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#101 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

i just want the official judging to end ...

#102 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

wow! hallowinners is in there! and i thought that we had no CHANCE of getting picked by ANYONE because our level is so small!

Last edited by Sythe5665 (Nov 19 2011 12:47:43 pm)

#103 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

you all have very great worlds
good luck to all of you //

#104 Before February 2015

From: Crait
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,452

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

ah okay megalamb that makes sense too ^^



#105 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

I'm quite impressed that my level made it in the top 25, since it has gotten so much negative criticism.

#106 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Shy Guy wrote:

I'm quite impressed that my level made it in the top 25, since it has gotten so much negative criticism.

I think the artistic excellence carried it thus far, and the minigames weren't quite as terrible as most others.

#107 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

is there anything against those that used some imported art.

or those that already had a world then just added a few "halloween stuff(skulls pumpkins etc..)
then tried to pass it on as a "halloween world"

my question is..
would those worlds still pass as contestants??
or would it deduct some points?

Last edited by Netro (Nov 19 2011 2:18:48 pm)

#108 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

they won't pass in the official judging
but i don't know about here.

#109 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

No importing stuff, so no.

#110 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Umm,most of the levels are big worlds,like great saved,and beta.I did not see alot of small levels that made it into the top 25.Is bigger better or something?o.O   Also,what are the backups that made the first screening?

#111 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Small worlds were disqualified as per the rules.

To be perfectly honest, the crop of levels submitted were very disappointing. There were only about ten art worthy ones, and half of those were black box minis or just terrible minis (Like... even *I* could tell they are terrible).

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Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#112 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

How many of them were minigame worthy? And which ones were art worthy jFAMA.png.

#113 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Are you going to give a general feedback?

Can I ask for a especific feedback?

#114 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

BEE wrote:

Small worlds were disqualified as per the rules.

To be perfectly honest, the crop of levels submitted were very disappointing. There were only about ten art worthy ones, and half of those were black box minis or just terrible minis (Like... even *I* could tell they are terrible).

Was my level good BEE?I am a backup and my world is called "The Hanging Tree"I am the 13th backup,and if you could have time to check it out and give me some reviews,i would be grateful.Thanks!

#115 Before February 2015

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Lopoi2 wrote:

Are you going to give a general feedback?

Can I ask for a especific feedback?

All 168 levels will get some form of feedback. Any levels that were out in the first screening will probably only get one line feedback such as "Disqualified because of sprites." Any levels out in the second screening are likely to get slightly more feedback but not much.

All of the top 25 will be getting more specific feedback and the top 10 will get the most extensive feedback.

Muffin wrote:

How many of them were minigame worthy? And which ones were art worthy?

This will be answered in the feedback as well. My guess would be that the top 10 will be both minigame worthy and art worthy considering how important it is to integrate the minis within the art.

The majority of the ones with terrible art also had terrible minis (with about 2 or 3 exceptions). It was a shame that there were quite a few ones with excellent art that really had terrible minis. It was clear that more effort had gone into the latter, but people didn't spend enough time working on what would make the level fun. A visual spectacle only keeps people interested for a few seconds.



#116 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

megalamb is there a specific date when the feedback will be given

or will it just be after the worlds are judged

#117 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

I really don't see why mine and SquadFS's made it to the top 25...not that I'm complaining, just being confused.
Oh and MegaLamb: Don't you mean top 12?

#118 Before February 2015

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Just after the worlds are judged by all 3 committees. As far as I know, the committee that's got furthest so far has completed 5 of the 25 levels.

I do not mean top 12 - There are going to be 12 official levels with prizes but, as per Mustang's original post, there will be a countdown of the top 5 and 5 honourable mentions.

Last edited by Mega Lamb (Nov 20 2011 12:49:22 pm)



#119 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Oh ok; I guess I shouldn't have just assumed 12.

#120 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Wow is my level really that bad ? //

#121 Before February 2015

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

I can't speak for the judges, but I would guess your level got to the top 45, but it's overall far too hard and not that fun even though it has some originality.



#122 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

It seems there is still confusion as to the judging.

This thread is for the UNOFFICIAL RESULTS. The official winners have yet to be announced.

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Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#123 Before February 2015


Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Mega Lamb wrote:

I can't speak for the judges, but I would guess your level got to the top 45, but it's overall far too hard and not that fun even though it has some originality.

Thankyou now i know what to do for the next competition

#124 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Okay, so after Top 25, then it goes to Top 10. And then what?

#125 Before February 2015

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Official EE Community Halloween Judging Thread

Shy Guy wrote:

Okay, so after Top 25, then it goes to Top 10. And then what?

mustang wrote:

The top 5 maps will be announced in order, and 5 honorable mentions will also be posted. All top 25 maps will be given specific feedback, but the top 10 will have a more detailed assessment from each committee about the reasons behind the scoring.



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