Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Turns out he isn't Peter and his actual name is Martin.
P.S. Why did you remove the post with 4/5 pictures of him?
?tilla wrote:@P788:
better pic: … b8270.jpegOh my god, we cannot have this pedophile in a children's game!
Oh, and this picture of him?
Last edited by P788 (Jan 4 2013 10:36:20 am)
Saintcool wrote:Oh my god, we cannot have this pedophile in a children's game!
Oh, and this picture of him (I think)?
He has children tied up behind him! He really is a pedophile!
?tilla wrote:@P788:
better pic: … b8270.jpegOh my god, we cannot have this pedophile in a children's game!
Careful, he might see this post!
Lictor666 wrote:Maybe another moderator to help MrShoe to destroy EE!
Because it's a good game, so it's hard to do that alone.Maybe another moderator to help EE make better.
MrShoe didn't destroyed EE. Chris released potions, new magic, and builders club. MrShoe only programmed it (with Chris of course). Just Chris is not so active on EE maps as MrShoe.Our hope in MrVoid!
Programmer ftw, right? Less meaningless images appended weekly, more enjoyable features? >.>
New MrShoe replacement because.. what, crappier updates? D:
Somehow, I have a feeling it's just Shoe trying to distract us with a new mod.
Last edited by Aoitenshi (Jan 4 2013 10:40:53 am)
Well. Now I have been first person to find out Mrvoids real name:Peter Holm. <a class="__cf_email__" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" data-cfemail="86f6f2f4eeeaebc6e1ebe7efeaa8e5e9eb">[email protected]</a><script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */!function(){try{var t="currentScript"in document?document.currentScript:function(){for(var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute("cf-hash"))return t[e]}();if(t&&t.previousSibling){var e,r,n,i,c=t.previousSibling,a=c.getAttribute("data-cfemail");if(a){for(e="",r=parseInt(a.substr(0,2),16),n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)i=parseInt(a.substr(n,2),16)^r,e+=String.fromCharCode(i);e=document.createTextNode(e),c.parentNode.replaceChild(e,c)}}}catch(u){}}();/* ]]> */</script>
Mobile: (+45) 42 42 45 27
Why did you scratch that? The information is correct.
EDIT: Nevermind.
Last edited by P788 (Jan 5 2013 10:28:41 am)
?tilla wrote:@P788:
better pic: … b8270.jpegOh my god, we cannot have this pedophile in a children's game!
OMG, maybe you're one, or me. Everyone could be a pedophile!!!!
Btw I hope MrVoid will make EE better and not destroy it like *cough* some people *cough* did!
Last edited by Polis (Jan 4 2013 11:49:18 am)
Dangg.. I was gonna suggest a new moderator today.
But sadly, it already happened.
I still think that mrvoid is only MrShoe's alternate..
Does anyone know (if) MrShoe's real name is different from Mrvoid's? At first I thought it was just an alt, and I'm still suspicious.
I sure hope he posts here. This might be like Peter with how he came for like a day or two then forgot we existed.
aka towwl
Does anyone know (if) MrShoe's real name is different from Mrvoid's? At first I thought it was just an alt, and I'm still suspicious.
MrShoe's real name is Julian Ridley Pryn.
MrVoid's real name is Peter Holm.
I would like to MrVoid to the game, but I was in school at the time. But if he's reading then welcome to EE (Everybody Edits). Good luck to him, always good to have another member on the EE team to help make it a better place.
Thanks Bobithan for the sig, love it <3
"You will never know how valuable a thing or a person is...until its not with you anymore, then you`ll regret..."
Turns out he isn't Peter and his actual name is Martin.
There's no Martin in Space Time Foam. Unless you're talking about Peter Holm's real name being Martin, but it still doesn't make sense.
Last edited by P788 (Jan 4 2013 2:52:32 pm)
?tilla wrote:Turns out he isn't Peter and his actual name is Martin.
There's no Martin in Space Time Foam. Unless you're talking about Peter Holm's real name being Martin, but it still doesn't make sense.
