Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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C3po345's comics have moved to
Here are some tasty comics for your entertainment. Sorry for small amount of low graffics. Nothing on my back right now at the time.
~ Updates ~
*Uploaded a comic I forgot to upload I had when I first got Carnival Package. Sorry guys!
*Added EE Portal! Guess what the next test is!
*Adding a second part of that sega series below! Guess how it continues before scrolling down!
*Minimania's signature now has this page! Direct link!
*Moved all of C3po345's comics to his topic side of veiw.
~ Blog ~
I uploaded a comic I call the EE war. If you guys are wondering what I'm doing, I'm working on a "Portal
Playground" that is HUGE!
~May 8, 2012~
I have just released a portal comic inspired of my Xbox360 game "portal". It currently has one test, so
enjoy what you can!
~April 27, 2012~
Sorry to C3po345 for him having to fight me for me to put comics down. I had school work, which ruined all
my good time. I added some frames below. Also, Chris, on the blog it's spelled member not memver. Just
pointing that out. You rock Chris. Back to the comic, guess who the mystery creature is!
~ April 21, 2012 ~
I have been working on justice sega and that other comic, so if you think I'm being lazy right now,
It's cuz of my school... Ill get the comics on ASAP. Sorry you have to fight me C3po345.
~ April 6, 2012 ~
C3po345's comics have been moved to another topic.
Minimania is working on an old comic.
What do you think will happen to the water guy in Justice Sega? We'll find out soon!
Why am I telling you all of this stuff?!?! lol
Oh and that's right, i'm working on an '''''old''''' comic to give you any sort of hint.
C3po345 and I think we need a new member to the crew! PM either C3po345 or me all your files to enter, like a format.
name (in game) :
ideas at the time:
sample ( 1 frame ) :
beta ( circle one ) : [yes] [no] ( you don't need chat unless your helping C3po345 )
paint or any other composer : [yes] [no]
troll? : [yes] ( I hope not...) [no]
The best 2 applications win. No joke. Also, no ninja stuff. We hate that smiley.
~Treasure Hunt~
Part 2 Haha! Our heroes fell for the old whats this key for trick again! Its for suicide! lol
Not real frame...
~Mad Mean Meastro Monster!~(uh yeah its kinda short...)
~Justice Sega~
ugh, stupid sand guy
im screwed, unless...
must use my strength here...
Ragghh! I'm going to get you Sand Man!!!
By the power of water, I hereby decree you.... GONE PERMANATELY!!
..... (after water guy left)... stupid ... child.... whatever...( wink)
Part II
Aww noes he's gonna kill me!
I lost him *huff* Ima go through this... random... hole in the ground...
What happened here...
~ EE Portal ~Welcome to EE portal.
Get a portal device. I highlighted it for you can see it easier.
Good job. You already know how to work the device too. Just go for the finish now. Go on. Get to the next test.
Well, you basically could find out quickly how to finish tests, so go for the next one!
Test 2In this test, I introduce laser bridges. Have fun.
I think I'm being taunted at your quickness. I'm going to start making harder tests.
Test 3I here introduce buttons. Uhh, yeah. I have a jacket with a button. Who is smart? Me, you monster.
You are killing me with this test. Oh wait, you did that last time I saw you.
What are you doing? Don't you know that box was a bomb? Im just kidding. It is a box. I'm just serious.
~ The EE war ~
Last edited by minimania (Jun 10 2012 2:49:37 am)
EDIT: Soon.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Can I help, Minimania? I would like to make comics with someone...
Lol!! I'm sure they will use the key and suddently BOOM! Remember the X?
Haha thats pretty cool! I made 1 comic and I think I'm gonna start again.
You should've used chat to make the chat boxes.
You should've used chat to make the chat boxes.
Minimania doesn't have chat. Yet...
Jeremifier wrote:You should've used chat to make the chat boxes.
Minimania doesn't have chat. Yet...
totally agree... and i haven't had a partner since i left nonoba so ok. but before we need to think ideas
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
^fail. Just buy it, cheapass. Or if you have absolutely NO money, then ask your parents to. If your parents say no, just say "OK" and steal their credit card and make a paypal account and pay for it yourself, with their useless one cent.
^ they wont let me
now where is that delete comment button
PS : how the heck did you awnser me in 3 seconds
and remember, itll be posted on their credit union account so if you used that idea, your busted
Last edited by minimania (Apr 4 2012 5:28:57 pm)
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
but before we need to think ideas
How about we do one in my level? We can communicate via PMing since I have chat and you don't (not trying to brag ).
