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#1 Before February 2015


Soul's Revenge (A sequel to "A Cherry Blossom Tree" by mangoman)

Want to see the prequel to this? Go to to read "A Cherry Blossom Tree"!

Rated PG+13 for mild language and violence. [i]
[i]Last time on "A Cherry Blossom Tree"...

"Kairi?" I sadly say to her. She struggles to catch her breath. Then, she stops breathing. "KAIRI!!!!!" I yell as I shake her, trying to revive her. But I can't revive people. I don't know how. I start crying and stepmother sits down. Stepmother slowly grabs out another knife. I bet she's going to throw it at me. Except she doesn't, she stabs herself in the stomach.
Before her last breath is gone, she says, "I have done terrible in this world, and now, its time for me to go," and she is gone. Now I'm all alone. I burst out into tears. Why? Why did this have to happen? I start looking up and I imagine a cherry blossom tree, the same cherry blossom tree I have at home. I imagine us under it. I look back at Kairi. "I'm so sorry," I quietly say. I feel the cherry blossom leaves fall on me, even though I'm just imagining it. I stop imagining and I get up and pick up Kairi. I slowly walk down the path with her on my back. Once I get to a grassy area, I lay her down on the grass. I pick flowers and put them on or near Kairi. "Rest in Peace," I say when I finish picking the flowers. Yes, yes, rest in peace, i hear in my head. "Who is that?" I ask out loud. Me, it replied. "Dad?" I yelled. No one replied. How about we finish it off with the knife jammed in your ribs? it replied. All of a sudden, I hear it in real life, then I hear, "I bet that would finish it off," and I see a person with a blue coat, brown pants, and a golden hat walking towards me. "Did you plan all this?" I yell at him. "Lets finish this," he said. "DID YOU PLAN ALL THIS?!" I yell at him again, "ARE YOU THE REASON MY STEPMOTHER KILLED KAIRI?!" he slowly nods his head up and down. Then he suddenly disappears. I don't feel shocked that he left though, all I feel is hatred and revenge. I get up and I take the knife out of Kairi. I can't believe I left that there. I walk away, not looking back at Kairi, and I think, I'll kill that guy, even if its the last thing I'll do!" I hold the knife hard, and I set off to find that guy.


Chapter 1 - A new Partner
Part 1
     I sit on a log, in the middle of the woods. I have been trying to find that guy for 3 weeks, and I had no luck. I have been barely surviving with little supplies of berries and other such foods. I look at my knife, remembering the last words Kairi said to me,[i]But that only happens in movies?
Ya...that may be stupid, but it was the last words she said to me. All of a sudden, I hear rustling in the bushes. "Wh-who's there?" I yell out. The rustling keeps going. I point my knife at the bush.   A lady comes out, covered in wolf skin. "Please, do not kill me," she says to me. I slowly put my knife down. She looks like she was living among the wolves. "Thank you," she says quietly as she looks down, "Are you lost?" I look around, then I nod my head. "Well, I'm lost too. I've been in the woods for almost 3 weeks. I barely survived." I nod my head too, not surprised. "Well, I haven't been with another person before. Please, stay with me." I nod my head. why am I so quiet? I think to myself. "What's your name?" the girl asks me. "Tyler," I slowly reply. "Hello Tyler, I'm Alexis, but you can call me Alex." "Hello, Alex," I say to her.

Part 2
    We both stare at each other. I see her shining blue eyes, her dark skin, and aside from her clothes, she looked beautiful. Well, I may be 11, but I'm not too young to love (well, yes I am). I get up. "Follow," I say to her. I walk and she follows me, quietly. "So, Alexis, how did you get here?" I say to her. "Well, I my family died in a huge house fire. I didn't want to live with anyone else, so I ran away. How did you get here?" she says. "Well, I've been looking for a person with a blue coat, brown pants, and a golden hat. He killed my sister and my step-mother. He left me all alone," I say. We keep walking, without saying a word. All of a sudden, I hear an echo in the distance. Beware, I hear. "Did you hear that?" Alex asks me. I nod my head. Beware, we hear again. Suddenly, the ground breaks, and we fall into a dark hole.

