Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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It's funny because it's 100% random
I know, this makes it more fun to try and make patterns in the most stupid situations.
So here is what happened in my opinion:
Pyromaniac noticed how good Skullz17's archery skills were so he felt intimidated by them. Pyromaniac decided to head towards the smoke in the distance while Skullz17 was not looking. Meanwhile Goeyfun never wanted to be teamed up with Tak4n and only pretended to be friendly to stay alive. While Tak4n wasn't looking, Goeyfun ran away into the woods. Pyromaniac and Tak4n stumbled onto each other and began fighting with their weapons. However both stayed alive for a long time in a stale mate so they decided to team up instead. Pyromaniac and Tak4n began talking about the rest of the tributes and how to kill them. Pyromaniac also told Tak4n about the smoke he saw in the distance.
In desperation, Zumza decides to head back to the Cornucopia to gather some weapons. Skullz17 noticed Zumza but decided to keep him alive as he can be used as bait later on plus Skullz17 needed another pair of eyes now that Pyromaniac was not around. However, Skullz17 decided not to give Zumza any weapons to stay safe. Skullz17 and Zumza began telling each other their backgrounds. Skullz17 decided not to tell Zumza about the smoke Pyromaniac saw in the distance.
First, Fdoou stumbles onto Zoey2070 and they get into a fist fight. However Fdoou was able to knock Zoey2070 out with his shield. Then, Fdoou stumbled onto Ratburntro44 and they also got into a fist fight, and again Fdoou was able to knock him out with his shield. Fdoou then took all of Ratburntro44's supplies and realised that Ratburntro44 did not actually have any weapon. These encounters were not over, while running away Goeyfun also stumbled onto Fdoou and they got into a fight. Fdoou won the fight but instead of knocking Goeyfun out he forced him to kill either Zoey2070 or Ratburntro44 after which Fdoou would let him go. Goeyfun decided to kill Ratburntro44 as he saw him as a bigger threat so he snapped his neck. Fdoou now had to decide whether he was going to kill Goeyfun and Zoey2070 or let them go.
Gkabyss sets up a campfire and decides to stay awake all night after the good rest he had during the day. Minimania noticed this camp fire but decided to stay hidden as Minimania didn't know who set it up or how many people were around it.
While walking through the woods, Pingohits and Itsmeandersonlol stumble onto each other. However neither of them wanted to harm each other so they decided to team up. Pingohits shared some of the berries he collected with Itsmeandersonlol. After walking for a while longer, they stumbled onto Anak. Anak knew that he was outmatched and he could not kill them the way he killed Some Man so he decided to act cool and team up with them for the time being. Although Pingohits only had pockets full of berries he still decided to share some with Anak as well. While hunting for tributes, Buzzerbee stumbled onto them as well. Although Buzzerbee was the only one with weapons he was out matched 3 v 1 and he knew he couldn't take all three of them on. So just like Anak, he decided to act cool for the time being and team up with them. Pingohits shared his berries with Buzzerbee as well, however Buzzerbee did not want to share his weapons with the group. The group of four decided to take a rest under the trees and began telling ghost stories to each other to lighten up the mood. Itsmeandersonlol decided to show the group his magic coin and explained that it summoned ghosts and resurrected the undead. Pingohits's wounds on his hands were slowly becoming infected and Buzzerbee made the joke of cutting them off completely, everyone laughed at the joke... it was a joke right?
Different55 receives yet another explosive from the sponsors (Again, possibly throwable)
Bobithan receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
After running away from Bobithan, Xen90 cries himself to sleep, in the cold under a tree.
After the encounter with 1nsanity, Bimps goes crazy in depression and starts thinking about things that don't exist.
1nsanity tries to make a campfire but does not have the right equipment to do so. Instead he decides to go to sleep in a bush, and even though it's cold, he should be hidden enough from the eyes of other tributes.
Onjit strings his shield onto his back and climbs onto a tree to rest for the night.
After losing the fight with Itsmeandersonlol, Colon screams for help in depression.
Creature thinks about how he would win and survive as he walks through the woods.
Mainx is good at having things he doesn't have. This is because in his district he was famous for being a mime. After interviewing the dead body of Ratburntro44 who was also from this district, he did not say anything. You know who else doesn't say anything? A mime. So Mainx is a mime confirmed. This also explains how Zumza stole things Mainx didn't have and how Mainx began patching up the wounds he also didn't have.
Lmao this is amazing.
I run out of anyone's vicinity and find my way to the top of a roof of a tall building near the previously mentioned camp.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Tak4n keep doing those, they're fun.
Also fdouu is pretty sadistic, damn.
Me and Buzzerbee find love over a ghost story whilst Pingohits and Itsmeandersonlol look onwards n disgust and slight arousal
Zoey2070 yaaaasss girl stay alive
How long will fdoou last? Will he gain control with fear or will people plan to kill him?
thx for sig bobithan
Me is missing
Good morning everyone
Tak4n don't forget that it's night during the night phase
Come find me in game!
thx for sig bobithan
I will fight Goeyfun to the death. Ain't no one gettin kills but me
ya supr gost storie tim gys
what did u steal lol?
cuz i have 1 kill already, i gained some skillz from previous death, and will defeat Anak
um sweetie (: i will hook out your eye with a fishing rod (;
Slingshot and explosives?
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
I should have tones of sponsors.
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
I should have tones of sponsors.
Seems like the people who think they should have tons of sponsors are the ones who have none.
Also, is it just me or do all of our sponsors really like explosives and anonymity?
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
This is hilarious
At least I'm going to die with a full stomach
aka towwl
Zumza wrote:I should have tones of sponsors.
Seems like the people who think they should have tons of sponsors are the ones who have none.
