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#1 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 1,883

Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Hey guys, here is a story that I wrote which includes a lot of cool people from EE! Hope you guys will have just as much fun reading it as I had writing it //

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              Prologue (Chapter 1):
              The story takes place around the Roman theme of gladiator fighting. This story will have a lot of plot development and character development as well as some epic battles focused around this. The rules are simple, the battle continues until the first death. After the first death, depending on how the crowd liked the battle, the leader also known as the 'Lead One' of this event would rate the battle with his thumb, if his thumb is upwards, both teams get rest until further notice, if the thumb is down, both teams will fight again a lot sooner than planned. The story is also based around EE players (they are the gladiators) and the four factions: Archangels, Brotherhood, Veterans, and Element (ABVE). Each faction will get its own development throughout the story. Each faction will have 4 groups, A, B, C, and D with each group containing 4 members each.
              If a person in a group dies, the group is forced to find a new team member to cover up the missing slot. Now for the fun part of it, this is not going to be simple sword and spear fighting (Although there is going to be a bit of that), each contestant volunteers to join the ring. The person gets injected with a drug giving him/her/it random powers, the possible motives for the person choosing this path include unlimited wealth after winning the tournament, unlimited power, strength, fame and glory. However, the motives can be also as simple as providing food and water for your family, getting money due to poverty, or getting revenge on someone that commit a murder on somewhat you knew. More detail will be given out throughout the story, I am thinking of making this daily, with the actual battles some time apart from each other. So expect an update every day unless I might need to leave somewhere for entire day/more than one day.
              Day One, Segment One.
              As the crowd grew loud, the north gate opened and a cold breeze from the gate made the crowd yell even louder, four figures began to show their faces from the opened gate, team Brotherhood. Something was not right. Even though the crowd was loud, the four figures felt the sense of tension and discomfort. As the 'Lead One' whispered something to his right hand man, the right hand man quickly ran towards the drummers and as they began to play, the four figures quickly found a hail storm of arrows heading straight for them. GKAbyss was the fastest to react, quickly creating a water shield absorbing the arrows and immediately slowing and eroding them while in the water. Honeybuckles44 then reacted to this situation by grabbing her bow with a quiver that contained 1 arrow. She began duplicating the arrows and firing 3 at a time, hitting every archer firing at them from the first shot. The shots were precise, not a single miss, quickly removing the archers without any trouble.
              The group of 4 was out of danger once again, however it was not over. The gate on the other side of the field began to open. It did not take the crowd a long time to go quiet as everyone knew, team Element was on their way to ruin everyone's day. Everyone quickly recognised the four dark, discouraging faces consisting of Thwinkt, DClevels, Tak4n, and Theditor.
"This is our day." Master1 of team Brotherhood said to encourage the rest of his group.
"Easy!" Mobon quickly replied from the same group.
Honeybuckles44 then shot out 4 arrows heading precisely for all four members of team Element.
             The first arrow went right through Thwinkt, but it did not seem like he cared, he remained standing as if nothing happened. The second arrow was caught and crushed by Tak4n's hand. The third arrow was easily dodged by DClevels right as it was about to hit him. The fourth arrow didn't even reach Theditor, it seemed like he created a ball of void in front of the arrow which the arrow traveled through. The same void was created on the other side of the arena and the arrow came out from the void and hit Honeybuckles44 straight in her right arm, preventing her from firing anymore arrows. As Mobon became enraged by this, Master1 quickly told him to stay back but Mobon did not listen. Mobon began creating numerous holograms of him, all of which were running straight at the other team, which was the real Mobon? As Thwinkt took out a spear he was carrying on his back, he threw it directly at one of the holograms, as it hit the hologram, all the other ones disappeared as everyone quickly realised that Thwinkt hit the real Mobon.
              As the crowd split into two, half of the crowd cheering to see Mobon's death and the other half boo’ing at team Element in disrespect as they made it seem too easy which the crowd strongly disliked. As 'Lead One' lifted his thumb sideways, then slowly turning it downwards, both team Element and team Brotherhood knew they would need to fight again very shortly, however team Brotherhood would need to find an alternative member during this time.

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              Prologue (Chapter 2):
              A long, long time ago there were only two factions that went head to head in gladiator battles together to prove which one had more power. Team Brotherhood and team Veterans sent normal people, not mutated nor drugged to fight for fame and glory. However, it all changed once team Archangels and team Element came into the picture. The two new teams were so dominant that a new rule was used where the person would be injected with the drug before fighting at the arena. This was done to hopefully balance the chances of winning as well as bring more entertainment to the crowd. However, it did not achieve the balancing effect. Team Element had been widely considered as the dominant faction and even when they did lose, it brought many consequences.
             As the other three groups have been fighting for being #2, it was becoming obvious that team Element were not only dominant, but were also evil, only fighting for the fun of murder or recognition whereas other groups had actual goals they were aiming to achieve other than glory. Each group lived a normal life outside of the combat arena and when they met up, they usually done so in secret headquarters of their group. Due to being famous or disliked on the streets, most of the people fighting at the arena usually wore something over their faces so they wouldn't be recognised. It was a difficult life for some of them, yet this was the path they chose to take.
              Day One, Segment Two:
              An unknown figure was seen walking down the street. This unknown figure picked up a newspaper from the stall and paid the stall keeper some gold for it, the unknown figure was on his way to a secret meeting. The figure walked behind a building and stood in front of a door, locked by high tech security which could only be accessed by a few selected people. Although the gladiator arena seemed old fashioned as well as some of the other factors such as currency system and the clothes people wore, it seemed that advanced technology still existed in this world. The figure placed the newspaper onto a table of what seemed to be the main discussion room of the building he was in, took off his cloak to reveal himself. He was joined by two other figures at the table.
              The newspaper article said "A crazy 1 versus 4 battle at the arena ends up with the team of 4 all eliminated!" If you continued down the newspaper, the paragraphs said "No one expected such a turn of events when a single person came out from the gates of team Element. Overconfident, team Veterans underestimated their challenger, sending out various attacks at him. However to their demise, they were all killed within seconds of their actions. The rules clearly stated only one person is supposed to be killed however the 'Lead One' did not have enough time to stop the battle as all four players were eliminated within seconds of one another. Although the crowd despised team Element, they were cheering this time around for the incredible strength of this person with the 'Lead One' pointing his thumb upwards." However the three users at the table ignored the newspaper, they had more important things to discuss.
"That was awful communication." Master1 began.
              "Mobon simply attacked out of turn." GKAbyss noted.
"I hate losing to one of the weaker groups of team Element!" Master1 remarked. "We cannot make simple mistakes like this again. Now we need to find a new member before our next fight in two days."
"Will we have enough time?" Honeybuckles44 asked.
"Well we need someone that follows our fighting style, can work well in a group and has great communication." Master1 said.
"So we need a member that can't fight, can't cooperate, and can't speak?" GKAbyss asked.
"Precisely!" Master1 said enthusiastically. "So then we can sacrifice him the way we sacrificed Mobon in order to live ourselves."
The group has been using this plan for multiple battles already, however they knew it was time to get their act together.
"We can't keep killing our own members in order to live ourselves." Honeybuckles44 finally said.
"I know a person that might actually help us win a battle or two without having to die." GKAbyss finally said.
"We'll meet him tomorrow. Today we rest after the tough battle." Master1 finished. The three of them finally stood up from the table and left the building just as silently as they walked in there.

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              Prologue (Chapter 3):
              There are multiple arenas, not just a single one. The arenas are also connected to other arenas with at least two connections so that groups could have similar challenges to each other as their opponent’s pre battle so that neither team is disadvantaged. If a group that beats their challenge first, moves on from their arena to go to their opponent's, the crowd sees the battle through a big screen live instead of watching it in person. This way the crowd remains happy throughout the whole match as they all get to see what is happening. However, the group members must learn to adapt to each person in the group.
              Some abilities can be harmful for allies as well as opponents which is why the group must prepare to counter this before the battle starts. Archangels have been known as the best team which has groups with most adaptability and members with best communication skills. This allows them to use various global abilities without falling in danger. However there were many instances where the most unpredictable abilities had been used to which no one could have prepared. There were also many instances where group members would have murdered their own group members in order to survive for yet another round. Only one person needs to die each round, this thought can overcome the person making them commit actions they might regret later.
              Day Two, Segment One.
              As the gate opened again, four familiar faces came onto the field. Representing team Element, Thwinkt, DClevels, Theditor and Tak4n arose from the shadow of the depths inside of the gate's entrance. Due to the thumb down from the 'Lead One' and considering the fact that they did not lose any members, they had to fight second day in a row. This team's job was simple, defeat the mini battle before the opponent team in order to look more superior than the opponent and potentially threaten or scare the opponent making a bigger advantage over them. Thwinkt did not like losing, not in the slightest bit and neither did his team. As the drummers began doing their thing, a mini gate opened in the side of the arena. The group began hearing noises coming from the darkness within the gates, as a huge metal beast jumped out of the gate.
              This mechanical beast made from pure metal on the outside was nothing like anyone had ever seen before, it had the head of a bull with furious red eyes, it had the body of a bull massive and buff looking on the outside, it had the legs and the tail of a bull. So it was pretty much an over sized mechanical bull. Thwinkt decided not to even bother, he slowly began walking to the main gate which was going to open once the mini challenge was complete. The mechanical bull started charging straight at him as Theditor created a void hole which the bull traveled through and another void hole near a wall causing the bull to crash into the wall. DClevels ran up to the beast with extreme speed as he jumped and kicked it into the wall. The bull seemed dazed and somewhat unconscious as Tak4n walked up to it a ripped it's mechanical head right off with one hand. The crowd began cheering. As the main gate begun to open, Thwinkt was surprisingly sent flying to his team, however he landed the fall on his feet, quickly getting ready for battle. It had seemed that the enemy team had beaten their challenge already.
              The four figures that came out from the gate were still wearing cloaks as if they haven't even fought the mini challenge. 'Was it that easy for them? Or was there foul play going on?' The first thoughts that went through Thwinkt's mind, yet he did not want to speak nor did he really care. He thought words were a waste of time, precious time which could be used for killing. The crowd was cheering for this team, however this was typical since everyone hated team Element. The crowd was cheering for team Veterans. The four mysterious figures took off their cloaks as if finally getting ready for their first battle. The four faces revealed consisted from BEE, Buzzerbee, Ant123 and Xfrogman43.
              As Thwinkt took out the spear he was carrying on his back, BEE lifted her hand in the air not only revealing that her eyes were somewhat rainbow coloured with clear red, blue and yellow colours but also what seemed to be giving out a blinding flash. But the team wasn't blinded, it was more like the colours around them were going mental, it was becoming difficult to see what was happening or even try to stay sane. Either way, it seemed that Thwinkt was the only member not affected by this. It seemed that Thwinkt was wearing metal armor all this time, however now it felt like it wasn't just metal armor, it seemed to be a part of him, it seemed to act like his skin. BEE was surprised and actually very shocked her power did not work on Thwinkt who threw the spear straight at her.
              Even though this projectile was moving through the air at an incredible speed, Ant123 reacted fast enough to block the spear right as it was about to strike BEE. Ant123 seemed to have armor himself, however it was not metallic, it seemed more to be like the strong armor of an ant, only stronger. It took a mere second for Ant123 to turn back towards Thwinkt after blocking the spear, however Thwinkt was already up close to him striking his armor with his blades attached to his hands and feet. Xfrogman43 instantly intervened pushing Thwinkt back with his feet after pouncing on him. Ant123 pulled out a massive blade out from his shields of his armor and swung to slice Thwinkt's head off, however his head simply turned into metallic tentacles to dodge the attack before turning back to normal as if nothing happened. Thwinkt seemed to be unaffected by any attacks the group tried on him so far.
              Buzzerbee, understanding that their attacks did not work on Thwinkt, found the weak point in their team, pointing out to Xfrogman43 that the rest of their team is still blinded. Xfrogman43 leaped over Thwinkt making him unable to do anything but watch Xfrogman43 twist Tak4n's head. As Tak4n fell, everyone understood this was the end of the battle. 'Pathetic' was the last thing Thwinkt managed to think about before the sound of the crowd cheers became louder than his thoughts. Everyone glanced at the upwards thumb the 'Lead One' was showing them. 'The battle is over, but the war is only beginning' Thwinkt thought, he did not know at the time that Buzzerbee could actually understand exactly what he was thinking.

