Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Oh - I see it now! I'm really sorry but it wasn't quite what I expected... I was thinking an avatar, 90x90, and I'd prefer it without the Nemo characters... I'm really sorry as I'm sure you put lots of time into this. :/
Your username : Asurch
Text [specify color and font] : Blue, calligraphy, you could write AsurcH, or if that takes a lot of space A H.
Background [specify theme] : ocean, sea
Special Requests : make it sexually appeal me. Also giving me 999999999$ could be nice.
Last edited by AsurcH (Jun 18 2012 2:52:43 pm)
Your username EE101lol
Text [specify color and font] clr. ice text:templar lord
Background [specify theme] cavern (gray, stalagmites,..)
Special Requests templar smiley?
Same thing as last time but make it say "Jus' Chillin'"
Your username : Minimania
Text [specify color and font] : In Fixedys font: Minimania White font
Background [specify theme] : My level: Minimania Is Pshyco
Special Requests : maybe the star from the Christmas package under text?
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Your username: BenWanted
Text: Kurai/Caligraphy/Bloddy Color/With a few flames above the top of the letter K
Background: Kinda like a firy/bloody background.
Special Requests: Make it look Firey and bloody!
Last edited by BenW (Jun 29 2012 11:24:03 pm)
sooooooooo, where's my avatar?
sooooooooo, where's my avatar?
Have you noticed that he's banned?
Please make an avatar i cannot make it...
I believe that you can make a very good one
Your username : Ryeid 1
Background : Metallic Black
Special request : Make it like the name
Hope you not get tired making this one
I got one month ban and yet so many of you kept sending requests to me...
I'm sorry for all of you who have been waiting so long for your avatars to be made, i'll try to make some, i hope i can keep up.
I've made 4 avatars, but there are still some complications with other 3.
BetaMaster7829, dancingfish, AsurcH, Ryeid 1 - Your avatars are in the first post.
Patience is Key - I'm sorry but it's been a while since i've made that avatar and i'm not keeping PS file for so long.
minimania - a link to that level you want in the background would be helpful...
BenW - I'm not sure what you want for the text, you said BenWanted and fire over 'K', but there's no 'K' in BenWanted...
Last edited by KanibalFrost (Jul 25 2012 1:58:13 pm)
Username: DarkMax116
Text: just an orange "D" using the font FoughtKnight
Background: some kind of shiney grey wall.
Special Requests: tilt the "D" a little (I want it in the speech marks) and add an orange hand print on the background if you can fit it in.
Last edited by DarkMax116 (Jul 30 2012 1:22:37 am)
username: Alybea
text: Alybea ( color: purple font: comic sans MS)
Background: A yellow background with a splat/blot of pink paint
special request: make the word "Alybea" look glossy a bit but not too glossy
Last edited by alybea (Jul 29 2012 12:37:07 am)
Ima make another one because my last request was SO long ago.
Your username : minimania
Text [specify color and font] : minimania [in white, fixedsys font]
Background [specify theme] : a riot of pink ghosts from the thought of update holding up boards saying VOTE FOR PINKIE!
Special Requests : Canz I haz pink ghost?
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
For another forum:
Text: InfernoOD (if too long, just Inferno) In White in a pixelly font.
Background: This: but as a smooth gradient from black to white.
Special: Put a faint tint of black and white fire in the background, but make sure i can see the gradient and my name.
Size: 100x100 (for
DarkMax116 - i've made two versions of your avatar, pick the one you like better. It's on the front page.
alybea - your avatar is on the front page.
minimania, I am the one and only!! - Ltr.
Thanks! +Rep for you!!
thanks for my awesome avatar!
gave u +rep! 1smile1
DMax, alybea - I'm glad you liked it 1bigsmile1
Can I haz a new one? Can it be a rainbow heart monitor going across the top of the screen, and underneath it a text saying ZAKLEO in rainbow color. TA KF.
I got one month ban and yet so many of you kept sending requests to me...
I'm sorry for all of you who have been waiting so long for your avatars to be made, i'll try to make some, i hope i can keep up.25.7
I've made 4 avatars, but there are still some complications with other 3.BetaMaster7829, dancingfish, AsurcH, Ryeid 1 - Your avatars are in the first post.
Patience is Key - I'm sorry but it's been a while since i've made that avatar and i'm not keeping PS file for so long.
minimania - a link to that level you want in the background would be helpful...
BenW - I'm not sure what you want for the text, you said BenWanted and fire over 'K', but there's no 'K' in BenWanted...
Just make BenW with fire over the B and like a platter of blood in the background.
Ben, check the first page.
Your username: Gryllus
Text [specify color and font]:Glowing red, Cursive.
Background [specify theme]: Rain splattered tile, top view.
Special Requests:Diagnol text. make it reflect on the tile if possible.
Thank you.
Last edited by Gryllus (Aug 7 2012 7:47:08 pm)
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