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So today at school, I started a conversation with a few of my friends about 2012. (Not the movie) And we gathered some very interesting facts.
One of my friends said that the solar system and thier planets and the center of the galaxy allign every 640,000 years.
So I said the effects are still unknown, but if they are bad, it may have been the factor that wiped out the dinosaurs and other species. So new life froms (like us) started to form.
Also, near where I live, there has been horrible weather, possibly signs of the end. 1st came the 5.8 earthquake in Mineral Virginia, which I felt in Maryland, a very bad storm with tornadoes was next, followed by hurricane Irene (We got the hardest hit DX) and also tropical storm Lee. Another bad storm came next and after that, flash flooding and the formation of 2 extra hurricanes. Later a bit more flooding and yet more to came.
So who believes ans why, and who doesn't believe and why?
Well if your a Christian ( like me ) you would know that there was only like what 4k-6k years bc to the earth has only been here for 6k-8k years, so you would'nt believe the 640,00 stuff.
Either way. i think its fake. cause the world ended in 2000 once in 2011 ( i think :O ) and so on.
i dont believe cuz we already died like 7 times. 1998? 2000. some more. 2010. 2011
Well, there isn't really evidence for both sides. It's getting into storm season and that explains the hurricanes and all, but at the same time we don't know when or if it's going to happen. I would just go with this: "Yesterday's history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."
Last edited by DryKirby64 (Sep 12 2011 6:25:36 pm)
if a girl does not have yuri then she is lost
but that same girl can be lost in the yuri
I'm not worrying much. The world ended so many times before as catking said
aka towwl
The closest "END" we're gonna have next is on October 21st.
*u stinky*
I don't care if you think the weather is getting worse. I don't care what some idiot has to say on the blog you just read. I don't care what your friends or anyone else of such insignificance has to say.
I care about logic, science, reasoning and all those other wonderful things. When the majority of the scientific community is worried, you can be too. Until then? No, of course nothing is going to happen, why the hell would you think otherwise?
Well if your a Christian ( like me ) you would know that there was only like what 4k-6k years bc to the earth has only been here for 6k-8k years, so you would'nt believe the 640,00 stuff.
It's clearly false. Nothing is going to happen. There is no scientific evidence that the world is going to end. In fact, as far as I know, there are only 2 logical causes for the end of the world.
1. The sun burns out
2. We run out of resources, the economies fail, and we all have to fend for ourselves
and I don't see any of those happening anytime soon.
2012 is a lot different than 2000. 2011. etc. those were thought to be the end of the world more recently, and while probably a lot of people knew about them, they were under-hyped. 2012 is a lot different since it was "started" around the time of the aztecs. and almost everyone has known about it their entire lives. I don't think the world will end, but it's going to be interesting since everyone in the world will be thinking about it at the same time.
Last edited by GKAbyss (Sep 12 2011 8:06:37 pm)
As said in my favorite flash animation of all time, THE END IS NIGH, NIGH I TELL YOU
So, yes, I think 2012 might be real... but I hope not, cause I'll miss the rest of my life
2. We run out of resources, the economies fail, and we all have to fend for ourselves
and I don't see any of those happening anytime soon.
You don't see this happening ANY TIME SOON? Really? Wow.
I don't believe in 2012 and never will.
But there's one thing freaking me out
In 2008, when the world was supposed to and earthquake rode over my country
And last May it was supposed to end too, and that's when a vulcano erupted here
As as KRAZYMAN50 the next is on October 21st, we may be having another vulcano erupting here. We are seeing many earthquakes there at really high Richter. Now I'm scared of 2012
I'm not Christian or something, but I hope it's just a coincident
Last edited by Breadfinn (Sep 13 2011 2:41:12 am)
Nonononono, there shall be a giant wave of natural disasters which shall awaken the mighty Lord Cthulhu Ftaghn and he shall exterminate the human species 1smile1
Do not believe. My most lovely Bible says God didn't made anything to scare us nor harm us. (Please common sense)
Or it is written on Genesis that God will never ever do like what happened at the times of Noah.
Do not believe. My most lovely Bible says God didn't made anything to scare us nor harm us. (Please common sense)
Common sense tells me the flood.
Or it is written on Genesis that God will never ever do like what happened at the times of Noah.
Think you can give me the exact quote, please?
I think there might be slight natural changes and or disasters, but I dont think the world will end. so...yeah, but nobody knows, I dont think we should spend time on it and when it comes its just like winter is one day early.
oh and, think about all the other times the world was going to end. We are still here. And what happened last time the planets aligned?
Last edited by buddy558 (Sep 13 2011 2:58:49 am)
noelzkie wrote:Do not believe. My most lovely Bible says God didn't made anything to scare us nor harm us. (Please common sense)
Common sense tells me the flood.
noelzkie wrote:Or it is written on Genesis that God will never ever do like what happened at the times of Noah.
Think you can give me the exact quote, please?
God saw how great wickedness had become and decided to wipe mankind from the face of the earth. However, one righteous man among all the people of that time, Noah, found favor in God's eyes. With very specific instructions, God told Noah to build an ark for him and his family in preparation for a catastrophic flood that would destroy every living thing on earth.
God also instructed Noah to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, both male and female, and seven pairs of all the clean animals, along with every kind of food to be stored for the animals and his family while on the ark. Noah obeyed everything God commanded him to do.
After they entered the ark, rain fell on the earth for a period of forty days and nights. The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days, and every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out. As the waters receded, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. Noah and his family continued to wait for almost eight more months while the surface of the earth dried out.
Finally after an entire year, God invited Noah to come out of the ark. Immediately, he built an altar and worshiped the Lord with burnt offerings from some of the clean animals. God was pleased with the offerings and promised never again to destroy all the living creatures as he had just done. Later God established a covenant with Noah: "Never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth." As a sign of this everlasting covenant God set a rainbow in the clouds.
You misunderstood. In your first section you said something along the lines of God didn't make anything to harm us, in which case I replied the flood. The second reply was unrelated. I was simply asking for the chapter and line numbers of when God "said" he would never doing anything like that again.
You misunderstood. In your first section you said something along the lines of God didn't make anything to harm us, in which case I replied the flood. The second reply was unrelated. I was simply asking for the chapter and line numbers of when God "said" he would never doing anything like that again.
Your the one who misunderstand. The first one was Noah's and the second part that He promise.
Of course you will not understand this nor will understand this because I bet your not a Christian.
Chewy wrote:You misunderstood. In your first section you said something along the lines of God didn't make anything to harm us, in which case I replied the flood. The second reply was unrelated. I was simply asking for the chapter and line numbers of when God "said" he would never doing anything like that again.
Your the one who misunderstand. The first one was Noah's and the second part that He promise.
Of course you will not understand this nor will understand this because I bet your not a Christian.
Ah, I see now. But if you did quote exactly, you would notice that God said he would not send a flood. There are other ways of causing harm. Such as setting a city on fire. Sound familiar?
You would lose that bet.
Nope. Do you want me to repeat? Or say other thing. I will not give up for God. Thats why God send flood because the earth its full of sinful persons.
Nope. Do you want me to repeat? Or say other thing. I will not give up for God.
Thats why God send flood because the earth its full of sinful persons.
Oh, no. I was just trying to prove my point; if God decided to kill everyone or whatever on 2012, he would do it. Also I see you haven't read the Bible, no offense, and just know of the more popular stories. Educate yourself some more.
Hmp. I was having fun on our debate. But now it stopped. BTW I always read bible.
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