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              Prologue (Chapter 4):
              The drugs used on people were not always successful. In fact, there were times when the drug would give the person neutral or passive power, ones that do not hurt anyone. At first the 'Lead One' threw them into the arena to see what happens but after a lot of uninteresting deaths, people with failed mutations were simply banned from ever entering the arena. Sometimes, it ruined their life as they looked ugly and were useless, sometimes it made their life more interesting like refilling water cups with interesting drinks without having to use any ingredients. The people were not allowed to try the drug again as double mutations could have given them an unfair advantage, this was only ever tested once and the person this was tested on ended up giving the crowd very enjoyable experience at first, but then the crowd got bored of this so this double mutated person was banned from the arena with the new law that a person would never be drugged more than once.
             Day Two, Segment Two.
             As Master1, GKAbyss and Honeybuckles44 were moving through the street in their clothes that were covering their faces they noticed that people were still talking about the mysterious person from team Element that wiped out a whole team. There were probably 2 fights that have happened today yet no one seems to be as interested by them.
"So where is this person?" Master1 finally asked.
"Probably on the beach right now." GKAbyss replied.
Master1 and Honeybuckles44 looked at GKAbyss suspiciously, no longer trusting his choice of the person for the task.
              "Can we trust that person to do well?" Master1 asked after some time.
"Oh, I knew this guy for 1 and a half days now, you can trust me on this!" GKAbyss replied enthusiastically.
Master1 and Honeybuckles44 looked at GKAbyss in an even more suspicious way this time. Although they all knew that this person might not be the best choice, they did not have a lot of time to find a new member, their fight was coming up tomorrow. When they got to the beach, it did not look like a stereotypical beach with beautiful waves and a beautiful sun, instead it looked like a large pool in the middle of a dessert with a pub next to it. As the three of them approached the pub, GKAbyss was stopped by a large looking fellow before the entrance to the pub.
              "Sorry kid, only if you're 18 or above." The guard told him.
"Oh it's the moisture of my skin that makes me look so young, don't you know who I am? Have you not watched the arena lately?" GKAbyss replied in frustration.
"Don't know don't care, now move along, you're holding up the line." The guard replied.
After looking around, the three of them realised that they were the only ones at the entrance.
"Ohhh! I'll show you why you shouldn't mess with me!" GKAbyss replied while creating a water ball in his hand.
"Dude chill!" An unknown figure told him. "Jaba I know these people." The same unknown figure told the guard. "Come on in dudes, this pub is all yours, so how have you been GKAbyss?" The unknown figure continued.
              As the four of them entered the pub, they noticed that the pub was utterly empty, only one other drunk person sitting at the table, probably sleeping.
"So how you've been my man, what brings you to my pub?" The unknown figure asked, clearly talking to GKAbyss.
"Dude, we need your help, we recently lost at the arena and we're looking for a fourth member as a substitute. Will you be able to help us... Matt?" GKAbyss asked.
              "Bro, I told you I don't have no powers, the stupid drug only gave me the power to make slushies as well as alcohol." Matt said sadly in response.
"Dude the alcohol you make is not even good, you have no customers." GKAbyss continued.
"Yeah I do, see that guy lying over there?" Matt tried to defend himself.
"He looks like he was lying here since 2 weeks ago, dude I don't think he is even alive at this point. He probably got poisoned by your alcohol." GKAbyss intended to win the fight.
"He is still a customer though, and that's all that matters. Topic closed, I am not helping." Matt finished.
              "Ok." GKAbyss simply said as everyone glazed at him in surprise. "I mean you don't mind me telling everyone that one secret you have..." GKAbyss continued, now with an evil smile.
"Oh, man you're killing me! Anything but my secret, you promised you'd never tell!" Matt shouted, clearly scared of GKAbyss telling something.
"Ok, so Matt had been spying on this..." GKAbyss started.
"NO! You B!@#h!" Matt interrupted. "Fine I'll do your dirty laundry!" Matt finally said in defeat.
"There we go, problem solved, we now have a full team for tomorrow." GKAbyss said proudly in victory.
"What did I just experience?" Master1 said in surprise.
"Great, now we just need to see you in action." Honeybuckles44 said. "Try not to die too painfully on the battlefield //" She finished.
              After returning to their secret base and practicing for a little bit to see what Matt could do, the four of them went to their own homes in sadness because they found out that Matt can't really do anything useful other than make slushies, they were tasteful slushies though so it was probably worth it.

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              Prologue (Chapter 5):
              After receiving powers form drugs, there was nothing stopping anyone from causing havoc outside of the battlefield, everyone was almost invincible especially against people that had no powers. But since only people entering the arena had powers, what was stopping them from doing so? The drugs injected could have easily killed anyone from the inside, the drug inventor had only shared the secret of how to take advantage of the drug with the 'Lead One' as well as some other important people. If anyone would have tried to use the drug for purposes other than the arena, they would have been soon found dead.
              Although the 'Lead One' is in charge of the arena and the battles, he was not in charge of the empire. This empire is controlled by the "Royal One" and his word is above anyone else's. The "Royal One" only had a daughter, his wife was assassinated years ago before the drug was even invented. His daughter, although in her teen years was able to rule the empire just as well as her father. Yet, she was not growing to become a politician like her father, she had the eager attitude to adventure although this could have been because she was a teenager. She both had the aspects of beauty and intelligence in her, she was truly an interesting individual.
              Day Three, Segment One.
              "Oh come on man, you have to let me in!" Matt shouted outrageously.
"The rules clearly state a person with a failed ability is not allowed in the arena." A guard said strictly.
"I'll give you a slushie and free drinks at my pub for a week?" Matt tried to re convince the guard.
"Not worth my life scrub." The guard said again.
"Ohh, who you calling a scrub you weasel!" Matt shouted in anger.
"What are you going to do about it? Throw a slushie at me?" The guard laughed with disrespect.
"I'll give you a brain freeze so you will shut up!" Matt said in return.
"Matt, it's not worth it, we have until night time to figure out what to do." Master1 finally said.
              The four of them left the entrance with an upsetting mood.
"What are we going to do?" Honeybuckles44 asked.
"They'll let him in, they always do." GKAbyss replied.
"Or we go to the black market and find a way to make him more powerful from there" Master1 suggested.
"Too dangerous, they'll know if a person was drugged twice." Honeybuckles44 replied.
"Who said anything about injecting him with drugs?" Master1 said suspiciously.
"What are you suggesting?" Matt asked curiously.
"I don't actually know. I am unsure where I was going with this." Master1 said embarrassingly.
              "What if we sneak him in?" Honeybuckles44 suggested after about an hour of thinking.
"Sneak in a living person, that's a great idea, no one will ever notice!" Master1 said sarcastically.
"No one will know his drug was unsuccessful until the end of the match, and by that time he'll already be dead so no one will care" Honeybuckles44 said.
"Gee, you're optimistic." Matt said frustrated with what she said.
"Actually, if you survive, everyone will see that your drug was successful after all and no one will care either way." Master1 said in realisation that Honeybuckles44's idea was actually decent.
"Ok so now we need to figure out how to sneak you in." GKAbyss finally said.
"I heard you needed to sneak someone into the arena..." An unknown figure said from behind.
              "There is one guard in front of the gate followed by 3 other guards in the tunnel leading to the entrance of the actual arena." The unknown figure began.
The group was located on some roof exchanging information with the unknown figure on how they could sneak Matt into the arena.
"Getting past the first guard won't be difficult, a simple distraction should do it nicely." The unknown figure continued. "The 3 guards in the tunnel can be taken care of by me."
"How do we know we can trust you?" Master1 said curiously.
"You have any other suggestions?" The unknown figure said. The rest of the group remained silent. "Well, that's what I thought."
              "What abilities do you guys have anyway?" The unknown figure asked.
"I control the aspect of water." GKAbyss said.
"I am a sharpshooter that never misses it's target." Honeybuckles44 said.
"I make the best drinks in the land, specifically slushies." Matt said.
"I am bonded with the flames of victory." Master1 said.
"Fire, water, ice and arrows... You four have the worst match up I had ever heard or seen." The unknown figure said. The other four looked at him in frustration, but decided not to say anything about his comment.
"So what is your name exactly?" Master1 asked.
"Just call me 'King' that is all you need to know." The unknown figure replied.
              The team was set to go, they were free to enter the arena as "King" would have taken care of all the obstacles. Master1 sensed that he'd meet up with this figure in the future however and he felt that the next time they'd meet, it would not be to help one another.
              Meanwhile in a fancy building, Buzzerbee walked up to a chair, looking almost like a throne where BEE was sitting and awaiting for his arrival.
"What have you found out about this Thwinkt person?" BEE asked.
"I found out that his body is almost invincible against anything..." Buzzerbee began but was interrupted.
"Tell me something I don't know." BEE said furiously yet silently.
Buzzerbee continued "He has a weakness, that weakness is..."

