Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Welcome to the official thread for the EE Community Contest Judging Panel!
Halloween Edition
What is the Community Contest Judging Panel?
We all know the judges for the Halloween contest will be comprised of Chris's friends, but that doesn't mean we still can't also have experienced players drawn from the EE community decide their own personal winners for the contest. The point of doing this is to not only highlight possible differences in winners depending on the experience level of the judges, but to also validate truly deserving maps in the eyes of the community.
Unlike the past two contests, this unofficial judging panel would have an unprecedented degree of transparency by revealing the process used to judge and possibly posting detailed information on why the winners were given a certain placing. This will allow the community to have greater trust in the objectivity of the judging and will also provide critical feedback to be used not just in future contests, but also in making maps in general.
What happens now that the maps are all submitted?
Below is a full description of the judging process now that all the maps have been officially submitted to the contest.
SUMMARY - This is a brief description of how the judging will work.
The 168 total entries (106 originals and 62 backups) will be screened by individual judges who will assess if they deserve a closer look or if they are simply not up to par. The maps that move on will then be screened a second time by groups of judges resulting in only 25 maps making it to the in-depth assessment.
The top 25 maps will be evaluated based on four categories which will be weighted to give an overall final score: art (30%), gameplay (30%), concept (20%), and integration (20%). Art, gameplay, and concept will each have a committee of specialists to assign a score for that category, and integration will be formally decided by the heads of the three committees with input from all of the judges.
Once the scores are set and the maps are ranked, the judges will review the top maps and ensure that the final ranking is accurate. The top 12 maps will be announced in order, with 1st - 4th place receiving the tier 1 prize, 5th - 8th receiving the tier 2 prize, and 9th - 12th receiving the tier 3 prize. All top 25 maps will be given specific feedback, but the top 12 will have a more detailed assessment from each committee about the reasons behind the scoring.
COMMITTEES - The following is a list of the committees including the committee heads. The committee heads will have additional responsibilities that include resolving scoring disagreements, organizing meeting times, creating feedback write-ups, and formally deciding the integration score. This list is subject to change if some of the judges have to pull out due to time constraints.
DKLevels (committee head)
Nou (committee head)
Mustang (committee head)
SCREENINGS - There will be two rounds of screenings to narrow down the 168 entants (106 originals and 62 backups) to just 25 maps for a full analysis. Any maps that are deleted before we can judge them will naturally be dropped from consideration, so please retain your map if you are interested in having it judged.
The first screening will be conducted by solo judges who will be assigned approximately 10-15 maps to play for a few minutes each. Art, gameplay, concept, and integration will all determine if the map moves on to the second screening or if the map is instead cut and assigned generic feedback. The judges will make sure to be lenient in this phase to ensure no good maps are accidentally neglected due to personal tastes.
The second screening will be conducted by groups of judges who will take a more in-depth look at the remaining maps. The groups will select their finalists and through discussion a top 25 will emerge and be given a full evaluation. The maps that are cut in this phase will again be assigned generic feedback with the possibility of some personalized comments if time permits.
SCORING GUIDELINES - The overall score assigned to each of the top 25 maps will be calculated by averaging the scores from the four sub-categories. The categories will be listed below and described in detail to help the entrants understand how their maps were evaluated.
All of the categories will be judged for their creativity, originality, and overall experience, along with more specific criteria. A score between 1-10 will be assigned for each of the four categories based on the following recommendations:
10 - Basically perfect with no room for improvement
9 - Outstanding with just some minor issues
8 - Overall great with several noticeable flaws
7 - Solid but dragged down by many problems
6 - Above average but nothing special
5 - Mediocre at best
4 and below - Serious improvement needed
ART (30% of the overall score)
The art committee will be asked to consider the following criteria when grading the map in addition to any other criteria they wish to address:
Minimap appearance
In-game appearance
Usage of backgrounds
CONCEPT (20% of the overall score)
The concept committee will be asked to consider the following criteria when grading the map in addition to any other criteria they wish to address:
GAMEPLAY (30% of the overall score)
The gameplay committee will be asked to consider the following criteria when grading the map in addition to any criteria they wish to address:
Difficulty of challenges
Overall enjoyment
INTEGRATION (20% of the overall score)
The heads of the three committees will use input from all the judges to formally assign a score for this category. The following criteria will be used in addition to other criteria the heads wish to address:
Connection of challenges to the art
Blending of challenges inside the map
Relating the art and challenges to the concept
Overall integration of the Halloween theme
FINAL ASSESSMENT - Once the overall scores are tabulated and a ranking of the top 25 maps established, a final check will take place involving all of the judges to make sure the ranking is acceptable. Every judge will contribute to evaluating all aspects of the maps to ensure every voice is heard before the winners are finalized.
The top 12 maps will be posted in order, meaning there will be a 1st - 12th place. The remaining top 25 maps will be given honorable mentions with detailed feedback.
As part of the final assessment, the committee heads in conjunction with the other judges will put together feedback for each of the top 25 maps, with more details for the top 12 to provide a proper explanation for why those maps were chosen in an effort to validate the results.
When will the results be posted?
The results will be posted in the second post of this thread as soon as they are available. It will likely take 2-3 weeks (due to the week I was absent) depending on the availability of the judges and to ensure the best job possible is done in assessing the maps.
Make sure to check the second post which will contain status updates regarding the progress on judging the maps, and good luck to everyone who entered!
EDIT - Judges will of course not evaluate their own maps, which will be simple to do since there are many other members on the committees to compensate for their lack of input. The original disqualification rules are in effect with very rare exceptions, for example a map with some black box minis that has fantastic art and really fun challenges.
