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#126 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Can't wait for the scores! Much faster and fairer than Chris!

#127 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,246

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Already 2 weeks gone and the levels are not finished... I dont belive that the chris judges are too slow anymore! //
How long do we still have to wait?

I have never thought of programming for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out. That is the reason why I code.


#128 Before February 2015

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Mustang said that it would probably be done this coming weekend, but a couple of the committees haven't been able to progress quite as fast as others. I expect mid next week.

While I admit that Chris' friends are taking a long time, RPGMaster2000 has already said it's the fact they're having difficulty getting in contact with a few of them. Nevertheless, I would argue that the length of time they're taking just seems longer because they're not updating us at all in the way that Mustang is here. The top 25 was worked out by last Friday - We have no idea how Chris' friends have approached this, but considering the judging here involves at least 6-12 people playing through all 25 levels in full, it's unsurprising that it could take some time.



#129 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Don't forget my level!!!!!
(just saying.)

#130 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

thx 4 the news megalamb

#131 Before February 2015

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

cneko wrote:

Don't forget my level!!!!!
(just saying.)

Your level wasn't forgotten. You will get feedback after the results, but it didn't make it to the top 25.



#132 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Still 25 worlds remain :/

#133 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

I apologize for my extended absence, but I was away for a week during the holidays. I now plan to have the judges compile the scores and post the results as soon as possible while still being thorough, so updates will follow soon.

Hopefully the results of the community judges will be considered as more accurate than the official results which were just released today.

EDIT - Any judges reading this, please join the judging chat on IRC. If no one is in the chat, please just idle there so we can more easily locate you. Thanks.

Last edited by mustang (Nov 28 2011 2:58:11 pm)

#134 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

So "ASAP", the results with feedback will be given, then later every level will get feedback? I can't wait!

#135 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

I completely agree with these choices... I think. However, Chris can't just go back on his word and say "Oh, never mind, I like these guys more." Assuming Chris okay-ed Rpg's picks, he can't change his mind now.

#136 Before February 2015

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

RPGMaster2000 wrote:

I managed to get a hold of Chris today and I have some good news that I think will please most of you.

A re-judging will not be held, and the current winners will keep their prizes. HOWEVER, We will also be fusing the current list with the community-driven list made by the EX Crew so that even more teams will be able to get the prizes that they rightfully deserve.

I will see if I can get in touch with EX Crew so that we can discuss this over chat later tonight when I have time. Chris also apologizes for the terrible mis-management of the judging process and made sure that this structure will not be used next contest.



#137 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

That is good news // ^

#138 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Does this mean 3rd and 2nd places can get more prizes?

#139 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

I asume quite possbiley if they do better in this. //

#140 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Dont know, hopefull for you.

#141 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

These picks were absolutely horrid. RPG master probably just grabbed a "hand-full" of levels and judged them, Without even looking at the rest of them. Him and Benjaminsen Are running a game they seemingly don't even care about. Halloween castle GD deserved SECOND place at the WORST and yet we don't even rank? It's embarrassing when the EE community is actually smarter then the ones running the game. If your a moderator and your reading this, BAN me, give me a warning. I don't care. You guys messed up big time.

Also EX crew judging, what makes them so special? They are less than or equal to the rest of us. The moderators already messed up once, they don't need to mess up again with a bunch of biased nerds sitting on their computer without a life. I know some of you are with me here, but your too scared to admit it, I don't blame you.

A legitimate contest needs to be judged by the community, not some guy that owns the game, and not a bunch of dweebs in some crew, power to the people.

(Written by the only person with common sense in this whole game.)

#142 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

sefanja1 wrote:

Hallloween castle? O_o not really orginal is it?

(maybe thats why it didnt got ranked)

Ps there is something like a fusing of ex crew judging and the offical judging so stop please.

Actually originallity is based off mostly of original minis, and very partially the concept of it. and the concept was actually original. so next time, plz actually look at the world before you call something unoriginal...

Last edited by Jaybm (Nov 29 2011 12:56:00 pm)

#143 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Orginality was based on the art not on the minis.

srry that it looks rude, but I heard already a day long people doint like the way of judging.

Even after coming up with a rejudging you guys still keep sating its unfair, srry but than I just flip out.

Last edited by sefanja1 (Nov 29 2011 1:01:15 pm)

#144 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

sefanja1 wrote:

Orginality was based on the art not on the minis.

that is sooo false, where do you get this information? 0.o

#145 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Well I thought that, so if its not im srry than ok.

#146 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

sefanja1 wrote:

Well I thought that, so if its not im srry than ok.

im not saying your wrong but you need to confirm your information with proof before you post something. your not wrong, but whoever told you that was wrong. im pretty sure its rated on minis tho

Last edited by Jaybm (Nov 29 2011 1:14:56 pm)

#147 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Im pretty sure he is wrong, how can he say the originality was judged off art?


Stairs = Unoriginal

It was a rule that worlds with stairs would be disqualified.

Last edited by MRBOOGAWESOME (Nov 29 2011 1:06:41 pm)

#148 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Its was standing in a blog thats remove long time ago I cant proof it anymore.

Btw There was standing: There will be judge on orginality.

So I dont know if that was orginality from minis or art. But I cant proof it anymore.

ps mrboogawsome so you think its about minis to?

Last edited by sefanja1 (Nov 29 2011 1:09:54 pm)

#149 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Camden1101 wrote:

These picks were absolutely horrid. RPG master probably just grabbed a "hand-full" of levels and judged them, Without even looking at the rest of them. Him and Benjaminsen Are running a game they seemingly don't even care about. Halloween castle GD deserved SECOND place at the WORST and yet we don't even rank? It's embarrassing when the EE community is actually smarter then the ones running the game. If your a moderator and your reading this, BAN me, give me a warning. I don't care. You guys messed up big time.

Also EX crew judging, what makes them so special? They are less than or equal to the rest of us. The moderators already messed up once, they don't need to mess up again with a bunch of biased nerds sitting on their computer without a life. I know some of you are with me here, but your too scared to admit it, I don't blame you.

A legitimate contest needs to be judged by the community, not some guy that owns the game, and not a bunch of dweebs in some crew, power to the people.

(Written by the only person with common sense in this whole game.)

I agree that some of them arent a good choice and I also agree that our level would deserve a prize. On the other side you must accept that we can't be objective if we are talking about our own level. Then I must say that your opinion about the EX crew is really unconscionably. I have seen many of the EX levels and they all are really impressive.

#150 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Im also pretty sure blog posts dont get deleted, they just get left to die when newer posts mount upon it :/

mustang 142389574165691

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