Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Yesterday MrVoid and MrShoe joined the Temple Wurm level and they were very impressed about this bot. Not only do they love this level alot, they also always loved the other bot assisted levels. They support bots as long as they are creating a better gaming experiences for other players.
To support me, other bot creators and the rest of the community, MrVoid asked me to send him a list of commands that we would like to see appear in the near future. I'm talking about the commands like /visible #visibility, /getpos #playername, /potionsoff #a# #b#?#x# and /help #command...
So post here your command ideas that would be useful for bot creating and/or level creating! I will collect them and contact MrVoid about it . Not only give an idea, but also show how the command would look like.
Command Ideas:
Player Based
/ban #playername #time #reason - Ban and kick a player for given time, 0=permanent.
/listbans - List all banned players.
/smiley #playername #smileyId - Change smiley if the player has it and possibly lock it.
/unban #playername - Unban a player.
/getpos #playername - Improved command, should give position even when player is holding keys like left or right. Not show last position where the user pressed a key.
/god #player - Give player godmode, no edit.
/reset #player - Reset player to the start location and resets everything (coins, crowns, switches, potions etc).
/teleport #player1 #player2 - Teleport player 1 to player 2.
/ungod #player - Remove player godmode.
Level Based
/nonchat #allownonchat - Allow or deny nonchatters in the room.
/showminimap #showminimap - If set to true, players can see the minimap. Otherwise not.
/visible #(0, 1, 2, 3) - 0 = The room will show up in lobby, 1 = The room will be hidden from lobby, everyone can join the room, 2 = The room will be hidden from lobby, only friends can join the room, 3 = The room will be hidden from lobby and only the owner can join the room.
Message Based
/announcement #text - sends a message in bold/different colour. (Chat only)
/hudtext #playername #text - Set a hudtext for the player only. exmpl( Level:2, xp:43, gold:4)
/hudtext #text - Set a hudtext for all players that will show up on their screen. exmpl( Red:1, Blue:2)
/mute #playername - Mute/ignoring a player from chatting in the room.
/pm #playername #message - Private message a player.
/color #text - Writes a whole or a part of the text in colors.
Example 1: /color &1H&ello &1G&uys = Hello Guys
Example 2: /color &2Hello Guys = Hello Guys
Example 3: /color &1H&2e&3y &4G&5u&6y&7s = Hey Guys
Block Based
/key #color - Activate key.
/portalid #x #y - Give portalid, or an other way to see id's of portals.
Drawing/Building Based
/border #blockID - Create border around level with the chosen block.
/circle #blockID #x #y #radius #fill - Draw a circle with block ID at (x,y) with radius and boolean fill.
/editable #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 #iseditable - People can edit area with points (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) if iseditable is true, or not edit if iseditable is false. Owner can always edit.
/filllevel #blockID - Fill level with the chosen block.
/replace #blockID1 #blockID2 - replace all blocks with ID1, with block ID2.
/square #blockID #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 - Draw a square with block ID from points (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
/undo #steps - Undo a number of changes you made
Programmable Block - A block or object that runs a command when touched by a player.
PlayerIO Messages - Add ID of player argument to the PlayerIO "b" and "bs"messages. Also add this for the "hide" message or define a new message "key" for hitting a key. Possibly define a message for hitting a blue coin.
Last edited by FloddyFosh (Feb 16 2013 2:37:25 pm)
/teleport <player1> (to) <player2>
so i dont have to to take the roundabout way and getpos to find someone
Last edited by Muftwin (Feb 16 2013 7:45:55 am)
/god #player only gives ability to fly. This has been suggested many times I guess.
/portalid #x #y or just the ability to see a portals id would be awesome.
/reset #player this command should reset player so he will have 0 coins and will return to the start location.
A command that automatically sends a chosen player to the trophy.
Maybe like /trophy #player
/fillevel [brickID]
/fillborder [brickID]
/replace [brickID1] [brickID2] - finds all bricks of a certain type in a level (brickID1) and replaces them with other brick (brickID2)
/drawcircle [brickID] [x] [y] - draws a circle filled with a certain brick, starting from x position and ending to y position
/outlinecircle [brickID] [x] [y] - draws the outline of a circle with a certain brick, starting from x position and ending to y position
/drawsquare [brickID] [x] [y] - same as /drawcircle but with a rectangle instead of oval
/outlinesquare [brickID] [x] [y] - same as /outlinecircle but with a rectangle instead of oval
/undo [value] - undo a number of changes you've made in the level
/redo [value] - redo a number of changes you've made in a level
Last edited by Raon (Feb 16 2013 8:18:41 am)
/givecoins <amount> <player> - Gives a certain amount of coins to a player. (the amount can not exceed the number of coins in the level)
For hard levels like Edge of Insanity, when you have to leave in the middle of the playthrough, a common thing it seems.
/key <green/blue/red> - Self explanatory.
/nonames - For level owner only, makes every player unable to see other player's names even if holding the Shift key.
/editonly <player> - The reverse of /god, it makes the player able to freely edit in his playscreen, but he cannot use god mode.
/reset [name] - This is basically /reset, except only for certain players.
