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I beat Cola1 within an inch of his life when suddenly the chaos gods tell me to spare you because you are important in the Chaos prophecy, so following the gods' prophecy I don't kill you and leave the hill.
Cola1's hill (watched by Me)
China(woop woop) blew up everyone and Russia nukes the s*** out of everyone!
My Hill
I'm russian so the nukes don't affect me I eat the muffinator mmm muffins!
Chaos' hill
Well China still blew the crap out of you so...
*rages so hard it blew everyone outta the hill except the team*
Our Hill.
I fire angry birds at everyone
my Hill
I use my secrect agent crew:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: to take muffinator99 away and anyone else who trys to take over the hill
Ima firin mah nyan cat!!! NYAN NYAN NYAN :3
Mah hill protected by Nyan Cat :3
Let clouds come so rainbow stops and Nyan cat fled the hill,.
My hill
You cannot keep a good demon down! I refuse to fail chaos! I use my powers to make tjalf implode
Chaos' hill
As me as the hill have no sexual organs I transform some in the little cave. Now its full of sandwiches and two massive balls.
I too know The Chaos prophecy, ChaosDeamon is very strong. I know because of the cube. (Read my Legendary story here: )
The cube knows all things.
I guard Chaos with my powers not letting anyone come close.
The Transformer Hill lives on.
So are we like in this together?
I still am the hill, but as the prophecy says I must protect you. I would rather be on my own, but you can't disobey the prophecy.
So we are together but I'd rather not be.
Since the hill transformed into a cave the forces of Chaos wanted me to go inside, Inside I found a chaos gem
It was beautiful, it was powerful, and it was a part of the prophecy, now I had to journey to an invisible island and place the gem onto an alter, so that the forces of chaos would know what to do next!
No one's hill
fails to understand that the cave was made by me and is inside jj6, who is still a hill. I'm alive in there because if I were to die at the moment that colae1 said i did, a paradox would be created. The universe did not want to end so it ensured that I did not die at that moment. I let Chaos leave with his Emerald That Isn't an Emerald Because it is Green because **** DON'T KNOW ABOUT MY CRYSTAL STARS! I politely offer Chaos some delicious tea. I then use the attack COMBAT OPERANDI -> TWO LUMPS. You are offered some sugar for your tea with aggressive courtesy and I stir your tea for you.
I don't want this pesky fool with his irritating guitar on me. I call upon my transforming powers to bury Yoge on the 7th planet of the decomagnitude.
I see krubby minding his own business in his cave reading a the sun newspaper. He is on page 3...
A few minuets later...
Krubby is still reading his newspaper, on page 3 (holding it with one hand) (((See what I did there))) So I leave him alone.
And I sense Chaos returning. He is back from the invisible island. I transform a throne for him and he sits waiting for the Forces of Chaos to tell him what to do next...
I dress me to a girl flirts away JJ. I take off my Dress, brings up a frying pan and "SMASH"
My Hill
I am the friking hill, I am a Transformer hill. You smash me with a pan... yeah right, I transform and catch it with my robotic arm and slam it right back at ya.
Chaos chuckles.
My actual initials are JC,stands for Jesus Christ.
My Hill
Bow down to me!
Yes but your name is Muffinator and I'm non religious so no effect
I'm sitting on my throne when I hear Muffinator rambling on about being Jesus, I tell the hill to crush him, the hill does
Chaos' hill
i use hazey powers to wipe you all out
Our Hill. (i really dont know what happened)
I are back.
I summon a wall.
I summon my biotradecogun and shoot the flipping wall down.
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