Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Google, it would just be unfair to be banned by making challenges.
This is what I really hate:
................ ......................... .........._.............. ................._........ ........................
The worst part is that it was loaded with people and you hit the keys when you go into the level. New people every 10 seconds = no time to get across, even though it's only a few blocks.
Obligatory piece of text placed here forcing you to load an extra 100 bytes of data per post I make.
I hate this:
| | | _________^|
same as this:
_ | _| | _| _ | _| | _| _ | _| | _|
some times like
And the elevators ? The first one or two days we found it, it was fun, but now, all we see is "elevator-filled" levels, that are really boring.
Once a new kind of cool trick is found, people always mess it up...
@Olip96 Yup
Really? I actually quite like elevator challenges.
Ugh... I hate these...
_______ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^<< >>^ |^| |^| |^| |^|
Don't You?
Last edited by Krazyman50 (Dec 19 2010 3:51:57 pm)
I'm seeing alot of "annoying", is every one shying around the use of pain in the **** or just plane bad? I agree with all the above though.
Last edited by willard b (Dec 19 2010 4:53:41 pm)
You know the ONE, most annoying, pain in the A*S thing no one EVER gives credit for?
It's called the levels that have all of the above and this:
B*B*B*B*B*B*B*B*B* (B= Block *= moveable dot
It is WAY too easy and over used, and also the fuc-(now Mikey, don't get banned for cussing)-ing annoying part that does this:
Is TOTALLY overused and is really ANNOYING, especially when it goes on forever.
Am I right? All of the above and mine^ are WAY overused.
I've made a new kind of minigame, just wanna say, dont overuse it.
O<<<<< O<<<<< O<<<<< O O<<<<< O O O
It's called a 5-Jump.
Last edited by LuigiMadness71 (Dec 23 2010 8:17:40 am)
Des wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<< <><><><<></\/\>>><\/ /\>>>\/\/\/>>>>>/\<<<> >>>>>><>><><><>><< /\>/\>\/>/\>/\<\/</\>/\/\> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>< <<<<<<<<????????????????
I don't even know how to complete things like these :'(
@ your sig, thats religiously offensive to many religions.
back on topic, i hate those and i hate these
i hate this
> < > < > <
I know, I hate stair levels too. But here's something cool I thought of: jumping in fireworks! In my New Years 2011 Contest World I thought of this. It's good because some people are better and worse than others at different things. When you make random fireworks, it helps since there would probably be more than one way to get through. That makes it easy for more than one kind of person.
B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I hate these because most of the time people don't know what they're making and idling there will just throw you off the arrows. If it at least catches you, it's great. Lands you on the block, even better. I think their neat. But people who ha ve no idea what they're doing often mess up and just make you go back.
I know, I hate stair levels too. But here's something cool I thought of: jumping in fireworks! In my New Years 2011 Contest World I thought of this. It's good because some people are better and worse than others at different things. When you make random fireworks, it helps since there would probably be more than one way to get through. That makes it easy for more than one kind of person.
Hey, that's what I did! :O
crown overuse, and repetition of an entire column
I hate this type:
--------------------------- 1block> . B B B B B.B B.B
And really hate this:
^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^
elevators aff...
Last edited by Fer22f (Dec 26 2010 6:34:24 pm)
I hate:
_ [u]|[/u]
One block hook jumps.
theres i extreame hate
< >
Too hark.
but normal hook jumps i like
all you don't like is i like, why :/
ok who else hates random blocks everywhere and you have to find the perfect way to go to find your way to top
The thing I really hate is rollercoasters. You just sit there and wait. Whats even more annoying is when a whole level is filled with nothing but rollercoasters, whats the point of that? There is nothing fun about it.
The coins are just annoying. I just leave a level when I see the coin counter saying that there are more than 100.
The first example, yeah, it's annoying to see that. I just leave the level.We just need to get people think out-of-the-box. Cyclone's Escape is one of those best examples.
P.S. It took me around 50 tries to go through it. But you actually learn something from each 'fail'.
btw it was saved right? if so does anyone know the link to the level?
i like this one >>>>>>>>>>>>>
<B B
Last edited by rhyst1 (Jan 8 2011 4:41:13 am)
Let's make a list of what annoys us!
1. The same puzzle a thousand times.
There are a lot of standard puzzles. The E-jump or two block jumps with a low ceiling for example. That's fine, but some maps use the same puzzle a hundred time to create difficulty, and if you fail you can do them all again.
This isn't very exciting but okay:_ | _| | _______|____
This is just annoying:
_ | _| | _| | _| | _| | _| | _______|____
2. Too many coins
Coins can be cool to urge users to discover your level or as a reward after finishing a hard part. When you put a thousand of them everywhere in your level it just becomes annoying and uselees. Plus the sound of putting them in falls is grating as hell.What tips do you have?
Easy, your just saying that because you can't do it obviously,
but i agree, that 'too many of them in one map would be annoying' but the point of doing them isn't.
1. more than 100 coins
2. lots of hook-ninja-jumps
3. stairs (why the hell somebody play them?)
4. super-long level
5. long levels without ideas hard from beginning
6. the same minigames again and again
7. one colour level
(my opinion)
when I see 2, 3, 6 I leave at that very moment.
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