Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Alright, you want to hear my life story?Alright.... My mom is nice (my father and mother got devorced, so I go to her house on a lucky weekend), my dad been in prison for decades (hes insane!) , my bros a ****, everyone else is ..gone.
About me?I'm just a normal person, with a little bit tiny anger issue.
Not really related to the topic, but it suprises me how many people are christians or have horrible families...
Guise. STFU if you have nothing to say to help Chimi out. Saying "olol today is t3h rapshoor!" isn't helping him at all.
Chimi, I think your marijuana problem is alright. It helps you get away from the stress for a little bit. As Twipply said, just because some idiot in power said it's bad doesn't make it that way. That's not to say that you should keep doing it, but it's not a major problem to be dealt with right away. I think it may be one of the reasons you still have the strength to come here and get help. Deal with it later, once you don't have as much stress to make you want it again.
You said you try to cut back, but another problem comes up and brings you back to the full dose? That's why you need to solve some of these problems now and deal with the weed later.
I hate tall signatures.
chimi, dont worry, your gunna die tonight with everybody else here so give up until the morning, owait, it would be solved by then
Edit: Since everyone is yelling at me about it, I'm just going to the place where PEOPLE CAN HAVE AN OPINION ON SOMETHING.
Last edited by DryKirby64 (May 21 2011 2:40:54 pm)
if a girl does not have yuri then she is lost
but that same girl can be lost in the yuri
wow great advice! If your not going to be helpful go away
Last edited by EDJ (May 21 2011 3:45:15 pm)
Chimi, you have my blessing. despite of us all playing a game were we express ourself with smileys, we might feel hurt. having sex is not a big problem, just think before you do it. marijuna, yes, well, I seriously can't help you with that. the best thing you can do is go to a psychologist. they helped me too (not with drugs) the harderst part is going to them. about your dad, try to talk with him, try getting him to a psychologist. you need to confront him with what he does. remember these words: WHATEVER YOUR DAD DOES, HIS SON IS ALWAYS, ALWAYS IMPORTANT. the friends that start to reject you, try finding 1 of them who still likes you. there always is one! do not close for possibilities, i am getting rejected too!
about God (yes, capital, please don't flame. this is very serious) he is something that nobody really knows about, nobody can tell us that he knows him. some do but how to know that you trust him. if you look deep inside your heart, you will find these answers. God has predestined stuff, if that is true. dont be sad, we all have times were we feel depressed. I suppose you are in high school, so you will face depression, we all had/have/will have it!
I always pray at night, and tonight ima pray with you. so when you go to bed think about what I said, what everyone here said. and we will always be here for you!
I have tears in my eyes while reading this. One thing you can definitely do is chatting with someone, or more from the forum you really trust. Believe me, if you chat, you feel like you have friends and you'll be better able to go through this period. You definitely need friends to help, and we all want to be your virtual friend, don't we? Please Chimi, take my advice. If you chat with someone you really trust it'll definitely help! I've set up a tinychat room to help you out a little more:
Last edited by EDJ (May 21 2011 3:45:46 pm)
I hate tall signatures.
Geez, I was just trying to give him some advice, he pretty much feels that the world sucks.
if a girl does not have yuri then she is lost
but that same girl can be lost in the yuri
RUN AWAY! (with your laptop.. of course XD)
You need god to save you.
Bro, good luck. You're caught in deep sh!t, and this isn't helping I know.
I'm too young to know about marijuana, and all those drugs.
I'll pray for you.
I got snip'd?
But the joke isn't funny without the text up there. Well, we're past jokes here, but it makes no sense without the text.
I hate tall signatures.
Y'know what I do to help stress?..Nevermind...
........Just pray with God, and go to your closest chirch. if you have a phone, call the 700 Club.
stop smoking, don't go to parties, and ask someone at ur church (if u go to a church) to help... trust me... ee will help u forget about marijuana and parties... i hope
Sorry everyone, was out this entire weekend.
Sythe, Obviously it hasn't.