I have 3 small, 1 medium, 1 ultra wide, 2 normal(100x100) 1 great world, and a patrige in a pear tree.
So... where to start with ideas...
If they see 1 cent spent on their credit card they'll be upset?
EDIT: you also can't delete other people's posts unless you're a mod/admin.
Last edited by Jeremifier (Feb 18 2012 6:45:53 pm)
If they see 1 cent spent on their credit card they'll be upset?
EDIT: you also can't delete other people's posts unless you're a mod/admin.
i kno that already, its sarcasm.
just don't try to be like that.
they don't trust chris all the way
true I have beta, but from gramma. they won't let me get chat and they told gramma so
EDIT: @c3p0 maybe we can sttart a new series about Santa or something (i have santa already)
Last edited by minimania (Feb 24 2012 10:18:37 pm)
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
EDIT: @c3p0 maybe we can sttart a new series about Santa or something (i have santa already)
Just to clear things up, it's C3po. Not C3p0.
Anyway, these are the smilies and blocks I have (ripped from my 'file)
Edit: On Smilies, add Girl (sounds gay ik) and Wizard
BTW, what kind of level would we need to make comic?
Last edited by C3po345 (Mar 1 2012 6:23:49 pm)
any type, firstcomic i made was from a small world, unbelievable right?
Off topic: whyis everybody stealing my ideas of comics? and sorry typo didnt mean to call you c3pO345.
Edit: only a few differances in profiles...
theres my whole profile
Last edited by minimania (Mar 17 2012 2:13:34 am)
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
any type, firstcomic i made was from a small world, unbelievable right?
Off topic: whyis everybody stealing my ideas of comics? and sorry typo didnt mean to call you c3p0345.
Edit: only a few differances in profiles...
theres my whole profile
Okay, didn't see that coming... (you have almost everything)
Also, Smurfy408 is coming up, so expect everything bought for him by 2013.
The only way he's getting chat or beta is if Himshe or GeneralXO comes to the forums so I can give them the data and they buy it for me... or maybe not...depends. :/
Also, new comic:
~Everybody Edits Beta~
Last edited by C3po345 (Mar 17 2012 11:08:37 am)
just pm me
i like it
oh and i already know how to make the smiley in block effect. just use darkday's ee smiley designer played on Kongregate. (BTW IM greatfortune there not minimania):P
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
New comics!
Add these to the comic list.
~I Want Over There~
New comics!
Add these to the comic list.
~I Want Over There~PART I
ill add it, but after miine, youve finished when i finished... weird, where are you anyways, i only saw you at music man's level:P
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
ill add it, but after miine, youve finished when i finished... weird, where are you anyways, i only saw you at music man's level:P
In my own levels, currently I am working on this:
That was all by hand. >.<
New comics in the works as well: One for Gnap! and one for I Want Over There.
Coming soon via PM
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
Lol!! I'm sure they will use the key and suddently BOOM! Remember the X?
by the way Zakros, they're pirates, remember x-marks-the-spot where the treasure lies deep
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
and final part of I Want Over There
Final part isn't done, sorry. It will be epic, but it's in the works still. The comic I uploaded was P3. P4 will be the last one. It will be posted on this post, not via PM. I also have to work on RedSmileys, EEBeta (Expect Club Penguin in it!), and also my new one- EE News.
~Off Topic~
Here are the topics for each of my comics-
Red Smilies- A wave of infection starts to hit the smileys. (Idea- The Purple Smurfs)
Everybody Edits Beta- Random things happening in the smiley town.
IWantOverThere- A smiley wants to get away from his gloomy side of town, but has to go through certian tasks.
EE News- Your local EE news.
Well done C3po345, and to tell you the truth, my MMMM ( mean mad blah blah blah etc. etc. etc. ) was actually supposed to be a short news report. Final question; what do you mean by this:
you said : (Except Club Penguin In It)
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Well done C3po345, and to tell you the truth, my MMMM ( mean mad blah blah blah etc. etc. etc. ) was actually supposed to be a short news report. Final question; what do you mean by this:
you said : (Except Club Penguin In It)
1. It was? Oh, it had, "Now back to you" in it. I'll still do EE News.
minimania wrote:ill add it, but after miine, youve finished when i finished... weird, where are you anyways, i only saw you at music man's level:P
In my own levels, currently I am working on this:
That was all by hand. >.<
New comics in the works as well: One for Gnap! and one for I Want Over There.
Coming soon via PM
Lol why don't you EE Fartist it
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