Mrvoid claims not to be Peter Holm, he said his real name is Martin, though he did say he was afflicted with SpaceTimeFoam.
*u stinky*
0176 wrote:Does anyone know (if) MrShoe's real name is different from Mrvoid's? At first I thought it was just an alt, and I'm still suspicious.
MrShoe's real name is Julian Ridley Pryn.
MrVoid's real name is Peter Holm.
Oh dear lord, how did I forget about that.
How do you track people's names anyway? :o
Last edited by 0176 (Jan 4 2013 3:04:02 pm)
let's all sing the ee is dead song...
? Oh... ee once was a really great place, ?
? With people all over the place, ?
? But now becasue of MrShoe, ?
? We all are dead, oh so we dreeeaaaaddddd! ?
? Now there's mrvoid, the void left in space.... ?
P788 wrote:?tilla wrote:Turns out he isn't Peter and his actual name is Martin.
There's no Martin in Space Time Foam. Unless you're talking about Peter Holm's real name being Martin, but it still doesn't make sense.
Mrvoid claims not to be Peter Holm, he said his real name is Martin, though he did say he was afflicted with SpaceTimeFoam.
But in a post you said he was Peter Holm, did he say that, or...? Now I'm confus-////
This isn't exactly related but there's a music artist that goes by Mr. Void. Different guys, though, the musician is German and our Void is most likely Danish.
This isn't exactly related but there's a music artist that goes by Mr. Void. Different guys, though, the musician is German and our Void is most likely Danish.
Wait, that wasn't confirmed?
Chris said this in a Kongregate chat room: (His Kongregate username is QRious) Whole conversation
hummerz5: QRious: What is the problem of finding an unpaid person who uses EE all the time?
Kyusai: calm your <irrelevant> dew.
Kyusai: ;l
georgeinator: I dun have <irrelevant>, but I have a giant <irrelevant> in my chest that makes it look like i have <irrelevant> :<
xan99: It should be only allowed for Chatters.
Terence22205: Chris, how about simple words, like "Hello", "Woot", "Thanks".
Dewdrop5623: lol
shaunsred: Back.
Hikalebitswill: god he's problee so weirded out
Kyusai: Just calm your <irrelevant>.
Terence22205: Welcome back.
Kyusai: jeez..
xan99: Terence, that'd also beat it's purpose.
QRious: hummerz5, the legal work of using a free work force is at best strange
xan99: Which is to list things.
Dewdrop5623: XD
hummerz5: Oh.
QRious: also I like people I can talk to in person
So there's a 99% chance that he's from Space Time Foam.
/off-topic mode on
Also, I found this in the conversation:
shaunsred: Chris.
xan99: That's a fun name.
shaunsred: Will you have <CENSORED> with me?
Terence22205: Chris, I suggest a profile description update.
shaunsred: I can pay.
Holy2334: *facepalm
Terence22205: Shaun, be quiet.
inkyvoyd: lol
xan99: Shaun, He's mine, go away
Kyusai: what the <irrelevant> shaun.
Kyusai: xD
xan99: *Catfight*
Holy2334: *double facepalm
/off-topic mode off
Last edited by P788 (Jan 4 2013 3:36:57 pm)
Interesting? hopefully this guy is good. Maybe he'll replace MrShoe.
P788 wrote:?tilla wrote:Turns out he isn't Peter and his actual name is Martin.
There's no Martin in Space Time Foam. Unless you're talking about Peter Holm's real name being Martin, but it still doesn't make sense.
Mrvoid claims not to be Peter Holm, he said his real name is Martin, though he did say he was afflicted with SpaceTimeFoam.
If it's his old surname, then why did HE need a new one? Is MrShoe actually MrShoe after all?
Anyway, new mod... let's see if he's an improvement.
Last edited by Shift (Jan 4 2013 3:43:12 pm)
Well, if MrVoid comes HERE, the game might turn around... right?
[ Started around 1740943939.3885 - Generated in 0.227 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.81 MiB (Peak: 2.08 MiB) ]