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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2018-01-01 20:01:58

Joined: 2015-02-08
Posts: 5,067

a message to the admins of ee 2018

megalamb and emalton, you have the opportunity to truly revive ee. ill get to the point though. you have two main options heading into the future:

1. do what the previous teams did, and keep ee almost exactly the same, adding in tiny things along the way.
2. reinvent ee.

ill clarify the second point because we all know about the first one. basically, what i see reinventing ee as is:

1. getting ee off of flash and onto unity/html5.
if this is done, then ee can be: put onto steam, played without outdated software, played on mobile devices.

2. getting new staff members.
i mean this as in new members within the community, and those that have never played ee in their life. the latter will help us get new ideas that all of us who have been here for 7 years simply dont have.

3. actually adding stuff.
adding in new blocks that do nothing, and making them cost 3000 energy or so is all that's really been done since chris left. sure friends and potions and such have been added, but they didn't change much.

4. getting rid of the shop entirely.
i understand if this one isnt done, but ee would be so much better if you could build with anything instead of being limited to the complete basics, then either coughing up dough or waiting 2 years to buy everything. if the shop is gone, people can truly make stuff.

5. whatever else i didn't say.
since i am not a game designer, the stuff i said here might be entirely ****. other peoples opinions in this topic should also be read.

megalamb and emalton, are you gonna sit on your hands for 2 years, do nothing, then hand it off to someone else? or are you gonna make ee an actual game.



#2 2018-01-01 20:20:30

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 2,006

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

Thank you for your feedback. Stay tuned for a new topic which will be a coming out when the transfer process is complete. It will outline what our plans are in the long term. Hopefully the transfer won't take too long, but bear with us because it may take longer than expected. We will promptly notify everyone what the goals are for EE and in the team when the transfer is finished.

As always let me know if you have any questions, concerns, feedback or anything else regarding the future of the game. We won't be going into detail too much until our humongous post is out, so stay tuned. //



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#3 2018-01-01 20:23:39

Joined: 2015-02-08
Posts: 5,067

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

Emalton wrote:

We won't be going into detail too much until our humongous post is out, so stay tuned. //

as long as it doesnt go the way of the ee 2.0 post where unitee was first announced, then it should be good


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#4 2018-01-01 20:25:07

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 2,006

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

Bimps wrote:
Emalton wrote:

We won't be going into detail too much until our humongous post is out, so stay tuned. //

as long as it doesnt go the way of the ee 2.0 post where unitee was first announced, then it should be good

Can you clarify? I don't understand



#5 2018-01-01 20:25:27


Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

1. Yes pls.
2. For a bigger community - but now max. 7
3. I’ve made a big graphical topic which was completely ignored - yes!
4. Like in EE cm - I support this idea - gems would still give GM, no energy, but keep smileys in shop.
5. I support whatever you tried to say.

#6 2018-01-01 20:35:34


Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

i can understand making blocks free but everything else should stay in shop as theyre purely cosmetic

#7 2018-01-01 20:43:50, last edited by Moukdaboss (2018-01-01 21:01:33)