Aoitoshi /respawn *player* works.
A better way of using /getpos. Right now does /getpos only use the same method you can use with movements.
I want it to be possible to read /getpos when a player is holding a key down. Like holding the left key, will send nothing right now.
/teleport <player1> <player2>, I have requested it before. So I can teleport one player to another player.
I can always store the movement a player has been taken and create my own bot for it. But would be awesome if it could be added to the game.
Example: /teleport doh dohnuts
/restrict <x> <y> <w> <h>, Makes an area only editable by the owner, or maybe do the reverse. That people can only edit in this area.
Example: /restrict 5 5 20 20
/visible [0, 1, 2, 3]
0 = The room will show up in lobby.
1 = The room will be hidden from lobby, everyone can join the room.
2 = The room will be hidden from lobby, only friends can join the room.
3 = The room will be hidden from lobby and only the owner can join the room.
/mute <username> - Mute/ignoring a user from chatting in the room.
Example: /mute dohnuts
/ban <username> <time> [reason] - Bans and kick a user from the room, 0 = permanent, else is how long time till the ban removes.
Would be nice if you could list the banned peoples and how long they are banned too. Like /listbans. And /unban <username> to unban a user.
Example: /ban dohnuts 1 no cheating
/kick <username> [reason] - Should be replace with /ban, and only kick people from the room. Like a warning.
Example: /kick dohnuts stop swearing
/pm <username> <text> - Writes a private message to the user. This should be allowed for everyone.
Example: /pm dohnuts hey there, this is a private message
/roomsettings <Guests> <NonChat> <Colors> - Maybe more settings? Possible to block guest and nonchats from the room.
If it's going to be possible. Maybe guests can be added as a login option again?
Example: /roomsettings off on off
/color <text> - Writes a whole or a part of the text in colors.
Example 1: /color &1H&ello &1G&uys = Hello Guys
Example 2: /color &2Hello Guys = Hello Guys
Example 3: /color &1H&2e&3y &4G&5u&6y&7s = Hey Guys
Last edited by doh (Feb 16 2013 9:22:15 am)
Those would be awesome.
/resetcoins <username> - resets a user's coins
/resetcrown <username> - removes a user's silver crown
/announcement <text> - sends a message in bold/different colour
and like doh said, a better /getpos command that shows their actual location, not where they last pressed a key.
Last edited by BillyP (Feb 16 2013 9:48:51 am)
/restart #playername#
*same as leaving world, going to lobby, and re-entering the world
*resets coins, crowns, switches, and (zombie, curse potions ????? maybe)
*owner or any player can use this command
Comprehensive GOD mode command
/god -player"######" -code"#####" -loc"#,#,#,#;#,#,#,#....." -fbadngpr
*-player"######" gives capabilities to a player
*-code"#####" gives capabilities as a code
**if code and player are NOT given then ALL can edit by DEFAULT
*-loc"x1,y1,x2,y2;x1,y1,x2,y2....." gives locations for editing using rectangles, multiple locations separated by ";" can be used to make circle or triangle edit areas
**it loc is NOT given then ALL areas are allowed
*-fbad type of edits allowed, if non are used ALL are on be DEFAULT
**f - foreground
**b - background
**a - action
**d - decorative
**n - NO edits allowed
*-gpr types of god mode allowed
**g - god mode flying
**p - passive god mode flying, no interaction with keys,warp,coins
**r - god mode reset location, when exiting god mode you return to the location you initiated it.
example: /god -code"1234" -npr
*would let players that get to a code in a world fly around but not interact or edit
example: /god -player"Steve" -loc"1,1,10,10" -f -g
*would let Steve edit foreground blocks in the given area and fly and interact
example: /god
*allow editing by all and no flying, much like open worlds
example: /god -code"1234" -loc"5,5,20,20" -g
*those with code can edit in an area and interact with keys while flying, useful for BOSS worlds
example: /god -loc"5,5,20,20"
*any user can edit in the giving area, much like the TUTORIAL WORLD
Last edited by Sxerks (Feb 17 2013 10:45:54 am)
i suggest a programmable block - if the player taps on it it runs a command :b (its not a command, but a block and bla)
A command that automatically sends a chosen player to the trophy.
Maybe like /trophy #player
Just teleport the player ? I see no good use here tbh .
/givecoins <amount> <player> - Gives a certain amount of coins to a player. (the amount can not exceed the number of coins in the level)
Useful yeah, but I don't know how it should work. Like which coins did the player picked up then? If the player can still pick up all coins after giving him extra coins, it would still be possible to exceed the max amount of coins right?
/nonames - For level owner only, makes every player unable to see other player's names even if holding the Shift key.
Why would this be useful ?
/editonly <player> - The reverse of /god, it makes the player able to freely edit in his playscreen, but he cannot use god mode.
This would lead to users getting out of areas by breaking it and putting gravity to get out of it, right ?
/reset [name] - This is basically /reset, except only for certain players.
Same as /respawn .
/announcement <text> - sends a message in bold/different colour
Yep, I want to add this, but it shouldn't be possible for nonchats to use this command right?