Part 3
    We fall, and fall, and fall. It feels endless. I close my eyes, waiting for it to end. It gets light and I open my eyes. I'm back in the woods with Alex. "What just happened?" I say. Alex shrugs. I walk around, with Alex trailing behind. "How did you get here?" I hear a voice in the distance. "Who said that?" Alex says. "Me," the voice says. I see a figure in the distance. It comes closer, and closer, and closer. I hold my knife in my hand. I see what the figure is wearing, a blue coat, brown pants, and a golden hat. Wait, that's the guy I'm looking for. I point out my knife to him, and he takes out a gun and points it at me.

Part 4
    At this moment, I suddenly remember: "She takes out a knife. A long, sharp knife. She points it at me. She aims it at me. She throws it, but at Kairi, and it jams in her ribs. "NOOOOOO!!!!" I yell out to him. "What?" he yells. I slice his arm and I take his gun. I pin him to the ground. "You won't kill Alex, no matter WHAT," I yell at him, "You killed my sister, and my step-mother. Now I must kill you!" I stab him in the chest and he disappears. "Wh-WHAT?" I yell out. "Tyler, that is the lich. He is sinful, he kills people for a living, and he can make people become his minions if you look into his eyes." I'm puzzled. Lich? I have thousands of questions, but instead of asking, I say,"Wait, but I looked into his eyes!" I say to him. "That must mean... you are... the chosen one..."

Part 5
     "...the what?" I ask her. "The chosen one..." she says again. I look at her puzzled. "...WHAT THE FUDGE?!" I yell at her. "Well, were I live, the chosen one is were you can kill Lich like things and is invincible. They can also make delicious fudge," she replies to me, probably thinking about fudge. "Well, back at were I lived I made fudge sometimes, but my step-mother despised it..." "Well, I have the ingredients for fudge," Alex replied. "Really?" "Yaa!" she says as she takes out the ingredients. "Okay then..." Tyler says, "you know, I'll make fudge another day..." Alex looks at him and says, "well, okay!"


Chapter 2 - Haze, Fudge, Tacos, and Siwon
Part 6
     I wake up, surronded by trees. Lots of them. Everything is hazy. I have a craving for fudge."Wh- where am I?" I yell out loud. No reply. I suddenly remembered that before, someone jabbed me in the ribs. I feel my ribs, and its healed. "A-anyone here?" I yell out. So, you're awake... a voice says. "Wh-who are you?"   someone... it replies. "Nicki Minaj? Why do you sound hazy? Can you sing for me? Where do you get your outfits?" I yell out. F*** no I'm not Nicki Minaj! I'm- "STARSHIPS, WERE MEANT TO FLYYY!!!!" SHUT THE F*** UP! I'M F***ING NOT NICKI MINAJ!! the voice yells out. "Sooo, can you still sing starships?" I   yell out to him, her, whoever he/she is. well... i guess... "I'm craving fudge!" I say. Well f*** that. I'm craving tacos. "...okay!" I reply looking at the sky, "Is there a taco bell nearby?" I don't know! "Wait, where am I?" You're in the land of spirits, Kairi,

Part 7
     "The land of spirits?" Kairi says. No answer. "If this is the land of spirits, does this have EVERY spirit or just the spirit of the dead?" Kairi yells out. This only have the spirits of the- "I WANT TO MEET SIWON OF SUPER JUNIOR. HE'S HOT!" SHUT THE F*** UP LADY! NO ONE OF SUPER JUNIOR'S SPIRITS, MEMBER OR LEFT, ARE HERE! SHUT UP- "I WANT TO LISTEN TO MR. SIMPLE!" ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Chapter 3 - Burning Cookies

Part 8
     "Whoa... I suddenly feel like listening to Nicki Minaj," Tyler says to me. "Nicki Miwhat?" I ask him. "WH-WH-WHAT?!?!? You don't know about Nicki Minaj?!" he yells at me. "No... i don't really remember a lot about music," I reply. "Well, next time we have some sort of music playing device I will show you many music stylings." "Hey, do you smell burning cookies?" I say. Tyler sniffs the air and says, "yeah, I do!" Soon, the ground starts to grumble, and two giant cookie monsters tower over me and Tyler. "Uh-oh..." I whisper.