Joined: 2015-02-27
Posts: 484

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

-2. ppl screem in horror
-1. EE is about to DIE
0. Ee players lost hope in game
1. do unitee
2. steam release (free to play)
3. reset the whole game so everything is removed and people start off fresh
4. old players never mention the horrors that went on in 2017
5. dont tell new players about 1x1's
6. add piano
7. make megman dash but new players will be like its a copy of gd jump off a cliff
8. realize megman dash is a failure and wont work
9. make new concept with pino like idiot dash
10. new players are like ur an idot
11. accept ur fate and quit ee.
12. join back ee next day and be like im idiot
13. make hard levl so ppl waste life
14. when they beat it they like im so cool!
15. hackusate them so they rage
16. they quit ee
17. see admin in world and be like "USE MOD AURA"
18. they use mod aura andevery1 like COOL
19. ban all players
20. ahahah that was april fool joke
21. new players discover bots
22. everyone is like MAKE SNAKE BOT
23. snake bot become relavent for like a day
24. then gets boring
25. but then master coder comes around and is like i am going to make a pro bot
26. he makes shift bot
27. everyone is like omgggggggg this is amazing
28. every1 shift bot
29. but then the most unthinkable happens
30. some1 makes boss 2 cod
31. every1 like OMG i want COD
32. they need to beat the b0s5 to get cod
33. they losee b0s5
34. they are like unfair
35. but then a pro WINS boss
36. HE get COd
37. he troll world
38. boss LOAdlevl
39. all troll disaper
40. he kick troller
41. the end
42. the end of THE TR0L
43. the troll is no more so ppl go back 2 boss cod
44. same ting happen over and over agan
45. shift slowly DIe
46. BUT 10 yers later som1 makes another SHIFT
47. but it sucks
48. som1 make DIGBOT
49. ppl like OMgh its a MINEcraft TERraria IN EE
50. ppl MINe in EE
51. ppl get PICKAXE
52. ppl get ORE
53. ppl make house IDIOTS
54. ppl go down 2 next LAYER
55. ppl QUIT cause it gets BORING
56. digbot DIE
57. but den som1 make FISHBOT
58. ppl like I WANNA FISH
59. ppl SWIM to FISH
60. ppl run out of AIR
61. ppl drown
62. ppl get SUBMARINE
63. ppl go down to DEEP LAYER
64. ppl get to ATLANTIS
65. they quit cause boring
66. some1 liek i have idea for BOt
67. YOSCROLL!!!!
68. ppl like this is fun
69. but ppl suick at EE
70. dey quit YOScrol.

this is my perdiction of EE
I will add more LATERr!

idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot


#8 2018-01-01 20:49:49

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

Moukdaboss wrote:

3. reset the whole game so everything is removed and people start off fresh

fastest way to **** everyone off.
remove my stuff and see if I don't have a stroke in a fit of rage.

Discord: jawp#5123


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#9 2018-01-01 21:17:10

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

hey what happened to death party bimps???

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


#10 2018-01-01 21:52:02


Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

mrjawapa wrote:
Moukdaboss wrote:

3. reset the whole game so everything is removed and people start off fresh

fastest way to **** everyone off.
remove my stuff and see if I don't have a stroke in a fit of rage.

resetting the game is honestly the best way to go

just keep basic items like a few good blockpacks, smileys, base action items, but make everything else from scratch

with the 7 years ee has been alive, it's been cluttered with a lot of stuff

also have polls every few updates when you consider bringing an item back asking if people absolutely need that item (this should mostly apply to action items as theyre the only items that arent cosmetics)

also do gem refunds:
for every classic item purchased up to 201x, regardless of how they were bought, refund 2 gems
that adds up to around 70 gems in total

for every old contest smiley, refund 50 gems
these are for 2011 contest smileys, and it adds up to 200 gems in total

for every new contest smiley, refund 25 gems
artist and designer, 50 in total

then make a limit to how many gems you can transfer, so say you have 158 gems from this, and can only transfer 150 of those gems at max

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#11 2018-01-01 21:57:32

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

I agree with resetting the game. Removal of all gems. Max energy back down to 200. Lose all your smileys and blocks. Have every world ever wiped clean. You no longer own any worlds. Gold membership gone. Beta membership gone. You lose all your friends. All campaign progress wiped. Lose chat rights and forced to pay 1 cent. Etc.

I don't think this update should happen anytime soon though. Maybe wait until April 1st? And then, if this idea proves unpopular amongst the community, you could just revert the change on April 2nd.

kMMA0S6.png dxGW6FY.png


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#12 2018-01-01 21:59:20


Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

Devlin wrote:

Maybe wait until April 1st? And then, if this idea proves unpopular amongst the community, you could just revert the change on April 2nd.

global switches added april 1 2016 :thinking:

#13 2018-01-01 22:11:14

Joined: 2015-02-08
Posts: 5,067

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

Emalton wrote:
Bimps wrote:
Emalton wrote:

We won't be going into detail too much until our humongous post is out, so stay tuned. //

as long as it doesnt go the way of the ee 2.0 post where unitee was first announced, then it should be good

