Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
You are not logged in.
? ahem, I said, DO NOT CLICK.
? 8D
? someone????????
^ Nope Not Someone Its Kaosslasher
< 100TH POST FTW!!!
V my empty signature
^ needs to stop being such a Carpenter.
< Is currently spamming forum games because I am bored.
V has a 95% chance that it is Flare or Rurigok.
^ and 5% chance that it is Killcreek
< not Flare or Rurigok
v D-rock2308
^Has a serious problem with Pluto.....
<Methinks I need more posts
VIs not Killcreek
? Right....
? Lol
? what ever you do, do not click on my red button
^ I wont, Thats why I banned you in the other thread
<secretly clicked the button
VShould click the button.
^ should stop telling people what to do
< is mad cause people keep - reping me for no reason
V can i have one rep cause one troller - reped me?
^ was rep'd by the troller
< was rep'd by the troller
v might have been rep'd by the troller
^ the epic poster
< the better EE player
v a noob EE player
^ incorrect
< correct
v correctin
^ Is a fake flare
< beta player
v is playing EE
^ incorrect
< is flare
v is probably not a beta user
^is wrong
<is playing Halo:reach
v Probably not playing reach.
^ correct
< correct
v incorrect
< is always ^^
v is always
^nope still me
< wishes i could be
V wants to flyyy highhh
^ says that he's not cool
< is a cool fire
v is a hot iceberg
^ I Was Reffering To EE
< Has No Idea What Flare's Sig Is Talking About
V Do You Know What He's Talking About?
^ Yes, you're obviously too young to understand innuendo. :3
< Understands his own signature.
v Is not Alex, the new moderator.
^Remove the not and you're wrong!
<Understand Flare's signature
vhas a rep of at least 1
^ Like, you're totally correct.
< Like, is totally Flare.
v Like, is totally Shaggy.
^ Like, I tottally knew i just didint know it was " inapropriate "
< Like, i think we should get out of here
V Hi!
[ Started around 1741670299.8829 - Generated in 0.078 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.43 MiB (Peak: 1.57 MiB) ]