Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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tomorrow we'll be in the perfect conditions for a tornado outbreak, guess that means i'll either be killed or blessed.
ikr? My city is expecting big storms. My favorite. Plenty of lightning to keep me happy. Might even see my first tornado.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Ah, i've only seen 2 tornados, and even then, they were in my dreams 0_o
I'm only praying we won't have to see one, and if we do, let it be away from us.
[oldmanvoice]I've lived here in tornado alley for 14 years and never once I've seen a twister.[/oldmanvoice]
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Here where i live there are no tornados and stuff 1bigsmile1
But sometimes there's floods
My town got owned by a bucket load today. I went outside for like 3 seconds and I was soaked. It stopped in like30 minutes though which I think is hilarious.
Am I the only one on the EE forums who hasn't even experienced these natural disasters yet? Though I am from England, so thats probably why
^ same (exept that i live in wales nearby), but i do live near a river the floods very rarely, however, i live on a hill flood proof (-ish)
but when the snow comes its just taken the ****
Thefirstgamer: im so sorry this might be the end of the crew, and you :(:(:(:(
You were a really good friend
^ lol, i think you care more about the crew, the thing you care more about always comes first, watch the movies!
I've never seen a tornado before,and I plan keeping it that way.
I don't have any bad things around me but if you drive for 20 minutes you will see some severe flooding.
aka towwl
there were(confirmed) 2 tornadoes in my area ,luckly none in my town
^ lol, i think you care more about the crew, the thing you care more about always comes first, watch the movies!
LOL,i care more about him than the crew acturly. And OWNED!
Am I the only one on the EE forums who hasn't even experienced these natural disasters yet? Though I am from England, so thats probably why
Am I the only one who remembers the Earthquake in 2008? I woke up shaking then hearing several things crash in the kitchen, gotta admitt, it was pretty cool, I never experienced an Earthquake before
I witnessed a pretty severe lightning and thunder storm before It managed to open our balcony door which was locked on a key
I was around 7 so got pretty scared, still awesome though
The Red Troll wrote:^ lol, i think you care more about the crew, the thing you care more about always comes first, watch the movies!
LOL,i care more about him than the crew acturly. And OWNED!
ROFL, wheres your proof?
Am I the only one on the EE forums who hasn't even experienced these natural disasters yet? Though I am from England, so thats probably why
Nope, dont even 1
I am glad nothing evver happens here.
Ugh, here in the netherlands never happens something :/
Ugh, here in the netherlands never happens something :/
I kinda like that you know :rolleyes:
Pandapo wrote:Ugh, here in the netherlands never happens something :/
I kinda like that you know :rolleyes:
Ha. I would too.
I hate it xD always so bored
WHAT WAS THAT? YOU DARE CALL YOURSELF A STORM!!? Meh I was expecting something big where I live. The tornado sirens are going off, everyone is sitting next to a wall, and I walk outside and there's the sun and a few retreating cumulus clouds. I live in tornado alley and frankly I am disappointed in everyone overreacting at school. I had to miss lunch and had to sit between a cabinet and a fridge DOING MY MATH FINAL for over an hour. When I could've been eating lunch for half an hour THEN doing the final in a nice comfy desk.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
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