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              Prologue (Chapter 6):
              It seems like it's the darkest hours for teams Brotherhood and Veterans. They can keep up with the other two teams, yet they just cannot show physically nor mentally that they have the strength to be better than them. Team Element just laughs at them, whereas team Archangels doesn't care nor worry about them. But BEE's team has already shown that team Veterans has equal strength to team Element, why are they still considered as weaklings? One person does not make the team, yet the team does not perform at it's finest without every single person. Team Archangels know the perfect meaning of that statement yet team Element performs just as well if not better even by ignoring that statement. The other teams? They have yet to master and understand just how meaningful that statement can be in a battle.
              Day Three, Segment Two.
              As Master1, GKAbyss, Matt and Honeybuckles44 entered the tunnel, they saw the sight of the three guards lying on the ground unconscious. "King" has done his part of the deal, yet it seemed to suspicious for the team. Why would a stranger like him want to help them? It was already dark outside and the surroundings were barely visible with the help of light from the stars, however the inside of the arena had a roof preventing any source of light. It was pitch black. The crowd would wear night vision goggles at this time to see what would be happening in the arena yet it was still unusual for a battle to be held this late in the night.
              "We need light to see Matt die." GKAbyss whispered silently.
"Oh come on! The joke is getting old!" Matt whispered in frustration.
The team had no point in whispering yet the tension and the silence of the arena was giving enough discomfort for the team to feel to do so. Even the crowd was silent, awaiting to see how the team would handle the mini challenge.
              "Ok guys hold hands so we don't get lost from one another." Honeybuckles44 whispered.
"Good idea, whose hand am I holding?" Master1 whispered.
"Ok I'll squeeze the hand of the person to my right since I am not holding anyone's hand on my left." Gkabyss whispered.
"Ok it's me, my turn." Honeybuckles44 whispered.
"Ok that's me." Matt whispered.
"Wait, if I am on the end then, whose hand am I holding?" Master1 whispered in fear.
It only took a second for a mouth of an unknown beast to open in front of Master1's face.
"Help!" Master1 wheezed.
              GKAbyss quickly reacted by creating a water shield in front of Master1 just as the beast swung it's claw at him, slowing it down so that Master1 wouldn't be hurt.
"Quickly we need light!" Honeybuckles44 shouted.
It's at this point the crowd finally began cheering for what was happening in the arena and the drummers began playing.
"But how?" Master1 questioned.
"Dude, you can create fire, it gives off light!" Matt shouted in frustration.
"You're right! Let there be light!" Master1 shouted.
              A bright flash of light blinded the group of four. Their eyes needed a few seconds to adjust to the bright light, after adjusting however, they saw the scariest sight of their life. They were surrounded by wolf like creatures. They were everywhere. However they were scared of the fire Master1 created.
"Attack!" Matt shouted.
"Understood!" GKAbyss shouted as he shot bolts and streams of water at the wolves.
"No! You idiot!" Honeybuckles44 shouted.
The water had put out all the fire Master1 had created.
"I vote to throw GKAbyss at the wolves, anyone agree?" Master1 then said in frustration.
"I didn't know." GKAbyss said, clearly being upset of what he has done.
              "Ok I had enough of this." Master1 then said as he created fire all around them once again, this time larger and spreading at a fast pace. It didn't take long for the wolves to fully burn up in the fire.
"Should have done that the first time." Matt said in frustration.
"I didn't know what we were going up against." Master1 replied.
"Either way we survived, now have a slushie to calm your nerves." Matt said.
However, Matt did not have any time to make nor give the slushie to Master1 as the main gate on the other side of the field opened. Master1's light was quickly put out by the wind created from the opening gate, leaving them in complete darkness yet again.
              The walls nearest to the group of four lit up with bright "1's" and "0's" which seemed to make binary words. This method was simple, cheap yet effective as it gave away the position of Master1's team without giving themselves away.
"Alright I'll use the same method through fire to show our opponents." Master1 quickly said.
"No you won't because I won't be able to do anything." GKAbyss argued.
"How else are we supposed to see them?" Master1 argued back.
"Just spray and pray!" GKAbyss shouted.
As GKAbyss shot a beam of water at the opposite direction of the field, Matt accidentally touched this water beam making it into slushie ice which fell on the ground with no effect.
              "Oh look what you've done this time!" GKAbyss shouted.
"My bad, didn't know you are so bad at aiming that you fired your water beam so close to me!" Matt shouted back.
"Well if you wouldn't have gotten in my way..." GKAbyss began arguing back, however before he could finish, a beam of electricity zapped Honeybuckles44. As she fell on the ground unconscious, the team realised that their arguing had gotten way out of hand.
"Guys, we need to work together, if we continue arguing we might actually die the next time the fire anything at us." Master1 said in regret.
"You're right, I am sorry." GKAbyss said, also in regret.
"Yeah, I shouldn't have gotten in front of your water beam." Matt also said in regret.
At this point the battle was a 4 against 3. The 'Lead One' had not ended the battle as the official detector showed Honeybuckles44 still breathing and at living state.
              "Ok, I will create light, GKAbyss you use your power for a shield, Matt try not to die." Master1 requested.
"Got it." GKAbyss said. Although Matt felt useless, he knew he was useless at this point in time.
As the fire was created, it showed the four faces of an Archangel team consisting of Atilla, Meredith, Doh, and Processor.
"Going to die to technology, that's a fun way to go." Matt said.
"Ok GKAbyss, I want you..." Master1 began, but before he could finish another, third main gate opened. The wind from the gate put out both the fire Master1 had created and the binary code created by the enemy team. Everyone was in darkness yet again.
              "A battle between three teams? That doesn't seem right..." Master1 stated.
"This is going to be a long day, Matt has to die to two teams now." GKAbyss said.
Matt decided not to even say anything at this point, he just made a frustrated face no one could see in the darkness.
Although this was a gate to another team, Master1's team could hear that it was the sounds of beasts. Could the team in that gate have lost to the mini challenge? Very unlikely.
"Could it be?" GKAbyss said silently, clearly scared of something.
"I think it is." Master1 said.
              "Quickly GKAbyss created a water shield, don't even attack!" Master1 yelled.
Matt was utterly confused of what was happening, however whatever it was it explained why they fought in the darkness. The darkness was in place to enable this team to perform at their finest. This team could see well in the darkness.
"Reidolol, Fiendish Llama, iPwner and Monkey." Master1 said.
"But Reidolol doesn't sound like a beast." Matt replied.
"Everyone just call him Creature. It's the simplest name that explains his sharp knife like claws that cut through your body." GKAbyss then said.
             The four beasts attacked out of order, clearly team Veterans. The group of three with an unconscious fourth team member were sitting under a water shield that was slowly failing at holding up the defense.
"What are we going to do?" Matt said nervously.
"Wait till one of the two other teams kills the other, nothing else we can do." Master1 said.
"I wonder how team Archangels are holding up?" GKAbyss said.
"Here I have an idea." Matt said as he began reaching for the water.
"Don't touch it! It will fail like last time!" GKAbyss shouted with frustration.
"Nah, I got it man." Matt said.
              As Matt placed both his hands onto the water shield, a second layer of ice built up on top of the water, improving defenses and giving GKAbyss an easier time holding it up.
"Thanks, that really helped." GKAbyss said in response.
"I guess our team work is really improving." Matt replied happily.
A few attacks later, the battle came to an end. The lights began turning on at a slow rate so that the eyes of the fighters would not be damaged. The crowd was loud throughout all battle.
This was not a victory yet it was not a defeat for Master1's team. The results came up with Atilla killing Monkey without having to place a single finger on him. It seemed that Monkey killed himself, possibly Atilla hacked his brain and forced him to do so, either way it was no longer relevant. The relevant part of the battle was that it was over and the 'Lead One' was pointing his thumb downwards. This meant that Atilla's team would fight tomorrow, Master1's team would fight in two days. And Reidolol's team would fight in three days.

                                                                                                                      -                     -                     -

              Prologue (Chapter 7):
              The system, it was unfair but you were not allowed to question it. The 'Lead One' could make new rules every day, even half way through the battle and the contestants were not allowed to complain. Everyone hates the 'Lead One' it was Anarchy on the battlefield. Sometimes there was one battle per day, sometimes there were more. There were rarely more than three battles per day and teams that were given thumb down would usually fight on different days. Who knew maybe your battle was due in two days yet you wake up to find out that the 'Lead One' had shifted your battle to today. One team was always prepared though, Team Element was ready to fight as often as was needed. One specific group was ready to fight every time they defeated their enemies. This was the darkest group of all, this was the group Atilla's team would need to fight today.
              Day Four, Segment One.
              It was early in the morning, the sun had only just come out. Usually teams didn't know who they'd need to fight. However, everyone on Atilla's team knew. With their technology and powers it was not difficult for them to know their opponents. Atilla gave vision to Meredith and Processor, when he was confident, so were they. However, today Meredith and Processor felt nervous, they knew that something troubled Atilla. Today's battle would have been much more difficult than yesterday's. Only Doh did not care, confident as always he was ready to rip through his enemies. Doh did not feel mercy nor did he feel sympathy, all he felt was the ability of victory in him.
              The battle began slowly for them. The mini challenge although seemingly easy, gave the team a difficult time. Meredith and Processor could see that Atilla was holding back, he did not want to proceed to the actual battle. A massive mechanical soldier with an over sized sword slashed through their defenses. Doh could see that his team was not performing at their finest so he had nothing else to do except override the data in the circuit located in the soldier's body. Once that was done, Doh forced the mechanical soldier to stab itself causing it to fall down lifelessly.
              Here it was, the moment Atilla, Meredith and Processor were so afraid of. The gate on the other side of the field opened causing the wind to blow in their faces. A radiated head of the mechanical soldier their opponents had to fight was thrown into their side of the arena. Even the crowd was silent from fear. After a few moments, the first figure started to show it's face from the gate. This figure moved in a snake like form, almost like a zombie. The crowd instantly started shouting with rage as they saw this figure, not even the drummers wanted to play. The crowd was disgusted to see Linus21 come out from Team Element's gate.
              Linus21 was alone, no one else came out from the gate. Could it have been? The mysterious figure that took out a whole team by himself as was stated in the newspaper? No it couldn't have been, the newspaper stated that the crowd was cheering for that person, the crowd was not doing the same now. As rotten vegetables were thrown at Linus21, it did not seem to disturb him, in fact it was as if the crowd's rage was making him stronger. As Linus21 looked straight into Atilla's eyes and their glazes met, Atilla began shivering with fear.
              Meredith and Processor knew that Atilla was not afraid of Linus21, Atilla was afraid of the whole team. The other three figures began showing their faces. 1nsanity, Toxic, and Fdoou joined Linus21 in the arena. The crowd was going mental, hoping that this dark team would lose. As Meredith, Processor, and Doh prepared to make an attack, 1nsanity gave off a somewhat disturbing laugh.
"Can we take control of their thoughts and make them kill themselves?" Processor asked.
"I can't seem to focus, something is disrupting my abilities!" Meredith shouted.
              1nsanity started laughing louder as the awful laugh began hurting Atilla, Meredith, Processor and Doh's ears. The crowd raged from the pain 1nsanity was giving off. Linus21 looked at Atilla once again to enjoy him suffering. The walls of the battlefield began cracking from 1nsanity's laugh, glass began shattering.
"Should I send 'them' out?" Fdoou asked.
"No need, save your secrets for a more decent battle, this one is over." Linus21 replied.
"Which one should die? Atilla or Meredith, I know you hate them the most." Toxic asked.
"Keep them alive, I want to toy with them in the future, keep Doh alive as well, I sense he will be very useful for Team Element in the future. However, Processor is useless from now on." Linus21 stated.
              Toxic sent out a bolt of green, erosive material at Processor. The material began eroding him from top downwards until a green radiated puddle was left. This was a disturbing death, the most disturbing anyone had witnessed till this point. No one should die the way Processor did. The battle however, was over. As Meredith and Atilla fell on their knees, Meredith crying and Atilla just staring at the ground in fear as if paralyzed and also beginning to teer, Doh remained standing but also seemed shocked of what had happened.
              The 'Lead One' pointed his thumb upwards, not because he enjoyed the battle but because he didn't want to see Linus21 nor his team anytime soon. 1nsanity had stopped laughing and the crowd began leaving the stage in anger and disappointment. Although everyone were affected by his laugh, it seemed that Atilla's team had suffered the most. After an hour or so, everyone left even Doh, only Atilla was left still on his knees giving off silent whimpers with Meredith next to him, trying to calm him down. It was becoming night time, hours had passed until Atilla could finally stand.
"That laugh, that evil laugh, I can still hear it in my head!" Atilla said to Meredith before he finally fell into deep sleep on his bed.