Also, is it just me or do all of our sponsors really like explosives and anonymity?
This is !howitshouldbestory story...
Theres should came Night2, be careful guys be careful
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
Alright here is what happened in my opinion:
After talking with each other on how to kill the rest of the tributes, Pyromaniac and Tak4n make an agreement not to kill each other for now. Instead the two go separate ways and begin hunting for other tributes. While hunting for other tributes, Tak4n stumbles onto Xen90 who was sleeping under a tree. Tak4n begins to throw his knives at him, 1 hitting the tree, 1 piercing his leg and 1 piercing his arm. Tak4n then walked up to Xen90 to finish him off but seeing Xen90 in tears made Tak4n reconsider and he decided to spare Xen90 thinking he won't last long anyway. Tak4n took back the throwing knives as well as all the items Xen90 was carrying, and left leaving Xen90 behind. Xen90 is now seriously injured.
Pingohits felt intimidated by the joke Buzzerbee made, so once the sun began rising, Pingohits, Itsmeandersonlol, and Anak decided to walk in separate directions, leaving Buzzerbee behind. Buzzerbee was still sleeping and the three could have stolen his weapons. However, the risk was too high so they just decided to walk away. When Buzzerbee woke up, he was slightly angry that the other three left him behind so he went back to hunting other tributes.
Fdoou was going to finish off Goeyfun and Zoey2070 but he heard Colon calling for help in the distance. In anger, Fdoou decided to leave the two behind thinking he can always come back and finish them off later and instead raced his way in the direction of Colon, now hunting for other tributes. Goeyfun decided to leave Zoey2070 behind, running away into the woods. However while running through the woods, Goeyfun stumbled onto Itsmeandersonlol who forced Goeyfun to give him everything he had. At the time, Goeyfun only had the clothes on his back so he gave his shirt to Itsmeandersonlol who tore it apart before leaving. Goeyfun was now feeling cold. When Zoey2070 woke up, she was paralyzed for a few minutes before finally standing up. She decided to camouflage herself under some bushes to stay away from the eyes of other tributes.
Skullz17 became bored of waiting for something to happen at the Cornucopia so to waste time he decided to make a slingshot. He also allowed Zumza to take a weapon but had an eye on him just in case he was going to do something funny. Pingohits began approaching the Cornucopia, however Zumza spotted him just in time and began to fire his bow at him. Pingohits noticed that the Cornucopia is already being contested so he decided to run back into the woods.
While running through the woods, Anak finds a source of water with fish. Anak takes a drink out of the water source. Although Anak did not have the right fishing equipment, he decided to hunt for fish with his bare hands. He wasn't very successful.
Minimania decided not to approach the campfire Gkabyss made and instead decided to run back into the woods. While running through the woods Minimania stumbled onto Creature who was trying to get a magical coin hung to a tree. Minimania began firing the bow at Creature forcing him to run back into the woods. Minimania took the magical coin, I wonder what it does. (Creature ate the fruit he gathered from the trees during the night.)
Colon picks himself up after calling for help most of the night. He was beginning to lose his voice but decided to hunt for other tributes as he knew this was the only chance he had of winning.
Different55 makes a slingshot. He was excited to blow someone up with it.
Bobithan ate the fresh food he received from the unknown sponsor during the night and now during the day he decided to go hunt for other tributes.
Bimps, now completely insane and out of his mind decides to go hunt for other tributes.
Onjit climbs down from the tree he was hiding on during the night and decides to construct a small shack.
Gkabyss packs up his camping equipment and decides to hunt for other tributes.
1nsnaity gets out from under the bush he slept under during the night. He receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor (possibly throwable.)
Mainx receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Critically Injured:
Mentally or Emotionally unstable:
Am I like the only person not in any of those categories
Critically Injured:
well there buddy i got pricked by 1 thorn it sure does make me bleed profusely giggity goo
and yappity doo tellin some ghost story under the blanket of night really gets my nerves going chap
Am I like the only person not in any of those categories
You, Buzzerbee and Itsmeandersonlol aren't in any of those. My way of thinking was none of you trusted yourself but since there were 4 of you in a group, you agreed to have 2 people sleep and 2 people to look out for other tributes or anything suspicious. This is why Buzzerbee was still sleeping when the 3 of you made a quick escape. The berries you ate also filled up your hunger and the juice from the berries filled up your thirst. Pingohits is critically injured though which is why he is scared as his hands are getting infected which is why he is still in these categories. Otherwise you, Buzzerbee and Itsmeandersonlol are the only 3 who are in great condition.
well there buddy i got pricked by 1 thorn it sure does make me bleed profusely giggity goo
and yappity doo tellin some ghost story under the blanket of night really gets my nerves going chap
My way of thinking:
You have open wounds on your hands and you are touching god knows what out in the open. On top of this the open wounds are not treated properly and you are out in the woods 100% of the time. It's very easy for the wounds to get seriously infected and although might not lead to death, could still cause serious harm to your health.
Now if you still feel that your wounds are not that big of a deal, I can change that it to say that. However in the end it won't really matter because you'll end up killing everyone with a machine gun that you are given by a sponsor. I doubt Fdoou will make you die due to the wound itself, remember the events are random.
My way of thinking:
You have open wounds on your hands and you are touching god knows what out in the open. On top of this the open wounds are not treated properly and you are out in the woods 100% of the time. It's very easy for the wounds to get seriously infected and although might not lead to death, could still cause serious harm to your health.
Now if you still feel that your wounds are not that big of a deal, I can change that it to say that. However in the end it won't really matter because you'll end up killing everyone with a machine gun that you are given by a sponsor. I doubt Fdoou will make you die due to the wound itself, remember the events are random.
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