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As I waken from my bed, I all of a sudden have the urge to depart outside. I have no slightest of all clues as to where this sudden feeling came from, but I rebelled my thoughts, and got dressed up in my clothing and set off to the big open oxygen-filled place (outside obviously). Once I take a simple step forward from my frontal porch, an incredible scene unfolded.
I breath into the fresh air of the open world. Most of the time, it smells fine, but today, I smell something worse than the smell of skunk stench and sulfer sniff combined. I go back inside immediately. As I start out for the smell pills, I get a call from my neighbor. I pick up the telephone, and she says "Don't you just have that horrible stench coming through your nose and that thought to go outside like I do?". I drop the telephone. She repeats over and over "Hello?" more desperate as she goes. I realize that my sinuses haven't messed up. The era of the boy who shall not be named has started.
When I get the courage to finally move, I retrace my steps to the telephone, which I unfastened from my hands earlier, and recall my neighbor to tell them what's going on. I explain to her about him, and the following three seconds, I hear a thrashing sound coming from the telephone. My jaw drops to the ground in horror. She's been attacked by him.
Now, let me tell you all a little about that evil guy. Half a million years ago, dragons roamed Earth. However, Earth was not the beautiful, blue jewel in space back then as it is today. Instead, half of Earth was terribly hot, and streaked up by volcanoes, as if someone dropped fire as a napalm strike. The other side of Earth was just completely
covered with ice. I'm not talking about a comet type dirty snowball. I'm talking about fleece as white as snow. He emerged there. He wasn't evil, yet, but instead, he was royalty to dragons. He was always relaxed by three dragons, fanned by one, lied down on another, and massaged by the last. One day, when he was getting fanned, it
ALL went terribly wrong.
It was a stormy day on the ice side of the planet. He was, what you could say, under the weather. That boy was a dramatic type of person, and he is lazy, so not only I, but lots of people think he wanted extra attention. It's really hard to tell with the evidence we have. Let's get back on track now so we don't get lost in our quotes. The storms were harsh enough to send even the best dragons on their heels. That's exactly what caused this evil to enter him. A clumsy dragon was three miles away when he was about to eat a poison called hemlock to make his dragons check him up good. They always find this plant in his body when he's like this, but they heal it anyways. It was this clumsy dragon's task to immunize him today, but he was running late, so he was sprint-winging. The heat from the other side of Earth was becoming dominant to the frozen side. This caused problems for him. As he's closing in to ground zero, volcanoes are spewing in to about 30 feet away. When the dragon is 10 feet away, he notices him, then the volcanoes. The clumsy dragon gets burnt, and he falls on him. They are then burnt. Due to the dragon's magical scales, he lives, but the dragon is completely dissolved and incinerated. The dragons think that he is dead, so they leave to Saturn to never come back, and to hide their shame. They were wrong. He turns into a monster compiled with magma and horrible powers. The dinosaurs finally brought him down three years later to a fiery hot inner core of Earth. He was never heard from again, until this very second. This second that you are sitting three feet away from this story is the time he is back. I was one of the dragons. I was a friend with the clumsy dragon. When all the other dragons died, I came back to Earth, somehow turning to human, with powers of good. I think it was the new Ozone. I have no idea.
Anyways, that was the happenings in the past. Let me put this in terms you'll understand. I'm not even going to italicize the words spoke of him anymore because you simply know it will be him. He's back, I know, I'm going to have to save everybody blah blah blah and that definition of junk, but this time is going to be a little more complicated, and not as it was before. Due to the fact he was sent to the molten bone of nickel Earth, he has recharged in his power. It is like a level 1 Pichu from Pokemon becoming a level 29 Riachu. Trust me, its going to take me alot of training and conditioning to overcome this beast.
I'll make all of you give me negative criticism. I have no idea as to how I overtook this beast when I'm using my feet to wiggle a sword around at him. How did he perish?
More soon.
[notes] Come back to this story when you can. I'll be adding more to this story as time flies by.
[acknowledgements] Give thanks to MANGOMAN who gave me tips on how to write and for inspiring me.
Give thanks to DEETZ and COW for writing some stories to help me by exemplifying how to write a story, because I didn't get some of what MANGOMAN wrote.
Last edited by minimania (Apr 27 2012 8:24:17 pm)
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=Q I hate horrible stenches.
This is really good so far. the boy who shall not be named?I wonder who that is.
Can't wait for more!
Thank you for the feedback, and for inspiring!
I might have some more of this story late in the afternoon, tomorrow.
EDIT: Just to be sure it's done early cuz I want it early, I'll start working on it now.
Last edited by minimania (May 11 2012 9:30:29 pm)
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
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