                                                                                                                      -                     -                     -

              Prologue (Chapter 8):
              The previous day during the battle in the dark the 'Lead One's' right hand man walked up to him.
"Sir, should we stop the battle? We spotted a person with a failed drug effect. Should we kill him?" The right hand man spoke.
"No. I have a feeling he is more than what he appears to be." The 'Lead One' replied.
Later that day after the fight was finished and the 'Lead One' showed his thumb downwards...
"But sir, the crowd enjoyed the fight, why would you give them a thumb down?" The right hand man asked.
"Let's just say there is a certain someone that wants to see one of these teams fight again in the nearest future." The 'Lead One' replied.
"But how would you know all of this?" The right hand man asked.
"Trust me on this, you'll know what you need when you need to know it." The 'Lead One' replied in a puzzling way.
              Day Four, Segment Two.
              Ahh the beautiful marketplace, this is the main heart of the city. This is where people trade goods and sell them for money. This is where everyone has a chance to obtain the luxuries they so desire. Except today, it seems empty. a few minutes ago this place was filled with people arguing and bargaining and now you see people hiding and parents trying to run with their children while they still can. What is the reason for this? Could it be because of this unknown figure walking through the marketplace? His walk, his snake like figure is really familiar from somewhere.
              I guess even the darkest figures needed to acquire food and other resources. It was strange for someone so hated such as Linus21 to be showing himself in such populated place. Usually everyone from the arena would at least try to hide their faces behind clothes such as cloaks yet Linus21 did not even bother to do that. It seemed that he wasn't even there to buy anything. He just wanted to show his face to see the fear that everyone had. It seemed like he was feeding on the fear, it was as if the fear was making him stronger. He wasn't there to buy goods that he could use or eat, he was there to feast on everyone's thoughts and fears. He was there to take the souls of those that could not defend themselves.
              Master1 entered the secret meeting room where he usually gathered with his team to discuss important events.
"Where is Honeybuckles44?" Was the first thing Master1 said to the rest of his team.
"She is still resting from yesterday's event, the electricity shot really hit her hard." GKAbyss said.
"Our fight is tomorrow, will she recover by then?" Master1 asked.
"She will most likely recover, however we should not make such simple yet dangerous mistakes ever again." Matt replied.
"The next time we argue could be the last time for one of us." GKAbyss added.
"We are not ready for tomorrow!" Master1 shouted in anger.
"If you use your brain you'll be ready." An unknown figure said from a shadow located in the far corner of the room.
              "Who are you and how did you infiltrate our base!?" Master1 shouted at the unknown figure.
"Bro chill it's just me, 'King' I helped you get into the arena remember?" 'King replied.
"Give us one good reason why we shouldn't kill you this instance!?" Master1 shouted in anger.
"Because you can't, your team is in no state to fight because you can't make your abilities work together to create better and stronger attacks. That's why I am here, I am here to help you." 'King' replied.
              'King' helped Master1, GKAbyss and Matt practice the water, fire and ice combinations but they were somewhat unsuccessful as the fire kept melting the ice, the ice kept freezing the water and the water kept putting out the fire. It felt hopeless, the three materials were not supposed to work together. The closest thing they've gotten to that actually worked was a water, ice shield that was strong and slowed down the enemies attacks. However, the team could not have won many battles by being defensive. They needed a way to use their abilities together to attack as well.
              "This is useless, we can't make our abilities work." Master1 said hopelessly.
"Your team, it amuses me. You have a very interesting team. Don't get me wrong you are all bad, you should all be dead by now, yet you are alive. You have a unique concept in your team, if you make it work then you will achieve the thing groups from Team Archangels have been trying to achieve their whole life but never will. It's the thing that will make your team not just strong, but THE strongest team there ever was. You just need to practice, for now you will most likely survive because your team has something no other team has, good friends and an aspect of luck. But in the future, you won't need luck to succeed in your battles." 'King' said before leaving the secret hideout.
              This was, truly inspirational for the other three and they continued practicing even after 'King' left.
"Why did you tell them that?" An unknown figure said to 'King' in another place.
"I just didn't want to sound like a d!*k before they will all die tomorrow." 'King' said to the unknown figure.
The both of them laughed, neither of them wanted Master1's team to die, but they thought this was unavoidable. It was only a matter of time.

                                                                                                                      -                     -                     -

              Prologue (Chapter 9):
              Oh the old times were beautiful. There were only 2 teams, team Veterans and team Brotherhood, always fighting with similar strength. Never backing down, always showing equal strength, the crowd loved those days. So why were the other two teams created, who created them? What dark being decided to destroy the equilibrium? Everyone thought this would bring more entertainment, more enjoyment to see more than one team try to become #1, and it succeeded in a way. It brought more variety and differentiation in battle tactics to the field. Everyone seemed happy at first, then the enjoyment levels went down, but the crowd was so used to having 4 teams by that point that there was no point in returning everything to how it was before. Something did not seem right about team Element and team Archangels, something big was coming up and no one was doing anything about it.
              Day Five, Segment 1.
              The crowd was cheering today, more people had shown up than usual. Everyone was happy to hear that two original teams were going up against each other once again. Team Brotherhood against Team Veterans. The drummers were playing before the contestants even came out. It was a joyful day, except for the contestants themselves, they knew that at least one person would have to die today and they didn't want it to be them or anyone on their team.
              Master1, GKAbyss, Matt and Honeybuckles44 came out onto the field, the crowd began cheering as if they had seen the best thing in their life. It was so loud, the group of 4 could barely think yet alone communicate with one another. The four of them seemed confident, a lot more confident than they had been till this point. It was as if they were hiding something secret, probably new powers that they had found out together the previous day.
              A mini gate opened, this was the gate for the mini challenge. The four of them stood there, prepared for what was going to come out, however nothing came out after a while. Even the crowd had gotten silent, awaiting their moment to cheer again for when the battle would actually begin. Then finally something did come out, but it wasn't what everyone had anticipated to be. It was a small green blob of green goo, so small and harmless looking.
              "Don't drop your guard, they wouldn't send it out if it wasn't dangerous." Master1 said.
"But there is always that guy in movies that thinks such things are harmless and gets destroyed by it... Could it please be me? Look how cute it is!" GKAbyss said in response.
"It looks liquid, should I freeze it to death?" Matt asked.
"I could just wash it away though, we can all kill it with one hit" GKAbyss said.
Honeybuckles44 remained silent, while the other were talking she fired an arrow heading straight for the little guy. The blob absorbed the arrow and slowly grew slightly.
              "I didn't know that would happen! Sorry!" Honeybuckles44 apologised.
"Omg, I'll just kill it." GKAbyss said. He then sent out a beam of water straight at the little blob.
"GKA STAHP!" Master1 yelled. The little blob had absorbed all the water, well you couldn't really call it small anymore because it was twice as big as an average human at this point.
"Nice one, let me do it." Matt said. Matt sent ice shard straight at the blob but it absorbed those as well and became even bigger.
"I have an idea, how about we make it so big that it explodes and we will win?" Matt said.
"No!" Everyone else shouted together.
              The blob was still coming towards them, bigger than ever.
"GKA, since we're going to die, I want you to know that it was I that ate the last cookie from that jar two days ago." Master1 said.
"Omg, I knew it!" GKAbyss replied.
The blob was extremely close to them at this point.
"GKA I want to to shield yourself with water, Matt you grab Honey and do the same with ice, now!" Master1 shouted.
GKAbyss and Matt had followed the orders and just as they had done so, the blob absorbed all four of them into it's over sized body which grew twice as large every time it absorbed someone making it unbearably large to the point that it almost reached the crowd.
              A quick flash appeared from inside of it followed by it exploding all over the crowd and the arena. The crowd wheezed with disgust from all the green goo. Master1 had freed all of them with a fire blast he created on the inside. Either way, they had won the mini challenge. The main gate on the other side of the arena opened and four figures came out from the other end. The four faces revealed consisted of Benje00, 0176, Addi and EEDD.
"Oh how did they even clear the mini challenge before us!?" Master1 shouted angrily across the field.
"We stomped it, what did you do that took you so long?" Benje00 shouted back at him.
"Oh we should have done that as well instead of actually having to fight it the way we did." Master1 said to his group. Everyone sighed with disappointment.
              "Let's make this quick, I still have a lot of things I need to do today." Benje00 said to his team.
EEDD lifted his arms, the ground began shaking and platforms of the ground began to rise.
"Let's solve the equation of their defeat." 0176 said silently to his team.
The spots Master1, GKAbyss, Matt and Honeybuckles44 were standing on began showing numbers, each number of 0176's name under each person. After some time, the four of them realised they couldn't move.
"Let's have a little bit of fun first." Addi said in response to his team.
The field began filling up with strong winds, much stronger compared to when the gates open. The platforms of the ground began moving, faster and faster around Master1's team.
"Good Game." Benje00 said as the platforms of the ground smashed into Master1's team at an incredible speed.
              "What's this!?" Benje00 said in surprise.
As the mist of dirt cleared, it was visible that Master1's team created a shield around the whole team. GKAbyss created water in a shield form which Matt was freezing, Master1 was melting the ice with fire creating it into water which GKAbyss kept in a shield form. This created the ultimate process and worked as an incredible water, fire and ice shield.
"Ok our turn to show what we have guys." Master1 said after the mist had cleared.
              "Honeybuckles44, we have never tested this before, so I don't know how well it will work, but we need your arrows for this." Master1 said.
The three of them, Master1, GKAbyss, and Matt created a sphere in the air using the same process they created the shield.
"Honeybuckles44, I want you to shoot an arrow through this sphere right at them." Master1 said.
Honeybuckles44 did as was told, the arrow created was shot through the sphere, however it was not blocked nor was it slowed down. Instead it actually acquired the power of the three elements making it an extremely deadly arrow. The arrow headed straight for Benje00's team. However EEDD was quick to react to this, making more platforms rise into the air. However this did not absorb all the damage from the arrow, EEDD fell on the ground, not dead but unconscious. The arrow had drained all of his strength. The other three were also damaged heavily by the effect of the arrow.
              "0176!" Benje00 yelled.
"Got it!" 0176 replied as he created numbers all around Master1's team.
Addi picked this up by creating strong winds which drew the powers from the numbers creating a damaging wind attack which was empowered and strengthened by the psychic aspect of the numbers. Matt was hurt the most by this, the group had close to no time to react to this attack and Matt was flung against the wall, also unconscious yet also alive.
              "Master1!" Honeybuckles44 shouted.
Master1 reacted instantly before the same would happen to the rest of them, Master1 started creating fire which was picked up by the wind. GKAbyss quickly created water, putting out the fire and also getting rid of the wind. Both teams were now heavily damaged.
"Alright, out turn!" Master1 shouted.
GKAbyss began creating a water bolt which Master1 empowered with wire around it. The water was not touching the fire yet the two elements were bonded into one. Honeybuckles44 took out an arrow that shot out a net, the net captured the bolt forcing it to move at the enemy team with extreme speed. Benje00 and his team was not prepared, they did not have the defense EEDD was creating for them. The shot hit Addi first and spread onto Benje00 and 0176 after.
              Addi fell on the ground. Dead? It seemed the numbers 0176 created prevented the bolt from doing any serious damage to Addi, he was alive. Frustrated with the situation, 0176 filled the sky above Master1's team with numbers.
"1+1=3, because I decide!" 0176 shouted as the numbers shot beams of purple energy at Master1's team.
Honeybuckles44 reacted with shooting an arrow at the beams to nullify the effect. Master1 and GKAbyss were not as lucky, however their shields prevented the beams from doing serious damage. They were also unconscious. Honeybuckles44's eyes had lit up with fire, as she took another arrow out, the arrow was filled with almost all her energy to finish the match. She shot the arrow straight at 0176. He reacted by creating numbers in front of himself yet the arrow was impossible to dodge or at least nullify the effect. There was still damage dealt but not enough to kill, 0176 fell on the ground.
              Benje00 and Honeybuckles44 looked at each other, both weak, both out of energy. Honeybuckles44 prepared another arrow, possibly the last one she'd fire. However their eyes met, both of them knew what they were thinking. Benje00 collapsed on his knees, Honeybuckles44 lowered the bow. No one did anything. It was a stalemate. Was it just mercy? Or was there a spark of something between them?
              Either way, it was a tie but the rules clearly stated that one person had to die in order for the match to be finished. The crowd was very loud, they wanted to see someone die. Benje00 and Honeybuckles44 collapsed, everyone was unconscious. The crowd turned from being super excited and hyped to enraged, wanting blood. The 'Lead One' had nothing to do but end the battle. As a thumb down was shown, the crowd began leaving upset with yet another match. When both team finally got up, they were escorted out by the guards, they had been told the result of the match. However since the next few days were booked with plenty of battles, they would be given multiple days off even though they got a thumb down. The long battle had ended with no deaths today.

