking
^ What's your point?
Are you suggesting that widespread gun ownership would decrease the number of terror attacks in the UK?
Or that it would make people feel safer?
No, of course not. It would only make the matter worse. Like I said previously, the best way would be to adopt Japanese's method. … f6126da234
I'll let you read it if you're interested.
Joeyc wrote:Your only good chance to solve gun violence is, have better school safety.
place turrets with miniguns and heatseeking missiles
bang bang shooter's dead
how would you know which people to kill
TaskManager wrote:Joeyc wrote:Your only good chance to solve gun violence is, have better school safety.
place turrets with miniguns and heatseeking missiles
bang bang shooter's deadhow would you know which people to kill
the turret would aim at a suspect and ask them "are you a school shooter? please answer honestly"
Too much pressure is put on cbildren now a days in America.
There is a mental health crisis going on (Regan defunded the mental health institutes in the 80's. Plus docctora love to prescribe psychotropic drugs, which have never been tested to see what their long term effects in the adolescent brain are.)
There are loopholes in America's Gun laws where you don't need to go through background checls when purchasing a firearm through a private gun sale or a gun show.
Fix those three things, and gun violence will go way down
no it wont fix it, 1. find out why it is caused
2. stay out of the way
3. goto another country
there is no way to solve it unless you want to solve it foryouself
no it wont fix it, 1. find out why it is caused
2. stay out of the way
3. goto another countrythere is no way to solve it unless you want to solve it foryouself
Sony did it guys. He solved the gun crisis. Someone get trump on the line.
adopt japan's gun policies
This would requires one to undergo psychiatric evaluation every few years or so. Only the individuals who pass are allowed to possess firearms and obtain weapon licenses. It would be a very expensive change, but it's much better than having weekly school shootings.
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