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#576 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

i likemine better //

#577 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

1: It may not be possible for a child to keep this feature secret from their parents.

This rule is the only reason why nobody have thought up a solution.

First of all, chat is something that is free in most games, why is EE so damn special? I came back from a 2 year hiatus, and to see this is enraging.

Second of all, just implement a swear filter. Anybody below the age of 10 shouldn't be on the internet other than for researching purposes and believe me when I say even if people can bypass the swear filter it's still fine. You will hear little kids swearing in kindergartens. Just look at the media (or are developers too busy to watch television? // and yo'll know what I mean.

DylanDaSkater wrote:

I Disagree with you tomicalover, if chat were added to everyones account, how would you stop spammers and the immature kids that will just like to f*ck with people? Its perfect the way it is, you need parent permission just to verify chat and so they would have to allow it and approve of it, therefore i think it should stay the way it is
( Not like it will change or anything.. )

What you are saying is implying little retards don't have parents and can't ask them for their credit cards. And there is an anti-spam system.

Last edited by Meerkat (Apr 30 2012 11:22:08 pm)

#578 Before February 2015

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

How about a couple of feilds given. Enter one with your parents E-mail adress, and the other one verifying your age. An e-mail will be sent to the parents for verification. Your parents email must be different from your EE one for those who find loop-holes that are older than 13 or such.

EDIT: Meerkat, he is not saying that. He is implying that kids that are immature little brats keep this a secret from their parents, and that it won't work just to put it in shorter terms.

Also, no one found a solution to hiding from their parents because Chris is smart and wouldn't release such a mistake.

Last edited by minimania (May 4 2012 1:46:15 am)

Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!


#579 Before February 2015

From: SN2006gy
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 304

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

hmm yes but i did i just got a visa gift card and than had a frind get me chat weith it lo

* CYPH1E > YOU: [I'm] half bot pig man bear.


50 dollars + salvaged computer parts.


#580 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Try 9000 enegry! But in order to unlock the proseas,the parent MUST be sent an e-mail.How to send e-mails is that the parent makes a secret e-mail that the child dosent know about.After that if the child wants chat then they ask ther parent and the parent gets the child to go away for 10 min.The parent gets the e-mail and the child whould be able to get chat,and the parent will know.But before the e-mail address they need to state their age.

#581 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

That's a terrible idea sonicxs.

Any 13 year old could bypass that.

#582 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Sonicxs wrote:

Try 9000 enegry! But in order to unlock the proseas,the parent MUST be sent an e-mail.How to send e-mails is that the parent makes a secret e-mail that the child dosent know about.After that if the child wants chat then they ask ther parent and the parent gets the child to go away for 10 min.The parent gets the e-mail and the child whould be able to get chat,and the parent will know.But before the e-mail address they need to state their age.

sounds like to much secrecy. i doubt the parents care that much about the ability to chat. plus they can just use kongregate chat or tinychat to chat. i think the current system works just fine

#583 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Vesley, any 10 year old can make an email account, send the email to that, then use the 9000 energy.

Stupid idea, goodbye.

#584 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

i doubt chris will even bother to change the chat verifycation   thing since it wil be to   complicated and i doubt he will read these posts anyways

#585 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think(and many people think too) that chat must be unlocked for everyone, swear and spam filters added, and new commands.
The commands are:
/mute playername - the player cannot chat in this room
/unmute playername - unmutes the muted player
/quickonly playername - the player can use only quickchat
The reasons for this are:
1)Parents psychology.The parents will rather not pay with their credit card(if they have one) for a "minor flash game"(EE is actually good flash game) because they wanna keep their child safe from internet addiction.
2)The existing system was borned dead.Seriously, not every country supports PayPal, and not every person have a credit card.
3)People want to communicate.Quickchat is not enough, and chat trolls can be muted or kicked(see commands above)
4)If you say "ALL THIS IS A LIE LIE LIE" here are the numbers:
I bought a massive world and hosted it as an art room
After some time, about 20-30 players entered the room and only ONE has chat
5)"Friends" are NOT friends if they are no able to communicate.
If you ban me for this message, that will be ban for no reason....

Last edited by olegoleg123 (Jun 3 2012 7:05:10 am)

#586 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Theoretically, it's the parent's fault for not watching their children correctly, and the child using a fake birth date is on his line of fault, there's no problem for the devs if the child gets a problem through chat and their parents complain. Thus can simply say that the child uses the respective birth date so we enabled the chat. (For the record, restrict chat at a date though, perhaps 14 years old minimum, even if the child is faking, it's still not an excuse that you need better parental control system, it's the child's fault after all.)

