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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#526 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I believe that chat should be automatic for all members (Not including guests). But this also means the rules should be much more strict. I have seen people who say the inappropriate but spell it in a different way so the system does not recognize it.

       The system should be modified to find all inappropriate words and cover them before it is exposed to the young percentage of EE. Moreover, if a parent sees the inappropriate words on the screen while the child is playing, the parents would ban the child from EE. Therefore, the child loses interest in Everybody Edits.

        I also think that you could have a report system where you can report another player for anarchy. They could be banned from EE for a couple of hours then will be allowed full access again. You might think that people would report other players for no reason but you could also place a reason box for the reports. But before someone gets banned, 2 people must report said person.

        I hope you embrace my ideas.   -Tomicalover

Last edited by tomicalover (Jan 24 2012 10:27:04 pm)

#527 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I Disagree with you tomicalover, if chat were added to everyones account, how would you stop spammers and the immature kids that will just like to f*ck with people? Its perfect the way it is, you need parent permission just to verify chat and so they would have to allow it and approve of it, therefore i think it should stay the way it is
( Not like it will change or anything.. )

#528 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

But I still said that there is a system to stop inappropriate spamming in EE.

#529 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

it doesnt stop it fully, its still way spammable

#530 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Then kick the person who spams.

#531 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

-.- this is never going to get anywhere -.-

#532 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

F1redragon wrote:

-.- this is never going to get anywhere -.-

soo true =_=

#533 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I personally agree that you don't believe in some people and that they need to pay for chat. But you probably have to think of people who doesn't deal with USA Money. Me, for example. I'm 15, and It doesn't seem that I don't use USA Money or whatever it needs to talk.
Also, the 1 Cent Feature is leading people to make hacks and search the web for Free Shared Accounts. And as my experience, even my little brother is doing so and I'm doing my best to keep an eye at him and stop him from using Shared accounts. This is honestly redicilous. 1 Cent won't change anything and even in other MMORPG games, you don't find that feature much. I believe that you should *Ask* for the Birth day when registring, If the player is under 13 Years old, do not allow chat for him until he upgrades and becomes a Beta tester. Or, if the player is more than 13 years old, I suggest you send him a Confirmation message and allow him/her to chat just by clicking the Confirmation link. This is how things work on ALL the MMO Games over the web.
I hope you finally understand.
We all have the right to chat as you know. And chatting was never disabled for anyone on real life. It's our right, so don't disable it on games.
Thanks for reading.

#534 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

This system isnt secure at al, it can be fooled in 3 ways:

Either you can buy a pre-paid credit card at the local press office / seven eleven.   No age check done at all.

OR you can ask a non-parent grown-up (for example your grown-up brother) to buy chat access for you, without asking the parents for permission.

Or if you have split parents (divorced), you can ask both parents, and if one of the say yes, that parent will probably buy chat access for you without intervening the other parents. Once access is purchased, theres no way for the oher parent to revoke that (since that would need access to the first parent's paypal/cc card) Note that when parents are divorced, they are often in verbal fight with each other and don't cooperate.


Better to do the security check through the government.
I dont know of US, but here its possible to digitally query the government for who is parent for a specific SSN. (and that even if the SSN in question is mature and over 18)

You enter your Social Security Number. The parents are checked through the government, and then you send a VIP letter (VIP letter is a letter that isn't delivered to the mailbox, instead you have to get it at post office and show ID, which have to match the name on the letter) to the registred parents.

(If the person attempting to access chat tries to enter their parents SSN, the check would then require that their parents-parents verify for their parents, thus preventing one parent from allowing access if the other parent are not to it)


This can have 2 options: If either of parents are deceased/not available, send out one VIP letter to the alive parent, containing a confirmation code.

If both parents are alive, split the code in 2, and send a VIP letter to each of the parents containing a part of a confirmation code. To successfully confirm, you have to combine both letters.

If theres no parents, then reject completely and require manual intervention, if not the entity are over 18.

Make the same check regardless of age for everyone that has parents present. If a person has parents registred in the government registry, those should be asked for permission before allowing access, even if the entity is over 18. Only in the case where no parents are on file (eg both parents are dead) and the entity are over 18, then you allow access directly.

Also a important thing: Make sure you "ban" the SSN after it has been used. Eg, when a SSN is used to verify a account, this SSN cannot be used to verify a another account.

Last edited by sebastian (Jan 30 2012 10:39:02 pm)

#535 Before February 2015

Fabulous Member
From: The island with those Brits
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 6,310

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Cooldragon122 wrote:
NikK wrote:
absd wrote:

well, after the new quick chat came out, i though of an idea. instead of banning people who are using inappropriate words, you can make a dictionary of words that can be allowed in chat, so those who dont have verification can chat because they can only use the words that you have allowed. of course, that would be hundreds or even thousands of words, but u can slowly add them. just first add the main words and conjunctions so we can form simple sentences. if you used a word not verified in the dictionary, then your message wont come out. of course, that would have to make us spell words correctly everytime, but i think its better than no chat at all.

