Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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code_man4000 wrote:7) Roller-Coasters (Fun to make, crappy to ride, in most cases)
What's a Roller-Coaster?
I'm not sure, but I think it's like those automatic thingys with arrows everywhere.
Roller-Coasters are lines of arrows where you don't/can't touch your keys while being on them
Example of a Roller-Coaster:
They tend to be longer and more elaborate than this example, but this gives you an idea of what I mean
BunnySMG wrote:. B . B . B
Antigravity plus hook jump plus no wall? All in the same challenge? OMG I WANT TO KILL MYSELF!!! I was in a level that had about ten of these in a row. I managed to get past it just to get to a place with fall through keyblock stairs with hook jumps at the end of each flight. Eight flights worth. I got as high as seven once before falling to the bottom and ragequitting.
EZ way: hold SPACE and alternate holding LEFT and RIGHT and that should do it.:cool:
I had no idea till earlier today when I stumbled upon it that you could change direction while jumping with the space bar held. When I started playing it was definitely not that way.
Attention stair addicts. If you are going to make long flights of stairs could you maybe not use gates specifically just to make us wait longer to get to the next flight of stairs? And Please please PLEASE, don't do it more than once per flight of stairs.
This is not the place for that. Go make your own topic here in level creation.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
ok sorry
Two things that must stop:
Wall climbs and Stairs.
Whoever designed this (and I KNOW who did) obviously has no soul:
Same level, different idiot:
(Probably shouldn't be making fun of the first idiot, seeing as he is the IRC op...)
The second image is my least favorite kind of level.
Coin farm/Magic coin AFK.
You know what I mean!
I really hate E's but i kind of like when they do this:
Well that's at least easier and faster to pass because you can just skip every other hookjump.
This is one thing i hate:
_ > > _ > > _
Last edited by gio500 (Apr 5 2011 12:54:28 am)
Beansbeans, don't grave dig with a useless post.
Heres what throws me off
. . . . . << | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Last edited by ultrasuperdude (Apr 5 2011 3:31:29 pm)
Anyone who makes a path of secret blocks that you have to guess the location of over a row of gravity arrows that send you back to the beginning if you guess incorrectly should be shot.
In the face.
With a squirtgun full of excrement.
Guys i think you need this......
^ O
O stands for Coin.B stands For Block.And you know the arrows how you do that
Lol, this is getting pretty sad.
Don't you guys know how to take a screenshot?
OH, I get it. The guy above me means this:
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ^^^ ^^^ C ^BBBBBBB BBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBB ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< B=block C=coin <=Gravity
Last edited by Tako (Apr 8 2011 6:55:17 am)
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
lol takoman2
i hate the stupid stupid hook that EX crew invented
???^ ?
<<<<^<<<<<<<<<<<<<B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<B <<<<<<<<^<^B<<B<<<B <<<<<<<B<<<B<<<<<<B <<<<<<<<<<<B<<<<<<B <<<<<<<<<<<><<<<<<B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<B<<B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<B<< BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
thanks alot EX for giving stupid, cheap, ideas.
Last edited by kirby1394 (Apr 8 2011 11:36:01 am)
Ok, so it's less level creation than level management, but what kind of derp creates a level with an area full of key blocks and then hangs around in his own level waiting for people to reach sais spot just so he can set the key off himself and knock the players to the bottom? A huge derp, that's what kind. Freakin' gigantic douches do that.
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| | ________________________________|___|^_____________________________________________________________:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please do not put two posts in a row, since it is against the rules!
There is a button to edit the post!
how to do the code?
Double post and spam, Cluers Patrick...
Let's make a list of what annoys us!
1. The same puzzle a thousand times.
There are a lot of standard puzzles. The E-jump or two block jumps with a low ceiling for example. That's fine, but some maps use the same puzzle a hundred time to create difficulty, and if you fail you can do them all again.
This isn't very exciting but okay:_ | _| | _______|____
This is just annoying:
_ | _| | _| | _| | _| | _| | _______|____
2. Too many coins
Coins can be cool to urge users to discover your level or as a reward after finishing a hard part. When you put a thousand of them everywhere in your level it just becomes annoying and uselees. Plus the sound of putting them in falls is grating as hell.What tips do you have?
thats why theres a mute button!
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