EDIT - Changed the top 10 to the top 12 and added in information about the 3 tiers of prizes.
Last edited by mustang (Nov 30 2011 9:43:14 pm)
CURRENT STATUS - The winners have been announced! Look below for the complete list.
---------------------- Tier 1 Prizes ----------------------
1st Place - #99 cod-stormers
Members: JAA, haka, musuki, lecture, koth
2nd Place - #33. The Mighty Morphin Block Arrangers
Members: DKLevels, EEDD,Fir3fli3, Deadlord, Zoidy
"Skull Citadel"
3rd Place - #65. I don't give a Financially Unclear Cause, K?
Members: Bee, Starblinky, Ephrayam, daniel1234
"As you can see, this level is a parody and it would have been better if the bg blocks were added earlier, but because they were not, you can think of these as your own children."
4th Place - #146. Spooky Cookies
Members: Kankurou, Creative, Processor, Thanel, Jojatekok
"Spooky Island"
---------------------- Tier 2 Prizes ----------------------
5th Place - #198. LAG crew
Members: lickagoat
6th Place - #79. Team: Bro Co.
Members: Thuggishprune, Drock2308, aoitenshi, Shift, Ugotpwned
"Devilish Terms"
7th Place - #92. SCAR
Members: Addi, Allie, Spiderman, Zacoist, manurthebest
"SCAR - Rocky Horror"
8th Place - #125. KO crew
Members: Jak, Matt, 0176, Garfield2436
---------------------- Tier 3 Prizes ----------------------
9th Place - #200. This is not a team
Members: Brawler700, DClevels
"Zombah Pocalypse"
10th Place - #27. cry kid cry
Members: Treejoe4, Express50, Mrboogawesome, Master1, NaztyRushz
"Feel the Fear"
11th Place - #1. Lx crew
Members: robban39, ckjr, bliske, ellieangel
"LX spooky castle"
12th Place - #168. AE crew
Members: AwzzomeDude,Star
"Trick or Treat"
Late addition to the top 25 (now the top 26):
#19. Team GD
Members: Jaybm, Demos, Camden1101
"Halloween Castle GD"
Special Honorable Mentions (barely missed the cut for the top 12):
#67 Llama Group
Members: Theditor,Thecoolguy.
"Towers Of Moonlight"
#73. Team: Team Slime
Members: MegaLamb, UltraLamb
"Slime Exploration"
NOTE: 2ndStory had a problem getting their map on the master list and they were unfortunately overlooked which is why they were not included in the top 26. They already won the first place prize on the other contest so this will not affect their prize, but we apologize for the confusion.
Last edited by mustang (Dec 2 2011 2:57:49 pm)
Wow, Nicely done.
Are the original contest disqualification rules still in place?
If not, I have trouble seeing any way EX Crew First Place does not take First Place.
Just a thought.
Are the original contest disqualification rules still in place?
If not, I have trouble seeing any way EX Crew First Place does not take First Place.
Just a thought.
Yes the original disqualification rules are in effect although we might allow rare exceptions, of course including the masterpiece that is EX Crew First Place.
Who's doing the initial screening of the 168 maps?
Im going to own usage of backgrounds. Anyway I liked the criteria.
Really good idea, good luck juding all the maps
Who's doing the initial screening of the 168 maps?
Any of the judges who are available and willing. So far D-Rock2308, Supadorf24, Starblinky, and myself have screened a combined 90 of the 168 maps, which is probably enough for tonight. We'll hopefully have the initial screening completed by tomorrow so we can start organizing the second group screening and starting narrowing down our top 25 for the full evaluation.
EDIT - The second post was updated to reflect the current status of the initial screening for those who are interested.
Last edited by mustang (Nov 10 2011 10:15:55 pm)
i am available and Very Willing to be a judge
i am good at judging art
and great at judging the gameplay
so if i would join i'd probably be
i am available and Very Willing to be a judge
i am good at judging art
and great at judging the gameplay
so if i would join i'd probably be
I'm guessing you didn't read the thread. We're not looking for judges; the panel is set and we've started the first screening.
Last edited by mustang (Nov 10 2011 11:00:38 pm)
Nice job, looking forward to seeing the results!
Last edited by BillyP (Nov 12 2011 5:12:19 pm)
I hope you have a beautiful wonderful awesome great best time viewing all of the worlds and your opinions on them
Yes!Yes!Yes!, cant wait to hear a view on my teams world :/
Nice idea, I've posted this on my EE blog, here is a link if you want to see.
Blog Brazil
You guys gotta finish fast
Good job on making this :O
Can't thank you guys enough. Not only does this give us all a way to see how good our levels are, but it can tell us how to make improvements for future levels, so thanks for giving descriptions and stuff!
Oh Yea :D:D
Wow lol im actually quite antisipating the results
You are saying "Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread" but not the entire community is judging? You'd better call this "Official Pro-called Halloween Judging Thread".
As I see the EE community as in-game AND the forums some of those players might not even be on that list, since we never hear something from MFL, Daniel1234, Haka, Starblinky and some others but every now and then they come and say "Hi, I exist."
I approve of this topic. I'm hoping that this will provide everyone with the type of feedback I wanted them to receive from when I invited the EX members to judge. I hope all goes well!
I think the difficulty and the complexity should not be taken into account for the mini-games. More the enjoyment since insanely hard minis do not make a good world. I do agree if the minis are ridiculously simple they should be downgraded though.
but every now and then they come and say "Hi, I exist."
The difference for me was, when I was gone, I actually didn't exist. A chipmunk ate my head clean off!
12 more have made it in out of numbers 91-120.
This makes 35 maps out of 120 moving on, and 48 maps left to judge.
this is a great idea
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