#587 Before February 2015

From: SN2006gy
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 304

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Well, guys... Way back when it aid there were no ways to get around having to have a credit card to get chat. I would probelly say though, that about one percent of people on this game actuly had their parents get them chat. The vast majority of them just had there friends get it for them.

* CYPH1E > YOU: [I'm] half bot pig man bear.


50 dollars + salvaged computer parts.


#588 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Sonicxs wrote:

Try 9000 enegry! But in order to unlock the proseas,the parent MUST be sent an e-mail.How to send e-mails is that the parent makes a secret e-mail that the child dosent know about.After that if the child wants chat then they ask ther parent and the parent gets the child to go away for 10 min.The parent gets the e-mail and the child whould be able to get chat,and the parent will know.But before the e-mail address they need to state their age.

ya not gonna work, I remember when I was 10 I bypassed the roblox chat system and my parents never found out for 3 years (my annoying sister told them) when they did find out I turned my chat off and didnt get in trouble then a week later turned it back on and they never found out again!

so have the parent do a secret e-mail, the child can do that e-mail and problem worse!

#589 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I really want chat but my parents wont buy it for me and i love ee and im trying so hard for gems right now but i think that chat should cost 20 gems i know your like omg but please chris!

#590 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

simple when ever they say something bad there chat will be disabled. //
well not an Idea for getting chat but for moderating it.

#591 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

You all think that Chris is (partially) right about the chat limitation, but he just doesn't really understand what is going on.Think about parents' psychology.Most of them just think that "EE is just a stupid flash game" and tend to protect his child from computer/internet addiction.And about 90% of EE players are children below 13.Older people, if they like creative games, play bigger games like Minecraft(and other games too but im talking about creative ones only).And people who have full chat are just simple exclusions.I'm 12, and my parents think about EE(and most other flash games) like i described above.
All that text just explains that the existing system(and other parental control systems in EE) is self-exclusive and why it is.And what to do with chat you are asking? Well, since having to pay or being beta for chat is even worse than this,the only good solution will be unlockin the chat for everybody and adding new commands(/mute /unmute /ban /unban etc).
  To admins and mods of the forum:
You can ban me for this message, but that will be ban for no true reason.I'm just analysing the current situation, telling people the truth and suggesting a possible solution.
Thank you all for reading,
EDIT:Almost forgot about swear and spam filters.

Last edited by olegoleg123 (Jun 6 2012 1:33:53 am)

#592 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

List of unreasonable blocked words:



butt (lol)



¢um (**** is this? -_-)


it's stuff like this that gets Chris alot of unlikes (no offense)

it's not really fair,especially since most of EE players are teens and pre teens. maybe chris should be more aware of the age group to determine what is and isn't appropriate

Last edited by Dark5tar32 (Jun 6 2012 10:00:26 pm)

#593 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think this will satisfy some requirements but its an idea that i just had

Put an E-mail to send a confirmation.
Then:,in that window,there should be a space where u have to make ur password [minimun: 8 characters].
after that,in another window,an "age" case have to appear,if the age is 13 or older,its a llowed,if the age is 12 or under,the page "re-loads"and it have to say: "sorry,u dont satisfy the minimun age"...then the user have to wait untill he/she have 13 years old.
now,if the age is 13 or older,there should be an equation that matches the age [for ex: age 15: equation: X * 9= 9 + 7 / 2] BUT,u have a time limit [7 secs] to send the answer,if u fail to answer,u have to wait one day [but the equation have to change everyday].
now,if the user have answered [and the answer is correct] another window have to appear and right there,there should another space that says: "Father/Mother E-mail",u have to put right there the e-mail of ur father/ mother.When u put the Father/Mother E-mail.,u have to wait 2 [or less] hours.Then,when time is out,ur father/mother have to check his/her e-mail and there should be 5 questions:
3 of math [very advanced math] and 1 of HIstory [form 1930 to 1990].
Also,u have a time limit [30 secs per question].at least,u have to answer [but the answers have to be correct] 4 if u fail in answering them [or u have 3 or less correct answers].the questions will disappear and a notice will appear,saying this: "u failed to answer,please,try again later in 1 hours"
If ur parents answered the answer [and correct answers] another message will appear: "Another e-mail have been sent to confirm about the chat".
Now,the parent have to go to that e-mail and have to click in a box that says: "i acept that my child have the permition to chat,but if he/she does something bad,ill block his/her chat for 2 days".
If the parent clicks on it,the game will open and the user,automatically will enter on a level and the user will be allowed to chat.
Now,if the user does something bad,a warnning will be sent to the parent's e-mail and the game will be blocked for the user untill the parent checks the e-mail and the parent have block the user's chat for 2 days.