It would take forever to make it, plus what you said of talking correctly everytime, though you gave me an idea, I think it isn't what you said, so here it is.
They could expand the quick chat box (like here) and the users who haven't verified with the 1 cent could just use the quick chat, while the ones who verified could use the quick chat, but also write what you want to say.

But where will more than 1000 words fit? and it would take very long to find the word that you want to say sometimes.

I made a topic on this ages ago with a word list of 58,000+ words all safe and cannot be used offensively, yet after contacting RPG he said that chris would probably not do this as it may be time consuming, more than what it took me to produce the list.

Word List

sebastian wrote:

This system isnt secu...
...ther account.

yes but this is to stop Chris getting sued for allowing children to see swearing online... *sigh* it's not like you can only find swearing on a game [/sarcasm]

anyway Chris may be liable if he opens up chat, he has tried to censor chat even once you have paid, the only way forward is to use the dictionary idea.

Last edited by Metatron (Jan 31 2012 3:49:16 pm)


Thank you eleizibeth ^


I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them



#536 Before February 2015

Rick Ace

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I like the dictionary idea. It would be nice if we could pick out words from a dictionary and form sentences.

#537 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Rick Ace wrote:

I like the dictionary idea. It would be nice if we could pick out words from a dictionary and form sentences.

i agree

*off topic*COLOR NEAT

#538 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Hi Chris.. My parents Want me to get chat and I'm 13 years old but paypal isn't supported in my country! // Could you Support or some other electronic pay site that supports georgia? :rolleyes:

#539 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

The way I see it, the site has your email from when you first registered, so if you get chat, an email would be sent out saying, "you have chat! Congradulations!" or something like that. THe parents would almost surely this email, therefore solving, in my mind, the chat problem. Easy as pie.

#540 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

sebastian wrote:

This system isnt secure at al, it can be fooled in 3 ways:

Either you can buy a pre-paid credit card at the local press office / seven eleven.   No age check done at all.

OR you can ask a non-parent grown-up (for example your grown-up brother) to buy chat access for you, without asking the parents for permission.

Or if you have split parents (divorced), you can ask both parents, and if one of the say yes, that parent will probably buy chat access for you without intervening the other parents. Once access is purchased, theres no way for the oher parent to revoke that (since that would need access to the first parent's paypal/cc card) Note that when parents are divorced, they are often in verbal fight with each other and don't cooperate.


Better to do the security check through the government.
I dont know of US, but here its possible to digitally query the government for who is parent for a specific SSN. (and that even if the SSN in question is mature and over 18)

You enter your Social Security Number. The parents are checked through the government, and then you send a VIP letter (VIP letter is a letter that isn't delivered to the mailbox, instead you have to get it at post office and show ID, which have to match the name on the letter) to the registred parents.

(If the person attempting to access chat tries to enter their parents SSN, the check would then require that their parents-parents verify for their parents, thus preventing one parent from allowing access if the other parent are not to it)


This can have 2 options: If either of parents are deceased/not available, send out one VIP letter to the alive parent, containing a confirmation code.

If both parents are alive, split the code in 2, and send a VIP letter to each of the parents containing a part of a confirmation code. To successfully confirm, you have to combine both letters.

If theres no parents, then reject completely and require manual intervention, if not the entity are over 18.

Make the same check regardless of age for everyone that has parents present. If a person has parents registred in the government registry, those should be asked for permission before allowing access, even if the entity is over 18. Only in the case where no parents are on file (eg both parents are dead) and the entity are over 18, then you allow access directly.

Also a important thing: Make sure you "ban" the SSN after it has been used. Eg, when a SSN is used to verify a account, this SSN cannot be used to verify a another account.

Umm... english please

#541 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

The best solution will be opening full chat for everyone.There are a few reasons for it:
1.Psychological.If you ask the parents for the chat, they must approve the game.Most parents DO NOT.
2.Chat succeed in ShellShock Live, Block Miner, etc... without ever locking down.Imho, the reason for chat lockdown was the young 4chan'eers attack on the first(external) EE chat and their attack on the in-game chat.To avoid getting pwned for the third time, Benjaminsen locked the chat down.Howewer, 4han'eers did it "just for lulz" so they not gonna attack at the third time.
3.PayPal is not fully supported in some countries.Not every person has a credit card.If people from these countries want chat, they cannot get it, this is unfair.
4.People wnat full chat for everyone. If benjaminsen leave it as it is,"heat" and hate will build up and soon will cause another, VERY POWERFUL attack.

#542 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Let people just send an copy of there ID

#543 Before February 2015

From: Hungary
Joined: 2015-06-12
Posts: 305

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

GUYS, COME ON! Nor cris, rpg, or cyclone looks at this topic, not even peter, thus aaaaallll this crap here is worthless.
I challange everyone to stop this fight, no reason to contignue it anymore.