Part 9
     The cookie monsters look down at us. Tyler whispers, "Hey, that cookie monster looks like my mom... now I'm going crazy!" he starts dancing stupidly and I b***h slap him across the face. "Get a hold of yourself!" I yell at him. Tyler stops dancing and walks up to one of the monster's foot. He bites the monster's toe. "Gross..." I quietly say. He rips of and eats the part of the toe. "ARGHHHHHH!!!!!" the monster yells out. "If only we had milk..." Tyler says. "Oh god he's become crazy," I say. All of a sudden, a frying pan falls from the sky and lands next to me. "What the frick..." I say as I look at the sky. Tyler runs to me with hungry eyes. I grab the frying pan and smack him across the face. "AHHH SH*T," he yells. "Why did you do that?" Tyler yelled as he rubbed his frying pan-smacked face. "Because you were going crazy!" I yell. "Ugh... we have more matter into our hands," at that moment, the cookie monsters roar and run after us. We're running through the woods, trying to get away from giant burning cookies. Strange.

(To be continued)

NOTE: Okay, so I may be working on it a little more... I have

Last edited by mangoman (Jun 6 2012 3:57:47 pm)

#2 Before February 2015

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,395

Re: Soul's Revenge (A sequel to "A Cherry Blossom Tree" by mangoman)

Nice story!

Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!


#3 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-09
Posts: 1,691

Re: Soul's Revenge (A sequel to "A Cherry Blossom Tree" by mangoman)

Nice story and i broke the rule

Da Rules wrote:

Rated PG+13

ulpdao4e94f.png I are back.


#4 Before February 2015


Re: Soul's Revenge (A sequel to "A Cherry Blossom Tree" by mangoman)

Really good so far, a great sequel. But an endless hole? The chosen one? Seriously? Lol, keep them coming.

#5 Before February 2015


Re: Soul's Revenge (A sequel to "A Cherry Blossom Tree" by mangoman)

Nice story but some parts are irritating.

#6 Before February 2015


Re: Soul's Revenge (A sequel to "A Cherry Blossom Tree" by mangoman)

Fudge. Yummeh.

Anyways, added part 5, but will add more.

Please read the note and thanks for the comments. Me roosta.

#7 Before February 2015


Re: Soul's Revenge (A sequel to "A Cherry Blossom Tree" by mangoman)

Aww, I really like this. Love fudge too. I say WHAT THE FUDGE all the time. Because fudge is pure epic.

#8 Before February 2015


Re: Soul's Revenge (A sequel to "A Cherry Blossom Tree" by mangoman)

Lol I think fudge is epik too.

Added part 5, 6 and 7!

I need more ideas, have any suggestions? Post below!

#9 Before February 2015


Re: Soul's Revenge (A sequel to "A Cherry Blossom Tree" by mangoman)

Add cookies to it. Cookies in a story make it 100% more epic. Great so far too.

#10 Before February 2015


Re: Soul's Revenge (A sequel to "A Cherry Blossom Tree" by mangoman)

Okay, thanks for the suggestion. I'll just stretch it a little.

And thanks too.


EDIT: Added part 7 and 8 (part 7 part of chapter 2) I wonder if you know the song "Mr. Simple"...or if you know Siwon... or if you even know Super Junior...

EDIT2: Added part 9!

Last edited by mangoman (Jun 6 2012 3:58:12 pm)

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