Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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This topic has plenty of rule-breaking, including swearing, questionable references, and animated explicit content (not joking here). When Processor reminded people that even stuff in spoilers are against the rules, Different55, for some reason, decided to allow exceptions for that one topic. Why is it that rule-breaking is allowed in spoilers in that topic, but not other topics? The rules exist for a reason, and those reasons are not lessened any because they are in that single topic. I cannot think of any good reason why that topic allows rule-breaking.
(March 24) … 41#p590541
vs fight go
my opinion is that we drop the spoiler thing from zoey's modedit and make people censor or just not post their images
The idea was that it would only be allowed for that topic. there's a lot of swearing in Everybody Edits and i believe forcing people to censor their images would make a lot of people unlikely to contribute to the topic.
also it was warning x people & editing y images vs mostly allowing it with certain restrictions so
you could also argue that since people chose to have the word filter off and that since this is the everybody edits official forum that it should be allowed as it is specifically because it is content from ee -- spoilers allow users who don't want to see it to avoid it, much like the word censors in ee itself.
so basically, it was specifically for that topic and only that topic.
tl;dr: so people would contribute and so i didn't have to do a ton of work
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
Since rules on swearing in EE are pretty lax, a lot of chatlogs that come from EE are generally inappropriate, so we'd either kill the topic and forums by banning everybody for posting swears or kill the topic by forcing everybody to censor every log they put there.
We're pretty anti-fun here on these forums, so it doesn't hurt to have just one topic that's a bit of a free-for-all. At least in my opinion.
aka towwl
because the mods dont know how to do their jobs
The idea was that it would only be allowed for that topic. there's a lot of swearing in Everybody Edits and i believe forcing people to censor their images would make a lot of people unlikely to contribute to the topic.
So, you are willing to put moderation aside so an unofficial topic can be contributed to? Where are your priorities? Also, if people really do want to contribute to the topic, they will censor their images. Even though I am not sure why that should even be considered an issue.
you could also argue that since people chose to have the word filter off and that since this is the everybody edits official forum that it should be allowed as it is specifically because it is content from ee -- spoilers allow users who don't want to see it to avoid it, much like the word censors in ee itself.
While that is better than the first argument, it is still flawed. It breaks this forum rule:
If something violates the Everybody Edits Terms of Service, it also violates forum rules.
Not everything belongs on the forum. Some things might just be better suited off-site, like that short-lived "EE confessions" thing. The fact that there is such a large gap in what is and what is not allowed (especially when the rules state to "keep it PG-13", made even weirder when there is animated explicit content there) hints that something is not quite right in the moderation here.
because the mods dont know how to do their jobs
I remember when you were a forum mod a long time ago, on EE.Forumify. Nice to see you.
Snap: CrypticPi
Instagram: Noncryptic
Bimps wrote:because the mods dont know how to do their jobs
I remember when you were a forum mod a long time ago, on EE.Forumify. Nice to see you.
He was a mod on ee.forumify?? I know he was once a mod on fail, but wtf I had no idea he was mod on ee.forumify too.
thx for sig bobithan
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