#544 Before February 2015

St Cool

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

*Inserts crap here* U mad Bro
Yeah this post is just like the game suggestions i agree with you, but i doubt a mod would lock it.

#545 Before February 2015

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I have an idea.
Give chat to all the people who have beta again but the next time they go on, have a document digitally ready for them with a check box to enable that their parents agree and write down their credit card number they used to pay for beta.
Anyone? //
another qwestion
what if ur a orphan without siblings or guardian?

edited just to respell give.

Last edited by minimania (Mar 10 2012 5:17:10 pm)

Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!


#546 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Hey everybody
Im new on this forum and thought it would be fair to give kids an opinion.
The main reason people are mad at the chat system is because kids dont like asking parents for money simply because most parents wont pay with a credit card or anything online as they dont get games.
So yeah i realize a filter system would be extremly hard to mantain as, said before, you would have to know every form of swearing.
I would reccomend a combination of the suggestions listed before.
1) Parents pay 1 cent to disable chat, make it apparent on the page that there is chat and how to disabe it
2) Have a basic filter system, covering the swear words
3) Make a report system to report swearing, ban people from reporting for a while for false reports
4) Have a way to record chat history
k so if youve read this far, thanks for sticking with me, if you would like to add on just quote this or email me

#547 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Zakros wrote:

I personally agree that you don't believe in some people and that they need to pay for chat. But you probably have to think of people who doesn't deal with USA Money. Me, for example. I'm 15, and It doesn't seem that I don't use USA Money or whatever it needs to talk.
Also, the 1 Cent Feature is leading people to make hacks and search the web for Free Shared Accounts. And as my experience, even my little brother is doing so and I'm doing my best to keep an eye at him and stop him from using Shared accounts. This is honestly redicilous. 1 Cent won't change anything and even in other MMORPG games, you don't find that feature much. I believe that you should *Ask* for the Birth day when registring, If the player is under 13 Years old, do not allow chat for him until he upgrades and becomes a Beta tester. Or, if the player is more than 13 years old, I suggest you send him a Confirmation message and allow him/her to chat just by clicking the Confirmation link. This is how things work on ALL the MMO Games over the web.
I hope you finally understand.
We all have the right to chat as you know. And chatting was never disabled for anyone on real life. It's our right, so don't disable it on games.
Thanks for reading.

Personally i agree:)

#548 Before February 2015

From: Hungary
Joined: 2015-06-12
Posts: 305

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Zakros wrote:

Thanks for reading.

100% chance of none of the actual admins reading it. Just show me ONE single post this year Chris, RPG, Cyclone or Peter made in this topic. Can't? I tought so.


#549 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

DJDavid98 wrote:

GUYS, COME ON! Nor cris, rpg, or cyclone looks at this topic, not even peter, thus aaaaallll this crap here is worthless.
I challange everyone to stop this fight, no reason to contignue it anymore.



i agree that there probaly not looking at this, but eventually, they will see how many posts have accumulated and DO SOMETHING

#550 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Mewtwolegend wrote:
Zakros wrote:

I personally agree that you don't believe in some people and that they need to pay for chat. But you probably have to think of people who doesn't deal with USA Money. Me, for example. I'm 15, and It doesn't seem that I don't use USA Money or whatever it needs to talk.
Also, the 1 Cent Feature is leading people to make hacks and search the web for Free Shared Accounts. And as my experience, even my little brother is doing so and I'm doing my best to keep an eye at him and stop him from using Shared accounts. This is honestly redicilous. 1 Cent won't change anything and even in other MMORPG games, you don't find that feature much. I believe that you should *Ask* for the Birth day when registring, If the player is under 13 Years old, do not allow chat for him until he upgrades and becomes a Beta tester. Or, if the player is more than 13 years old, I suggest you send him a Confirmation message and allow him/her to chat just by clicking the Confirmation link. This is how things work on ALL the MMO Games over the web.
I hope you finally understand.
We all have the right to chat as you know. And chatting was never disabled for anyone on real life. It's our right, so don't disable it on games.
Thanks for reading.

Personally i agree:)

I agree except for the part where it says that beta get chat. What if a parent wants their child to have beta but not chat. Beta and chat are completely different things. Being beta doesn't give you permission to chat. Your parents decide that.

I also disagree when you say it should be like all mmo games and they should ask your age. People can lie you know, they do it all the time. I think the best way to do it is to make a censoring system. 10 is the time when you become responsible for your actions and can be arrested so you should be allowed from 10 not 13 and below 10 get canned chat ("ready-made" phrases). Chris could add more phrases for people without chat.

Last edited by skullz16 (Mar 17 2012 9:20:35 am)


thx for sig bobithan


Chris 142393302928403

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