Glad I missed Drykirby's GTFO madness.
Heh, Gamer made a tinychat called helpchimi. Nice.
At least you're still here.... It was terrible. The suggestion was bad, anyway.
I hate tall signatures.
As crazy as it sounds, this topic is also helping me with my life.
edit: The rest of my post seemed too depressing for Chimi.
Last edited by Greenzoid2 (May 23 2011 12:32:04 am)
Turn my mic up louder, I got to say something.
Lightweight step it aside, when we comin'.
Feel it in your chest, the syllables get pumping.
People on the street, they panic and start running.Words on loose leaf sheet complete coming.
I jump on my mind, I summon the rhyme of dumping.
Healing the blind, I promise to let the sun in.
Sick of the dark ways, we march to the drumming.Jump when they tell us they want to see jumping.
**** that, I want to see some fist pumping.
Risk something.
Take back what's yours.
Say something that you know they might attack you forCause I'm sick of being treated like I have before.
Like I'm stupid standing for what I'm standing for.
Like this war's really just a different brand of war.
Like it doesn't cater to rich and abandon poorLike they understand you in the back of the jet,
When you can't put gas in your tank,
These **** are laughing their way
To the bank and cashing a check
Asking you to have compassion and have some respectFor a leader so nervous in an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
In their living room laughing like, "What did he say?"Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen
In my living room watching,
But I am not laughing.
'Cause when it gets tense,
I know what might happen.The world is cold, and bold men take action.
Have to react to get blown into fractions.
10 years old is something to see,
Another kid my age drugged under a G,
Taken and bound and found later under a tree,
I wonder if he thought, "The next one could be me."Do you see?
The soldiers that are out today.
That brush the dust with bulletproof vests away.
It's ironic.
At times like this you pray,
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday.There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads,
Inside your market, your shops, your clothes,
My dad, he's got a lot of fear I know,
But enough pride inside not to let that show.My brother had a book he would hold with pride,
A little red cover with a broken spine.
In the back he hand wrote a quote inside,
"When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die."Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
Both scared and angry like, "What did he say?"Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.
I've been praying. A lot. And thankfully, He is there, answering in His own Way.
My parents are together for the moment.
Michaela is a great friend of mine right now.
I have a group of Christian people that I met who've been through so much more than me through God. They are the most loving and understanding people I've ever met, and I don't think I could've done anything I've done without them.
My addiction is weakening with a ton of unexpected support from my family.
Life is good. Don't waste it.
Last edited by Chimi (Jul 24 2011 9:57:36 pm)
Rest in peace Chimi. What I meant there was have a good life all the way through. Don't cheat on people, be good and the world will be good to you. Pick your real friends too. REAL.
You're my friend, GamingGuy <3
God has a plan for everything, and he knows what you'll do next.
He's got it all under control. Trust him. Pray. He will guide you through the Bible. God doesn't come speaking through the clouds in bursts of thunder, he talks to you through the Bible.
Guise, shut up about god! Chimi can believe what he wants, he obviously hasn't decided whether god is real or not telling by the first post. Believing god doesn't help at all, how do you know god will be there? If god does exist, he wouldn't want you to just pray to him day and night and do nothing, he would want you to Act, do something for yourself. Again, if god exists, then he would send you to hell if you just do NOTHING.
The best way to take care of the Marijuana problem is to just STOP. STOP taking it. It's best to not think about it. just STOP taking it. I should STOP capitalizing STOP shouldn't I? But seriously, don't think anything else, just stop taking it. and get something else to do. When you start thinking about taking some marijuana, don't do that, play Everybody Edits, or even EAT. In fact, don't care even if you eat 5 meals a day because of that. even if you get fat, it's better than getting unhealthy through drugs.
EDIT: didn't read the last few posts. btw, don't just think things are getting better because god is there. People are being rude just talking about god, not everyone has to believe in him. But if you want to believe him, you can if you'd like, if it does make you feel better.
Last edited by MaxDG/MXIII (Jul 27 2011 7:10:35 am)
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