Comprehensive GOD mode command
/god -player"######" -code"#####" -loc"#,#,#,#;#,#,#,#....." -fbad -gpr
*-player"######" gives capabilities to a player
*-code"#####" gives capabilities as a code
*-loc"x1,y1,x2,y2;x1,y1,x2,y2....." gives locations for editing using rectangles, multiple locations separated by ";" can be used to make circle or triangle edit areas
*-fbad type of edits allowed
**f - foreground
**b - background
**a - action
**d - decorative
*-gpr types of god mode allowed
**g - god mode flying
**p - passive god mode flying, no interaction with keys,warp,coins
**r - god mode reset location, when exiting god mode you return to the location you initiated it.example: /god -code"1234" -pr
*would let players that get to a code in a world fly around but not interact
example: /god -player"Steve" -loc"1,1,10,10" -f -g
*would let Steve edit foreground blocks in the given area and fly and interact
A bit too complicated ? Split it up in smaller commands, also some of them are already added.
The most important at the moment, is getting a playerID with the "b" message and remove the block placing speed limit. Not commands. Please forward.
Oh and the /getpos he added just returns the position from the last "m" message and not the real position. It would take tons of serverside calculations to return the exact value for each player, and that won't happen. So, ?
Last edited by gustav9797 (Feb 16 2013 11:25:43 am)
Yep, I want to add this, but it shouldn't be possible for nonchats to use this command right?
That's true, this command should be limited to people with chat
The most important at the moment, is getting a playerID with the "b" message and remove the block placing speed limit. Not commands. Please forward.
Oh and the /getpos he added just returns the position from the last "m" message and not the real position. It would take tons of serverside calculations to return the exact value for each player, and that won't happen. So, ?
If he adds playerid for "b" message then he should add it for keys too. Easy to kick keytrollers.
My ideas:
/smiley #playername #smileyId - Changes smiley if the player has it.
/forcesmiley #playername #smileyId - Same except the player can't change smiley.
/hudtext #playername #text - Adds text as hud. Useful for bots. Example:
Level: 3
xp: 1043
gold: 23
If he adds playerid for "b" message then he should add it for keys too. Easy to kick keytrollers.
You can do more than that.
Last edited by ostkaka (Feb 16 2013 12:05:56 pm)
There is /god smiley in your list. So what about /ungod, /editonly, /-editonly ?
Also, /toggleminimap.
/save - Saves the world. (same as save button but more convenient)
/expandworld #x #y #energy/gems/split - Makes the world bigger by the specified x tile amount and/or y tile amount. Requires energy or gems or both. (Energy: Removes energy to expand world size, Gems: Removes gems to expand world, Split: Uses up energy first, then if they run out, uses gems)
Doubt this will happen but:
/respawnability #on/off#
and bring back
also - /switchgravity #right/left/up/down# This would be used so that deco gravity goes that direction, and so that you dont have to put a ton of arrows to change main gravity.
Last edited by SilverStar29 (Feb 16 2013 12:53:03 pm)
0176 wrote:/givecoins <amount> <player> - Gives a certain amount of coins to a player. (the amount can not exceed the number of coins in the level)
Useful yeah, but I don't know how it should work. Like which coins did the player picked up then? If the player can still pick up all coins after giving him extra coins, it would still be possible to exceed the max amount of coins right?
Oh I realized that flaw, maybe it judges by the coins that the owner added first - so if you got 6 coins by the command, the first 6 coins the owner added (which you didn't get yet, that is) would be considered as taken. But it's hard to get around it.
Oh, I'm not a fan of automatic builders, but this would be useful due to the pain of manual filling:
/bgfill <bgid> - Fills the whole level with the background specified. Can only be done with background blocks.
The <bgid> part isn't very practical, I know - though I think it would be a pain with names as well. Maybe you just say /bgfill and then click on the background you desire on the edit tab?
Last edited by 0176 (Feb 16 2013 1:09:22 pm)
I think the ban command would look neater like this:
/ban <username> <reason> <time>
That way, you don't have to put "/ban <user> 0 Good bye" .. Instead you could write "/ban <user> Good bye" to imply no time
Also, I think a /nocrown command would be nice to get rid of ugly crown.
I think the ban command would look neater like this:
/ban <username> <reason> <time>
That way, you don't have to put "/ban <user> 0 Good bye" .. Instead you could write "/ban <user> Good bye" to imply no time
Problem is that you don't know how long the reason parameter is.
Just to give you a simple example, what if someone would do "/ban <user> Permanent ban! You're acting like your age is 5", it wouldn't be a permanent ban , because it thinks the 5 is the argument for time, while it is actually part of the reason.
Also, I think a /nocrown command would be nice to get rid of ugly crown.
You mean people wouldn't get the blue crown when they complete the level?
PlayerIO Messages - Add ID of player argument to the PlayerIO "b", "bc", "bs", "pt" and "br"messages. Also add this for the "hide" message or define a new message "key" for hitting a key. Possibly define a message for hitting a blue coin.
Except bc, pt, and br, since these are restricted to owners.
[ Started around 1734495126.9349 - Generated in 0.156 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.87 MiB (Peak: 2.18 MiB) ]