Can you clarify? I don't understand

well, now 2 years ago, we were promised unitee. it never happened. that post had big promises and was "humongous", so i hope history doesnt repeat itself.

maxi123 wrote:

hey what happened to death party bimps???

well if it isnt obvious, the admins actually talk to the community. so i decided it was worth making a post summing up problems i have with ee, and some that others may share.
get maxied


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#14 2018-01-01 22:20:36, last edited by MartenM (2018-01-01 22:22:20)

From: The Netherlands
Joined: 2016-03-31
Posts: 977

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

I can somewhat agree with a reset. But not without a totally new client.
A new game/client would be awesome and totally worth a reset, but the with current client a 'reboot' / 'reset' will simply kill of what is left of EE.

When we get the real reboot, a new client has to be released that makes it worth it. And hopefully (I really hope for it) this release will be on steam to attract new players to the game.

After the reboot / reset you will of course have to reward the players that have been playing ee for nearly 7 years. Something like a badge or a label on their profile could work just fine. Legacy accounts or something like this.
Preferabele, but I am not sure if possible, also a an % of the spended gems should be returned that have been bought with real money to make up for that loss.

Of course there are also other options that could work instead of a full reboot but the staff needs to make the decision if it's simply worth the time and effort to keep everything working with a new client.


Ingame: marten22        My steam: MartenM


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#15 2018-01-01 22:34:50

From: The Netherlands
Joined: 2015-04-16
Posts: 589

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

Complete reset may be too much, but I think most people will agree there's too many blocks, and adding more will not make the game better at all.

Pm me with anything math related please


#16 2018-01-01 23:04:04

From: England
Joined: 2016-06-03
Posts: 3,009

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

If there is a complete reset, I think it would be best if there was an actual reason for it, not just resetting for the sake of it, because then it frames it as moving forward rather than it just being some rash decision to try to please those who've played EE since 2010 or whatever


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#17 2018-01-01 23:50:42

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

Deleting everyone's items would only **** people off.

If you're starting the game from scratch, you'll be driving people away.

Redo the client, redo the backend, redo the website... all that is helpful.

Discord: jawp#5123


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#18 2018-01-02 02:33:17


Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

mrjawapa wrote:

If you're starting the game from scratch, you'll be driving people away.


the people who would be driven away wouldnt be loyal to the game or the community, so it would work as a great filter

#19 2018-01-02 03:22:25

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

zyhrllos wrote:
mrjawapa wrote:

If you're starting the game from scratch, you'll be driving people away.


the people who would be driven away wouldnt be loyal to the game or the community, so it would work as a great filter

this isnt a political party or a movement or anything alike what the **** are you talking about
its a game, you play it if you like it, you dont play it if you dont like it
theres no loyalty
if all of my stuff is gone ill be **** and ill say "**** this game"

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


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#20 2018-01-02 04:05:11


Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

maxi123 wrote:

you dont play it if you dont like it

plenty of people play this game that "don't like it"

maxi123 wrote:

if all of my stuff is gone ill be **** and ill say "**** this game"

that's what i mean, i don't think anyone wants people who are that quick to turn

nvd sure didn't

#21 2018-01-02 07:41:38

Forum Admin
From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,573

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

Hi don’t get rid of the shop imo it’s nice to gradually buy things so you’re not immediately overwhelmed by how many blocks there are. When you gradually buy blocks you get to know the minimap colors and stuff easier. Also not to mention the shop gives people incentive to come back and spend their energy



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#22 2018-01-02 07:49:52

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

BuzzerBee wrote:

Hi don’t get rid of the shop imo it’s nice to gradually buy things so you’re not immediately overwhelmed by how many blocks there are. When you gradually buy blocks you get to know the minimap colors and stuff easier. Also not to mention the shop gives people incentive to come back and spend their energy

I agree, keep the shop, but lower the prices since there's more and more stuff.

Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!


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#23 2018-01-02 08:01:59

From: Russia
Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 6,211

Re: a message to the admins of ee 2018

About shop: … p?id=39033

We should make all blocks free (except diamond and contest blocks)
Keep smileys, shapes of auras, colors of auras on shop.


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