                                                                                                                      -                     -                     -

              Prologue (Chapter 10):
              Early in the morning of the same day:
"Hello daughter, how have you slept?" The 'Royal One' had asked.
"Not well father, I had a nightmare that something big will happen today. I sense the presence of a strong being in the arena today, the type of being that shouldn't be allowed to fight." His daughter replied.
"Why is that? I am sure the 'Lead One' can handle his arena." The 'Royal One' replied.
"Not today father, I am going to investigate today's battle, I'll be back later today." His daughter replied.
              Day Five, Segment Two.
              There was another battle scheduled for the same day as Master1's. In fact, this was another battle of team Brotherhood vs team Veterans. The crowd began filling up the seats for another highly anticipated battle. The expectations were similar, a long evenly matched battle, except this time the crowd was actually hoping that someone would die. Battles of those two teams did not feel one sided like the battles are for other teams, this is why the crowd loved placing bets on the winners and placing bets on who would die. It was an enjoyable experience for them, the drummers followed the hype by playing before the match even begun.
              The first team entered the field consisting of Deetz, Philipg1, Allerulez and Number1KirbyFan1O. They represented team Brotherhood. As the mini gate opened, they were faced against a beast looking a lot like a lion, only bigger, with more muscles, and a robotic eye.
"Alright, Allerulez distract it!" Deetz shouted.
Allerulez began running circles around the beast at possibly the speed of sound. This was usually done to destroy the hearing of the enemy, however this did not seem to effect the beast, but it succeeded at doing it's job of distracting it as the beast kept trying to catch Allerulez.
              "Alright Philipg1, you know what to do!" Deetz shouted.
Philipg1 jumped onto the beast and forced it to run into a wall while holding his hand on the beasts head. Potentially taking control of it's thoughts. Deetz then came up to the beast and finished it off. Deetz was riding a horse, a black horse. Animals were usually not allowed in the arena as it gave an unfair advantage to the user, unless the animal or pet was bonded with the user which was the case with Deetz and his horse, they were almost like one together. Deetz used a spear as a weapon, this is what he also used to finish the beast.
              Their team was the first to finish their mini challenge therefore they walked into a tunnel once the gate had opened leading them to their opponent's side of the field. They waited a few minutes for their opponents to finish their mini challenge and once that was done, the main gate opened and Deetz, Philipg1, Allerulez and Number1KirbyFan1O walked through to meet their opponents in their side of the arena. Their opponents from team Veterans consisted of Terence22205, Bimps, ABC Boy, and fille02.
                Terence22205 began the attack first, he created throwing knives and threw them straight at the enemy team. Allerulez began running, catching the knives mid flight. Bimps attacked second by creating bombs and throwing them at the enemy team. Deetz ran at the enemy team on his horse with a spear hitting the bombs out of the way before they got the chance to explode. Once Deetz and Allerulez made it close to the enemies, a close combat began. ABC Boy created a two handed battleaxe and began fighting with Deetz whereas Allerulez began running circles around the enemy team removing any chance they had to communicate.
             fille02 began filling up the arena with sand which hindered everyone's movement and prevented Allerulez from doing his thing. Number1KirbyFan1O reacted by absorbing fille02's power, removing the sand enabling Allerulez to do his thing again. Philipg1 then ran at the enemy team, taking control of Terence22205's mind and forcing him to throw knives at Bimps. Bimps created bombs during that time and the knives forced one of the bombs to explode before it's time forcing Bimps to fly across the arena and hit a wall. Bimps was unconscious, battles between team Brotherhood and team Veterans usually ended in a lot of members fainting until someone would actually die, this created more hype in the crowd because the teams had to adjust to losing members and still having to fight. However, before they could continue fighting, a third main gate opened.
              No one expected this, it was team Element's gate. The crowd went silent in an instance as a figure came out from the gate. This couldn't be, this figure resembled the one in the newspaper exactly! This was him... this was the figure that took out a whole team by himself, however he had to fight two team now, surely he would lose. Another figure came out from the gate, this one was familiar, this was Thwinkt. Where was DClevels and Theditor though? No one else came out from the gate. It was just the two, Thwinkt and the unknown figure.
              Number1KirbyFan1O reacted fast, absorbing the ability of the unknown figure. He should not have done this. The ability was easy to absorb, however it was difficult to control. Number1KirbyFan1O began shaking and screaming with pain, the power was destroying him internally and externally. Number1KirbyFan1O became surrounded with dark aura, so much pain, is this the same pain the unknown figure was feeling? But how is he not dying from the pain? The unknown figure was standing silent whereas Number1KirbyFan1O was already on the ground rolling around and screaming "Get it off! Get it off! Somebody get it off!"
             Everyone else was silent and frozen on the spot from the horrifying view of Number1KirbyFan1O suffering. Terence22205 reacted next by throwing knives at the two enemies of team Element, however Thwinkt simply hit the knives out of the way. Deetz, Allerulez, ABC Boy and Philipg1 began running at them, screaming with anger, ready to finish the battle. The unknown figure had a sword, a black two handed sword, yet he was holding it with one hand with ease. Thwinkt moved out of the way, behind the unknown figure.
              The unknown figure made a move, slashing the air causing a massive shock wave to travel through the air straight at everyone else, disintegrating anyone it hit. Once the shock wave hit the wall of the arena, a loud noise was heard, this noise was so loud that it could have been heard miles away. The wall began shattering, the crowd began falling down with the walls. As the mist cleared it became obvious, tens if not hundreds of innocent people from the crowd either died from the fall or the crush, but most importantly, the battle finished with all 8 members from both team Brotherhood and team Veterans being killed. One living thing remained, the horse that belonged to Deetz, the unknown figure most likely purposely kept it alive as he got up onto the horse creating a bond with it. The battle was over, the 'Lead One' however was unimpressed and pointed a thumb down for the reason that the unknown figure had killed so many innocent people. This was a dark, mournful day.