That is my idea.

-SPY-1 [In Game Name: inmortalclanspy01]

Last edited by SPY-1 (Jun 10 2012 6:00:53 pm)

#594 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Alex wrote:
Peber wrote:

The only problem with that is some people may find it funny to report messages and when you have the amount of players versus the amount of moderators, well lets say they have lives and probably couldn't deal with that.

Give 100 point warning for false reports.

Also, making this game 13+ is a horrible idea, EE would lose >50% of its users.

You shouldn't do that! Sometimes users press the report button by mistake.

#595 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

lets ignore the parents completrely. Who gives a swear word about them anyways?

#596 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Eh, I think this topic should be unstickied. It's a year and a half old. I doubt Chris is still checking it or has any plans to change parental control.

Last edited by eeplayer17 (Jun 12 2012 11:51:22 am)

#597 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I honestly don't think there is an EFFECTIVE way to do this

However,what i suggest is a larger quick chat that will make it very easy to tell what they want.

#598 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

how do you fix banned acc // //

#599 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-19
Posts: 649

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Some of you people need to grow a pair (not the girls).   Cuss words and inappropriate content words aren't really that bad.   It's more of the curiosity that is the problem.   Anyways, if most of our community is going to learn these words eventually anyways, what does it really matter.   PM me if you think of a reason it is truly not beneficial.


#600 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Ok, first of all, I would like to note that I have not read the entire thread, so bear with me.
I definitely agree that the current method is not the way to go; there's a reason why no other games solve this problem this way. Personally, I believe that if the parent chooses to let their child go on the internet unattended, then that parent has given their clearance for the kid to play games like this and interact with other people (After all, the internet is just one large method of communication). They must know that risk that they run about what their child may encounter whilst browsing the internet.

The correct method, in my opinion,   is at your registration of an account, there would be a check box that says the following: "I am at least 13 years old and have read the Terms & Conditions". You would have to write up a series of terms for playing this game (Such as no foul language, harassment, etc). This relatively easy option clears you of any legal obligations and significantly increases the happiness of most of your players as they either can chat or do not have to go through the sometimes strenuous process of getting a credit card for one cent on a game.
There is absolutely no method that you can put in place that would be 100% secure. Even if you started having people send you pictures of themselves and an ID, this could easily be found online of someone that is old enough. As someone earlier in this thread stated, I could just purchase a Visa gift card or something similar and use that to pay for it without any adult permission.

If, however, you still feel the need to ensure that they are old enough, I believe that out of the ideas that I've read only the math problem one would be a bit effective. I also know that you're correct in that after awhile, everyone will know the answer to the problem. This is why you make several math problems on a cycle, rotating them for each new account. Each person would only have to answer one, but if we have maybe a hundred rotating, the likelihood that someone is told the correct answer is slim. Still, you would probably want to throw out problems and create new ones every so often to keep them fresh and 'unpredictable'. Creating problems takes very little time and effort, so you should not worry about it adding that much work; I'm sure you could even find people who would be willing to give you a few problems each month as it wouldn't take much of their time and thinking of five easy problems is not that hard for most people.
I quickly drew up an example of what I had in mind: 2ymub7k.png
Notice how it is a picture so that no one can copy and paste any unknown symbols such as this into a search engine. I feel that this is a very easy and efficient way to do the task that you want it to. You could go a step further and make the forums chat-only so no one can post any answers to their questions for others to see.

The censoring system is also a bit broken. For the most part, it is fine the way it is, but some words that get censored really do not need to be. For example, I think everyone that has purchased chat has the ability to use the words "poop" and "screw". Neither of these words are bad at all. The first is just a bodily function (notice how "urine" is not censored) and the second has several meanings. Even "screw you" is not an offensive insult. "Damn" is not even that bad of a word and most other games with censors allow the use of it. At least "butter" is no longer censored // I would recommend that your censor list is carefully looked over and reworked so it can be more effective and not disrupt the game.
I am not a fan of a point system, but you could have a report button for any rule breaking (circumventing the censor or harassment). Note: starred out words should not be punishable despite what the author had intended to say. The severity and punishment would have to be looked over in a case by case basis, also punishing false reports. As I had said, I am not fond of this either as it take a lot of time and effort to solve a relatively nonexistent problem.   The system in place now works fairly effectively, it just needs to be slightly tweaked.

I hope that something I've said has helped this situation and would like to discuss it further if you had any questions or concerns and am up to helping if there is any need in the future.

Chris 142393302928403

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