                                                                                                                      -                     -                     -

              Prologue (Chapter 11):
              'We came to him, seeking for a fourth member. We were all from team Element so we were hoping he'd be reasonable enough to join us as we needed a fourth member and he needed three members. With Tak4n dead, we needed someone to fill up the spot. He was not reasonable. The task was simple, we had to prove that we were strong enough to be in his team. He was going to fight all three of us at once, he killed DClevels within seconds, DClevels had no where to run, his death seemed horrifying yet it seemed to amuse him. We were going to experience the same painful death, he wasn't going to keep anyone alive.'
              'I did it, I had to. I came up to Theditor from behind while he wasn't aware of it and I killed him, slicing his throat with my blades. This was the only way, I had proved to HIM that I did not hold sympathy for anyone and that I would be just as fearless on the battlefield. He kept me alive, he allowed me to stay in his team. I am witting this not because I miss DClevels and Theditor nor because I am sorry for what I did, don't get me wrong I don't care about those two. I am writing this because I am afraid, I am afraid of HIM and what he might do in the future. Signed Thwinkt.'
              Day Six, Segment One:
              After Master1, GKAbyss, Matt and Honeybuckles44 gotten a whole night of rest, they gathered up in their secret hideout to discuss what happened in their battle. Honeybuckles44 did not want to explain to her team why she had not won the match for them. Master1 had brought yet another newspaper, this one talked about the horrifying match between Linus21's group and Atilla's group. However, everyone was expecting a newspaper issued for the unknown figure's battle in the next one or two days.
"So Honeybuckles44, we're waiting for a valid explanation." Master1 begun the conversation.
              "I think something took control of my brain, I think 0176 used his numbers to destroy my accuracy and make me lose all my energy." Honeybuckles44 said in defense.
This simply sounded like a simple excuse, it felt like there was more to the story.
"He was unconscious, and no one on their team had such powers otherwise we would feel it as well. Clearly you are not telling us something." GKAbyss said in attack.
"They must have only triggered this ability when I was the last one left." Honeybuckles44 said, trying to get the attention off of her.
              "Spit it out Honeybuckles44, you've killed people before, it's not hard for you to do. There has to be a legitimate reason to why you hadn't killed him." Master1 said.
"HE'S MY BROTHER!" Honeybuckles44 shouted in anger. Master1, GKAbyss, and Matt sat their in silence, shocked by the news. "We got separated when we were young, and when I looked into his eyes, I knew it was him!" Honeybuckles44 continued in the same tone. "I couldn't do it! I couldn't kill my brother, not like this." Honeybuckles44 finished.
Everyone was silent for another 30 seconds before Master1 finally decided to speak. "Fair enough, we'll forget this battle ever happened, for now we need to prepare for out next one."

                                                                                                                      -                     -                     -

              Prologue (Chapter 12):
              As stated before team Archangels has groups that are really good to adapting to each other's moves. However the only group we've seen so far, Atilla's group had members that had similar abilities if not the same making it easy for the to adapt to each other. How would an Archangels group perform if everyone in the group had the ability that no one could counter? How would the group perform then? They'd find a way to counter it, and that is what makes team Archangels a powerful team that can use many global attacks.
              Day Six, Segment Two:
              The third day had come since the thumb down the 'Lead One' gave to the three groups. This meant that team Veterans would fight again, specifically Reidolol, Fiendish Llama, and iPwner. But who would be their fourth member? Who would be the fourth beast to come from the shadows? Or I should say, lurk in the shadows because it was late night once again and the arena was as dark as last time. Although it was deep into the night, everyone could see perfectly, especially this group whereas the crowd were all wearing the night vision goggles.
              The mini gate opened with the mini challenge. However, everyone knew that this group of beasts was the challenge. Although there should have been four figures in the arena, the 'Lead One' only observed three, did they have a fourth member? As a structure, looking a lot like a tank came out of the mini gate, everyone observed the three beasts run at it. The tank looking structure began firing small rockets at the three beasts, as the three of them pounced onto the tank structure, a fourth figure flashed for a split second and the tank structure, now air born flew across the arena and hit the wall at an incredible speed. Such an attack caused the tank structure to fall apart into many pieces, some of which flew great distances.
              Who was this fourth figure that no one could see even with night vision goggles? The main gate began opening, the opponents had beaten their mini challenge faster than Reidolol's group. The four new faces consisted of Drock2308, Nou, Shift, and Explozion from team Archangels. Drock2308 attacked first causing meteorite looking rocks fill up sky above the roof of the enclosed arena. The rocks then crashed towards the arena making holes in the ceiling and bringing light from the stars to reveal Reidolol's team and making the arena easier to see for human eyes. Nou's eyes lit up with yellow and orange flames as he made the rocks heading straight for his group and the crowd disappear allowing safety for everyone except for Reidolol's group. However this did not hurt anyone as Reidolol and his team easily pounced out of the way of these falling rocks without a single threat.
              The light from the stars revealed Reidolol to be some sort of unknown Creature but his sharp teeth sticking out of his mouth and his sharp claws could have been easily spotted out. iPwner seemed to be a cat like creature, the claws and sharp teeth were also visible. Fiendish Llama had a long neck yet he was also horrifying, with fur that looked a lot like blades, sharp covering his whole body. Each of the had visible blood lust in their eyes, they were ready to kill. Among the madness another unknown figure was seen, the fourth member. No one could fully see him yet Shift recognised the figure to be Cow.
              Explozion attacked second, causing the whole arena to shake as if an earthquake was happening. Seconds later, the ground of the arena began cracking, walls had begun falling, explosions were visible beneath the ground of the arena. Nou used force to hold up the arena to make sure the crowd was not in any danger. Nou was possibly controlling magnetism, gravity or polarity. Either way, he was doing a successful job of keeping everyone outside of the battle safe.
              However, Reidolol's team was still pouncing around the arena, unaffected by all the changes in the infrastructure of the ground and the ceiling. In fact, the beasts were now moving closer to Drock2308's group. Shift began his attack, the shattered ground, walls, ceiling including the seats of the crowd began changing places. It was as if the pieces of the arena were picked up by a tornado and placed back down in a different order. However, there was no tornado involved, Reidolol and his team found themselves back on the other side of the arena, a lot further from the enemies compared to last time. They needed a plan to get to the enemies. Then Cow attacked.
              He came out of nowhere, Shift was confused to why Cow was closer to them then he should have. Cow's sharp blades around his body had cut Drock2308 so much that he fell, screaming from pain. Drock2308 survived because he was made from stone, if this attack would have been aimed at anyone else, the consequences would have been different. Cow came in an instance, and in an instance he was gone back into the shadows. At this time, Reidolol, iPwner and Fiendish Llama had gotten close enough to Drock2308's team so they pounces onto them.
              Nou, desperate to survive, ended the force that was holding up the arena, aiming his attack at the three pouncing enemies. A force pushed the three beasts causing them to fly a significant distance back, however all three landed the fall. Shift had close to no time to react, however he forced the arena to change places once again, possibly saving the lives of everyone spectating the match. The situation was hectic, Nou transferred all his forces back onto the arena to hold it up once again. In another instance, Cow struck again, this time aiming his attack at Explozion. This was the last moment Nou had to decide between who he wanted to save. Nou had less then a second to decide and he chose to save Explozion, making a force field around him so that Cow could not kill him. In the same instance the arena began falling.
              Cow was gone in the same instance, the screams of the crowd was painful to hear for Drock2308's team yet there was nothing they could do. Nou created a force field around his whole team so that no one would get crushed, Reidolol's team suffered more, they could not pounce away from the whole arena crashing onto them. As they were trying, Fiendish Llama was caught by the falling rocks, he went down with them. Reidolol and iPwner struggling to get out found an opening in all the falling material. Only one could make it, however Cow came in once again picking up both of them and making it out of the falling arena and to safety. Fiendish Llama was the only one to die from their team, crushed by the falling arena.
              Later, Shift moved the rubble out of the way for his team to get out, this was a disaster, much more horrifying than yesterday's battle between Thwinkt's team and the other two teams. Theoretically Cow's team had lost this, however due to the 'Lead One' being buried under the rubble, the results were unknown. Shift continued to move all the material out of the way until he found the 'Lead One' who was later taken away to a medical centre which also looked old fashioned yet had high tech resources to help people out. A messenger later found iPwner and Shift and told them they had gotten a thumb down. Through the madness Nou was sure that his eyes had met Cow's, there was going to be a war between them, Cow told Nou through the eyes that he should be ready for it.

                                                                                                                      -                     -                     -

              Prologue (Chapter 13):
              Hours previous to yesterday's battle.
"Anch159, I want you to miss the battle that will happen later in the day." The 'Lead One' said to his right hand man, now known as Anch159.
"But sir, why?" Anch159 asked.
"I knew you for many years now, I trust you to take care of the arena while I'll be gone." The 'Lead One' said.
"Gone? Gone where? What are you not telling me?" Anch159 asked nervously.
"It might be tough at first to judge if the battle was good or not, however I trust you to do a good job at it." The 'Lead One' replied.
"Sir, stop talking in puzzles, tell me what will happen!" Anch159 shouted desperately.
              "Remember what I've told you, you'll know what you need when you need to know it." The 'Lead One' finally said to finish the conversation.
Anch159 understood that he'd need to take charge of the arena because something will happen to the 'Lead One'. Although he did not want to take the responsibility, he was ready for it, he wanted to show that he could do it.
              Day Seven, Segment One.
              When a team received a thumb up, it meant they would not need to fight again for a long time, however it did not mean they would never have to fight ever again. Therefore BEE, BuzzerBee, Xfrogman43, and Ant123 had to fight today to get more time away from battles.
              This time round the arena had no roof and it was mid day time allowing the sun to shine on the arena. The day was bright with the arena being filled with a new crowd. Although everyone was hyped to see a group from team Veterans go up to fight today, the crowd still seemed a lot smaller compared to previous battles, possibly because of the unfortunate accidents that occurred in the previous days. The walls of the arena were strong, and very resistant to ALL the attacks. The reason they collapsed yesterday was because Explozion caused damage from inside of the walls and under the ground which were the weaker segments of the arena. However, it is still unknown how the unknown figure on Thwinkt's team managed to have the strength to destroy a wall of the arena from the resistant side of it.
              Either way, those two battles were in the past, and the past is unchangeable, the four heroes from team Veterans cared more about their battle today rather than the battles that occurred previously. As the mini gate opened, nothing walked out of it, instead something flew out of it. A bird looking figure zigzagged through the air in unusual patterns, yet it seemed to have no harmful attacks.
"Xfrogman43" BEE said quickly.
"Understood my lady!" Xfrogman43 replied as he jumped onto Ant123's back.
Ant123 flung Xfrogman43 high in the air with the massive force of his ant armor like shields. Xfrogman43 caught onto the flying beast as if the time of it was calculated. It was calculated, calculated by no other than BuzzerBee himself.
              Xfrogman43 quickly twisted the head of the bird like creature causing them both to rocket down onto the ground and a zigzag pattern. The collision with the ground did not hurt Xfrogman43 as he was too agile allowing him to make a safe landing. This mini challenge seemed simple, was it to test how a team would react to fast, unusual moving objects? Either way, the challenge was complete and the four of them were now looking at the main gate. As the gate opened causing strong wind to fill up the arena, the crowd went somewhat silent, but the drummers began playing.
              The drummers weren't playing for long, the reason they did is because they were expecting a strong team or an attack to come out of the gate, the person that came out of the arena did not meet the expectations of the drummers. A female dressed in full black as if going to a funeral came out from the gate. She was silent, looking like she had high standards to meet. She seemed mature, serious, significant, patient, and very formal. She walked a third of a way to BEE's team before stopping. Everyone on BEE's team was anticipating some trick, and were also expecting the rest of the opponents team to be equivalently serious and high standarised as this lady that came out of the arena. After all they represented team Archangels and therefore should be similar to each other to work well together.
              The ground around this black female figure began freezing up. Icicles and snow ramps began appearing. Was she doing this? Or... two figures came out of nowhere on snowboards, the first was quickly recognised to be 222hockey222 the second figure was determined to be DylanDaSkater. Both were recognised by BuzzerBee, however he could not make out who the female dressed in black was. 222hockey222 and DylanDaSkater were moving closer and closer to BEE's team, making epic flips and tricks on their snowboards as they were doing so. It was interesting to see someone as formal as the lady dressed in black to work on the same team as these two rebellious snowboarders.
              BuzzerBee took this as a weakness in their team.
"Ant123, Xfrogman43!" BuzzerBee shouted.
"Gotcha!" They replied.
Xfrogman43 jumped onto Ant123 to prepare the same attack they made on the flying beast from the mini challenge. As Xfrogman43 got flung straight at the enemies, 222hockey222 used his snowboard to hit Xfrogman43 right in the face. The impact sounded painful, Xfrogman43 collapsed onto the ice and snow below. DylanDaSkater, took out a smoke grenade and threw it at the rest of BEE's team. The smoke covered their vision, at this point who knew what was happening to Xfrogman43.
              "Fling me at them!" BuzzerBee shouted.
Ant123 looked strangely at BuzzerBee, knowing the he had no way of landing the fall.
"Do it!" BuzzerBee shouted again.
Ant123 helped BuzzerBee onto his massive body and flung him through the smoke. BuzzerBee ended up hitting DylanDaSkater causing both of them to fall onto the ice and snow. Everyone was fortunate so far not to hit any icicles sticking out of the ground. BEE lifted up her hand causing 222hockey222 to get blinded by colours. 222hockey222 also collapsed onto the ice and the snow below. BEE had no way of knowing whether the female figure dressed in black was also affected or not as she just continued standing there a third of the way away from the centre.
              A fourth figure began showing it's face from the main gate of team Archangels. This figure was covered in snow and ice, he was just as large as Ant123, both of them twice the size of an original person. This figure was quickly recognised by BuzzerBee to be Blizzard101.
"Xfrogman43 can you hear me?" BuzzerBee said.
Xfrogman43 was not knocked out from 222hockey222's snowboard.
"Listen, I need you to go to our team and tell Ant123 to hide BEE, she must not be hurt, do you hear me?" BuzzerBee said to Xfrogman43.
"But what about you?" Xfrogman43 quickly replied.
              "You can't pick me up, I am too heavy for you. I have no time to get back to the team." BuzzerBee said. "Now go, you can hide behind the shields of Ant123 as well." BuzzerBee finished.
Xfrogman43 quickly pounced back to the team. Ant123 covered BEE with his massive body, Xfrogman43 ducked behind them. BuzzerBee stood up and looked at the female figure dressed in black.
"You have a history with the unknown figure on Thwinkt's team." BuzzerBee yelled at her.
The female dressed in black gasped, and moved for the first time since the ground was frozen.
However, they did not have much time to talk as Blizzard101 now walked up to the centre of the field, past the rest of his team.
              Blizzard101 began blowing onto BuzzerBee and his team behind him instantly freezing everything in the path of the wind created. The battle had ended, BuzzerBee was frozen to death. Ant123 also fully frozen, however Ant123 stood up in full height making all the ice and snow created on him to fall off. BuzzerBee was not as lucky as Ant123 and did not have the protective shields needed to survive Blizzard101's attack.
"No!" BEE shouted desperately.
BEE looked at the female dressed in black, BEE knew that their abilities were somewhat similar, yet BEE felt that this female dressed in black was still more powerful than her. The battle was over and Anch159 now with the role of the 'Lead One' pointed his thumb upwards. BEE took a last look at the female dressed in black, understanding that the person she was looking at was in fact Boh.

                                                                                                                      -                     -                     -

              Prologue (Chapter 14):
              One team, one group could remain. But if new members came to groups, when would there be an end? Anch159 was beginning to understand what the 'Lead One' meant by saying "You'll know what you need when you need to know it." Anch159 was beginning to get a vision. However this vision called for new rules to be made, new systems and the removal of the infamous thumb being risen upwards or drawn downwards. Anch159 was prepared for such changes. However, there was one more battle planned before this change. This battle was planned for Day 8. Anch159 was going to make the change after this final show, after this final battle.
              Day Seven, Segment Two.
              Master1 came into the secret hideout of his team, holding yet another newspaper. The newspaper had many articles about the fall of the 'Lead One.' There was only one article about the unknown figure removing two teams from further battles. There were just as many articles about the new 'Lead One,' Anch159 taking place of the old one for the time being. It was recorded that the original 'Lead One' was alive from the crush of the arena, and would be coming back to host the battles once again in the future.
              "Our battle is tomorrow, anyone has any idea who we might be fighting?" Master1 began.
"There are a lot of groups that received thumbs down, a lot of groups that still have to fight, and a lot of groups that received a thumbs up a fairly long time ago. We could be fighting anyone." GKAbyss said.
"Are we prepared for tomorrow?" Master1 asked.
Master1, GKAbyss, and Matt then looked towards Honeybuckles44.
"Huh? Yeah, I am ready, just still thinking about my brother. I am ready though, you shouldn't worry about me." Honeybuckles44 exclaimed, it seemed as if her mind was not going to focus on the battle ahead of them.
"We need you, try not to allow thoughts take over you during the battle." Master1 said.
"I'll be fine." Honeybuckles44 replied.
              "I am seriously surprised you guys are still alive." A familiar voice said from the shadow. This was 'King.'
"Seriously, how do you get in here?" Master1 yelled.
"I have my ways." 'King' replied.
"Aren't you the one that told us that we will never die?" Matt questioned.
"You didn't possibly think I was being serious?" 'King' said. "Since I am also in team Brotherhood, I was only trying to encourage you and give you hope." 'King' continued. "It's okay though, you'll die tomorrow." 'King' finished.
"And why is that?" Master1 asked.
"Because you are going up against HIM." 'King' stated. "No one goes up against him and lives." 'King' finished.
              "Well, I guess we'll be the first then." GKAbyss stated.
"You guys heard about the death of BuzzerBee? Unfortunate guy, he could see into the future you know." 'King' said.
Master1, GKAbyss, Matt, and Honeybuckles44 grew vary of what 'King' was saying.
"People will die. There will be a lot of death. HE will be responsible for all the lives taken. He is not stopping on you." 'King' said.
"Well, guess we will be the ones to change the future." Master1 replied to these comments.
"Everyone wants to change the future, you have to know the past, to even take a glimpse into the future." 'King' began. "There is only one person that can actually kill him, she is also the person that created him." 'King' finished.
              "Listen 'King,' BuzzerBee died because he was weak, we are not going to make the same mistake. We are refining our shields every day, Honeybuckles44 is improving her arrows every day just as much. We have teamwork, we have strength. We are not going to lose to some being from team Element. You understand?" Master1 yelled.
"Your shields will be crushed, your teamwork shattered, your lives taken. He is not a human being like he used to be, he is something more. You will see what I mean tomorrow." 'King' yelled back in attack.
The conversation was over. 'King' exited the place moments after. A tough battle is ahead of Master1 and his group.

                                                                                                                      -                     -                     -

              Prologue (Chapter 15):
              Previous day, during the night. Boh was alone on her balcony of her house, looking up into the sky. The moon, the stars were shining with a bright light. Boh closed her eyes, the beautiful night colours around her began fading into dark black shades, the light from the stars began fading. Boh was fully surrounded in darkness. It's as if she was standing in a black hole, there was no light. Boh understood what she had to do. There was only one place darker than the one she was standing in right now. It was the dark space HE was standing in.
              Day Eight, Segment One.
              It was only a few hours before Master1's battle. It was a morning of a new day. However the sun was not coming up. The land was filled with darkness. No one really knew what was happening, Linus21, was walking around the streets, enjoying the darkness. HE was standing on a lookout tower, high up, where people wouldn't notice him. He was waiting for the battle to begin, there were still hours before the battle, the wait was difficult. Seconds seemed like hours, panic began filling up people, no one really knew why the sun wasn't coming up. HE knew.
              Doh left Atilla's team shortly after their defeat to Linus21's team. Atilla had somewhat recovered after the battle, Meredith helped him in his difficult time. They recruited two new members shortly after. Their team was ready to face the future battles.
              Master1, GKAbyss, Matt, and Honeybuckles44 trained really hard for today's battle. It seemed that their cooperation had improved heaps since the beginning. They learnt new attacks and defense strategies. They seemed like a new, refined group.
              Cow recruited a new beast that was bound to ensure their future victories against teams, specifically Nou's group. Nou and his group trained very hard after their battle against Cow. Both groups are growing in strength, both looking towards the dark future ahead of them.
              'King' and his team were prepared to show their strength in the future as well. At the moment, they were going to witness the battle between Master1 and the unknown figure. 'King' and his group had been looking at Master1 and his groups performance for a long time now, it was interesting for them how Master1 and his group would perform today.
                BEE and her group had found a new member as well to replace BuzzerBee. They were now looking at getting revenge against Boh and her group. Time would only show if BEE is able to get revenge for the loss, either way BEE felt that she had something in common with Boh, however was not able to know what this was.
                Benje00 tried to hide himself after the interaction with his sister. He did not want any unneeded attention, Honeybuckles44 would only destroy his focus. Either way Benje00 and his group were also ready for the events that would come in the future.

                                                                                                                      -                     -                     -

              Prologue (Final Chapter, 16):
              "You'll know what you need when you need to know it." - 'Lead One'
              Day Eight, Segment Two.
              There was complete darkness. The sun was not coming out, people were panicking, almost no one came to see the battle at the arena. The city was lit up only by lights and torches, this was the only light left. Either way, Master1 and his team had to face their biggest challenge yet, defeat was not an option.
              The group of four have stepped into the arena to face the mini challenge. As the mini gate opened, a shadow came out. An invisible figure? Was it possible that if the lights in the arena were to go out, this figure would be impossible to see? GKAbyss attacked first by firing beams of water at the shadow, however it did not seem to be affected by this. Honeybuckles44 shot arrows at it, again with no effect. The shadow started slowly consuming the arena... the main gate opened. This made no sense, was this a mini challenge or was it... two figures stepped out of the main gate, it was Thwinkt and the unknown figure.
              The shadow fully consumed the arena, there was no light around Master1 or his team, they were in complete darkness. This darkness was disturbing in every possible way, it was destroying any confidence, Master1 and his team felt weak and helpless. However even though the darkness was almost complete, Master1 could still see Thwinkt and the unknown figure. Master1 looked in the face of the unknown figure, this was the face from the newspaper, this was the being that destroyed teams with one strike, this was Daniel1234.
              Daniel1234 was on his horse as always, he lifted up his sword and let out a massive shock wave straight at Master1 and his group.
"Now!" Master1 shouted.
Master1, GKAbyss and Matt instantly created a shield, this was the shield that was bonded by all their powers, all their strength, all their heart and mind.
"We are refining our shields every day" - Master1 said to 'King' yesterday.
The shock wave struck the shield, blazing through it and straight at the group. The shield was strong, very strong, it was strong enough to cancel out more than 99% of the damage and speed of the shock wave. But then, why were Master1, GKAbyss and Matt on their knees suffering from the pain? Didn't they almost cancel out the shock wave? The less than 1% of damage was strong enough to almost eliminate them, the power was almost as strong as an average attack. Master1 couldn't help but wonder how strong the damage could have been if it used all 100%.
              Daniel1234 stepped back in surprise, this was the first group to survive this attack. The dark aura around Daniel1234 shifted, it became dark green.
'This can't be' Master1 thought.
This change in aura was unusual, it could only mean that Daniel1234 was drugged twice, but then how was he allowed to participate at the arena? A person that gets drugged more than once is banned from participating, what was Daniel1234 doing here? Daniel1234 got down from his horse, with his newly obtained green aura and his sword, Daniel1234 smashed the ground making the top layer of the ground bounce up from the rest of the ground, the ground began cracking, a quake began heading with incredible speed straight at Master1 and his group.
              Honeybuckles44 reacted quickly, pushing the rest of her group out of the way. She then took out an arrow, charged it up and shot it straight at the quake heading straight for her.
"Honeybuckles44 is improving her arrows every day just as much." - Master1 said to 'King' yesterday.
The arrow shot a blast of air at Daniel1234 once it hit the quake, however the power did not equal the power of the quake. The quake collided with Honeybuckles44 and she was thrown at the wall behind her. Luckily for her, she almost neutralised the quake as well, only 1% of the damage from the quake actually hit Honeybuckles44. However, she was now unconscious and the rest of the group still had to battle until the first death.
              Daniel1234, now angry with the situation, lit up in flames, a third aura... this was ridiculous, how many times was he actually drugged? Daniel1234 sent out a tsunami of flame and wind at Master1 and his group. This was it, this blazing wave was going to end it.
"Stop!" an unknown figure shouted from the crowd.
This unknown figure then jumped into the arena, a bright light was then seen, it blinded everyone. Once the flash of light cleared, Master1 opened his eyes, felt his skin, he was alive. He looked at the figure that saved him, this was her, it was the princess, the daughter of the 'Royal One'. She had saved him, the darkness cleared to show the arena, and the crowd again.
              The mini challenge was cleared, if you could even call it the mini challenge. The crowd began kneeling in front of the daughter of the 'Royal One.' Daniel1234 and Thwinkt went on their knees as well. Master1 stood up, he wanted to kneel as well, but he couldn't for some reason. GKAbyss, and Matt gathered their remaining strength together after such a match and went on the knees as well. Even Anch159 kneeled. Master1 had never seen such a bright light coming off of a person, he was stoked, he couldn't move. The princess, also known as Banana Venom pointed at Master1 and said "You are the figure I saw in my nightmares, you are the person with the strength of a thousand men." Master1 was confused, she was clearly pointing at him, not Daniel1234. This was confusing but it was what it was, Banana Venom was a wise princess, she had never made mistakes before.
                                                                                                                 The End Of Volume One.

                                                                                                                      -                     -                     -

              This is the end for now. Master1 gave me permission to use the EE characters style in my story, other than that this story does not relate to his in any way. So what you guys think of this?
Volume 1 Songs, these are good to get aspect of tension of the battles.
<iframe width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
The figure show in this music video is my inspiration of how I view Thwinkt in this story.
2:41-6:42 Team Element Theme Song.
19:51-21:34 Team Archangels Theme Song.
36:15-39:06 Team Brotherhood Theme Song.
39:06-41:22 Team Veterans Theme Song.
Chapter 13 - Day Seven, Segment One Song:
<iframe width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Last edited by tak4n (Jul 22 2014 10:45:15 pm)



#2 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 1,883

Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Teams and Groups:
WARNING: A lot of spoilers beyond this point.

Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Group D:

Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Group D:

Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Group D:

Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Group D:

Mobon, Tak4n, Monkey, Processor, Deetz, Number1KirbyFan1O, Philipg1, Allerulez, Terence22205, Bimps, ABC Boy, fille02, DClevels, Theditor, Fiendish Llama, BuzzerBee.

Last edited by tak4n (Jul 22 2014 11:51:49 pm)



#3 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,575

Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

y same characters as ATTWO



#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 1,883

Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

BuzzerBee wrote:

y same characters as ATTWO

There will be a lot of characters coming in and coming out. After a while, you'll lose the pattern or similarity. In fact, I used quite a few new characters already.
But knowing that is a troll post and I am wasting my time, I'll just say that it's easier for me to do character development for the characters I will introduce in the first few chapters than it is for people I haven't played with much. Plus ATTWO only had 10-11 characters whereas I am going to have a lot more.



#5 Before February 2015

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Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Sounds good, but dan you please add some paragraphs? Large blocks of text are daunting.

Also, you can put me in the story if you want //

Last edited by Onjit (Jun 23 2014 1:13:01 am)



#6 Before February 2015

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
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Posts: 1,514

Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Biased character selection. Same people, lame people. It gets a little tiring having to read stories about the same lame boring peeps time after time after time. Add a little more cultural variety. These people do not represent EE. Where's the average player? "Where is that demographic of people who talk like this and are really good."? (Nezum, Tiralmo, etc.). Where are the Kongregatefails (Terrence22205, Icebomb, ShinyPorygon5, etc.)?   Where are teh art folks who are good but not really that recognized (Toxic, etc.) Where's the ipwner (ipwner, ipwner, etc.)? How bout the fdoouzle and the kirby and the mrsflame to add up a spice of personality? Swap out the characters or add in alot of new ones or else this may crash and burn in flame. Just my advice. //

Last edited by ipwner (Jun 23 2014 12:13:09 pm)


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q

Im A ®a®ity ®


#7 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
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Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Very interesting story, i don't know when story will end. The characters are good choice, i don't know if you plan take characters one by one, reveal all them or wait someone request join. If your going request join, here is my list:
Blizzard10 - Phinarose - Toxic - Chiscorey - Xfrogman43 - Cameronaldo - Reidolol(me) - Mylo - Ipwner - Fdoou - Bimps1002 - Bill33 - Ewoke - Lpeugliot9 - Zeldaxd - Meredith1999 - Atilla - Takoman02 - Different55 - Benje00 - Orangecrix - Merengue - Jr2 - Grandswordsman26 - Agentfire - Heyimcool16 - Jawapa.

This is a false statement.


#8 Before February 2015

some woman
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Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Creature wrote:


Nobody even knows who he is...

10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!


#9 Before February 2015

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Posts: 5,447

Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

I love how there are like 5 stories going around. Keeps me busy!


#10 Before February 2015


Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

"Ctrl + F: Arceus64"

#11 Before February 2015

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Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

"Ctrl + F: Anch159"



#12 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
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Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Ctrl + F: reidolol



This is a false statement.


#13 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
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Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Oh wow.
Dude press the arrow and you'll find out that your name isn't in the story. //


#14 Before February 2015

From: We will meet again as stars
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Posts: 3,281

Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

anch159 wrote:

Oh wow.
Dude press the arrow and you'll find out that your name isn't in the story. //

Do not ruin his fun WevBh.png WevBh.png WevBh.png



#15 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
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Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Cola1 wrote:
anch159 wrote:

Oh wow.
Dude press the arrow and you'll find out that your name isn't in the story. //

Do not ruin MY fun WevBh.png WevBh.png WevBh.png

This is a false statement.


#16 Before February 2015


Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Mobon is a shared account. I love shared accounts.

#17 Before February 2015

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Posts: 1,883

Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Updated chapter 1, update is half way down the page. Tell me if I should use different colours for updates and chapters to make them more visible. As I said, I am trying to develop a story so there will be a lot of plot happening outside of the actual arena. Also there were really only 8 characters introduced so far, there will be a lot more that will come //



#18 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

tak4n wrote:

Updated chapter 1, update is half way down the page. Tell me if I should use different colours for updates and chapters to make them more visible.

You can do this:

Chapter 1:

Update 2: Story
Update 3: Story

It means, a quote is a chapter, and you write down the updates.

tak4n wrote:

As I said, I am trying to develop a story so there will be a lot of plot happening outside of the actual arena. Also there were really only 8 characters introduced so far, there will be a lot more that will come //

Ok, but there only 7 characters.

Last edited by Creature (Jun 23 2014 6:51:51 pm)

This is a false statement.


#19 Before February 2015


Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

someone please

require shared accounts

i feel so useless

#20 Before February 2015

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Posts: 1,883

Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

Updated. I made chapters into "days" and parts of chapters into "segments" to hopefully organise the story better. A "day" is an actual day that passes in the story, a "segment" is part of the day, e.g. morning, evening but not actual time though, it pretty much means "some time later in the day." There will also be a prologue before every update even if it's one line. I am also thinking of slowing the rate I am making the story from daily to maybe once in every 2-3 days because I am getting through the story at a very fast rate.
New characters introduced.

Also the songs I use that inspire me when writing the battles down in the link below. The picture on the youtube video looks somewhat similar to Thwinkt in the story.

Edit: Question for you guys, who do you think "Lead One" is? He/She/It will also have a name of an EE person, wonder who it could be?

Last edited by tak4n (Jun 25 2014 4:09:55 am)



#21 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
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Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

tak4n wrote:

Edit: Question for you guys, who do you think "Lead One" is? He/She/It will also have a name of an EE person, wonder who it could be?

I would say it will be MrShoe.

This is a false statement.


#22 Before February 2015

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Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

A new prologue and day two, segment two have been posted. A new character introduced. A question for you guys: Who do you think is the strange person that the crowd had been talking about for two days now? Why is he so special?



#23 Before February 2015


Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

wow not enough shared accounts

waste of time

#24 Before February 2015

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

ipwner wrote:

Biased character selection. Same people, lame people. It gets a little tiring having to read stories about the same lame boring peeps time after time after time. Add a little more cultural variety. These people do not represent EE. Where's the average player? "Where is that demographic of people who talk like this and are really good."? (Nezum, Tiralmo, etc.). Where are the Kongregatefails (Terrence22205, Icebomb, ShinyPorygon5, etc.)?   Where are teh art folks who are good but not really that recognized (Toxic, etc.) Where's the ipwner (ipwner, ipwner, etc.)? How bout the fdoouzle and the kirby and the mrsflame to add up a spice of personality? Swap out the characters or add in alot of new ones or else this may crash and burn in flame. Just my advice. //

The new characters you added are still just the "proepicalz" and no one interesting, plus you and your freends..


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q

Im A ®a®ity ®


#25 Before February 2015


Re: Vol. 1 ABVE - EE Epic Story (Final Chapter - Day Eight, Segment Two)

hey you know who else is a character type?
shared accounts //
they can be constantly changing their allies and enemies, multiple personality, there are SO MANY POSSIBILITIES


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